• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이종민

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The Electrochemical Characteristics of Hybrid Capacitor Prepared by Chemical Activation of NaOH (NaOH 화학적 활성화로 제조된 하이브리드 커패시터의 전기화학적 특성)

  • Choi, Jeong Eun;Bae, Ga Yeong;Yang, Jeong Min;Lee, Jong Dae
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.308-312
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    • 2013
  • Active carbons with high specific surface area and micro pore structure were prepared from the coconut shell char using the chemical activation method of NaOH. The preparation process has been optimized through the analysis of experimental variables such as activating chemical agents to char ratio and the flow rate of gas during carbonization. The active carbons with the surface area (2,481 $m^2/g$) and mean pore size (2.32 nm) were obtained by chemical activation with NaOH. The electrochemical performances of hybrid capacitor were investigated using $LiMn_2O_4$, $LiCoO_2$ as the positive electrode and prepared active carbon as the negative electrode. The electrochemical behaviors of hybrid capacitor using organic electrolytes ($LiPF_6$, $TEABF_4$) were characterized by constant current charge/discharge, cyclic voltammetry, cycle and leakage tests. The hybrid capacitor using $LiMn_2O_4$/AC electrodes had better capacitance than other hybrid systems and was able to deliver a specific energy as high as 131 Wh/kg at a specific power of 1,448 W/kg.

A Study on Estimation of Systolic Blood Pressure using PTT (PTT를 이용한 수축기 혈압의 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Park E. K.;Lee S. M.;Han Y. H.;Lee J. Y.;Kwon S. Y.;Kim I. Y.;Kim Sun I.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.605-609
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    • 2004
  • Blood pressure (BP) is one of the important physiological parameters for diagnosing cardiovascula diseases by means of noninvasive method. Existing noninvasive methods for measuring arterial BP have to use cuff and difficult in measuring arterial BP continuously. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and pulse transit time (PTT) have a kind of inverse relationship. We acquired PTT data when subjects were in relaxation and also after exercise. We performed the linear regression analysis for making the regression equations for each subject and the regression equation for all subjects. We compared the estimated SBP with the measured SBP to check the accuracy of our regression equations. From the result, the regression equations for each subject was appropriate according to the American National Standards Institute of the Association of the Advancement of Medical Instrument (ANSI/AAMI) which says that BP devices should have ±5mmHg mean of error and 8mmHg standard deviation of error. However, the regression equation for all subjects was not proper to ANSI/AAMI recommendation. The result means that, without cuff, we can continuously estimate each subject's SBP through PTT and indivisual calibration.

Studies of separation and quantitation for selenium species in food (식품중의 셀레늄 화학종의 분리 및 정량연구)

  • Jang, Hee-Young;Min, Hyungsik;Lee, Jonghae;Pak, Yong-Nam
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to separate and quantitate selenium species in some food samples with HPLC-ICP-MS. Cation exchange chromatography showed efficient separation only for inorganic Se species while reversed phase ion pair chromatography showed good separation for both inorganic and organic Se species. $C_8$ column ($Symmetryshield^{TM}\;RP_8$, 3.5 ${\mu}m$, $4.6{\times}150$ mm) was used with optimum condition of 5% methanol mobile phase, 0.05% of nonafluorovaleric acid ion pairing reagent. Five standard Se species of Se(IV), Se(VI), SeCys(selenocystein), SeMet(selenomethionine) and Se-M-C(seleno methyl cystein) were separated successfully under the optimum condition (mobile phase; 5% methanol, ion-pairing reagent; 0.05% nonafluorovaleric acid, flow rate; 0.9 mL $min^{-1}$). To extract Se species, microwave assisted and enzyme-assisted extraction methods were studied. In enzyme-assisted extraction method, protease I for garlic, protease I plus trypsin for pork and mackerel, and protease XIV for tuna showed the best extraction efficiency. With the optimum condition for each sample, it was found that mostly inorganic Se, SeCys and SeMet are present in the sample studied ranging from few ${\mu}g$ $g^{-1}$ to few tens of ${\mu}g$ $g^{-1}$.

