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대한민국 반세기 연구개발정책의 변천

  • 이공래
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-28
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    • 2023
  • 본 챕터는 과거 50년 연구개발정책의 역사를 돌이켜보면서 한국 산업과 경제의 성장과정에서 연구개발정책이 어떤 역할을 수행했는가를 조명한다. 1960년 초 경제개발 5개년계획을 추진하기 시작하던 때부터 1970년 대 말까지 연구기반 구축기, 1981년부터 2000년까지 연구역량 축적기, 2001년부터 2020년 현재까지 연구개발 도약기 등 3단계로 나눠서 살펴본다. 연구기반 구축기간 중에는 연구개발 투자의 증가와 함께 본격적인 연구와 우수 연구인력을 양성하기 위하여 여러 국책연구기관을 설립하였으며 연구 단지를 조성하는 등 연구기반을 구축하는 정책을 추진하였다. 다양한 분야의 전문 연구기관의 설립 필요성이 제기되자 주요 분야 연구조직을 KIST 부설 형태로 발족한 후 독립 연구기관으로 분리하는 것이 주요 정책이었다. 연구역량 축적기에는 정부가 연구개발 사업을 기획하여 추진하였고 1990년대에 이르러서는 대학의 연구 잠재력을 조직화함으로써 연구역량을 축적하였다. 수출 고도화와 수출시장에서의 경쟁력을 향상해야 하는 기업들의 절박한 기술혁신의 필요성에 기인하여 기업의 연구개발 투자가 급속도로 증가했다. 2000년대에 이르러서는 우리나라 연구개발투자가 절대규모에서도 세계 5위국으로 부상했고, GDP대비 연구개발투자 비중에서는 세계 최고 수준에 도달했다. 이렇듯 연구기반 구축기, 연구역량 축적기, 연구개발 도약기를 거치면서 우리나라는 매 20여년의 주기로 연구개발 시스템을 시대 상황에 맞도록 정책을 혁신하여 추진함으로써 오늘에 이르렀다. 과학기술의 혁신은 산업과 기업의 성장에 결정적인 기여를 하였다. 정부의 도전적인 연구개발 투자는 정밀한 정책 기획과 추진이 병행되면서 그 효과가 발휘되었고 산업과 기업의 성장을 견인할 수 있었다.

Comparison between Social Network Based Rank Discrimination Techniques of Data Envelopment Analysis: Beyond the Limitations (사회 연결망 분석 기반 자료포락분석 순위 결정 기법간 비교와 한계 극복 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Hee Jay Kang
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 2023
  • It has been pointed out as a limitation that the rank of some efficient DMUs(decision making units) cannot be discriminated due to the relativity nature of efficiency measured by DEA(data envelopment analysis), comparing the production structure. Recently, to solve this problem, a DEA-SNA(social network analysis) model that combines SNA techniques with data envelopment analysis has been studied intensively. Several models have been proposed using techniques such as eigenvector centrality, pagerank centrality, and hypertext induced topic selection(HITS) algorithm, but DMUs that cannot be ranked still remain. Moreover, in the process of extracting latent information within the DMU group to build effective network, a problem that violates the basic assumptions of the DEA also arises. This study is meaningful in finding the cause of the limitations by comparing and analyzing the characteristics of the DEA-SNA model proposed so far, and based on this, suggesting the direction and possibility to develop more advanced model. Through the results of this study, it will be enable to further expand the field of research related to DEA.

Efficiency Evaluation of General Hospitals using DEA (DEA를 이용한 종합병원의 효율성 평가)

  • Park, Byung-Sang;Lee, Yong-Kyoon;Kim, Yoon-Shin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.299-312
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    • 2009
  • Unlike profit-seeking businesses, hospitals provide medical services to promote the public good in a way, and they need a reform of management to ensure sustainable growth in fast-changing medical environments. The key to the managerial reform is enhancing efficiency, and inefficient managerial practices and factors affecting that should be grasped first of all to boost the efficiency of hospital management. But evaluation methods that are prevalent in the private sector are hardly applicable to hospitals. The purpose of this study was to assess hospital efficiency by using a data envelopment analysis(DEA). The 2006 data on 74 residency training hospitals with 500 beds or more were analyzed. The selected input variables included the number of bed, the number of doctors, the number of nurses, the number of medical technicians, personnel expenses, management cost and materials cost. And the selected output variables were the yearly number of outpatients, the yearly number of inpatients, the number of operation cases and earnings. In addition, the influence of the type of hospital establishment, location, the year of foundation and the type of hospital on hospital efficiency was checked as well.

