• Title/Summary/Keyword: 잔류량

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Human Exposure Assessment of Pesticide Residues in Cattle by-product Fed the Rice Straw (농약이 잔류된 볏짚조사료을 급여한 소의 부산물 섭취에 따른 인체노출평가)

  • Gil, Geun-Hwan;Paik, Min-Kyoung;Kim, Jin-Bae;Kim, Chan-Sub;Son, Kyung-Ae;Im, Geon-Jae;Ihm, Yang-Bin;Lee, Kyu-Seung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2013
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the exposure assessment of Korean consumers to edifenphos and tricyclazole in cattle product fed the rice straw, using a probabilistic approach. We used tricyclazole and edifenphos residue data in rice straw reported by National Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS) for the 1998, 1999, 2001 and 2010 monitoring study and National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service (NAQS) for 2009 monitoring study. The mean exposures of edifenphos and tricyclazole for all of Korean consumers were 0.027% and 0.0006% of ADI and $99%^{th}$ percentile exposures were 0.034% and 0.0007% of ADI respectively. The group of 1~6 years old consumers has the lowest exposure of edifenphos and tricyclazole. The group of 19~29 years old consumers has the highest exposure of edifenphos and tricyclazole.

일본의 농산물중 농약잔류 실태

  • 한국식품공업협회
    • Food Industry
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    • s.121
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    • pp.78-90
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    • 1993
  • 최근, 수입농산물의 증가에 따라, 일본내에서는 사용되지 않는 농약과 일본에는 없는 사용형태인 수확후 사용되는 농약(post-harvest농약)에 특별히 높은 관심이 더해지게 되었다. 특히 수확후에 사용되는 post-harvest 농약은, 잔류량이 많아 사람의 건강을 해칠 위험이 있는 화학물질로 문제되는 일이 많은데 그 원인의 하나로서, 농산물중 농약의 잔류실태가 명확치 않은 것을 들 수 있다. 농약의 유무는 외견상으로는 전혀 판단할 수 없다. 일반적으로 농약을 사용하여 재배한 작물에도, 농약이 잔류해 있다고는 한정짓지 않는다. 전답에서 사용된 농약은, 환경중에서 또는 식물체내에서 분해되어 소비자에게 판매되게 되기 때문이다. 따라서 농약의 잔류는 검사를 하고서야 판명된다. 시판 농산물에는 어떠한 농약이 어느정도 잔류해 있는 것인가? 여기에서는 1991년도 검사한 결과를 중심으로 농약의 잔류실태에 대해서 서술하고자 한다.

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Uptake of Boscalid and Chlorfenapyr Residues in Soil into Korean Cabbage (토양에 잔류된 Boscalid 및 Chlorfenapyr의 엇갈이 배추로의 흡수 이행)

  • Jeon, Sang-Oh;Hwang, Jeong-In;Lee, Sang-Hyeob;Kim, Jang-Eok
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.314-320
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    • 2014
  • The uptake and transportation patterns of the residual boscalid and chlorfenapyr were investigated from the soils to Korean cabbages. The recovery rates of the pesticides spiked in the soils and Korean cabbages were 87.5 to 105.2%. Korean cabbages were cultivated in soils treated with two different concentrations of the pesticides as low (3.0 mg/kg) and high (6.0 mg/kg) concentrations in greenhouse for 28 days. The initial level of boscalid was determined as 2.77 and 5.66 mg/kg for the low and high concentration of boscalid-treated soils, respectively. After 28 days of treatment, the residual boscalid in soils decreased to 0.53 and 1.60 mg/kg for the low and high concentration of boscalid-treated soils, respectively, and thus it was reduced to 71.7 to 81.9%. The initial level of chlorfenapyr was determined as 2.38 and 6.43 mg/kg for the low and high concentration of chlorfenapyr-treated soils, respectively. After 28 days of treatment, the residual chlorfenapyr in soils decreased to 1.36 and 2.91 mg/kg for the low and high concentration-treated soils, respectively, and thus it was reduced to 42.9 to 54.8%. The residual pesticide analysis was done with 2 day intervals from 21 days-cultivated Korean cabbages after seeding. Uptake rates of boscalid from the soil to Korean cabbages were 2.4 and 2.2% for the low- and high-concentration of boscalid-treated soil, respectively. However, the uptake rate of chlorfenapyr by the cabbages was 1.5 and 1.3% for the low and high concentration-treated soil, respectively. The uptake rate of chlorfenapyr by the cabbages was lower than that of boscalid. These results showed that the residual pesticides in soil could be absorbed by Korean cabbages depending on their physicochemical properties.

