• Title/Summary/Keyword: 임상시험등록

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The Current State of Registration of Interventional Clinical Trials for Children and Adolescents with Precocious Puberty (성조숙증 소아 대상 중재 임상시험의 등록 현황 보고 -Clinicaltrial.gov, WHO ICTPR, CRIS를 중심으로-)

  • Shim, Soo Bo;Seo, Hyun Sik;Lee, Hyun Hee;Lee, Hye Lim
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • Objectives The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of interventional clinical trial registration for children with precocious puberty and to secure basic data for the design of clinical trials for traditional Korean medicine treatment of precocious puberty. Methods The following resources were used to search for data: Clinicaltrial.gov, World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (WHO ICTRP), and Clinical Research Information Service (CRIS), using the search terms, 'Precocious puberty', 'child'. All clinical trials which were registered as of June 2022 were used. Results For the intervention and clinical trial design, gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) analog was reported in 41.7% of trials, and single group assignment was performed in 66.7% of the studies. Prior consent had not been reported in 50% of the studies. Tanner stage and GnRH stimulation tests were reported by multiple trials as inclusion criteria, and prior treatment experiences for trial drugs were reported as exclusion criteria. The peak serum concentration of luteinizing hormone following GnRH stimulation test was used as a primary outcome in 45.8% of clinical trials, and other growth-related indicators such as growth rate, height, and predicted adult height were also reported. Conclusions In consideration of the design, eligibility criteria, and outcome measurement of the existing clinical trials identified in this study, it should be referred to in the design of clinical trials for traditional Korean medicine treatment of precocious puberty.

The Analysis of Registration Status of Interventional Clinical Trials for Children and Adolescents with Chronic Cough - Focused on WHO ICTRP - (소아 청소년 만성기침 환자를 대상으로 한 중재 임상시험 등록 현황 분석 - WHO ICTRP를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong Yoon Kyoung;Choi Seo Yeon;Bang Miran;Lee Jun-Hwan;Lee Boram;Chang Gyu Tae
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.75-93
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    • 2023
  • Objectives We aimed to analyze the registration status of interventional clinical trials in children and adolescents with chronic cough. Methods All interventional clinical trials registered up to 3 July, 2023 on the international clinical trial registry platform (ICTRP) of the World Health Organization (WHO) were analyzed. Information was extracted including study design, interventions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and outcome indicators. Results A total of 18 interventional clinical trials were analyzed. For study design, multicentre trials, randomized allocation, parallel group design and phase 4 trials were the most frequently reported. Blinding was used in 44.4% and informed consents were obtained from 61.1%. For intervention, drugs were used in 61.1%, using placebo control group in 27.8%. Quality of life questionnaires were most frequently reported in 50% as the primary outcome, and adverse events were the most as the secondary outcome. In most cases, the assessment timepoints were after two weeks. Conclusions Based on the characteristics of clinical trial design analyzed in this study, it is necessary to design traditional Korean medicine clinical trials with improved quality and accuracy of information.

The Analysis of Registration Status of Herbal Medicine and Medication Interventional Clinical Trials for Simple Obesity in Children and Adolescents -Focused on WHO ICTRP- (소아청소년 단순 비만에 대한 한약 및 약물 중재 임상시험 등록 현황 분석 - WHO ICTRP를 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong Yoon Kyoung;Choi Seo Yeon;Bang Miran;Lee Boram;Chang Gyu Tae
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.55-77
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    • 2024
  • Objectives This study aimed to analyze the registration status and characteristics of clinical trials on herbal medicine (HM) and medication interventions for simple obesity in children and adolescents. Methods All interventional clinical trials registered in the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform of the World Health Organization until December 12, 2024, were collected. The study design, interventions, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and outcome measures were extracted. Results A total of 24 clinical trials (23 medications and 1 HM) were analyzed. The most common study designs were single-center, randomized controlled, parallel, and phase 2. Placebo controls were used in 87.5% of the studies, blinding was used in 79.1%, and quadruple blinding was the most common. Informed consent was obtained from 70.8% of the participants. Among the oral medications (66.6%), metformin was the most common (25%). Among the non-oral medications (29.1%), exenatide (Bydureon) was the most common intervention (42.8%). Body mass index was the most commonly reported primary outcome measure (79.1%), with most assessments performed at 6 months. Conclusions Based on the characteristics of the medication interventional clinical trial design analyzed in this study, additional high-quality multicenter traditional Korean medicine trials need to be designed in the future.

