• Title/Summary/Keyword: 잿빛곰팡이균

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Gray Mold on Saintpaulia ionantha Caused by Botrytis cinerea in Korea (Botrytis cinerea에 의한 바이올렛 잿빛곰팡이병)

  • Kim, Hyung-Moo
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.75-77
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    • 2011
  • Gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea occurred on Saintpaulia ionantha in flower shop of the Jeonju city in Korea. Typical symptoms with brown water-soaked and rotting lesions were appeared on the flowers, leaves and petiole of infected plants. Many conidia spores appeared on the lesions under humid conditions. Colonies were grayish brown and sclerotial formation on potato dextrose agar. Conidia were one celled, mostly ellipsoidal or ovoid in shape, and were colorless to pale brown in color. The conidia were $7{\sim}14{\times}5{\sim}9\;{\mu}m$ in size. Based on pathogenicity and morphological characteristics of the isolated fungus, the causal fungus was identified as B. cinerea Persoon: Fries. Gray mold of S. ionantha was proposed to the name of this disease.

Mycological Characteristics of Botrytis cinerea Causing Gray Mold on Ginseng in Korea (인삼 잿빛곰팡이병균 Botrytis cinerea의 균학적 특성)

  • Cho, Hye-Sun;Jeon, Yong-Ho;Do, Gyung-Ran;Cho, Dae-Hui;Yu, Yun-Hyun
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2008
  • A total of 29 Botrytis were isolated from ginseng gray mold at 8 locations in Korea from June to July, 2004 and 2005. The causative agent of them was identified as Botrytis cinerea based on morphological characteristics of conidia and RPB2 gene sequence analysis. In inoculation experiments with sclerotia, one isolate was pathogenic to ginseng plant whereas two isolates were non-pathogenic. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the sclerotia of pathogenic isolate has rough surface and that of non-pathogenic isolate very smooth surface. Optimum temperature and culture conditions for sclerotia production were $5{\sim}20^{\circ}C$ and darkness, respectively. The number of sclerotia was increased tenfold on media added with 0.5% old stem fragment of ginseng.

Antifungal Activity of Bacillus sp. KMU-1011 Against Gray Mold Causing Botrytis cinerea (잿빛 곰팡이병원균 Botrytis cinerea에 대한 Bacillus sp. KMU-1011의 항진균활성)

  • Park Sung-Min;Kim Hyun-Soo;Yu Tae-Shick
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2006
  • We isolated a bacterium which produces antifungal substances from the Lake of Saimaa soils in Fin-land. The isolated strain was identified as Bacillus sp. and shown a strong antifungal activity on plant pathogenic fungi. Bacillus sp. KMU-1011 produced maximum level of antifungal substances under incubation aerobically at $24^{\circ}C$ for 48 hours in nutrient broth containing 1.0% glucose and 1.0% polypeptone at 180 rpm and initiated pH adjusted to 6.0. Precipitate of culture broth by $30{\sim}60%$ ammonium sulfate precipitation exhibited strong antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea KACC 40573 by dry cell weight. Chloroform extract of cultured broth also shown fungal growth inhibitory activity against C. gloeosporioides KACC 40804, D. bryoniae KACC 40669, F. oxysporum KACC 40037, F. oxysporum KACC 40052, F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-lycopersici KACC 40537, F. oxysporum KACC 40902, M. cannonballus KACC 40940, P. cambivora KACC 40160, R. solani AG-1 KACC 40101, R. solani AG-4 KACC 40142, and S. scleotiorum KACC by agar diffusion method.

Gray Mold of Agastache rugosa Caused by Botrytis cinerea in Korea (Botrytis cinerea에 의한 배초향 잿빛곰팡이병)

  • Kwon, Jin-Hyeuk
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.59-61
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    • 2006
  • Gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea on Agastache rugosa was occurred at a field of Jinju from 2003 to 2005. The disease symptoms started with water-soaked lesions in the leaves and stem, then these infected lesions became withered, discolored, rotten and died eventually. The fungal pathogen was isolated from the lesions. The fungal conidia were one-celled and mostly ellipsoid or ovoid in shape and light gray in color and $4{\sim}20{\times}4{\sim}13\;{\mu}m$ in size. The fungal conidiophores were $14{\sim}28\;{\mu}m$ in width. The Pathogen formed sclerotia abundantly on PDA. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth and sclerotia formation was $20^{\circ}C$. Pathogenicity of the causal organism was proved according to Koch's postulates. On the basis of symptom, mycological characteristics and pathogenicity test, the fungus was identified as Botrytis cinerea. This is the first report on gray mold of Agastache rugosa caused by B. cinerea in Korea.

Gray Mold of Pisum sativum Caused by Botrytis cinerea in Korea (Botrytis cinerea에 의한 완두 잿빛곰팡이병)

  • Kwon, Jin-Hyeuk;Park, Chang-Seuk
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.50-53
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    • 2004
  • In March of 2003, the gray mold occurred severely on pea (Pisum sativum) grown in the green houses and open fields in Changseon-myon, Namhae-gun, Gyeongnam Province, Korea. The symptoms started with water-soaking lesions in the leaves, stems and pods. The typical symptoms of the leaves, stems and pods became withered, discolored and blighted, and then eventually died. The mycelia, conidia and conidiophore of the pathogen appeared on leaves, stems and pods. The conidia were gray, 1-celled, mostly ellipsoid or ovoid in the shape and were $8{\sim}17{\times}5{\sim}13\;{\mu}m$ in size. Conidiophores were $14{\sim}30\;{\mu}m$ in size. The sclerotia were formed abundantly on potato dextrose agar. The optimum temperature for sclerotial formation was $20^{\circ}C$. Pathogenicity of the causal organism was proven according to Koch's postulate. The causal organism was identified as Botrytis cinerea based on mycological characteristics. This is the first report on gray mold of Pisum sativum caused by B. cinerea in Korea.