Development of Electro-Biosensor for the Residual Pesticides using Organic Carbon and Cobalt Phthalocyanine (Cobalt Phthalocyanine 탄소유기 전극을 이용한 농약 잔류량 측정 센서개발)

  • Yu, Young-Hun;Cho, Hyung-Jun;Park, Won-Pyo;Hyun, Hae-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 2010
  • We have developed the bio-electrode measuring the variance of the amount of acetylcholine affected by residual pesticide. The working electrode of the biosensor was made by combination of cobalt phthalocyanine and carbon organic compounds. The biosensors were constructed by screen-printing method. The principle of working electrode is similar to thiocholine sensor. We have fabricated the biosensor using standard screen printing method. Generally, the biosensor made by printing method formed thick film biosensor. When the electrodes were made by electrochemical cells, the generation of current by the addition of enzyme substrate was inhibited by standard solutions of organo-phosphate pesticides. The detection limit of sensor is about 0.5 $\mu{g}/L$ for carbofuran. We could improve the responsibility of the sensor by controlling the cobalt phthalocyanine and thiocholine concentration ratio. Also we have tested the EPN and Chlorpyrifos pesticides and found that the biosensor is applicable to fast determination of residual pesticides.

Elimination of BHC Residues in the Polishing and Cooking Processes of Brown Rice (현미(玄米)의 도정(搗精) 및 취반(炊飯) 과정중 BHC 잔류분(殘留分)의 제거(除去))

  • Kim, Yong-Hwa;Kim, Hye-Nam;Kim, Sang-Soon;Lee, Su-Rae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 1979
  • In order to investigate the effect of polishing washing and cooking processes on the residue level of BHC in rice grain, brown rice samples having a 0.3 ppm total BHC content were subjected to various treatments and residue analysis. The results are summarized as follows: 1) The conventional polishing process of brown rice decreased the residue level down to 8 and 20% for 100 and 70% polished rice, respectively. 2) The washing procedure decreased the level to 34 and 31% for 100 and 70% polished rice, respectively. 3) The cooking processes with a conventional kettle and an automatic electric cooker decreased the residue level to 86 and 77% in 100% polished rice, and 69 and 41% in 70% polished rice, respectively. 4) By summation of the above results in sequence. it was concluded that the residue levels of BHC in cooked rice were 2.3 and 4.3% of original residue in the brown rice for 100 and 70% polished rice, respectively.

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Market survey on total bromide residues in foods (국내유통 식품중 total bromide의 잔류량)

  • Park, Kun-Sang;Hong, Moo-Ki;Choi, Dong-Mi;Oh, Chang-Hwan;Hwang, In-Gyun;Park, Jong-Sei
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 1998
  • To determine the amount of total bromide as 2-bromoethanol, the domestic agricultural products such as rice, barley, carrot, cucumber, apple, tomato, squash, green pepper, melon, strawberry, grape, peach, potato and celery were analyzed by GC/MSD as well as GC/ECD. The bromide was detected in most of the domestic samples and the highest bromide residue determined was 13.2 ppm in barley. The imported agricultural products including melon, kiwi, lemon, pineapple, banana, orange and grape were also analyzed for the bromide. The bromide was also detected in most of the imported ones and the highest bromide residue determined was 12.3 ppm in pineapple. In addition, the bromide residue in instant noodle spices was monitored for 4 years, recently. As results, in 1994, the bromide content was in the range of non-detection to 2.4 ppm (average 1.1 ppm) from 22 out of 24 samples; in 1995, the bromide content was 1.0 and 2.2 ppm from 2 out of 37 samples; in 1996, the bromide content was in the range of 0.7 to 37 ppm (average 12.4 ppm) from all 11 samples; and in 1997, the bromide content was in the range of 0.2 to 4.6 ppm (average 1.2 ppm) from all 59 samples. However, none of sample analyzed for the bromide was exceeded Maximum Residue Limit(s) of Korea and Codex in these survey.

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Enhancement of Insecticidal Activity of the Acetamiprid Soluble Concentrate using a Photostabilizer (광안정제를 이용한 acetamiprid 액제의 살충효과 증진)

  • Kim, Hyeong-Min;Lee, Weon-Kee;Kim, Jong-Kwan;Seok, Chang-Su;Lee, Chang-Hyuk;Yu, Yong-Man;Hwang, In-Cheon
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.210-217
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    • 2006
  • The study was carried out to select the effective adjuvant as a photostabilizer for acetamiprid 5% SL(soluble concentrate) and to find its optimum content by using chemical and biological methods. Adjuvants used for the study were KS1 and KS2. Photodegradation test, insecticidal efficacies and residual analysis for the study were investigated. Although photodegradation rate of acetamiprid SL was decreased by addition of KS1 and KS2, the difference between KS1 and KS2 was not significant. As KS2 showed better efficacies against the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) and higher amount of residue on pepper than KS1, KS2 was selected as a photostabilizer for acetamiprid SL. Acetamipid SL with KS2 showed lower photodegradation rate, better efficacies against the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) and higher amount of residue on pepper as content of KS2 in acetamiprid SL was decreased. Therefore, it was concluded that the optimum content of KS2 was 0.1%. These results have demonstrated that the selected adjuvant could be used to enhance insecticidal activity and reduce spay dose of insecticide by protecting its photodegradation.

