• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인공생태지역

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Analysis of River Disturbance using a GIS (I) (GIS기법을 이용한 하천 교란 실태의 분석(I))

  • Park, Eun-Ji;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Lee, On-Kil
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.81-93
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    • 2008
  • Current re-arrangement of river and waterway has been made uniformly ignoring characteristics of individual rivers thereby aggravating artificial river restructuring. Subsequently this severely affects the rivers' physical, chemical, and biological phenomenon. On the contrary, quantitative techniques to evaluate the aftermath of artificial river disturbance such as uprising of river bed, intrusion of foreign fisheries, and changes of ecological habitats are not available. To establish such quantitative techniques, analysis of river changes to evaluate the major causes of the river disturbance and its impacts is essential. Therefore, this study mainly focused on proposing a method which can be applied for the development of techniques to investigate river disturbance according to the major factors for the domestic rivers using airphotos and GIS techniques. For the analysis, the study area on the downstream of the river was selected and airphotos of the area were converted into GIS format to generate 'shape' files to secure waterways, river banks, and auxiliary data required for analyzing river disturbance. Trend analysis of the waterway sinuosity and changes of the flow path leaded to detailed verification of the river disturbance for specific location or time period, and this enabled to relatively accurate numbers representing sinuosity of the waterway and relevant changes. As the major results from the analysis, the relocation of waterways and the level of river sinuosity were quantified and used to verify the impacts on the stability of the waterways especially in the downstream of the dam. The results from this study enabled effective establishing proper measures against waterways' unstability, and emphasized subsequent researches for identifying better alternatives against river disturbances.

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Syntaxonomical and Synecological Research of Forest Vegetation on Mt. Byeokbang (벽방산 산림식생의 군락분류와 군락생태)

  • Choi, Byoung-Ki;Huh, Man-Kyu;Kim, Seong-Yeol
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.646-655
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    • 2015
  • A phytosociological survey carried out using the Z.-M. School’s methodology and system of numerical-classification analyses, this study sought to classify the syntaxa of forest vegetation on Mt. Byeokbang and to collect basic data on the transitional zones of the southern Korean peninsula’s coastal region. The syntaxa were classified into three physiognomic types and nine communities, including (1) evergreen coniferous forests (Eurya japonica-Pinus thunbergii community and Ardisia japonica-Pinus densiflora community), (2) summer-green, broad-leaved forests (Chloranthus japonicus-Quercus serrate community, Syneilesis palmata-Quercus mongolica community, Quercus acutissima community, Carpinus turczaninovii var. coreana community, Fraxinus siebolidiana-Quercus dentate community, and Deutzia glabrata-Lindera erythrocarpa community), and (3) artificial afforestation (Alnus firma afforestation). The Chloranthus japonicus-Quercus serrata community, Syneilesis palmata-Quercus mongolica community, Fraxinus siebolidiana-Quercus dentata community, Carpinus turczaninovii var. coreana, community and Deutzia glabrata-Lindera erythrocarpa community were closely evaluated for national vegetation naturalness. It was confirmed that the Carpinus turczaninovii var. coreana community was endemic to Korea. Most syntaxa were defined as a secondary forestation due to various human activities (e.g., forest fires, logging, digging, climbing, etc.). The results of a canonical-correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that human activities, altitude, humus depth, rock cover ratio, slope, etc. were the main ecological factors determining the classified plant communities’ distribution patterns.

