• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이상치 판정

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Protein of Major Germplasms for High-Protein Wheat Breeding (밀 주요 교배모본의 단백질 특성)

  • Ha, Yong-Woong;Song, Hyeon-Suk;Lee, Choon-Ki;Cho, Chang-Hwan
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 1990
  • Studies to obtain a fundamental data to improve the quantity and quality of wheat protein and to select the excellent breeding materials suitable for various uses of it were performed on the focuses of protein content, amino acid composition, and its related quality. The range of seed protein content of crossing block consisted with 319 varieties or lines was from 9.9% to 17.6% with the average of 13.2%. The minimum protein content was showed by Wonkwang, and the maximum by Chungnamjaerae and Suwon 210. Among the Korean native varieties or breeding lines of crossing block, at least twelve lines or varieties were selected as the high-protein wheats. In the effects of environmental conditions, the variations of protein content by cultivating locations and year were showed out to be up to 3.6%, and 3.3%, respectively. But the varietal characteristics of wheat protein were seemed to remain constantly. In the results of amino acid analysis, those related with bread quality, except proline were improved with the increase of seed protein. But the improvement of nutritional quality did not agree with the protein content increase of seed. The total content of amino acid essential to adults was very low with 266.6-273.3mg per one gram of protein compare to the 350mg (free from the amino acid of tryptophan) recommended by FAO/WHO. Especially the limiting amino acid such as methionine, lysine and threonine were critically deficient. The correlation between protein contents and sedimentation values was obtained r=0.656\^**/ of average notwithstanding widly different environmental conditions, and in some condition the value was obained about to r=0.956\^**/.

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Health-Related Quality of Life (EQ-5D) among Korean Adults with Metabolic Syndrome using Complex Samples Analysis (복합표본분석을 적용한 한국 대사증후군자들의 건강관련 삶의 질(EQ-5D))

  • Lim, Hyeon-Jeong;Kim, Eung-Joon
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.357-365
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    • 2019
  • Purposes: This study aimed to investigate the differences in the health-related quality of life (EQ-5D) in Korean adults according to gender, age period, and the metabolic syndrome or not. Methods: The study subjects were 5,021 adults, who completed all of the KNHANES VI-2. The subjects were categorized, using life periods, into young, middle-aged, and older adults. Methods were selected based on the KNHANES VI-2. IBM SPSS 25.0 was used for a complex samples cross-tabulation, general linear model and a complex samples t-test. Results: The HRQoL (EQ-5D) was higher in male(p<.001), in the young group by age(p<.001), and in the non-metabolic syndrome group(p>.05). In condition of the metabolic syndrome by gender, the female group's EQ-5D was higher in the non-metabolic syndrome group; there was the result of the complex samples independent t-test revealed significant differences in EQ-5D(p<.01). Conclusion: The HRQoL (EQ-5D) was higher in male, young, and in the non-metabolic syndrome group. Also, in condition of metabolic syndrome in female, there was the result of the complex samples independent t-test revealed significant differences in EQ-5D.

A Case Study of Environmental Design from a Viewpoint of Hybrid and Features of User Experience (하이브리드와 이용자체험 특성으로 본 환경설계의 사례연구)

  • Jang, Il-Young;Kim, Jin-Seon
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.1 s.63
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    • pp.201-214
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    • 2006
  • Modern society is an age of vagueness and confusion. In addition, vagueness, complexity and variety are seen throughout art including modern philosophy, literature, and environmental design. A phenomenon like this shows that modern society has integrated different components as an organic relationship frequently crossing the boundary of fields. This feature can be regarded as hybrid related with accepting contradictory components and binding them into one under relationship between part and whole. As new design concept, presented are attitude to accept the two instead of attitude to select one of the alternatives, abundance instead of dearness, and ambiguity instead of simplicity. This principle has a crucial influence on creative design providing opposing contradiction and several alternative plans as non-deterministic form not completed one and, above all, useful information in mutual dependence and mutual relationship. When it comes to hybrid, therefore, a strategy is needed to consider layer of several fields getting out of standardizing space into a single space. As an event of this situation and concept, space experience means behaving freely based on experience of users' body. It can be known that this experience brings about users' more dynamic experience in comparison with the experience of seeing environmental design from a viewpoint of visual ism on the existing simplicity. Such a practical experience is subjective, synesthetic, and non-observational one. Therefore, hybrid has brought active users to the stage, which is distinguished from synesthesia felt through body's experience, not through observational attitude and visual space which achieve former balance and harmony with non-determination. That's because hybrid creatures are turning to a product resulted from creative imagination instead of from reappearance which makes text visualized. Such experience performed by user's active participation collapses the boundary between special elite-centered art and daily life and it is the present progressive form showing creation process of future events and new esthetic experience.