Evaluation of University Library Efficiency Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA를 적용한 대학도서관의 효율성 평가)

  • Jung, Young-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.301-315
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    • 2011
  • DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis) is useful to measure the relative efficiency of organizational units where the presence of multiple inputs and outputs. This study applied DEA-CCR and DEA-BCC to evaluate the technical, pure technical, and scale efficiency of 29 university libraries. The input variables were number of books, print edition expenses, building space, staff, number of seats. As output variables we estimated: reader visits, number of borrowed items, number of visitors. It was found out that number of libraries with 100% relative efficiency among 29 libraries were 13. Also the results shows that main reason of inefficiency was from scale rather than from pure technical. Many inefficient libraries were operations of increasing return to scale.

Data Envelopment Analysis on Olympic medals : Focusing on Athens Olympic Games and Torino Winter Olympic Games (올림픽 메달의 자료 포락 분석 : 아테네 하계올림픽과 토리노 동계올림픽을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Doo-suk
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.299-319
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    • 2010
  • This thesis analyzed that which countries won the Olympic medals more efficiently at the Olympic Games. Unlike the previous studies, I measured efficiency under the CRS, found implications for investment to improve sports skills through understanding the characteristics of sports race. A methods for research is a DEA-based approach which measures efficiency by using the data only, not assuming the parameters. The inputs are total population and GDP, the output is Olympic medals at 2004 Athens Olympic Games and 2006 Turin Winter Olympic Games. I applied different weights based on the medal colors. The results showed the tendencies that the larger the scales of total population and GDP were, the lower efficient values were. These tendencies imply that sports skills are related with the law of diminishing returns and international convergence. According to these phenomenons, surging investments for sports performance are hard to get proper justification. In the case of limited resources, investing uniformly in various sport entries is more productive than in just one or two sport entries.

A Exploratory Study on the Relation of Subjective Performance and Objective Performance in Voucher Service: Focusing on Organization Efficiency and User Satisfaction Level (바우처 서비스 제공기관의 객관적 성과와 주관적 성과의 연계성에 관한 탐색적 연구 -기관운영의 효율성과 이용자 만족도 차원을 중심으로-)

  • Shin, Chang-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.5-29
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    • 2012
  • Previous performance evaluation focusing on objective data of service agency has the limitations that did not reflect user-centered evaluation. With the expansion of voucher service, importance of perspective of service user such as satisfaction index is increasing. As voucher service has been delivered by the financial burden of government and user, we need the performance evaluation system that reflects the both performance indices to meet the accountability of two stake-holders. So this study focuses on deriving integrated evaluation system developing systems what mixed objective and subjective performance. Data used in this study is collected form 70 social service agencies that deliver voucher service and 1445 service users. Using General Satisfaction Index and Efficiency Index by DEA, this study analysed the correlation between efficiency and satisfaction index, and integrated performance evaluation model is constructed through portfolio map. This study has the following implication. This study theoretically explains the relation of objective performance and subjective performance and gives practical guidance in performance evaluation criterion and interpretation of performance.

Analysis of the Efficiency of Gyeonggi-do Senior Welfare Centers by DEA Model (DEA를 이용한 경기도 노인복지관 효율성 분석)