Development of harmful algae collecting system for agricultural material recycling (농업재료 자원화를 위한 유해조류 포집 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, J.H.;Kim, J.M.;Jeong, Y. W.;Kwack, Y.K.;Sim, S.K.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.50-50
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    • 2022
  • 한국농어촌공사 산하의 농업용저수지 중 3786개소에 대한 수질조사를 '19년도에 실시한 결과, TOC 기준 4등급 초과 저수지 비율은 약 20%로써, 도심 근교 저수지에서 녹조현상 빈발로 인해 수질, 악취, 미관 등의 환경문제 개선 민원이 다수 발생하고 있다. 현재 녹조 발생 사후관리를 위해 주로 사용되고 있는 대형 조류제거선은 저수심 수변부에서의 적용성에 한계가 있고, Al 기반의 응집제를 사용하여 조류를 수거해서 폐기하고 있는 실정이다. (주)이엔이티는 농어촌연구원, (주)코레드, (주)삼호인넷과 함께 호소나 정체하천의 수변지역에 적용될 수 있는 저에너지형 유해조류 포집시스템 개발과, 수거된 조류부산물을 무독화하여 농업재료로 재활용하는 방안을 연구하고 있다. 저수지나 정체수역의 녹조는 바람, 수면유동 등에 의해 수변에 집적되는 특성이 있어, 인공지능 기술로 녹조현상을 감시하여 조류 밀집구간에 접근할 수 있는 자율이동식 수상이동장치를 개발 중이다. 수상이동장치는 조류포집장치를 탑재하기 위한 부력체, 원격 운전이 가능한 무인항법장치, 수변식생대 및 저수심지역 이동을 고려한 수차방식 추진체, 전체 장치의 전원 공급을 위한 고성능 배터리 등으로 구성하여 상세 도면 설계를 진행하고 있다. 조류포집장치에는 표층에 주로 분포하는 남조류를 선택 흡입하는 포집 부표를 적용하였고, Al계 응집제 사용을 배제한 분리막 실험을 통해 침지형 막분리조 및 가압형 농축조를 설계하였다. 유해조류 포집 및 농축은 수상에서 이동체에 탑재하여 이뤄지고, 육상에서는 자원 회수가 가능하도록 회분식 응집공정으로 구분하였다. 조류 밀집지역에서 수거된 조류의 무독화 및 농업재료 자원화 타당성 평가를 위해 특용 버섯균주를 활용한 시료별 분석항목을 선정하고 실험 매트릭스에 따라 실증실험을 수행하였다. 수거조류를 전처리하여 성분 및 발열량을 분석하고 버섯재배 전후의 마이크로시스틴 독소(LR, RR, LR)를 포함한 성분 분석을 수행하여, 고체연료, 비료 및 사료로 활용방안을 검토하였다. 무인자율이동 조류포집장치는 실증화 규모로 제작하여 기선정된 테스트베드에서 현장적용성 평가를 수행할 예정이다. 본 연구를 통해 개발된 유해조류 포집 시스템은 기존의 녹조제거 방안을 보완하여 정체수역의 생태계 복원 및 친수공간의 환경개선 등에 적용되며, 무독화가 입증된 유해조류의 농업재료 자원화 기술은 고부가 상품 개발 및 환경폐기물 감축에 활용될 것이다.

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The Characteristics of Heavy Metal(Zn, Pb) Accumulations in Paridae Nesting Material (박새과 조류의 둥지 재료 내 중금속(Zn, Pb) 축적특성 연구)

  • Kyeong-Tae Kim;Hyun-Jung Lee;Whee-Moon Kim;Won-Kyong Song
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.566-574
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    • 2022
  • Heavy metals are one of the dangerous pollutants that threaten urban biodiversity due to their accumulation over a long period without being decomposed in vivo. Accordingly, there is a need for biological monitoring to compare accumulation concentrations in living organisms according to the degree of heavy metal exposure to evaluate heavy metal contamination in the air in urban areas. This study aims to examine the possibility of using nesting materials as heavy metal monitoring samples and determine the effects of heavy metals on Paridae. We installed 54 artificial nest boxes in the research areas that included campus green spaces (14), urban forests (11), and urban parks (29) on a university campus in Cheonan City, Chungcheongnam Province. The birds' use rate of artificial nest boxes was 11/14 (78.57%) in campus green spaces, 8/11 (72.72%) in urban forests, and 6/29 (20.68%) in urban parks. Moss materials were collected from collected nests, and the heavy metal accumulation characteristics of each type of urban green space and the effects of heavy metals on the success of fledging of Paridae were compared through heavy metal analysis. The analysis showed that the average concentrations of zinc and lead were 228.08±209.62 ㎍/dry g and 17.67 ± 6.72 ㎍/dry g, respectively. There was no significant difference in zinc concentration for each type of urban green space (Kruskal-Wallis test, p-value=0.28), but lead concentration showed a significant difference (Kruskal-Wallis test, p<0.05*). Of the 21 Paridae, nests analyzed for heavy metals, fledging of birds was observed in 11 nests (52.38%). Fledging of birds observed in each urban green space type was 7 campus green spaces (77.78%), 6 in urban forests (85.71%), and 1 in urban park (20%), mainly in urban forests and green spaces on campus. Heavy metal concentrations were compared to check the effect of heavy metal accumulation on the successful fledging of Paridae, but there was no statistically significant difference (Zn: W=44, p-value=0.74, Pb: t=0.64676, df =7.2422, p-value=0.54). This study is a basic study using the nesting materials of Paridae as heavy metal monitoring samples, and it is determined that it can be used as basic data for non-invasive biological monitoring.

