• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재현연구

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A Study on the Distribution Status and Management Measures of Naturalized Plants Growing in Seongeup Folk Village, Jeju Island (제주 성읍민속마을의 귀화식물 분포현황 및 관리방안)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Han, Yun-Hee;Choi, Yung-Hyun;Byun, Mu-Sup;Kim, Young-Suk;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of vascular plants and naturalized plants growing in the Seongeup Folk Village in Jeju and to consider and compare their distribution patterns and the characteristics of emergence of naturalized plants in other folk villages and all parts of Jeju, thereby exploring measures to well manage naturalized plants. The result of this study is as follows.11) The total number of vascular plants growing in Seongeup Folk Village is identified to be 354 taxa which include 93 families, 260 genus, 298 species, 44 varieties and 12 breeds. Among them, the number of naturalized plants is 55 taxa in total including 22 families, 46 genus, 53 species, and 2 varieties, which accounts for 21.7% of the total of 254 taxa identified all over the region of Jeju. The rate of naturalization in Seongeup Folk Village is 15.5%, which is far higher than the rates of plant naturalization in Hahoi Village in Andong, Yangdong Village in Gyeongju, Hangae Village in Seongju, Wanggok Village in Goseong, and Oeam Village in Asan. Among the naturalized plants identified within the targeted villages, the number of those growing in Jeju is 9 taxa including Silene gallica, Modiola caroliniana, Oenothera laciniata, Oenothera stricta, Apium leptophyllum, Gnaphalium purpureum, Gnaphalium calviceps, Paspalum dilatatum and Sisyrinchium angustifolium. It is suggested that appropriate management measures that consider the characteristics of the gateway to import and the birthplace of the naturalized plants are necessary. In the meantime, 3 more taxa that have not been included in the reference list of Jeju have been identified for the first time in Seongeup Folk Village, which include Bromus sterilis, Cannabis sativa and Veronica hederaefolia. The number of naturalized plants identified within the gardens of unit-based cultural properties is 20 taxa, among which the rate of prevalence of Cerastium glomeratum is the highest at 62.5%. On the other hand, the communities of plants that require landscape management are Brassica napus and other naturalized plants, including Cosmos bipinnatus, Trifolium repens, Medicago lupulina, Oenothera stricta, O. laciniata, Lotus corniculatus, Lolium perenne, Silene gallica, Hypochaeris radicata, Plantago virginica, Bromus catharticus and Cerastium glomeratum. As a short-term measure to manage naturalized plants growing in Seongeup Folk Village, it is important to identify the current status of Cosmos bipinnatus and Brassica napus that have been planted for landscape agriculture, and explore how to use flowers during the blooming season. It is suggested that Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Hypochaeris radicata, designated as invasive alien plants by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, should be eradicated initially, followed by regular monitoring in case of further invasion, spread or expansion. As for Hypochaeris radicata, in particular, some physical prevention measures need to be explored, such as for example, identifying the habitat density and eradication of the plant. In addition, it is urgent to remove plants, such as Sonchus oleraceus, Houttuynia cordata, Crassocephalum crepidioides, Erigeron annuus and Lamium purpureum with high index of greenness visually, growing wild at around high Jeongyi town walls. At the same time, as the distribution and dominance value of the naturalized plants growing in deserted or empty houses are high, it is necessary to find measures to preserve and manage them and to use the houses as lodging places.

