• Title/Summary/Keyword: 입롱율

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서해구 자원관리형 자망ㆍ통발 어구어법 기술개발에 관한 연구 2. 수조실험에 의한 꽃게ㆍ피뿔고둥의 입롱율 조사

  • 장호영;조봉곤;박종수;고광수;한민숙
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.31-32
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    • 2002
  • 통발어업은 일정한 장소에 서식하거나, 유영력이 크지 않으면서 미끼에 대한 반응이 민감한 생물을 미끼로써 함정으로 유인하여 잡는 어법으로서, 어구의 구조가 비교적 간단하고 조업이 용이할 뿐만 아니라 어획효과도 좋으며, 어획물이 대부분 활어 상태로 판매할 수 있어서 수익성도 높으므로 연안어업에서 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있다. (중략)

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Study on the Improvement of Gill Nets and Trap Nets Fishing for the Resource Management at the Coastal Area of Yellow Sea - On the Entrapping Behavior of Fishes into Trap Nets in the Water Tank Experiment - (서해구 자원관리형 자망ㆍ통발 어구어법 기술개발에 관한 연구 - 수조에서의 통발에 대한 어군의 입롱행동 -)

  • 장호영;조봉곤;고광수;한민숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2003
  • To investigate the entrapping behavior of blue crab, rock shell and green ling, which are mainly caught with the other trap nets in the coastal area of Yellow Sea, by the using duration of trap nets through the water tank experiment. We select the three kinds of trap nets which have different using duration such as new, 6 months and 12 months used one, and observe the entrapping ratio into the trap nets, respectively. In the mean while, in order to obtain the basic data for the estimate of mesh selectivity of the other trap nets, the entrapping behavior into the trap nets for green ling which has high activity compared to blue crab and rock shell, are examined to the three kinds of mesh size (35mm, 50mm and 65mm). The results are as follows ; 1. The mean entrapping ratio of blue crab by the using duration of trap nets in high with 4.4 fishes (44.0%) in the 6 months used one, become lower with 2.9 fishes (28.0%) in the new one, and with 2.0 fishes (20.0%) in the 12 months used one. 2. The mean entrapping ratio of rock shell by the using duration of trap nets in high with 7.3 fishes (36.7%) in the new one, and become lower with 7.2 fishes (35.8%) in the 6 months used one, and with 5.7 fishes (28.3%) in the 12 months used one. 3. The mean entrapping ratio of green ling by the using duration of trap nets in high with 3.4 fishes (34.0%) in the 6 months used one, and become lower with 3.0 fishes (30.0%) in the new one, and with 2.8 fishes (28.0%) in the 12 months used one. 4. The mean residual ratio of green ling by the mesh size of trap nets is high with 2.4 fishes (24.0%) in the 35mm mesh size, and become lower with 2.2 fishes (22.0%) in the 50mm mesh size and 2.0 fishes (20.0%) in the 65mm mesh size.