Gray Mold of Safflower Caused by Botrytis cinerea (Botrytis cinerea에 의한 잇꽃 잿빛곰팡이병)

  • Kwon, Jin-Hyeuk;Kang, Soo-Woong;Son, Kyung-Ae;Park, Chang-Seuk
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.46-48
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    • 2000
  • The gray mold disease was severely occurred on safflower grown in experimental farm of Kyongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services in 1999. At first, the infected leaves discolored gray or dark from the tip and gradually expanded to downword. The fungus also attacked stem, pod and calyx. The infected area became dark and dried, and frequently gray mold grown on the infected area. The causal organism was isolated and proved its pathogenecity according to Koch's postulate. Conidia of the fungus in mass were hyaline or gray, 1-celled, mostly ellipsoid or ovoid and sized $7.4{\sim}16.8{\times}5.3{\times}10.4\;{\mu}m$. Conidiophores were observed with their wide size of $2.9{\times}15.5\;{\mu}m$. The temperature range for mycelial growth was between $5^{\circ}C\;and\;30^{\circ}C$ with the optimum temperatures of $20^{\circ}C\;and\;25^{\circ}C$. The causal organism was identified as Botrytis cinerea and based on mycological characteristics examined. This is the first report on gray mold of safflower caused by Botrytis cinerea in Korea.

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Selection of Biocontrol Agent of Tomato Gray Mold Disease from Flower and Pollinator Hive (토마토 꽃과 수정용 벌집으로부터 잿빛곰팡이병 방제 길항균주 선발)

  • Kim, Da-Ran;Lee, Jun-Taek;Kim, Hye sun;Jeon, Chang Wook;Kwak, Youn-Sig
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2017
  • Gray mold disease, cause by Botrytis cinerea, occurs severe damage on varieties of fruit and vegetable production, and have no a critical control method. In case of chemicals control, it is a trigger emergence of drug resistance strains due to using them continuously. In addition, the pathogen is difficult to control naturally because it is possible to survive regardless of host status. In this study, microorganisms were isolated from tomato flower and hive samples and in order to select suitable microbial control agents for tomato gray mold disease. During six-months study, we isolated 1,004 isolates from flower and 925 isolates from pollinator hive samples. Among them, 6 strains were selected based on result of antifungal activity test. The selected strains showed not only strong antifungal activity against gray mold pathogen, but also cellulase and protease enzyme activities. The selected strains were identified as Paenibacillus polymyxa. In plant assay, P. polymyxa prevented the gray mold disease occurrence near 75%.

Antifungal Activities of Equisetin, Zearalenone, and 8'-Hydroxyaearalenone Isolated from Fusarium Species against Plant Pathogenic Fungi. (Fusarium속 균주로부터 분리한 Equisetin, Zearalenone 및 8'-Hydroxyzearalenone의 식물병원곰팡이에 대한 항균활성)

  • 김진철;박중협;최경자;김흥태;최용호;조광연
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.339-345
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    • 2002
  • Antifungal substances were isolated from solid cultures of Fusarium equiseti FO-68 obtained from arrowhead and Fusarium sp. FO-510 obtained from egg plant, and then their antifungal activities were investigated against plant pathogenic fungi in vitro and in vivo. An antifungal substance was purifed from rice solid cultures of F. equiseti FO-68 and identified as equisetin. In addition, two antibiotic substances were isolated from solid cultures of Fusarium sp. FO-510 and their chemical structures were determined to be zearalenone and 8'-hydroxyzearalenone. in vitro, equisetin and zearalenone inhibited mycelial growth of most of the plant pathogenic fungi tested, whereas 8'-hydroxyzearalenone hardly inhibited fungal growth. In vitro, equisetin effectively controlled the development of tomato gray mold and tomato late blight. Zearalenone exhibited in vivo antifungal activity against rice blast, rice sheath blight, tomato gray mold, and tomato late blight. However, 8'-hydroxyzearale-none did not control the development of plant diseases except tomato gray mold. This is the first report on the antifungal activities of equisetin, zearalenone, and 8'-hydroxyzearalenone.

Occurrence of Gray Mold on Astragalus sinicus L. Caused by Botrytis cinerea in Korea (Botrytis cinerea에 의한 자운영 잿빛곰팡이병의 발생)

  • Kwon, Jin-Hyeuk;Lee, Heung-Su;Oh, In-Seok
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.127-129
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    • 2009
  • Gray mold caused by Botrytis cinerea occurred on Astragalus sinicus in an experimetal rice field of Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services in Korea from 2008 to 2009. The symptoms appeared on the leaves, petiole and stems of infected plants. and then started with water-soaked, rotted and eventually died blight on plants. The colony were grayish brown and the optimum temperature for sclerotial formation was $20^{\circ}C$ on potato dextrose agar. The conidia were one celled, mostly ellipsoid or ovoid in shape, and were colorless or pale brown in color. The conidia were $7{\sim}16{\times}5{\sim}10{\mu}m$ in size and conidiophores were $14{\sim}28{\mu}m$ in length. On the basis of mycological characteristics and pathogenicity test on host plants, the fungus was identified as Botrytis cinerea Persoon: Fries.