Characristics and Management Plans of Myeongwoldae and Myeongwol Village Groves Located in, Jeju (제주 팽림월대(彭林月臺)의 경관특성 및 관리방안)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Hyun-Kyung;Chol, Yung-Hyun;Kahng, Byung-Seon;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.68-81
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to identify the spacialty, to illuminate the existence and values of Myeongwoldae(明月臺) and Forest Myeongwol, and to suggest the sustainable usage, preservation and management plans with the purpose of ecological and cultural landscaping characteristic and value identification. The result of the study is as follows. Castle Myeongwol and Port Myeongwol shows the status of Hallim-eup Myeongwol District which is the administrative center of western Jeju as well as is the fortress. Building Wolgyejeongsa and School Woohakdang, the head temple of education and culture, located in Myeongwol District represents the spaciality of Myeonwol-ri which was the center of education. Stand Myeongwol is one of the most representative Confucian cultural landscapes in Jeju Island and the field of communion with nature where scholars enjoy poetries, nature, changgi(Korean chess), and go in the Joseon Dynasty period. It was found that the current relics of Myeongwoldae was recovered through the maintenance project conducted by Youth Group Myeongwol composed with Hongjong-si(洪鍾時) as the center during the Japanese colonial era in 1931. It seems that the stonework of Myeongwoldae composed of three levels in the order of square, octagon, and circle based on the heaven-man unity theory of Confucianism and the octagon in the middle is the messenger of Cheonwonjibang(天圓地方), in other words, between the square-shaped earth and the circle-shaped sky. It is assumed that both Grand Bridge Myeongwol and Bridge Myeongwol were constructed as arched bridges in early days. Bridge Myeongwol is the only arched bridge remaining in Jeju Island now, which has the modern cultural heritage value. In Forest Myeongwol, 97 taxa of plants were confirmed and in accordance with 'Taxonomic Group and Class Criteria of Floristic Specific Plants', eight taxa were found; Arachniodes aristata of FD IV and Ilex cornuta, Piper kadsura, Litsea japonica, Melia azedarach, Xylosma congestum, Richosanthes kirilowii var. japonica, Dichondra repens, Viburnum odoratissimum var. awabuki of FD III. Otherwise, 14 taxa of naturalized plants including Apium leptophylihum which is imported to Jeju Island only were confirmed. In Forest Myeongwol, 77 trees including 41 Celtis sinensis, 30 Aphananthe aspera, two Wylosma congestum, a Pinus densiflora, a Camellia japonica, a Melia azedarach, and an Ilex cornuta form a colony. Based on the researched data, the preservation and plans of Myeongwoldae and Forest Myeongwol is suggested as follows. Myeongwoldae, Bridge Myeongwol, and Forest Myeongwol should be managed as one integrated division. Bridge Myeongwol, an arched bridge which is hard to be found in Jeju Island is a high-standard stonework requiring long-term preservation plans. Otherwise, Grand Bridge Myeongwol that is exposed to accident risks because of deterioration and needs safety diagnosis requires measures according to the result of precise safety diagnosis. It is desirable to restore it to a two-sluice arched bridge as its initial shape and to preserve and use it as a representative local landmark with Stand Myeongwol. In addition, considering the topophsis based on the analysis result, the current name of Jeju Special Self-Governing Province Monument No. 19 'Myoengwol Hackberry Colony' should change to 'Myeongwol Hackberry-Muku Tree Colony'. In addition, the serial number system which is composed without distinction of hackberry and muku tree should be improved and the regular monitoring of big and old trees, specific plants, and naturalized species is required.

Effect of the Angle of Ventricular Septal Wall on Left Anterior Oblique View in Multi-Gated Cardiac Blood Pool Scan (게이트 심장 혈액풀 스캔에서 심실중격 각도에 따른 좌전사위상 변화에 대한 연구)

  • You, Yeon Wook;Lee, Chung Wun;Seo, Yeong Deok;Choi, Ho Yong;Kim, Yun Cheol;Kim, Yong Geun;Won, Woo Jae;Bang, Ji-In;Lee, Soo Jin;Kim, Tae-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2016
  • Purpose In order to calculate the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) accurately, it is important to acquire the best septal view of left ventricle in the multi-gated cardiac blood pool scan (GBP). This study aims to acquire the best septal view by measuring angle of ventricular septal wall (θθ) using enhanced CT scan and compare with conventional method using left anterior oblique (LAO) 45 view. Materials and Methods From March to July in 2015, we analyzed the 253 patients who underwent both enhanced chest CT and GBP scan in the department of nuclear medicine at National Cancer Center. Angle (θθ) between ventricular septum and imaginary midline was measured in transverse image of enhanced chest CT scan, and the patients whose difference between the angle of θθ and 45 degree was more than 10 degrees were included. GBP scan was acquired using both LAO 45 and LAO θθ views, and LVEFs measured by automated and manual region of interest (Auto-ROI and Manual-ROI) modes respectively were analyzed. Results Mean±SDMean±SD of θθ on total 253 patients was 37.0±8.537.0±8.5. Among them, the patients whose difference between 45 and θθ degrees were more than ±10±10 degrees were 88 patients (29.3±6.129.3±6.1). In Auto-ROI mode, there was statistically significant difference between LAO 45 and LAO θθ (LVEF 45=62.0±6.645=62.0±6.6 vs. LVEF θ=64.0±5.6θ=64.0±5.6; P = 0.001). In Manual-ROI mode, there was also statistically significant difference between LAO 45 and LAO θθ (LVEF 45=66.7±7.245=66.7±7.2 vs. LVEF θ=69.0±6.4θ=69.0±6.4; P < 0.001). Intraclass correlation coefficients of both methods were more than 95%. In case of comparison between Auto-ROI and Manual ROI of each LAO 45 and LAO θθ, there was no significant difference statistically. Conclusion We could measure the angle of ventricular septal wall accurately by using transverse image of enhanced chest CT and applied to LAO acquisition in the GBP scan. It might be the alternative method to acquire the best septal view of LAO effectively. We could notify significant difference between conventional LAO 45 and LAO θθ view.