Estimation of Fractional Urban Tree Canopy Cover through Machine Learning Using Optical Satellite Images (기계학습을 이용한 광학 위성 영상 기반의 도시 내 수목 피복률 추정)

  • Sejeong Bae ;Bokyung Son ;Taejun Sung ;Yeonsu Lee ;Jungho Im ;Yoojin Kang
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_3
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    • pp.1009-1029
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    • 2023
  • Urban trees play a vital role in urban ecosystems,significantly reducing impervious surfaces and impacting carbon cycling within the city. Although previous research has demonstrated the efficacy of employing artificial intelligence in conjunction with airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data to generate urban tree information, the availability and cost constraints associated with LiDAR data pose limitations. Consequently, this study employed freely accessible, high-resolution multispectral satellite imagery (i.e., Sentinel-2 data) to estimate fractional tree canopy cover (FTC) within the urban confines of Suwon, South Korea, employing machine learning techniques. This study leveraged a median composite image derived from a time series of Sentinel-2 images. In order to account for the diverse land cover found in urban areas, the model incorporated three types of input variables: average (mean) and standard deviation (std) values within a 30-meter grid from 10 m resolution of optical indices from Sentinel-2, and fractional coverage for distinct land cover classes within 30 m grids from the existing level 3 land cover map. Four schemes with different combinations of input variables were compared. Notably, when all three factors (i.e., mean, std, and fractional cover) were used to consider the variation of landcover in urban areas(Scheme 4, S4), the machine learning model exhibited improved performance compared to using only the mean of optical indices (Scheme 1). Of the various models proposed, the random forest (RF) model with S4 demonstrated the most remarkable performance, achieving R2 of 0.8196, and mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.0749, and a root mean squared error (RMSE) of 0.1022. The std variable exhibited the highest impact on model outputs within the heterogeneous land covers based on the variable importance analysis. This trained RF model with S4 was then applied to the entire Suwon region, consistently delivering robust results with an R2 of 0.8702, MAE of 0.0873, and RMSE of 0.1335. The FTC estimation method developed in this study is expected to offer advantages for application in various regions, providing fundamental data for a better understanding of carbon dynamics in urban ecosystems in the future.

Distribution and Host Plants of Parasitic Weed Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. (기생식물 미국실새삼의 분포 및 기주식물상)

  • Hwang, Sunmin;Kil, Jihyon;Lee, Chang-Woo;Kim, Youngha
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.289-302
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    • 2013
  • Surveys were conducted to study nationwide distribution and identify habitats and host plants of Cuscuta pentagona Engelm. as a parasite. The major habitat types were arable land near agricultural waterways (54.3%), open field near roadside (41.3%) and artificial grassland (4.3%). The investigated host plants of Cuscuta pentagona consist of total 130 taxa: 10 varieties, 1 subspecies, 119 species, 95 genera, and 37 families. Among them, 30 taxa were alien plants. As for the useful plants, there were 59 taxa of edible ones (45.4%), 54 taxa of medicinal ones (41.5%), 13 taxa of ornamental ones (10%), 13 taxa of industrial ones (10%), and 9 taxa of pasture ones (6.9%). On arable land, it caused damage particularly to the growth of agricultural crops such as Oryza sativa L. (Rice) and fruits such as Malus pumila Mill. (Apple) etc. Its growth and distribution may cause economic loss for crops because of the close location of the arable land.

Characteristics of Fish Fauna and Community Structure in Ungcheon Stream due to the Environmental Changes (환경변화에 따른 웅천천의 어류상과 어류 군집 특성)

  • Jung, Hwa-Young;Kim, Kyeong-Hwan;Song, Mi-Young;Lee, Wan-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.314-325
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    • 2014
  • We studied fish fauna at 10 study sites in Ungcheon stream for 4 times from April to October, 2011 to investigate the influence of artificial structures such as dam (with fish-way) and weir (without fish-way), and abandoned mine on fish community. A total of 12 families, 36 species of fishes were collected. Dominant species was Zacco platypus (23.4%) and subdominant species was Zacco koreanus (20.5%). Ten species (27.8%) of Korean endemic species and Micropterus salmoides, exotic species, were observed during the study period. Endangered species of Korea such as Pseudopungtungia nigra and Liobagrus obesus, and Korean endemic species, Coreoperca herzi, which are vulnurable for water quality and had been observed in previous study, were not identified in this study. According to the cluster analysis, Ungcheon stream were divided into three groups consisting upstream (St.1, St.2, St.3), midstream (St.4, St.5, St.6, St.7), downstream (St.8, St.9, St.10). Community structure similarity between upper and lower site of Boryeong dam with fish-way (St.6-St.7) was high, whereas that of weir, lack of fish-way (St.7-St.8) showed little similarity indicating that fish-way was required. According to the canonical correlation analysis, high level of conductivity and salinity at upstream was detected and Misgurnus mizolepis, and endemic species of Korea such as Silurus microdorsalis, Coreoleuciscus splendidus and Iksookimia koreensis were observed at this part of the stream. Since Korean endemic species, Squalidus gracilis majimae cohabit with exotic species, M. Salmoides at downstream whose width is wide and water velocity is low, protection was needed for these endemic species.

