• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자료포락 분석

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A Study on the Management Efficiency of 'Sindongjin' Rice Farms Used DEA Model (DEA를 이용한 신동진 벼 재배 농가의 경영 효율성 분석)

  • Jin, Xi-Jie;Piao, Shi-Yong;Sun, Yu-Cong;Lee, Jong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2020
  • This paper examined the operational efficiency of the new rice variety "Sindongjin" farmed by the Rural Development Administration. Thirty farmers were surveyed in the survey area--Jeonbuk-do Province. The operational efficiency was analyzed by studying the data of these 30 farmers. The operational efficiency of the farmers was analyzed through a survey using the DEA model for analysis. DEA analysis was performed to obtain the technical efficiency of the farmers. The results showed that the DEA technical efficiencies of 12 farmers were efficient, and 18 farmers were inefficient. Farmers No. 13 and No. 25 were representative of inefficiency, and the results show that the cost of input elements was high. An analysis of the determinants of efficiency through the Tobit model found that the operating efficiency increased with decreasing variable costs (Seed costs, By-product fertilizer costs, General fertilizer cost, Pesticides cost, Cost of water, electricity, gas, and Cost of small farm implements) and fixed costs (Repair cost and Other costs). There is a problem of excess input from farmers, and these input costs need to be reduced.

The Heterogeneous Impacts of Agricultural R&D on Farm Efficiencies by Farm Income levels (농업 R&D투자의 형평성 분석: 농가단위 효율성에 미치는 영향의 소득계층별 차이를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jae-Kyung
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.27-57
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    • 2013
  • The projects of agricultural R&D investments have been evaluated largely on the basis of efficiency better than equity although both criteria are equally critical in that major fund source of agricultural R&D investments is public budget. In this study, I focus on equity aspects by identifying the heterogeneous impacts of public knowledge created by R&D on farm efficiencies by farm income levels using bias-corrected DEA and quantile regression with panel data. The findings indicate that entire farms haven't been likely to be benefited evenly from public knowledge stock created by agricultural R&D, in particular high income farms can have enjoyed relatively more benefits of its in terms of efficiency gain. Those can imply agricultural R&D have functioned in the way analogue to digressive subsidies. In addition, the heterogeneous technological needs different among income level farms turns out to be main underlying factors affecting such the skewed benefit distribution of agricultural R&D over different income level farms.

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Efficiency Analysis of Public Institutions Relocating to Local Areas - Focusing on the Case of Korea Housing Finance Corporation (지방 이전 공공기관의 효율성 분석 - 한국주택금융공사의 사례 중심으로)

  • Seo, Min Geun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the efficiency of the policy direction to see if the government's purpose of relocating public institutions was achieved by analyzing the case of the Korea Housing Finance Corporation, which moved to Busan Metropolitan City in 2014. Based on the Korea Housing Finance Corporation's settlement management disclosure and public institution performance evaluation report from 2009 to 2019, efficiency was compared and analyzed using DEA analysis, work efficiency in management performance evaluation report, and financial ratio. The analysis results are as follows. First, in the case of DEA analysis, the difference in efficiency before and after fat transfer was not noticeable. Second, the efficiency analysis using the performance evaluation report and the financial ratio showed that the efficiency decreased after local relocation. Taken together, in the case of the Korea Housing Finance Corporation, efficiency decreased after local relocation, which can be attributed to sluggish business performance and inefficiency related to financial ratios. However, this study has limitations because it conducted an analysis on the Korea Housing Finance Corporation. To compensate for this, it is necessary to diversify the scope of research targeting all fund-managed quasi-governmental institutions in Korea. Nevertheless, this study is the first study to analyze before and after the relocation of fund-managed quasi-governmental institutions, and is expected to provide significant implications for future policies to be discussed.

