• Title/Summary/Keyword: 입학허가방법

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A Case Study and Its Implications on the Admission Officer System of Colleges and Universities in USA (미국대학 입학사정관제도의 운영사례와 시사점)

  • Chung, Ilhwan;Kim, Byoungjoo
    • Korean Journal of Comparative Education
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.113-139
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the operating case of admission officer system of colleges and universities in USA, and to deduce its implications to Korean colleges and universities. In order to accomplish the purpose of this study, following methodologies were adopted: review on the related literatures, statistical data, and previous studies concerning admission officers of colleges and universities in USA, and in-depth interview with them. Historical and cultural background of university admission system of USA was analyzed. Case study on USA colleges and universities was divided with four parts such as determining factors of admission and admission methods, organization for admission affairs and its number of persons, work of admission officer and admission process, and cost of admission and salary. Implications to Korean colleges and universities were presented with three points such as overall implication, implication on materials for admission process, and implication on managing system of admission. Based on the analysis, discussion and implications, the conclusion and further suggestion of this study are as follows: First, actual authority of admission should be grant to admission officer. Second, not only non-curricular factors but also scholastic factors should be emphasized in role of admission officer. Third, education and training about work of admission officer and unification of criteria for admission should be held. Fourth, admission officers with various occupation background are needed. Fifth, work of admission officers should be extended to various work concerning university entrance. Sixth, cross-checking on marks of over two admission officers is needed. Seventh, in order to stabilize admission process, status of admission officer should be stabilized. Eighth, part-time admission officers are need to employ in season of admission. Ninth, authority of weighting high schools should be grant to admission officers in long term perspective.