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Immunomodulatory Activities by Difference in Molecular Size of the Proteoglycan Extracted from Ganoderma lucidum IY009 (Ganoderma lucium IY009 유래 단백다당류의 분자량 차이에 따른 면역증강활성)

  • Lee, June-Woo;Baek, Seong-Jin;Bang, Kwang-Woong;Kim, Yong-Seuk;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Chun, Uck-Han
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to investigate the immunomodulatory activities of proteoglycan extracted from cultured mycelia of Ganoderma lucidum IY009. The proteoglycan contained two polymer peaks, one was the higher MW peak of 2,000 kD and the other was low peaks of 12kD. To understand the part of strong pharmaceutical activity between two peak, the proteoglycan was separated by ultrafiltration and column chromatography and then examined the various pharmaceutical effects. High molecular weight fraction possesing high content of βlinked glucan was exhibited high antitumor activity, against sarcoma 180 bearing ICR mouse. And also, anticomplementary activity was highly observed in high molecule fraction than low it fraction. When the raw 264.7 and murine peritoneal macrophage treated with low fraction, high fraction and other stimuli. The activities inducing tumor necrosis factor of the high factions were 2.22.5 times stronger than that of low fraction.

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A Study on Visual Identity of Korean Government (우리나라 행정부의 시각 정체성 연구)

  • Cho, Ju-Eun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.261-272
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    • 2006
  • As we cannot think of our lives without a nation, it is closely related to almost every part of our daily lives. The role of government is becoming more important in the complex modern society as an essential element of national authority even though the government has indirect and secondary characteristics in its functional performance. Therefore, the government has to be efficient in planning and executing its policies, and it needs to be representative and fair as part of a national authoritative community. In the 21st century when symbolic and cultural importance of images are becoming more important, it is crucial for the government organizations to have an integrated identity design system that can satisfy both of these requirements of the government. However, the C.I.(Corporate Identity) of each Korean administrative branch has been developed separately and sporadically, which resulted in lack of consistency as part of the government. Shape and material of their C.I.s that follow short term design trend and popularity also lack uniqueness which can be distinguished from those of any private corporation. This may show that our government lacks systematic administrative capability, since image of a feature represents its characteristics and reality, and their recognition and evaluation from others become identity of the feature. In this perspective, the purpose of this thesis is to suggest an identity design system that has certain rules and regularity with wide variety of possible alterations for the central administration in Korea. In order to represent this visually, identity design system with both integrity and variety of possible alteration is created based on traditional Korean culture, especially the concept of Umyang-ohaeng and Samjae.

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Studies on the Environmental Factors Affecting the Cocoon Crops in Summer and Autumn in Korea (한국의 하추잠작 안정을 위한 환경요인에 관한 연구)