Comparison Analysis for Using the Habitat Pattern Between the Korean Endangered Species, Mauremys reevesii, and the Exotic Species, Trachemys scripta elegans (한국산 남생이와 외래종 붉은귀거북의 서식지 이용 패턴 비교 분석)

  • Jo, Shin-il;Na, Sumi;An, Chi-Kyung;Kim, Hyun-jung;Jeong, Yu-Jeong;Lim, Yang-Mook;Kim, Seon Du;Song, Jae Yong;Yi, Hoonbok
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.397-408
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the home range and habitat using pattern of the native species, Mauremys reevesii, and the exotic species, Trachemys scripta elegans, and to analyze the mutual competition relationship of the two species. This study was conducted at the Goldfish square pond, which is located in the upper part of the valley of Cheonggye mountain from August 2, 2010 to January 30, 2011. We used the three artificially proliferating M. reevesii and three T. scripta elegans which were inhabited in the ponds and reservoirs for monitoring study after attaching the transmitter to each of them. We measured the home range and the habitat utilization radius of three individuals of each species and the environmental factors such as temperature, humidity and soil and water temperature around the Goldfish square pond. As our results, it was analyzed that the M. reevesii and T. scripta elegans have a redundant ecological positions in various aspects such as limited sunbathing places, food resource utilization, hibernation place, etc. We also found that the relatively small M. reevesii was being pushed out of the competition by the relatively big. Further investigation of food competition and habitat utilization should be necessary for these two species for the natural habitats, their home range, food competition, and habitat utilization. The result of this study will be the basic data M. reevesii's restoration project.

Review on Ocean Carbon Sequestration through Direct Injection (심층 분사를 통한 해양 이산화탄소 격리 기술 소개)

  • Park, Young-Gyu;Choi, Sang-Hwa;Matsumoto, Katsumi;Lee, Jung-Suk;Gang, Seong-Gil;Hwang, Jin-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.118-124
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    • 2007
  • The oceans could absorb almost all the anthropogenic carbon dioxide the mankind has been producing eventually, but in the nature the air-sea $CO_2$ exchange occurs very slowly and to lower the atmospheric $CO_2$ concentration substantially $CO_2$ must be injected to the interior of the ocean directly. If we inject $CO_2$ collected at the major $CO_2$ sources into the international waters in the Philippine Sea or east of Japan, we could store the $CO_2$ in the oceans effectively for a few hundred years. When $CO_2$ is dissolved into the water, PH drops. The creatures adapted to the deep oceans where environment is very stable could be affected by even a small change in pH significantly. If, therefore, we are to inject $CO_2$ into the oceans, we must assess the effect of $CO_2$ injection in the marine ecosystem beforehand. Only when the damage to the marine ecosystem is smaller than the benefit from the $CO_2$ injection, $CO_2$ injection is effective.

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Assessment of Ecosystem Health during the Freshwater Discharge in the Youngsan River Estuary (영산강 하구둑 담수 방류에 따른 하구 건강성 평가)

  • Lee, Dahye;Park, Gunwoo;Lee, Changhee;Shin, Yongsik
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.50 no.1
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    • pp.46-56
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    • 2017
  • The Youngsan River estuary was physically changed by the construction of a sea embankment at near the mouth of estuary. Weirs were also constructed recently in the freshwater zone and it was reported that algal blooms occur more frequently. The freshwater introduced into saltwater zone from sluice gates of the embankment affects water quality but it has not been addressed that how the freshwater inputs influence the health of marine ecosystem. In this study, we used the data of water properties and phytoplankton communities collected at three stations for 4 days including before the freshwater discharge, during the discharge and after 1 and 2 days of discharge events. WQI(water quality index), TRIX (trophic status index) and P-IBI(phytoplankton index of biotic integrity) were used to evaluate the ecosystem health and long-term data were also utilized to determine the criteria for P-IBI. The results showed that grades of the ecosystem health assessed by the indices were low at the station near the gates and increased as downstream. However, the temporal pattern of grades was different depending on methods. Grades of WQI and TRIX decreased during the discharge and restored after the discharge whereas the grades of P-IBI decreased slightly even after the discharge. This suggests that P-IBI is more applicable to estuarine systems where experience extreme change of water properties than WQI and TRIX since P-IBI includes phytoplankton that can respond quickly to the change.