The Analysis of Registration Status of Interventional Clinical Trials for Children and Adolescents with Tension-Type Headache - Focused on WHO ICTRP - (소아 청소년 긴장성 두통 대상 중재 임상시험의 등록 현황 분석 - WHO ICTRP를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi Seo Yeon;Jeong Yoon Kyoung;Han Ju Hui;Bang Miran;Lee Sun Haeng;Chang Gyu Tae;Lee Jin Yong
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.13-28
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    • 2024
  • Objectives This study aimed to analyze registrations in the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform for children and adolescents with tension-type headaches. Methods We collected and analyzed information on the basic and clinical characteristics of patients who participated in related clinical trials. All relevant clinical trials registered on or before July 2, 2024 were included in this study. Results Twenty clinical trials were selected for the analysis. Behavioral therapy was the most common intervention (60%), followed by drug, device, and manual therapies. The type of headache was the most frequently mentioned inclusion criteria, noted in 70% of the patients. Outcome indicators included headache frequency and intensity, quality of life, daily functioning, and mood. Conclusions Further clinical trials should require informed consent, an appropriate research design, suitable controls, and clear presentation of diagnostic criteria for more accurate and ethical studies.

Effect of Aprepitant in Patient with Gastroparesis and Related Disorders (위마비증과 만성 구역 구토 증후군 환자에서 Aprepitant의 효과)