Analyzing the Impact of Emission Control Area (ECA) Enforcement on Ferry Companies' Financial Performance : Network SBM DEA and BTR model (배출규제해역(ECA) 시행이 페리 선사의 재무성과에 미치는 영향: Network SBM DEA 및 BTR 모형 분석)

  • Lee, Suhyung;Lim, Hyunwoo
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.29-51
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    • 2022
  • The International Maritime Organization (IMO) designated the Emission Control Area (ECA) in Northern Europe to reduce the NOx and SOx emissions from ships in the coastal areas. This study used Network slack-based measure (SBM) Data Envelopment Model (DEM) and Bootstrop Truncated Regression (BTR) model to analyze the ECA's impact on ferry companies' financial performances based on the financial data from eight ferry carriers in Northern Europe, the Mediterranean and North America from 2004 to 2017. To alleviate the problem of arbitrary variable selection in DEA, the variable selection criteria proposed by Dyson et al. (2001) were applied; the size of the company was considered through the Network SBM DEA model; and the company's profit-generating process was divided into stages to measure financial performance in more detail. In addition, the BTR model was applied to derive results that minimize the bias of the data. The study found that ECA regulations did not always negatively affect the shipping companies' financial performance. Rather, a steady increase in efficiency was observed for Northern European ferry companies which were subject to the strongest regulations. For North American ferry companies, government subsidies were found to have a significant impact on efficiency, and relatively small impact on efficiency due to the ECA and oil prices. For the Mediterranean ferry companies, efficiency values have decreased since the implementation of ECA regulation despite the lowest level of regulation in the region.

Management performance analysis using the DEA model of the food waste recycling facility (음식물류 폐기물 자원화 시설 DEA모형을 활용한 경영성과 분석)

  • Jeoung, IlSeon;Kim, Youngkyun
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2022
  • As the national income level is improving, housing urbanization and economic speed are progressing rapidly, household waste and food waste are rapidly increasing. The "Waste Management Act" (founded in 1991) introduced the volume-based household waste system in 1995, and even after implementation, the odor of food waste and the prompt disposal process continue to be a social problem.For this reason, the food waste recycling business is attracting attention. In this paper, regarding the role of resource recycling such as feed, compost, and other resources of food waste, this thesis aims to reduce the inefficiency of the recycling process. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) of the relationship between inputs and outputs of 33 facilities nationwide, excluding facility data (insufficient) among 394, (238 public, and 156 private ones), as of the end of 2020, which is running a domestic resource recycling project This study was conducted to investigate the important role in the relative management performance of food waste recycling facilities.It was hypothesized that the influence of business history, facility capacity, capital, and machinery of a company running a food waste recycling business on sales was tested.

An Analysis of the Efficiency and Determinants of Coffee Franchises that Use DEA (DEA를 이용한 커피 프랜차이즈의 효율성 및 결정요인 분석)

  • Kim, Bo-Ram
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to utilize DEA, analyze the efficiency of Korean coffee franchises, look into the factors that affect efficiency, and improve the efficiency of Korean coffee franchises. The main results of this study are as follows. First, according to CCR model standards, there are a total of 9 efficient coffee franchises and according to BCC model standards, there are a total of 12 efficient coffee franchises. A total of three of the inefficient DMUs were found to have a value of 1 for BCC, while the other 25 were found to be inefficient for both technology and scale. Second, of 28 franchises, 11 were analyzed to be decreasing return to scale and through future increased investments of optimum levels, business performance can be improved and efficiency can be enhanced. Analysis showed that 9 franchises appeared as CRS and it is most ideal to maintain the yield of future output elements at current levels and the work efficiency of 8 franchises in increasing returns to scale states expands as production scales increase according to specialization and role division and yield can relatively improve a lot. Third, the analysis of factors affecting the efficiency of franchises through the Tobit regression analysis showed that the number of franchises and operating periods had a positive (+) effect on efficiency. Based on this study, the efficiency of coffee franchises should be analyzed to establish strategies to maximize efficiency. Based on this study, the efficiency of coffee franchises should be analyzed to establish strategies to maximize efficiency.