Effects of Vertical Eddy Viscosity on the Velocity Profile - Cases of Given Vertical Eddy viscosity - (鉛直 過粘性係數가 流速의 鉛直構造에 미치는 影響 - 鉛直 過粘性係數가 주어진 境遇 -)

  • 이종찬;최병호
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 1994
  • Vertical structures of wind-driven and tidal currents in a rectangular shaped uniform-depth basin of homogeneous water have been investigated using a mode-splitted, multi-level grid-box, hydrodynamic numerical model. The model was verified using analytical solutions for various vertical eddy viscosity profiles such as: a constant eddy viscosity, a linearly decreasing or increasing variation with depth, a quadratic variation with depth and an exponential variation with depth. Particular attention has been paid on the effects of "near-surface wall layer" on vertical shear of velocity. In numerical calculations, the whole water depth was divided into 13 levels with an unequal grid spacing. the model satisfactorily reproduces the velocity profile, but in case the eddy viscosity decreases rapidly with depth as in quadratical or exponential variation with depth, the vertical gradient of velocity near the bottom became very steep, and analytical solutions and numerical results showed some discrepancy. The vertical structures of horizontal velocity vary with both the depth-averaged value of eddy viscosity and its profiles. the velocity near the sea surface and near the bottom responded sensitively to the eddy viscosity of wall layer. For wind-driven current, the strong velocity shear was generated near the sea surface as eddy viscosity near the surface became small. For tidal current, the velocity above the sea bottom layer was almost constant regardless of the profiles of vertical eddy viscosity, but velocity in the sea bottom layer showed strong shear as eddy viscosity became small.

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Development of Robotic System based on RFID Scanning for Efficient Inventory Management of Thick Plates (효율적인 후판 재고관리를 위한 RFID 스캐닝 로봇 시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Kwang-Hyoung;Min, So-Yeon;Lee, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2016
  • Automation of inventory management in a steel plate factory was a difficult problem unresolved for a long time. And now, it is also necessary to work diligently in the steel industry on efficient inventory management of thick plates. So far, the environmental characteristics of stacked thick plates means it is not easy to apply advanced technology for their automatic identification. In this paper, we propose a thick-plate robotic scanning system based on radio-frequency identification (RFID) that can provide quick and accurate inventory management by acquiring plate information after the scanning automatically recognizes the RFID tags under difficult load conditions. This system is equipped with a crane to move the plates in a pulled-up operation. It is equipped with a plate-only linear dipole antenna only for scanning the position of the plate tag. Only the linear dipole antenna, while moving the x-axis and y-axis information, automatically identifies the tag information attached to the plate. The tag information acquired by the system is used for stockpiling and is managed by steel plate inventory control software. The effectiveness of the proposed system is verified through field performance evaluation. As a result, the recognition rate of the plate tags is 99.9% at a maximum distance of 320 cm. The developed thick-plate antenna showed excellent performance compared to an existing commercial antenna.

Case studies for estimation nitrogen and phosphorous balance with different cropping systems in upland (현장사례를 통한 밭 작부의 질소와 인산양분 수지 평가)

  • Yun, Hong-Bae;Lee, Sang-Min;Kim, Myung-Sook;Lee, Ye-Jin;Lee, Yeoun;Lee, Jong-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.762-766
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    • 2011
  • Cropping system is very important for environment conservation and improvement of nutrient recovery rates in agricultural land. This case study was conducted to identify the nutrient balance of major upland cropping types with different districts. Typical cropping systems at MuAn and HaeNam located in the south coast district were cultivated with soybean-chinese cabbage or garlic and garlic-soybean-chinese cabbage-hot pepper. Alpine district, PyeongChang was cultivated with double cropping of chinese cabbage and potato-radish or chinese cabbage for one year. Typical cropping type of AnDong, YeongYang where are well known for hot pepper cultivation was hot pepper's mono cropping and hot pepper-soybean or hot pepper-sesame for one year. But SeoSan and HongSeong, where are located in mid-west coast had variety cropping system compareed to other districts. Double cropping of chinese cabbage, a heavy fertilizing crop, caused higher nutrient balance in the field when it was cultivated consistently. Experiment showed that heavy fertilizing crops, such as chinese cabbage, garlic and onion, need to be rotated with soybean and sesame cultivation which need smaller fertilizer level. Alpine arable land has shown higher nutrient balance than other areas, and the introduction of rotation crops are needed to reduce nutrient balance and environmental protection.

Effect of Integrative Korean Medicine on Acute Postoperative Pain after Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery: A Retrospective Observational Study (한의 복합 치료가 어깨 관절경 수술 후 급성 통증에 미치는 영향: 후향적 관찰연구)