  • 이상풍
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 1974
  • These experiments pertain to various factors influencing the quantitative characters of cocoon crops in summer and early autumn seasons. Initially, in order to establish the possible ways of the silkworm rearing more than three times a year in Korea, the author attempted to get further information about the various factors affecting the cocoon crop in every silkworm rearing season. The trials were conducted eleven times a year at four places for three years. The field trial was conducted with 19 typical sericultural farmers who had been surveyed. At the same time the author statistically analyzed the various factors in close relation to tile cocoon crop in autumn season. The effect of guidance on 40 sericultural farmers was analyzed, comparing higher level farmers with lower level farmers ; and the author surveyed 758 non-guided farmers near the guided farmers during both spring and autumn seasons. In addition, another trial on the seasonal change of leaf quality was attempted with artificial diets prepared with leaves grown in each season. It was found that related factors to cocoon crops in summer and early autumn seasons appeared to be leaf quality, and temperature for young and grown larvae. A 24 factorial experiment was designed in summer season, and another design with one more level of varied temperature or hard leaf added to a 24 factorial experiment was conducted in early autumn. The experimental results can be summarized: 1. Study on the cocoon crops in the different rearing seasons 1) It was shown that earlier brushing of silkworm generally produced the most abundant cocoon crop in spring season, and earlier or later than the conventional brushing season, especially earlier brushing was unfavorable for the abundant cocoon crop in autumn season. 2) The cocoon crop was affected by the rearing season, and decreases in order of sire with spring, autumn, late autumn, summer and early autumn seasons. 3) It was Proved that ordinary rearing and branch rearing were possibles 4 times a year ; in the 1st, 3rd, 8th, and 10th brushing season. But the 11th brushing season was more favorable for the most abundant cocoon crop of branch rearing, instead of the 10th brushing season with ordinary rearing. 2. Study on the main factors affecting the cocoon crop in autumn season 1) Accumulated pathogens were a lethal factor leading to a bad cocoon crop through neglect of disinfection of rearing room and instruments. 2) Additional factors leading to a poor cocoon crop were unfavorable for rearing temperature and humidity, dense population, poor choice of moderately ripened leaf, and poor feeding techniques. However, it seemed that there was no relationship between the cocoon crop and management of farm. 3) The percentage of cocoon shell seemed to be mostly affected by leaf quality, and secondarily affected by the accumulation of pathogens. 3. Study on the effect of guidance on rearing techniques 1) The guided farms produced an average yearly yield of 29.0kg of cocoons, which varied from 32.3kg to 25.817g of cocoon yield per box in spring versus autumn, respectively. Those figures indicated an annual average increase of 26% of cocoon yield over yields of non-guided farmers. An increase of 20% of cocoon yield in spring and 35% of cocoon yield in autumn were responsible. 2) On guided farms 77.1 and 83.7% of total cocoon yields in the spring and autumn seasons, respectively, exceeded 3rd grade. This amounted to increases of 14.1 and 11.3% in cocoon yield and quality over those of non-guided farms. 3) The average annual cocoon yield on guided farms was 28.9kg per box, based on a range of 31.2kg to 26.9kg per box in spring and autumn seasons, respectively. This represented an 8% increase in cocoon yield on farms one year after guidance, as opposed to non-guided farms. This yield increase was due to 3 and 16% cocoon yield increases in spring and autumn crops. 4) Guidance had no effect on higher level farms, but was responsible for 19% of the increases in production on lower level farms. 4. Study on the seasonal change of leaf quality 1) In tests with grown larvae, leaves of tile spring crop incorporated in artificial diets produced the best cocoon crop; followed by leaves of the late autumn, summer, autumn, and early autumn crops. 2) The cocoon crop for young larvae as well as for grown larvae varied with the season of leaf used. 5. Study on factors affecting the cocoon crops in summer and early autumn A. Early autumn season 1) Survival rate and cocoon yield were significantly decreased at high rearing temperatures for young larvae 2) Survival rate, cocoon yield, and cocoon quality were adversely affected by high rearing temperatures for grown larvae. Therefore increases of cocoon quantity and improvement of cocoon quality are dependent on maintaining optimum temperatures. 3) Decreases in individual cocoon weight and longer larval periods resulted with feeding of soft leaf and hard leaf to young larvae, but the survival rate, cocoon yield and weight of cocoon shell were not influenced. 4) Cocoon yield and cocoon quality were influenced by feeding of hard leaf to grown larvae, but survival rate was not influenced by the feeding of soft leaf and hard leaf. 5) When grown larvae were inevitably raised at varied temperatures, application of varied temperature in the raising of both young and grown larvae was desirable. Further research concerning this matter must be considered. B. Summer season 1) Cocoon yield and single cocoon weight were decreased at high temperatures for young larvae and survival rate was also affected. 2) Cocoon yield, survival rate. and cocoon quality were considerably decreased at high rearing temperatures for grown larval stages.

