• Title/Summary/Keyword: 장기인

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Employee's Long Term Orientation's Effect on Change Oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Emotional Regulation Mediating (대기업 구성원의 장기지향성이 감성활용과 변화 조직시민행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Yoonhee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2019
  • In this research, one of five Hofstede's cultural dimension, Long term orientation (LTO) was selected to examine its influence on individual's change oriented organizational citizenship behavior with emotional regulation mediating. East Asian countries and Korea especially received higher score on LTO cultural dimension, meaning it valued harmony, long term relations and saving for future. Also, in today's hyper competitive and evolving global climate, the ability to adapt quickly and also to be able to control one's emotion is highly valued individual competency. Previous research on Hofstede's cultural dimensions were conducted at mostly national or large group levels. However, in this study, Yoo's CVSCALE which allowed for individual level analysis on Hofstede's cultural dimensions were used to analyze multinational company's employees's long term orientations' influence on emotional regulation and change oriented organizational citizenship behavior. The survey conducted from 200 employees from major electronic company based in S city in Korea for two weeks period and the results indicated long term orientation positively influenced change oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Also emotional regulation mediated between long term orientation felt by individuals and change oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Such results validated previous studies that indicated emotional regulation as possible antecedents of individual proactive behaviors such as change organizational citizenship behavior and long term oriented view as another potential antecedent of change oriented organizational citizenship behavior in multinational corporation setting.

Long-term Care Service Policy and Welfare Technology in South Korea: How Does Long-term Care Insurance Restrict the Quasi-market for Welfare Technology? (복지기술적 관점에서 본 노인장기요양보험의 시장 제약성 분석: 복지용구를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soo-Wan;Choi, Jong Hyug
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.287-320
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to analyze the characteristics and problems of the quasi-market for welfare technology in the long-term care service area in South Korea. The qualitative interviews to the developers of welfare technology were conducted. The main results are as follows. First, the long-term care insurance (LTC) in South Korea has helped to create the limited amount of the effective demands for welfare equipments with low technology. Second, the systemic features of the LTC, however, have constraint the quantitative expansion as well as qualitative growth of the quasi-market for welfare technology. The low level of financial support combined with strict regulations has obstructed qualitative competition in the market. Third, they tend to develop the standardized and minimum welfare equipments for the serious needy for long-term care instead of welfare technology promoting independency of the elderly. Based on the results, this study provided the predictions for the growth of welfare technology and suggested some policy implications.

Utilization and Expenditure of Health Care and Long-term Care at the End of Life: Evidence from Korea (장기요양 인정자의 사망 전 의료 및 요양서비스 이용 양상 분석)

  • Han, Eun-jeong;Hwang, RahIl;Lee, Jung-suk
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.99-123
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study empirically investigates the utilization and expenditure of health care and long-term care at the last year of life for long-term care beneficiaries in Korea. Methods: This study used National Health Insurance and Long-term Care Insurance claims data of 271,474 LTCI beneficiaries, who died from July 2008 to December 2012. Their cause of death, place of death, health care costs, and the provision of aggressive care were analyzed. Results: Cardio-vascular disease(29.8%) and cancer(15.3%) were reported as their major cause of death, and hospital(64.4%), home(22.0%), social care facility(9.2%) were analyzed as the place of death. 99.3% of subjects used both health care and long-term care during the last 1 year of life. The average survival period were 516.2 days after they were LTCI beneficiaries. The health care expenditure gradually increased near the death, and the last month were three times more rather than the first month. Furthermore, 31.8% experienced some aggressive cares(CPR, blood transfusion, hemo-dialysis, etc.) at the last month of life. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that it is important to develop the end of life care policies(for example, hospice, advanced care directives) for the LTCI beneficiaries. They might contribute to the improvement of quality of life and the reduction of health care expenditure of the elderly at the end-of-life.

Minimum Floor Area Ratio Estimation Model for Reconstruction Projects to Compensate for Loss of the Aged Long-term Public Rental Housing (노후 장기공공임대주택 손실보전을 위한 재건축사업의 최소용적률 수리모델)

  • Joe, Wongoog;Na, Seunguk;Cho, Jeaho;Chae, MyungJin;Son, Bosik;Kim, Hyunsoo;Chun, JaeYoul
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2022
  • Started in 1989 as Public Permanent Rental Housing scheme, public rental housing lease policy is increasing target residents and supply in each government by introducing new supply types. However, public housing business entities have difficulties in expanding the supply due to cumulated deficit. The research suggested long-term public rental housing reconstruction business as a method to preserve the cumulated deficit from the previous. Minimum floor area ratio mathematical model was suggested by defining the floor area ratio of reconstruction business as minimum, since housing sales profit after reconstruction could preserve aggregated deficit, and mathematically approached by considering the traits of long-term public rental housing reconstruction. The determinant for minimum floor area ratio mathematical model comprise cumulated deficit of the existing long-term public rental housing, land size of reconstructed sale housing, housing sales price per unit area, and business cost per unit area. Minimum floor area ratio mathematical model is expected to be the milestone for supporting decision making regarding the economic part of old long-term public lease housings' reconstruction scale, and expanding housing supply within urban area.