Determinants of Efficiency of Specialty Construction Companies Using DEA and Tobit Regression Models (DEA와 토빗회귀 모형을 이용한 전문건설기업 효율성 결정요인 분석)

  • Jung, Dae-Woon;Son, Young-Hoon;Kim, Kyung-Rai
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2024
  • This study analyzed the efficiency determinants of specialty construction companies by industry using the DEA model and the Tobit model. The analysis targets are 394 specialty construction companies as of 2022. As a result of analysis of efficiency determinants using 12 company characteristics as independent variables, the biggest problem for specialty construction companies was overall efficiency reduction due to rising labor costs. In addition, in a situation where construction companies' loan regulations are severe, the debt ratio was found to have a positive effect on efficiency. Company size had a different impact by industry, and the number of businesses held, credit score, and total capital turnover had an effect only on some industries. This study presents results that are an advance on existing research in that it strategically analyzes factors for improving the efficiency of specialty construction companies. However, it has limitations such as limiting the analysis to only specialty construction companies subject to external audit, insufficient number of companies subject to analysis by industry, and analyzing relative efficiency in the same category for each industry.

Evaluation of Operational Efficiency among Long-Term Care Visiting Nursing Centers using Data Envelopment Analysis (자료포락분석을 이용한 노인장기요양 방문간호센터 운영의 효율성 평가)

  • Lim, Ji Young;Kim, Seonhee;Oh, Eunsook;Song, Su Young
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.16-28
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of long-term care visiting nursing centers in communities using data envelopment analysis (DEA). Methods: Data were collected using a self-reported questionnaire. The average number of staff per 6 months and total space of center were used as input variables. The average number of clients per 6 months and the average profits per 6 months were used as output variables. EMS Window version 3.1 was used to measure the efficiency scores. Descriptive statistics and tobit regression were applied to analyze the general characteristics of the variables and the factors affecting efficiency scores. Results: The average efficiency of 30 long-term care visiting nursing centers in communities was approximately 66.9% on technical efficiency analysis, and 79.1% on scale efficiency analysis. Eight nursing centers on technical efficiency analysis and 12 centers on scale efficiency analysis had 100.0% efficiency. Conclusion: Our findings reveal that long-term care visiting nursing centers in communities have low operational efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to institute policies and regulations to improve the efficiency of visiting nursing centers and to strengthen the business competencies of center officers.

A study of developing the efficiency test model of benefit enterprises in enterprise support business by using DEA (기업지원사업 수혜기업의 효율성 평가모형 개발에 관한 연구 - DEA를 적용하여 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Young;Kim, Myoung-Ho
    • Korean Business Review
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.53-75
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    • 2010
  • Gangwon-do has evaluated the result of technical support business and marketing support business separately as a part of enterprise support business, and the evaluation, targeting enterprises, has been restricted to the investigation of satisfaction only. The study develops the model that assesses the efficiency of the enterprises using DEA, the econometric model which is approved the utility in efficiency evaluation, and evaluates it through the model. As a result, the model can be developed to the appropriate variable of the enterprise support business using the elements of input and output in the business. And by using the model of DEA, it is suggested the efficiency measurement of each enterprises' and improvement that inefficient enterprises must have. Especially, it is important to assess the efficiency of supporting enterprises primary.

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An Evaluation of Interface Shear Strength between Geosynthetic Clay Liner and Geomembrane (토목섬유 점토 차수재(GCL)와 지오멤브레인(GM)의 접촉 전단강도 평가)

  • 서민우;김동진;박준범;박인준
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.137-146
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    • 2002
  • Geomembrane, compacted clay liner, and geosynthetic clay liner (GCL) are widely used to prevent leachate from leaking to adjacent geo-environment at a municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill. Interface shear strength between GCL and geomembrane installed at a landfill side slope is important properties for the safe design of side liner or final cover systems. The interface shear strength between two geosynthetics was estimated by a large direct shear test in this study. The shear strength was evaluated by the Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The effects of normal stress, hydration or dry condition, and a hydration method were investigated. The test results show that the interface shear strength and shear behavior varied depending up on the level of normal stress, the type of geosynthetic combinations, and a hydration method. When GCLs were sheared after being hydrated under 6kPa loading, the results were consistent with those published by other researchers. Summaries of friction angles, normal stress and hydration condition is presented. These friction angles could be used as a reference value at a site where similar geosynthetics are installed.