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A Study on Nutrition Status by Diet of Female College Students of Masan City - 2. Focus on Blood Componsents and Anthropometric Data - (여대생의 체중감량이 영양상태에 미치는 영향 - 제2보. 혈액성분 및 신체 계측치를 중심으로)

  • 김종현;김성미
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.192-199
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    • 1998
  • 1. 조사 대상자들의 평균 키와 체중은 각각 161.00±4.15cm, 50.45±8.15kg이었으며 BMI는 19.81±3.98, 체지방율은 26.12±4.12, skinfold thickness는 40.40±12.56mm로 나타났다. 2. 조사 대상자들의 혈액성상은 적혈구 수, 헤모글로빈, 헤마토크리트치, albumin, globulin, 총 콜레스테롤, LDL-콜레스테롤, HDL-콜레스테롤, 총 중성지방을 측정하였으며 헤마토크리트치를 제외한 나머지 성상들은 모두 정상 범위에 속하였다. 헤마토크리트치는 정상범주에 미달되는 것으로 나타나 이로 말미암아 철분 결핍성 빈형에 노출될 확률이 아주 많음을 보였다. 3. 용돈별로 체지방율을 분류하여 분석한 결과 한달 용돈이 평균 20~30만원을 쓰는 group의 체지방율이 22.00%로서 정상 수준 이었으며, 30만원 이상 사용하는 group은 비만으로 나타났다.(p<0.05) 한편, 그 외의 group들은 체내 체지방율 수준도 정상 수준인 20~25%를 넘어 체중으로 나타났다. 또한 30만원 이상 사용하는 group은 다른 group보다 RBC(million/㎣), Hb(g/이), Hct(%) 모두가 낮게 나타났으며, 빈혈로 판정될 수 있는 수준이었다. 4. 다이어트 빈도별 각 요인들간의 상관관계를 살펴보면 다이어트 시도를 자주 한다고 답변한 group이 거의 실시하지 않는다., 실시해 본 적이 없다라고 대답한 group보다 체중과 BMI가 유의적으로 낮았다.(p<0.05) 그러나 skinfold thickness(mm)와 체지방율은 유의차가 나타나지 않았다. 따라서 비록 다이어트 실시를 자주할 경우 절대적인 체중감량은 감소되지만 체내 지방량이 감소되는 것은 아니라고 판단된다. 5. 다이어트 실시기간에 따라 혈액 성상을 분석한 결과, 4개월 미만 다이어트를 실시하였으나, 1개월 전부터 현재(설문지에 응답한 시점)까지 기간 중에는 다이어트를 실시한 적이 없다고 대답한 group의 Alb(g/dl)과 Glo(g/dl)의 수치가 다이어트를 실시한 적이 없다고 대답한 group에 비해 유의적으로 높게 나타났다.(p<0.05) 6. 체중은 BMI와 양의 상관관계를 나타내었으며, BMI는 견갑골과도 높은 양의 상관관계를 가졌다. 상완부는 견갑골, skinfold thickness(mm), 체지방율과 높은 양의 상관관계를 보였으며, 반면 Hb(g/dl), Hct(%)와는 음의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 견갑골은 BMI 뿐 아니라 skinfold thickness(mm), 체지방율과 양의 상관관계를 나타내었으며, skinfold thickness(mm)는 체지방율과 유의적인 양의 상관관계가 있음이 나타났다. 7. RBC(million/㎣)는 Hb(g/dl) 및 Hct(%)와 유의적인 양의 상관관계를 나타내었으며, Hb(g/dl)도 Hct(%)와 유의적인 양의 상관관계를 나타내었다. Alb(g/dl)은 Glo(g/dl) 및 TCH(mg/dl), HDL(mg/dl)과도 양의 상관관계를 가졌다. Glo(g/dl)은 TCH(mg/dl)과 양의 상관관계를 보였으며, TCH(mg/dl)은 Alb(g/dl), Glo(g/dl)이에도 TTG(mg/dl), LDL-cho(mg/dl) HDL-cho과도 양의 상관관계를 나타내었다. TTG(mg/dl)은 LDL-cho(mg/dl)과는 양의 상관관계를 HDL-cho(mg/dl)과는 음의 상관관계를 나타내었다.