  • Kim, Keum Hwan;Pak, Ae Kyung;Ryu, Seo Hyun;Lee, Nam Sik
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.165-177
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the efficiency of senior welfare centers and the cause of differences among senior welfare centers in that regard, and to investigate influential factors for the differences in efficiency and the size of the influence of the factors. What methods would be effective at assessing the efficiency of senior welfare centers by taking into account their circumstances was reviewed, andpost-hoc analyses were made by using data envelopment analysis(DEA) and DAE/AP Modified prosthetic which were useful tools to evaluate relative efficiency. After 20 senior welfare centers located in Gyeonggi-do were selected, their yearly operating data of 2009 were utilized. The purpose of this study was to examine the efficiency of senior welfare centers. The evaluation data released by the Gyeonggi Welfare Foundation were analyzed by DEA, which is one of nonparametric statistics, and it was possible to obtain significant results on the regional operating efficiency of social welfare centers in 14 metropolitan cities and provinces, the causes and degree of their inefficiency and what areas one could refer to. As the data for the counties were utilized in this study, it's not quite possible to produce accurate results on the relative efficiency of senior welfare centers, but this study could be said to be of significance in that it suggested how to evaluate the overall operating efficiency of senior welfare centers in the counties involving the degree of their operating inefficiency, what improvements should be made and what reference groups there might be and provided information on the usefulness of the DEA model.

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A Comparative Study on the Efficiency of Major Container Ports (세계 주요 컨테이너항만의 효율성 비교 연구)

  • Son, Yong-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to analyse efficiencies of international main container ports. For the purpose, it selected twenty main ports based on the volume of cargo of ports recorded in Containerisation International Yearbook and conducted BCC(efficiency analysis) on them. The variables which may influence efficiency of ports were selected based on previous studies. Berth, Depth, Crane and Total area were input variables and Total TEU was an output variables. The results are summarized as follows: First, DEA-CCR efficiency of Shenchen Port(China) was 1.0, which was the most efficient poor analysed. Second, DEA-BCC efficiency of Port of Singapore, Shenchen Port(China), Ningbo Port (China), Port of Tanjung Pelepas (Malaysia) was 1.0, which was the most efficient analysed. Third, efficient scale of Shenchen Port(China) has been 1.0 for four subsequent years from 2004 to 2007, which was the most efficient analysed.

Analysis of the Efficiency of the Oriental Hospital using the DEA(Based on the Number of Patients) (DEA를 이용한 한방병원의 경영효율성 분석: 환자수를 기준으로)

  • Kim, Young Sik;Lee, Woo Cheon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.75-84
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    • 2016
  • This study is to analyze the efficiency of oriental hospitals using DEA. The input variables are the numbers of doctors, nurses, medical technicians, and beds. The output variables are the numbers of annual inpatients and outpatients. The statistical analysis tools used are EnPas and IBM SPSS Statistics 19. The result in efficiency analysis by establishment type showed that the national and public hospitals had the most efficiency. In the case of location, the efficiency of the oriental hospitals in Seoul was the highest but those in the Metropolitan areas had a relatively low efficiency. If the number of the beds was generally less than 50 beds, the hospitals were highly efficient, but the hospitals in the medium category of 51-100 beds were low in efficiency. The Logistic regression analysis conducted to analyze the variables that have affected the efficiency of oriental hospitals resulted that the efficiency increased by 1.045 everytime the number of nurses increased by 1.

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The Influence of Efficient Container Terminals Using DEA and SNA (DEA와 SNA를 이용한 효율적인 컨테이너 터미널의 영향력에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Yong-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.155-166
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    • 2015
  • This study selected container terminals of Gwangyang and Busan Ports to evaluate the influence of efficient container terminals. For the study, after data envelopment analysis (DEA) using the CCR and BCC models, the decision-making unit (DMU) system was used to define nodes; and with the use of a reference group in DEA (BCC model) and a lambda value, this study created a social network and analyzed the influences of efficient DMUs through a centrality analysis of eigenvectors. The results are presented as follows: First, as a result of the DEA, CCR efficiencies in PNC, HJNC, and HPNT container terminals of Busan Port were 1 and BCC efficiencies at Singamman Terminal, Wooam Terminal, PNC, HJNC, HPNT, and BNCT container terminals of Busan Port were 1. Second, as a result of undertaking social network analysis (SNA), according to an eigenvector centrality analysis, HJNC Terminal was referred to the most (influence score of 0.515), which indicates that it is the most influential as a container terminal. The influence of PNC Terminal was 0.512, while that of Wooam Terminal was 0.379. CJ Korea Express in Gwangyang Port was ranked fourth in influence, but its influence score of 0.256 indicates that it was the most influential of the container terminals at Gwangyang Port.