Residual Characteristics and Behavior of Azoxystrobin in Ginseng by Cultivation Conditions (인삼 중 azoxystrobin의 재배방법별 잔류특성 및 행적)

  • Lee, Jae Yun;Noh, Hyun Ho;Park, Hyo Kyoung;Kim, Jin Chan;Jeong, Hye Rim;Jin, Me Jee;Kyung, Kee Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2015
  • To determine residual characteristics of azoxystrobin in ginseng under different cultivation conditions such as use of straw mat on cultivation soil and filling gap between ginseng stem and soil surface and also to elucidate its approximate behavior after spraying, 20% azoxystrobin suspension concentrate solution was sprayed 4 times onto 5-year-old ginseng with 10 days interval at a application rate of about 200 L/10 a and then residues in samples were analyzed. The residue level was lower in case of use of straw mat and filling the gap with soil than in case of no use of straw mat and no filling the gap, representing that use of straw mat and filling the gap with soil were contributed to decrease of pesticide residues in ginseng. A large portion of the test pesticide distributed onto ginseng leaf with a higher specific surface area. The amounts of azoxystrobin residues decreased in ginseng leaf, while increased on soil surface, as close to harvest. About 0.1% of azoxystrobin sprayed was distributed in ginseng root and 12.7-20.4% (mean 16.6%) of azoxystrobin could be decreased for dietary intake by removing of rhizome from ginseng root before intake.

Artificial diminution of the residual pesticides on horticultural crops using photosensitizers (감광제에 의한 원예작물중 잔류농약의 인위적 경감)

  • Lee, Jae-Koo;Kwon, Jeong-Wook;Ahn, Ki-Chang;Park, Ju-Hyoung;Lee, Jun-Su;Park, Jung-Ok
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 1999
  • Photosensitizing activities of some photosensitizers (PS) for the artificial diminution of pesticide residues on horticultural crops were investigated. Five fungicides, iprodione, bitertanol, chlorothalonil, myclobutanil, and dichlofluanid were sprayed on apple and cucumber, followed by the application of each selected photosensitizer, and the samples were collected 0, 1, 3, 7, 15 days after the photosensitizer application and analyzed for the residual amounts. Of the 40 photosensitizers tested, six selected on the basis of the eliminating effect of pesticide residues were PS-1 (aromatic ketone), PS-2 (aromatic amine), PS-3 (quinone), PS-4 (inorganic compound), PS-5 (organic acid salt), and PS-6 (semiconductor photocatalyst). The residual amount of iprodione after 15 days of the application of PS-1 was 74% of that of the control. For bitertanol, the residual amount after 15 days of the application of PS-1 accounted for 78% of that of the control. The residual amounts of chlorothalonil after 1 day of the application of PS-1 and PS-2 accounted for 56 and 54% of those of the control, respectively. The residual amounts of iprodione on cucumber after 3 days of the application of the photosensitizers PS-1 and PS-2 were 44 and 67% of those of the untreated control, respectively. For myclobutanil, the residual amount after 15 days of the application of PS-6 accounted for 45% of that of the control. In case of dichlofluanid, the residual amount after 3 days of the application of PS-1 accounted for 44% of that of the control. Based on the results, PS-1 turned out to be the most promising photosensitizer for the accelerated photodegradation of the above fungicides on apple and cucumber.

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Dissipation Pattern of Amisulbrom in Cucumber under Greenhouse Condition for Establishing Pre-harvest Residue Limit (생산단계 잔류허용 기준 설정을 위한 시설 재배 오이 중 살균제 Amisulbrom의 잔류특성 연구)

  • Hwang, Kyu-Won;Kim, Tae Wan;Yoo, Jae-Hong;Park, Byeoung-Soo;Moon, Joon-Kwan
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.288-293
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    • 2012
  • The dissipation patterns of amisulbrom in cucumber under a greenhouse condition was investigated to establish biological half-life and pre-harvest residue limit (PHRL). Amisulbrom residue in/on cucumber on the day of application under standard application condition was $0.15mg\;kg^{-1}$ and decreased to $0.06mg\;kg^{-1}$ after 5 days after treatment, so that biological half-life calculated 3.6 day, while initial concentration of amisulbrom twice application 3 days interval under standard application condition was $0.35mg\;kg^{-1}$ and decreased to $0.09mg\;kg^{-1}$ after same period and the biological half-life calculated 2.4 day. PHRL was suggested by prediction curve calculated from the decay constant of amisulbrom at standard rate. For example, $1.83mg\;kg^{-1}$ at 5 days before harvest and $1.03mg\;kg^{-1}$ at 2 days before harvest were suggested.