  • Ahn, Jonghyun;Ko, Junhyuk;Kim, Hyungsuk;Rhee, Sung-Min;Lee, Seung Hoon;Kim, Koh-Woon;Chung, Won-Seok;Song, Mi-Yeon;Chung, Seok-Hee;Lee, Jong-soo;Kim, Sung-soo;Cho, Jae-Heung
    • Journal of Korean Medicine Rehabilitation
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.69-79
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    • 2021
  • Objectives The purpose of this study was to verify the effect of integrative Korean medicine on acute postoperative pain after arthroscopic shoulder surgery. Methods This study was conducted in a retrospective observational way. Patients who met the inclusion criteria were divided into integrative Korean medicine-treated group (IKM group) and no integrative Korean medicine treated-group (No IKM group). The primary outcome was the difference in the amount of change in pain intensity. The secondary outcome was the difference in pain intensity, opioid consumption over time, and the number of adverse events after surgery. Results The change of numerical rating scale for pain intensity from baseline to IKM group was 3.09±2.12, while 2.64±1.80 in no IKM group, and the difference of change between two groups was statistically significant (p<0.05). Difference in the use of opioid between two groups over time after surgery was also statistically significant (p=0.000). Conclusions The results of this study suggest that integrative Korean medicine can be effective for acute postoperative pain after arthroscopic shoulder surgery.

Study on Assessment and Treatment Patterns of Speech-Language Pathologists in Pediatric Vocal Problem Through Multicenter Survey (다기관 설문조사를 통한 국내 소아 음성질환 환자의 검사 및 치료 유형 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Geun;Bang, Seung-Hwan;Jeon, Jae-Min;Lee, Jung-Kyu;Kim, Angela Yun;Woo, Jeong-Soo;Cho, Jae-Gu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2019
  • Background and Objectives : Pediatric vocal health problems are relatively common. However, it is not yet well studied whether uniform diagnosis and treatment is done properly in South Korea. The purpose of this study was to investigate the methods that the Korean speech therapists use to diagnose and treat pediatric voice problem. Materials and Method : An anonymous online questionnaire was administered to 32 speech language therapists registered at the Korean laryngeal speech linguistics society detailing demographics, employment institution, general management of pediatric patients with vocal problem including assessment and treatment procedures. Results : Current practice patterns were analyzed on 32 speech language therapists providing services in South Korea mostly working at tertiary university hospital. One third of pediatric patients were assessed without proceeding to treatment. One fifth of patients were treated without assessment. Perceptual assessment was the main pretreatment assessment methods used. Treatment was done in the following order : Voice rest, SOVT, yawn-sigh and resonant voice. Post-treatment evaluation was used in the following order : Instrumental assessment, clinical judgment, and recording comparison. Conclusion : Speech language therapists practice in South Korea mostly follows the ASHA practice guidelines. However, there are still great amount of cases in which only the evaluation was done without appropriate treatment. Further research is needed to make SPLs more systematic and efficient for evaluating and treating pediatric vocal patients.

농어촌 정보화의 포스트 코로나 대응 변화에 대한 사례 연구: 해외 농어촌 정보화 정책의 코로나19 시기 변화 방향을 중심으로

  • Lee, Jongtae
    • Agribusiness and Information Management
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.26-40
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    • 2021
  • During the pandemic status of COVID-19 since 2019 December, demands and attention on various convergence services with non-contact technologies and social adoption are increasing. Along with these increased demands and attention, the digital divide issues should be concerned to understand the informatization degrees of rural area residences, the elderly, the disabled, and the low-income. Furthermore, rural area residences may be the elderly, the disabled, and the low-income also. It may mean that the rural area should be considered as in noticeable status of the digital divide. This study focuses on the policy alternatives to reduce the digital divide in rural areas with a literature review methodology and on the factors on informatization issues in rural areas. For the aims, this study analyzes the EU cases of informatization in rural areas to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the suggested policies. As the analysis result, it is clear that the EU countries try to enhance the economic and growth powers rather to reduce the digital divide gaps. Also, it can be considered that the EU countries focus on supporting the rural area to adopt the non-contact information services newly rather on maintaining the IT education services and the infrastructures in off-line environments.

A Study on National Cyber Capability Assessment Methodology (국가 사이버 역량 평가 방법론 연구)

  • Kang, JungMin;Hwang, HyunUk;Lee, JongMoon;Yun, YoungTae;Bae, ByungChul;Jung, SoonYoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1039-1055
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    • 2012
  • It is required for us to enhance the national cyber capability as the worldwide countries have been doing effort to strengthen their cyber capabilities. However, we are encountering the difficulty in estimating national cyber capability due to the absence of any cyber capability assessment methodology. This paper presents the national cyber capability assessment methodology which is used for settle up national cyber policy. We also introduce the result of five major nations(US, China, Japan, Russia, Korea)' cyber capability assessment using the proposed methodology. The methodology is developed using open data and includes three areas; base capability, attack capability and defense capability. The assessment result shows the in the order of US, China, Korea, Russia, Japan. As the analysis of that result, in order to enhance the our cyber capability, we recommend that first, cyber budget and human resources for the base capability should be more invested, second, the strategy for attack capability enhancement is strongly required and lastly, the patch ratio and security monitoring level should be upgraded.