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Incase of Same Region Treatment by using a Tomotherapy and a Linear Accelerator Absorbed Dose Evaluation of Normal Tissues and a Tumor (토모테라피와 선형가속기를 이용한 동일 부위의 치료 시 종양 및 정상조직의 흡수선량 평가)

  • Cheon, Geum-Seong;Kim, Chang-Uk;Kim, Hoi-Nam;Heo, Gyeong-Hun;Song, Jin-Ho;Hong, Joo-Yeong;Jeong, Jae-Yong
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Treating same region with different modalities there is a limit to evaluate the total absorbed dose of normal tissues. The reason is that it does not support to communication each modalities yet. In this article, it evaluates absorbed dose of the patients who had been treated same region by a tomotherapy and a linear accelerator. Materials and Methods: After reconstructing anatomic structure with a anthropomorphic phantom, administrate 45 Gy to a tumor in linac plan system as well as prescribe 15 Gy in tomotherapy plan system for make an ideal treatment plan. After the plan which made by tomoplan system transfers to the oncentra plan system for reproduce plan under the same condition and realize total treatment plan with summation 45 Gy linac treatment plan. To evaluate the absorbed dose of two different modalities, do a comparative study both a simple summation dose values and integration dose values. Then compare and analyze absorbed dose of normal tissues and a tumor with the patients who had been exposured radiation by above two differents modalities. Results: The result of compared data, in case of minimum dose, there are big different dose values in spleen (12.4%). On the other hand, in case of the maximum dose, it reports big different in a small bowel (10.2%) and a cord (5.8%) in head & neck cancer patients, there presents that oral (20.3%), right lens (7.7%) in minimum dose value. About maximum dose, it represents that spinal (22.5), brain stem (12%), optic chiasm (8.9%), Rt lens (11.5%), mandible (8.1%), pituitary gland (6.2%). In case of Rt abdominal cancer patients, there represents big different minimum dose as Lt kidney (20.3%), stomach (8.1%) about pelvic cancer patients, it reports there are big different in minimum dose as a bladder (15.2%) as well as big different value in maximum dose as a small bowel (5.6%), a bladder (5.5%) in addition, making treatment plan it is able us to get. Conclusion: In case of comparing both simple summation absorbed dose and integration absorbed dose, the minimum dose are represented higher as well as the maximum dose come out lower and the average dose are revealed similar with our expected values data. It is able to evaluate tumor & normal tissue absorbed dose which could had been not realized by treatment plan system. The DVH of interesting region are prescribed lower dose than expected. From now on, it needs to develop the new modality which are able to realize exact dose distribution as well as integration absorbed dose evaluation in same treatment region with different modalities.