  • Jung, Kyoungwon;Park, Moo In
    • The Korean Journal of Gastroenterology
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    • v.72 no.6
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    • pp.325-328
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    • 2018
  • 위마비증(gastroparesis)이나 만성 구역 구토 증후군(chronic unexplained nausea and vomiting)으로 인한 구역과 구토에 대한 치료는 일반적으로 사용하는 위장관 촉진제에 만족스럽지 못한 경우가 많고, 여러 부작용으로 인하여 장기적으로 사용하기 어려워 보다 효과적인 치료 방법이 필요하다. 최근 미국에서 발표된 본 연구는 위마비증이나 연관 증후군 환자에서 구역과 구토 증상을 줄이기 위한 aprepitant(neurokinin-1 receptor antagonist) 치료의 효과를 분석한 것으로, 향후 일반적인 치료에 불응성 위마비증 환자에서 새로운 약제 사용을 시도해볼 수 있어 소개하고자 한다. 본 Aprepitant for the Relief of Nausea (APRON) 연구는 기질적 질환을 배제하기 위하여 최근 2년 이내 위내시경이 정상이며, 적어도 6개월 이상 조기 포만감(early satiety), 식후 만복감(postprandial fullness), 팽만감(bloating) 그리고 명치부 통증(epigastric pain)을 유발하는 증상과 함께 만성적인 구역이 있는 18세 이상의 성인 중 4시간의 위배출 검사를 시행받은 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 객관적인 지표로 0점에서 45점까지 보이는 9-증상 Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index(GCSI)가 2주 이상 총 21점 이상이며, 0-100 mm의 visual analog scale (VAS)의 7일간의 구역 증상 평균 25 mm 이상인 환자를 대상으로 하였다. 일주일에 3일 이상 narcotics를 사용하였거나 와파린이나 pimozide, terfenadien, astemizole, cisapride를 복용하였던 환자, 2배 이상으로 간 효소 수치상승을 보이거나 Child-Pugh score 10점 이상, aprepitant에 알레르기를 보이는 환자는 제외되었다. 그렇지만 metoclopramide나 erythromycin을 안정적으로 사용 중인 환자는 제외되지 않았다. 위배출 검사는 2시간에서 60% 이상 남아 있거나 4시간에서 10% 이상 남아 있는 경우에 지연된 것으로 정의되었으며, 지연된 위배출 검사 결과 자체는 환자의 등록 기준에 포함되진 않았다. 등록 기준에 포함된 환자는 1:1로 무작위 배정되어 하루 한 번 125 mg의 aprepitant 복용군과 위약군으로 나누어져 연구가 진행되었으며, 약제 복용 4주간 2주 간격으로, 그리고 복용 후 2주 뒤까지 구역 증상의 호전 정도와 약제 안전성을 확인하였다. 이러한 효과를 판정하기 위하여 환자가 방문하는 동안 GCSI를 포함한 Patient Assessment of Upper GI Symptoms (PAGI-SYM), Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale, daily VAS, daily diary version of the GCSI 그리고 정신 측정 도구와 삶의 질 도구인 Patient health Questionnaire 15와 Short Form 36 version이 측정되었다. 구역에 대한 aprepitant와 위약의 치료 효과의 일차적 판정은 이전 항암 요법에 대한 aprepitant 연구와 같이 28일 평균 VAS 25 mm 미만이거나 치료 전 7일간의 VAS와 비교하여 28일 치료 기간 동안 25 mm 이상 감소한 경우로 정의하였고, 이차 결과는 구역의 매일 시간, 치료 중 구역이 없는 날짜의 퍼센트, PAGI-SYM score의 개선 등으로 확인하였다. 2013년 4월부터 2015년 7월까지 총 126명의 환자가 등록되어 aprepitant군 63명, 위약군 63명으로 무작위 배정되었다. 전체의 57%인 72명에서 위배출 지연이 보였으며, 나머지 43%에서는 정상 또는 빠른 위배출 소견을 보여 만성적으로 설명할 수 없는 구역과 구토에 포함된 환자군으로 확인되었다. 또한 29%에서 당뇨를 가지고 있었으며, 8%에서 수면제를 사용하고 있었다. 최종적으로 aprepitant군은 59명, 위약군은 63명이 연구를 끝까지 종료하였다. 일차 결과에서 aprepitant 군 46%, 위약군 40%의 구역 호전을 보여 두 치료군 간에 통계적으로 의미 있는 차이는 보이지 않았다(상대 위험도 1.2, 95% CI: 0.8-1.7; p=0.43). 그러나 일차 분석의 두 가지 척도(28일 평균 VAS 25 mm 미만과 기저 VAS보다 평균 28일 VAS의 25 mm 이상 감소)를 모두 함께 고려한 민감도 분석에서는 aprepitant군이 37% (22/59)로 위약군의 17%(11/63)에 비하여 통계적으로 의미 있는 구역의 호전을 보였다(상대 위험도 2.1, 95% CI: 1.1-4.1; p=0.01). 또한 이차 분석을 살펴보면 aprepitant군에서 PAGI-SYM 중증도 지수로 확인하였을 때, 구역(1.8 vs. 1.0; p=0.005)과 구토(1.6 vs. 0.5; p=0.001)의 중증도 및 매일 구역 시간의 감소를 보였고, 28일 동안 구역이 없는 날짜의 퍼센트 증가 소견을 보였다. 다른 이차 결과 분석에서 aprepitant군이 PAGI-SYM 중증도 지수의 GCSI 종합 점수(1.3 vs. 0.7; p=0.001), 상당한 증상호전, 구역 구토의 세부 점수, 팽만감 세부 점수 그리고 위식도 역류 증상 점수에서 호전을 보였고, 매일 일기로 표현한 daily diary version of the GCSI에 상복부 통증 중증도, 전체 증상 그리고 Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale의 종합 점수에서 호전을 보였다. 연구 중 발생한 부작용은 주로 경증과 중등도 정도의 부작용이 주로 발생하였지만, aprepitant군(35% vs. 17% 위약군, p=0.04)에서 더 많이 발생하였다. 결론적으로 위마비증 또는 위마비증 유사 증후군으로 인한 만성 구역 및 구토 환자의 무작위 시험에서 aprepitant는 VAS 점수를 통한 주요 결과를 분석하였을 때는 구역의 중증도를 호전시키지 못하였지만 다른 이차적 결과에 대해서는 위약군에 대하여 호전 소견을 보였다. 따라서 aprepitant에 효과적인 반응을 보이는 위마비증 환자를 감별하는 추가 임상시험이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