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Effects of Korean Elder's Four Major Pains on Suicidal Thought Mediated by Depression: Focused on Gyungrodang Users (노인의 사중고(四重苦)가 우울을 매개로 자살생각에 미치는 영향: 경로당 이용자를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Hakgene
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.653-672
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    • 2011
  • The present study empirically confirmed Korean elder's four major pains consisted of poverty, disease, role loss, loneliness and investigated the mediating role of depression between the four major pains and the elder's suicidal thought. To investigate the cause and effect of factors, we conveniently collected 309 samples from 16 Gyungrodangs evenly located in Jeonju and 291 samples, survived the data cleaning such as missing values, outliers, normality and covariance conditions, were analyzed by frequency, factor analysis, reliability, confirmatory factor analysis and structural model analysis. Followed were the selected contributions of the present study. First, the constructs of four major pains such as poverty, disease, role loss, loneliness were predictors of suicidal thought mediated by depression. Second, the elder's poverty, that was the heaviest factor of the four major pain constructs, was a predictor of role loss leading to loneliness. Third, four major pains were predictors of the elder's depression. Note that poverty were not direct but indirect predictor of depression. The present study confirmed the concept of four major pains. Also those who practice in the area of the elderly care should consider the four major pains as well as depression while intervening in the elderly's suicidal thought.

Nondestructive Methods for the Detection of Internal Decay and the Vitality Measurement of Old-Giant Trees (노거수 활력 측정 및 내부 부후 검출을 위한 비파괴검사법)

  • Gao, Yuliang;Cha, Byeong Jin
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.144-157
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    • 2009
  • Nondestructive methods to check the vitality of trees and to find out internal decay of old-giant trees include the use of electrical resistance, ultrasound transmission time, microdrilling, and infrared thermography etc. Among these, ultrasound transmission offers some advantages compared to others such as it is an entirely nondestructive detection method and it can be applied to very big trees. However, the ultrasound equipment is comparatively expensive and not broadly spread yet. On the other hand, Shigometer is versatile to be applied to check vitality of the tree and find out internal decay. Electrical conductivity of plant tissues is a very useful characteristics to determine the vitality and internal decay of trees. Electrical resistance of cambial area tells about the vitality of a tree and electrical resistance of heartwood reveals discoloration or decay of it. For determination of the vitality of the tree, the standard equation for calibration of measured electrical resistances should be developed by measuring and analyzing electrical resistance from at least 30-40 trees of the same species with that tree. All the factors, especially tree species, diameter of the stem, and temperature, which can altered the electrical resistance of trees, should be taken into consideration in the development of the equation. If the standard equation is developed for old-giant trees that we should conserve, it will be very useful. In addition, periodical and continued measuring of a certain tree will help to determine the condition of the tree by comparing the measurement with accumulated data of the tree. Measuring electrical resistance of wood might not require the standard equation. But it also needs to check electrical resistance of sound wood of the same tree species. If the stems that should be examined is thicker than 40cm, it is better to use the ultrasound measurement combined to Shigometer.

Study of Feasibility Test: FT-NIR Spectrometer for Discrimination Analysis of Agrochemical Products (농약 제품의 동일성 판별을 위한 FT-NIR 분석 사례 연구)

  • Jin, Jung-Hwa;Baek, Oh-Hyen;Shin, Jae-Yeon;Ha, Huen-Young;Choi, Dal-Soon;Park, Sung-Eun;lhm, Yangbin;Hong, Jin-Whan
    • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2015
  • This study has been conducted to verify the applicability of FT-NIR (Fourier Transform Near Infrared) to prove coidentity between market agrochemical products and registered prescriptions. The spectrum correlations were investigated on 83 registered samples and there market products, 23 products which had same formulation and active ingredients and 68 products which had different active ingredients. In 83 samples/products, the primary differentiated spectrum correlation values were 95.86~100%, which mean that all samples qualified over 95% threshold. In 23 products which had same active ingredients and formulations, correlation values were 29.09~99.83%. 3 products over 99.0% were proved to have same active/inert ingredients and formulations although they're from different manufacturers. The rest products except the 3 items were under 95%. In 68 products had different active ingredients, correlation values varied from 2.00% to 93.70%. Higher correlation is supposed to come from similarity of inert ingredients despite different active ingredients. They can be decided to unqualify under 95% threshold. So applicability of FT-NIR has been verified on qualitative distinction of coidentity between registered market agrochemicals.