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Distortion of the Dose Profile in a Three-dimensional Moving Phantom to Simulate Tumor Motion during Image-guided Radiosurgery (방사선수술에서 종양 움직임을 재현시킨 움직이는 팬텀을 이용하여 선량 분포의 왜곡에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Sook;Ha, Seong-Hwan;Lee, Dong-Han;Ji, Young-Hoon;Yoo, Seong-Yul;Cho, Chul-Koo;Yang, Kwang-Mo;Yoo, Hyung-Jun;Seo, Young-Seok;Park, Chan-Il;Kim, Il-Han;Ye, Seong-Jun;Park, Jae-Hong;Kim, Kum-Bae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.268-277
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Respiratory motion is a considerable inhibiting factor for precise treatment with stereotactic radiosurgery using the CyberKnife (CK). In this study, we developed a moving phantom to simulate three-dimensional breathing movement and investigated the distortion of dose profiles between the use of a moving phantom and a static phantom. Materials and Methods: The phantom consisted of four pieces of polyethylene; two sheets of Gafchromic film were inserted for dosimetry. Treatment was planned to deliver 30 Gy to virtual tumors of 20, 30, 40, and 50 mm diameters using 104 beams and a single center mode. A specially designed robot produced three-dimensional motion in the right-left, anterior-posterior, and craniocaudal directions of 5, 10 and 20 mm, respectively. Using the optical density of the films as a function of dose, the dose profiles of both static and moving phantoms were measured. Results: The prescribed isodose to cover the virtual tumors on the static phantom were 80% for 20 mm, 84% for 30 mm, 83% for 40 mm and 80% for 50 mm tumors. However, to compensate for the respiratory motion, the minimum isodose levels to cover the moving target were 70% for the 30503050 mm diameter tumors and 60% for a 20 mm tumor. For the 20 mm tumor, the gaps between the isodose curves for the static and moving phantoms were 3.2, 3.3, 3.5 and 1.1 mm for the cranial, caudal, right, and left direction, respectively. In the case of the 30 mm tumor, the gaps were 3.9, 4.2, 2.8, 0 mm, respectively. In the case of the 40 mm tumor, the gaps were 4.0, 4.8, 1.1, and 0 mm, respectively. In the case of the 50 mm diameter tumor, the gaps were 3.9, 3.9, 0 and 0 mm, respectively. Conclusion: For a tumor of a 20 mm diameter, the 80% isodose curve can be planned to cover the tumor; a 60% isodose curve will have to be chosen due to the tumor motion. The gap between these 80% and 60% curves is 5 mm. In tumors with diameters of 30, 40 and 50 mm, the whole tumor will be covered if an isodose curve of about 70% is selected, equivalent of placing a respiratory margin of below 5 mm. It was confirmed that during CK treatment for a moving tumor, the range of distortion produced by motion was less than the range of motion itself.

Surgical Treatment of Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery from the Pulmonary Artery: Postoperative Changes of Ventricular Dimensions and Mitral Regurgitation (관상동맥-폐동맥 이상기시증(Anomalous Origin of Coronary Artery from Pulmonary Artery)의 수술적 치료: 중기 성적과 좌심실 및 승모판 기능의 변화 양상에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Chang-Hyun;Kim, Woong-Han;Seo, Hong-Joo;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Cheul;Chang, Yoon-Hee;Hwang, Seong-Wook;Back, Man-Jong;Oh, Sam-Se;Na, Chan-Young;Han, Jae-Jin;Lee, Young-Tak;Kim, Chong-Whan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2004
  • Background: The aims of this study are to verify the result of the surgical treatment of ALCAPA and to identify the postoperative changes of left ventricular dimensions and mitral regurgitation (MR), Material and Method: Fifteen patients operated on since 1985 were included in the study. The patients operated on before 1998 (n=9) showed heterogeneous properties with various surgical strategies and cardiopulmonary bypass techniques. However, six patients were operated on with the established surgical strategy since 1998; 1) Dual perfusion and dual cardioplegic solution delivery through ascending aorta and main pulmonary artery, 2) Coronary transfer by rolled-conduit made of pulmonary artery wall flap, and 3) Additional mitral valvular procedure was not peformed. Result: Median age of the study group was 6 months (1 month to 34 years). The operative methods were left subclavian artery to left coronary artery anastomosis in 1, simple ligation in 2, Takeuchi operation in 2, and coronary reimplantation in 10 patients. The mean follow up period was 5.5<5.8 years (2 months 14 years), There were one early death (6.7%) and one late death. Overall 5-year survival rate was 85.6±±9.6%. The Z-value of left ventricular end-diastolic and end-systolic dimensions were 6.4±±3.0 and 5.1 ±±3.6 preoperatively, and decreased to 1.7±± 1.9 and 0.8±± 1.6 in 3 months (p<0.05). Significant preoperative MR was identified in 6 patients (40%) and all the patients showed immediate improvement of MR within f month postoperatively. There were 3 cases of reoperation due to coronary anastomosis site stenosis and recurrence of MR. However, there was no mortality nor late reoperation in the patients operated on after 1998. Conclusion: The surgical treatment of ALCAPA showed favorable survival and early recovery of ventricular dimensions and mitral valvular function. Although long-term reintervention was required in some cases of earlier period, all the cases after 1998 showed excellent surgical outcome without long-term problem.