The Safety and Immunogenicity of a Trivalent, Live, Attenuated MMR Vaccine, PriorixTM (MMR(Measles-Mumps-Rubella) 약독화 생백신인 프리오릭스주를 접종한 후 안전성과 유효성의 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Seung-In;Chung, Min-Kook;Yoo, Jung-Suk;Chung, Hye-Jeon;Hur, Jae-Kyun;Shin, Young-Kyu;Chang, Jin-Keun;Cha, Sung-Ho
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.960-968
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : This multi-center, open-label, clinical study was designed to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a trivalent, live, attenuated measles-mumps-rubella(MMR) vaccine, $Priorix^{TM}$ in Korean children. Methods : From July 2002 to February 2003, a total of 252 children, aged 12-15 months or 4-6 years, received $Priorix^{TM}$ at four centers : Han-il General Hospital, Kyunghee University Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital at the Catholic Medical College in Seoul, and Korea University Hospital in Ansan, Korea. Only subjects who fully met protocol requirements were included in the final analysis. The occurrence of local and systemic adverse events after vaccination was evaluated from diary cards and physical examination for 42 days after vaccination. Serum antibody levels were measured prior to and 42 days post-vaccination using IgG ELISA assays at GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals (GSK) in Belgium. Results : Of the 252 enrolled subjects, a total of 199 were included in the safety analysis, including 103 from the 12-15 month age group and 96 from the 4-6 year age group. The occurrence of local reactions related to the study drug was 10.1 percent, and the occurrence of systemic reactions was 6.5 percent. There were no episodes of aseptic meningitis or febrile convulsions, nor any other serious adverse reaction. In immunogenicity analysis, the seroconversion rate of previously seronegative subjects was 99 percent for measles, 93 percent for mumps and 100 percent for rubella. Both age groups showed similar seroconversion rates. The geometric mean titers achieved, 42 days pos-tvaccination, were : For measles, in the age group 12-15 months, 3,838.6 mIU/mL [3,304.47, 4,458.91]; in the age group 4-6 years, 1,886.2 mIU/mL [825.83, 4,308.26]. For mumps, in the age group 12-15 months, 956.3 U/mL [821.81, 1,112.71]; in the age group 4-6 years, 2,473.8 U/mL [1,518.94, 4,028.92]. For rubella, in the age group 12-15 months, 94.5 IU/mL [79.56, 112.28]; in the age group 4-6 years, 168.9 IU/mL [108.96, 261.90]. Conclusion : When Korean children in the age groups of 12-15 months or 4-6 years were vaccinated with GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals' live attenuated MMR vaccine ($Priorix^{TM}$), adverse events were limited to those generally expected with any live vaccine. $Priorix^{TM}$ demonstrated excellent immunogenicity in this population.

A New Sweetpotato Variety for Table Use, 'Pungwonmi' (식용 고구마 신품종 '풍원미')

  • Lee, Hyeong-Un;Lee, Joon-Seol;Chung, Mi-Nam;Han, Seon-Kyeong;Kim, Jae-Myung;Yang, Jung-Wook;Ahn, Seung-Hyun;Nam, Sang-Sik;Song, Yeon-Sang;Moon, Jin-Young;Cho, Kyu-Hwan;Shin, Hyun-Man;Lim, Sang-Hyun;Choi, In-Hu
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.420-427
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    • 2017
  • 'Pungwonmi', a new sweetpotato variety, was developed for table use by Bioenergy Crop Research Institute, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), RDA in 2014. This variety was derived from the cross between 'Benisatsuma' and 'Luby3074' in 2006. The seedling and line selections were performed from 2007 to 2009, and preliminary and advanced yield trials were carried out from 2010 to 2011. The regional yield trials were conducted at five locations from 2012 to 2014, and it was named as 'Pungwonmi'. This variety has cordate leaf shape, and its leaves, stems, nodes, and petioles are green. Storage root of 'Pungwonmi' has an elliptical shape, red skin, and light orange flesh. 'Pungwonmi' was moderately resistant to fusarium wilt, and resistant to root-knot nematode. Dry matter content was 31.2%, and texture of steamed storage root was intermediate. Total sugar content of raw and steamed storage roots of 'Pungwonmi' was higher than that of 'Yulmi'. ${\beta}$-carotene content of 'Pungwonmi' was 9.1 mg/100g DW. Yield of marketable storage root over 50 g of 'Pungwonmi' was 24.3 MT/ha under the early season culture, which was 46% higher than that of 'Yulmi'. The number of marketable storage roots per plant was 2.8 and the average weight of marketable storage root was 156 g under the optimal and late season culture. Marketable storage root yield of 'Pungwonmi' was 24.1 MT/ha under the optimum and late season culture, which was 26% higher than that of 'Yulmi'. (Registration No. 6428).