Determinants of Demand for Long-Term Care (장기요양서비스 수요의 결정요인)

  • Chung, Wankyo
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.139-167
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    • 2009
  • A new public insurance for long-term care was introduced in July 2008 to provide for the rising demand for long-term care as the population is aging rapidly. The demand for long-term care is expected to rise further because more and more elderly are living alone or in households with only other elderly, such as his/her spouse, without informal care of their adult children. Even when the elderly are living together with their adult children, daughters and daughters in law, once the main informal care-givers, are not available because they choose to become economically active and work more over time. Experiences of countries such as Japan and Germany with similar public long-term care insurance scheme highlight the importance of detailed analysis on the demand for long-term care for the financial stability of the insurance scheme. Countries which had underestimated the demand for long-term care at the time of adopting the scheme went through financial instability of insurance schemes. This study analyzes the determinants of the demand for long-term care using data from the second demonstration project (April 2006~April 2007) of the long-term care insurance scheme for the elderly in Korea. Taking full advantage of detailed data on the long-term care, this paper analyzes the eligibility for the long-term care insurance scheme and its use. According to study results, even when common diseases among the elderly such as cancer, diabetes, arthritis, dementia, hypertension, etc. are controlled together with other individual and socioeconomic factors, limitations the elderly are faced with in their twelve activities of daily living significantly affect the eligibility for the Korean Long-term Care Insurance Scheme. This means that limitations in daily living activities are more critical than common diseases among the elderly are to the eligibility for the Korean Long-term Care Insurance Scheme. Bathing and toileting problems have been found to be the most important factor affecting the eligibility for the insurance scheme, followed by eating, dressing and moving around inside the house. Moreover, the choices of whether to use long-term care and which to use between home care and institutional care are found to be significantly influenced by health status and various socioeconomic factors of the elderly. In particular, those with more limitations in daily living activities and the female elderly are more likely to use long-term care and institutional care rather than home care. As for home care users, those living alone or with adult children and those with monthly household income of more than 500,000 won are more likely to use home care. Most importantly, even when the monthly household income of the elderly is controlled, the elderly recipients of the National Basic Living Security, who are not charged for long-term care, are more likely to choose home care. This implies that price as well as income is a critical factor for the decision to use long-term care. Further study on the duration of long-term care use will surely enhance the long-term care policy, when panel data is available for simultaneous analysis of the likelihood of long-term care use and its use duration.

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A Study on a Prevention of Long-term Care self-reliance Support for the Elderly in Home: Proposal of an Prevention and Support for Self-reliance Support Model (재가노인의 장기요양예방과 자립지원에 관한 연구: 예방·자립지원 모형설계 방안제언)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sil;Hwang, Sung-Ja
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1359-1375
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    • 2010
  • Expecting the expansion of the elderly population under long-term home care with the coming of the aged society, this study purposed to propose a prevention and self-reliance support model and to get practical implications for minimizing dependency on care benefits and enhancing the effectiveness of prevention and self-reliance support. Research methods employed for this study were: first, reviewing theoretical literature for clarifying the concept of prevention and self-reliance support in providing long-term care benefits for the elderly; second, identifying factors hindering prevention and self-reliance support through analyzing standard long-term care use plans and documents related to long-term care benefits at elderly welfare centers to which the research subjects belonged; and third, surveying care benefit users on factors hindering their use of prevention and self-reliance support and their needs in the use of care benefits. Based on the results of the three types of qualitative research, we proposed directions for prevention and self-reliance support modeling and suggested practical implications for enhancing the effectiveness of prevention and self-reliance support. For this study, we collected documentary materials and conducted in-depth interviews with the participants with the consents and cooperation of managers and professional social workers at day care centers and elderly welfare centers in D City. According to the results of this study, literature review suggested that long-term care prevention and self-reliance support should be provided in a way of 'strengthening user-centered support systems,' which support elderly long-term care beneficiaries' right to lead a life as the subject of their own life. Document analysis found the absence of benefits related to health and medicine and lack of social support systems for prevention and self-reliance support, and the results of in-depth interviews suggested the necessity to strengthen services related to elderly long-term care beneficiaries' prevention and self-reliance, and the keen needs of the long-term care elders for prevention and self-reliance included: ① loneliness, anxiety, fear; ② missing for and worry about children and people; ③ moving, outing; ④ health and medical services, rehabilitation programs; ⑤ desire to use day care; ⑥ inconvenience of house structure; ⑦desire for meal menus; and ⑧ the occurrence of disuse syndrome. Based on these results, we suggested the base of prevention and self-reliance support modeling with three axes: ① strengthening user-centered support systems; ② strengthening support systems connected to health and medicine; and ③ strengthening social support systems.

일본 타이어 산업전망

  • Lee, Gwang-Jae
    • The tire
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    • s.134
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 1988
  • 본자료는 Exxon Chemical Japan Ltd.에서 최근에 조사한 1987~2000년대의 일본 타이어 산업의 장기전망에서 발췌한 것이다. 특히 본조사에서는 타이어 산업과 밀접한 관계에 있는 자동차보유대수 및 수급현황을 장기추정하였으며, 또한 자동차 및 타이어 수출입의 상호연관성 및 일본의 수입 타이어 점증추세 그리고 미국시장에서의 일본 타이어의 판매전망 등에 대하여 간단하게 요약분석 하였다.

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아시아 ㆍ태평양제국 타이어산업전망-승용차용 타이어

  • Korea Tire Manufacturers Association
    • The tire
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    • s.112
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 1984
  • 본고는 최근 일본 Exxon Chemical에서 조사, 발표한 아시아ㆍ태평양지역국가들의 타이어ㆍ튜브 생산실적 및 장기예측을 요약정리한 것이다. 특히 본자료에서는 타이어산업과 밀접한 관계에 있는 자동차 생산ㆍ출하실적 및 보유대수를 장기추정하고 있으며 또한 Radial 타이어와 Tubeless타이어의 생산비율도 추정분석 하였다. <편집자주>

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2000년대 과학기술발전 장기계획

  • Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies
    • The Science & Technology
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    • v.19 no.10 s.209
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    • pp.10-35
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    • 1986
  • 이 원고는 지난 9월5일 열렸던 금년도 제1회 기술진흥확대회의에서 과기처가 보고한 「2천년대 과학기술발전 장기계획」의 주요내용이다. <편집자 주>

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