  • Park, Do-Geun;Choe, Byeong-Gi;Kim, Jin-Man;Lee, Dong-Hun;Song, Gi-Won;Park, Yeong-Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.127-135
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : By taking advantage of each imaging modality, the use of fused CT/MRI image has increased in prostate cancer radiation therapy. However, fusion uncertainty may cause partial target miss or normal organ overdose. In order to complement such limitation, our hospital acquired MRI image (Planning MRI) by setting up patients with the same fixing tool and posture as CT simulation. This study aims to evaluate the usefulness of the Planning MRI through comparing and analyzing the diagnostic MRI image and Planning MRI image. Materials and Methods : This study targeted 10 patients who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and prescribed nonhormone and definitive RT 70 Gy/28 fx from August 2011 to July 2013. Each patient had both CT and MRI simulations. The MRI images were acquired within one half hour after the CT simulation. The acquired CT/MRI images were fused primarily based on bony structure matching. This study measured the volume of prostate in the images of Planning MRI and diagnostic MRI. The diameters at the craniocaudal, anteroposterior and left-to-right directions from the center of prostate were measured in order to compare changes in the shape of prostate. Results : As a result of comparing the volume of prostate in the images of Planning MRI and diagnostic MRI, they were found to be 25.01cm325.01cm3(range 15.8434.75cm315.8434.75cm3) and 25.05cm325.05cm3(range 15.2835.88cm315.2835.88cm3) on average respectively. The diagnostic MRI had an increase of 0.12 % as compared with the Planning MRI. On the planning MRI, there was an increase in the volume by 7.46cm37.46cm3(29 %) at the transition zone directions, and there was a decrease in the volume by 8.52cm38.52cm3(34 %) in the peripheral zone direction. As a result of measuring the diameters at the craniocaudal, anteroposterior and left-to-right directions in the prostate, the Planning MRI was found to have on average 3.82cm, 2.38cm and 4.59cm respectively and the diagnostic MRI was found to have on average 3.37cm, 2.76cm and 4.51cm respectively. All three prostate diameters changed and the change was significant in the Planning MRI. On average, the anteroposterior prostate diameter decrease by 0.38cm(13 %). The mean right-to-left and craniocaudal diameter increased by 0.08cm(1.6 %) and 0.45cm(13 %), respectively. Conclusion : Based on the results of this study, it was found that the total volumes of prostate in the Planning MRI and the diagnostic MRI were not significantly different. However, there was a change in the shape and partial volume of prostate due to the insertion of prostate balloon tube to the rectum. Thus, if the Planning MRI images were used when conducting the fusion of CT/MRI images, it would be possible to include the target in the CTV without a loss as much as the increased volume in the transition zone. Also, it would be possible to reduce the radiation dose delivered to the rectum through separating more clearly the reduction of peripheral zone volume. Therefore, the author of this study believes that acquisition of Planning MRI image should be made to ensure target delineation and localization accuracy.

An Analysis of the Landscape Cognitive Characteristics of 'Gugok Streams' in the First Half of the 18th Century Based on the Comparison of China's 『Wuyi-Gugok Painting』 (중국 『무이구곡도』 3폭(幅)의 비교 분석을 통해 본 18세기 무이산 구곡계(九曲溪)의 경물 인지특성)