A Study on the Effects of the R&D Activities and Patent on the Corporate Performance of Medical Device Firms in Korea (국내 의료기기 제조기업의 연구개발활동과 특허가 기업 경영성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dosung;Lee, Jungsoo;Cho, Sung Han;Kim, Min Seok;Kim, Nam-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2018
  • Companies conduct R&D for continuous development and enhancement of corporate value, and obtain patents as an intangible asset resulting from this process. This study screened 103 medical device firms whose R&D information, patent information, and management performance information were all published to determine how R&D activities and patents affect corporate operational performance. The number of patents, R&D costs, company type and Inno-Biz of the company were set as independent variables, and the companies' sales, intangible assets, operating profit ratios, net profit margins, corporate ratings and profit-related financial ratios were used as dependent variables. The results confirmed that R&D expenditure had negative (-) effects on most indicators, including sales volume, operating profit ratio, and net profit ratio, while it had positive (+) [ED highlight - these are unnecessary if negative and positive are also written out.] effects only on intangible assets. Additionally, domestic patents were found to have negative (-) effects on sales, cash flow ratings, and dropped capital return, and positive (+) effects on net profit growth. Moreover, the business performance variables affected by the company characteristics were sales volume and cash flow ratings. The medical device industry is dominated by small and medium-sized businesses Although research and development activities and patents have been shown to have a negative impact on corporate management in the short term, they are expected to have a positive long-term impact when reflecting the characteristics of the medical device industry that must undergo clinical trials and authorization procedures after R&D.

A Prospective Randomized Trial Comparing the Seciuence of Adiuvant Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy following Curative Resection of Stage II, III Rectal Cancer (직장암의 근치적 수술 루 방사선치료와 화학요법의 순서에 대한 고찰 -전향적 무작위 3상 임상연구 중간 결과 보고-)

  • Kim Kyoung Ju;Kim Jong Hoon;Choi Eun Kyung;Chang Hyesook;Ahn Seung Do;Lee Je Hwan;Kim Jin Cheon;Yu Chang Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2000
  • Purpose : To evaluate the side effects, pattern of failure, and survival rate according to the sequence of postoperative adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy, patients with stages II and III rectal cancer who had undergone curative resection were randomized to 'early radiotherapy group (arm I)' or' late radiotherapy group (arm II)', then we intend to determine the most effective sequence of the radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Materials and Methods . From January 1996 to March 1999, 313 patients with curatively resected stages II and III rectal cancer have been randomized to' early' or' late' radiation therapy group and received combined chemotherapy (5-FU 375 mg/m$^{2}$/day, ieucovorin 20 mg/m$^{2}$, IV bolus daily Dl-5, 8 cycles) and radiation therapy (whole pelvis with 45 Gy/25 fractions/s weeks). Arm I received radiation therapy from day 1 with first cycle of chemotherapy and arm II received radiation therapy from day 57 with third cycle of chemotherapy after completion of first two cycles. Preliminary analysis was peformed with 228 patients registered up to Jun 1998. Two out of the 228 patients were excluded because of double primary cancer. Median follow-up period was 23 months. Results :Local recurrence occurred in 11 patients (9.7$\%$) for arm I and 9 patients (8$\%$) for arm 11. There was no significant difference between both groups ( p=0.64). However, distant metastasis was found in 22 patients (19.5$\%$) for arm I and 35 patients (31.0$\%$) for arm II and which showed statistically significant difference between the two groups ( p=0.046). And neither 3-year disease-free survival (70.2$\%$ vs 59.2$\%$, p=0.2) nor overall survival (89.4$\%$ vs 88.0$\%$, p=0.47) showed significant differences. The incidence of leukopenia during radiation therapy and chemotherapy was 78.3$\%$ and 79.9$\%$ respectively but leukopenia more than RTOG grade 3 was only 2.1$\%$ and 6.0$\%$ respectively. The incidence of diarrhea more than 10 times per day was significantly higher in the patients for arm I than for arm II (71.2$\%$ vs 41.6$\%$, p=0.02) but this complication was controlled with supportive cares. Conclusion : Regardless of the sequence of postoperative adjuvant radiation therapy and chemotherapy after curative resection for rectal cancer, local recurrence rate was low with combined chemoradlotherapy. But distant metastasis rate was lower in early radiation therapy group than in late radiation therapy group and the reason is unclear. Most patients completed these treatments without severe complication, so these were thought to be safe treatments but the treatment compliance should be improved.

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