  • Cheng, Zhao-Xia;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Jiang, Cheng
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.62-82
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    • 2019
  • Taking the three Wuyi-Gugok Drawings, 『A Picture Showing the Boundary Between Mountains and Rivers: A』, 『Landscape of the Jiuqu River in the Wuyi Mountain: B』 and 『Eighteen Sceneries of Wuyi Mountain: C』, which were produced in the mid-Qing Dynasty as the research objects and after investigating the names recorded in the paintings, this paper tries to analyze the scenic spots, scene types and images in the literature survey. Also, based on the number of Scenic type and the number of Scenic name in each Gok, landscape richness(LR) and landscape similarity(LS) of the Gugok scenic spots, the cognitive characteristics of the landscape in the 18th century were carefully observed. The results are as follows. Firstly, according to the description statistics of scenic spot types in Wuyi Mountain Chronicle, there were 41 descriptions of scenery names in the three paintings, among which rock, peak and stone accounted for the majority. According to the data, the number of rocks, peaks and stones in Wuyi-Gugok landscape accounted for more than half, which reflected the characteristics of geological landscape such as Danxia landform in Wuyi-Gugok landscape. Secondly, the landscape of Gugok Stream(九曲溪) was diverse and full of images. The 1st Gok Daewangbong(大王峰) and Manjeongbong(幔亭峰), the 2nd Gok Oknyeobong(玉女峰), the 3rd Gok Sojangbong(小藏峰), the 4th Gok Daejangbong(大藏峰), the 5th Gok Daeeunbyeong(大隱屛) and Muijeongsa(武夷精舍), the 6th Gok Seonjangbong(仙掌峰) and Cheonyubong(天游峰) all had outstanding landscape in each Gok. However, the landscape features of the 7th~9th Gok were relatively low. Thirdly, according to the landscape image survey of each Gok, the image formation of Gugok cultural landscape originates from the specificity of the myths and legends related to Wuyi Mountain, and the landscape is highly well-known. Due to the specificity, the landscape recognition was very high. In particular, the 1st Gok and the 5th Gok closely related to the Taoist culture based on Muigun, the Stone Carving culture and the Boat Tour culture related to neo-confucianism culture of Zhu Xi. Fourthly, according to the analysis results of landscape similarity of 41 landscape types shown in the figure, the similarity of A and C was very high. The morphological description and the relationship of distant and near performance was very similar. Therefore, it could be judged that this was obviously influenced by one painting. As a whole, the names of the scenes depicted in the three paintings were formed at least in the first half of 18th century through a long history of inheritance, accumulated myths and legends, and the names of the scenes. The order of the scenery names in three Drawings had some differences. But among the scenery names appearing in all three Drawings, there were 21 stones, 20 rocks and 17 peaks. Stones, rocks and peaks guided the landscape of Gugok Streams in Wuyi Mountain. Fifthly, Seonjodae(仙釣臺) in A and C was described in the 4th Gok, but what deserved attention was that it was known as the scenery name of the 3rd Gok in Korean. In addition, Seungjindong(升眞洞) in the 1st Gok and Seokdangsa(石堂寺) in the 7th Gok were not described in Drawings A, B and C. This is a special point that needs to be studied in the future.

Preparation of Vitamin E Acetate Nano-emulsion and In Vitro Research Regarding Vitamin E Acetate Transdermal Delivery System which Use Franz Diffusion Cell (Vitamin E Acetate를 함유한 Nano-emulsion 제조와 Franz Diffusion Cell을 이용한 Vitamin E Acetate의 경표피 흡수에 관한 In Vitro 연구)

  • Park, Soo-Nam;Kim, Jai-Hyun;Yang, Hee-Jung;Won, Bo-Ryoung;Ahn, You-Jin;Kang, Myung-Kyu
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.91-101
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    • 2009
  • in the cosmetics and medical supply field as a antioxidant material. The stable nano particle emulsion of skin toner type containing VEA was prepared. To evaluate the skin permeation, experiments on VEA permeation to the skin of the ICR outbred albino mice (12 weeks, about 50 g, female) and on differences of solubility as a function of receptor formulations was performed. The analysis of nano-emulsions containing VEA 0.07 % showed that the higher ethanol contents the larger emulsions were formed, while the higher surfactant contents the size became smaller.In this study, vitamin E acetate (VEA, tocopheryl acetate), a lipid-soluble vitamin which is widely used A certain contents of ethanol in receptor phase increased VEA solubility on the nano-emulsion. When the ethanol contents were 10.0 % and 20.0 %, the VEA solubility was higher than 5.0 % and 40.0 %, respectively. The type of surfactant in receptor solution influenced to VEA solubility. The comparison between three kind surfactants whose chemical structures and HLB values are different, showed that solubility of VEA was increased as order of sorbitan sesquioleate (Arlacel 83; HLB 3.7) > POE (10) hydrogenated castor oil (HCO-10; HLB 6.5) > sorbitan monostearate (Arlacel 60; HLB 4.7). VEA solubility was also shown to be different according to the type of antioxidant. In early time, the solubility of the sample including ascorbic acid was similar to those of other samples including other types of antioxidants. However, the solubility of the sample including ascorbic acid was 2 times higher than others after 24 h. Franz diffusion cell experiment using mouse skin was performed with four nano-emulsion samples which have different VEA contents. The emulsion of 10 wt% ethanol was shown to be the most permeable at the amount of 128.8 μg/cm2μg/cm2. When the result of 10 % ethanol content was compared with initial input of 220.057 μg/cm2μg/cm2, the permeated amount was 58.53 % and the permeated amount at 10 % ethanol was higher 45.0 % and 15.0 % than the other results which ethanol contents were 1.0 and 20.0 wt%, respectively. Emulsion particle size used 0.5 % surfactant (HCO-60) was 26.0 nm that is one twentieth time smaller than the size of 0.007 % surfactant (HCO-60) at the same ethanol content. Transepidermal permeation of VEA was 54.848 μg/cm2μg/cm2 which is smaller than that of particlesize 590.7 nm. Skin permeation of nano-emulsion containing VEA and difference of VEA solubility as a function of receptor phase formulation were determined from the results. Using these results, optimal conditions of transepidermal permeation with VEA were considered to be set up.

Studies on the Directivity of Gokjungkyeong(Kyung Overlapped with Gok) which was specified in Byeokgye-ri, Yangpyeong-gun and the Hwaseo Lee, Hang-ro's Management in Byeokwon Garden (양평 벽계리에 설정된 곡중경(曲中景)의 지향성과 화서(華西) 이항로(李恒老)의 벽원(蘗園) 경영)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.78-97
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    • 2016
  • The objectives of this study are to examine the context of the establishment of Suhoe Gugok, Byeokgye Gugok Vally, and Nosan Palkyung, which have been established in Seojong-myeon of Yangpyeong-gun, by literature review and site investigations, and to determine the sceneries of Byeokgye scenic site as enjoyed and managed during the period of Hwaseo Lee, Hang-ro(華西 李恒老). The results of the study are as follows. First, Byeokgye Gugok Vally(黃蘗九曲) and Nosan Palkyung(蘆山八景), which have been established after the period of Hwaseo and theorized to have been established around key scenic areas associated with Hwaseo's activities, the analysis results showed that they were collecting sceneries of modern times. The extensive overlap between Byeokgye Gugok Vally and concentrated scenic elements of Suhoe Gugok(水回九曲), and the artificial configuration from the end point of Suhoe Gugok to the beginning point of Nosan Palkyung, reveal the pattern of space conflict and hegemony between Byeokgyes of Suip-ri and Nomun-ri. This is likely to be caused by the conflict between the historicity of the group that enjoyed Byeokgye prior to Hwaso's period and the strong territoriality of the space filled with the image of Hwaseo. Second, Byeokgye Gugok Vally was the secondary spatial system created by selecting the most scenic sites in Suip-ri while expanding the area of Nosan Palkyung. After establishment of Byeokgye Gugok Vally, the spatial identity of the entire Byeokgyecheon area was effectively established. This was a "Hwaseo-oriented" move, including the complete exclusion of the scenic sites from the pre-Hwaseo period such as Cheongseo Gujang and Suhoe Gugok's Letters Carved on the Rock. Consequently, the entire Byeokgyecheon area was reorganized into a cultural scenic site with Heoseo's influence. Third, Fifth, creations of Gugok(九曲) to determine the lineage of the Hwaseo School from Juja(朱子) to Yulgok(栗谷) to Uam(尤庵) to Hwaseo is likely to be an opportunity of birth and external motivation of the establishment of new Gugok Palkyung. In other words, Nosan Palkyung and Byeokgye Gugok Vally are likely to have been created as a reaction to the change of the center of the Hwaseo School to Okgyedong, and with strategic orientation based on the motivation and needs such as creation of the connecting space between Mui Gugok, Gosan Gugok, and Okgye Gugok, and the elevation of Hwaseo's status. Fourth, from the Hwaseo's Li-centric point of view, all revered sites in Beokwon(蘗園) that he managed existed as the spatial creative work to experience the existence of "li" through the objects in the landscape and the boundary of the spirit of emptiness of the aesthetic self. This clearly shows how Byeokgye Gugok Vally or Nosan Palkyung must be defined, and furthermore, appreciated and approached, prior to discussing it as the space associated with Hwaseo. Fifth, Nosan Palkyung was composed of cultural scenic landscapes of Gokjungkyung(曲中景) with eight scenic sites where Hwaseo gave his teachings and spend time around, in the Byeokgye of Nomun-ri area of Byeokgye Gugok Vally. The sceneries is, however, collected by depending on Hwaseo's Letters Carved on the Rock and poetry. Consequently, an inner exuberance of Nosan Palkyung is satisfied beside Byeokgye Gugok Vally, but its conceptual adequacy leaves room for questions.