• Title/Summary/Keyword: 음성인식 에이전트

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Examination of a Voice Interaction Model for Smart TV through Conversation Patterns (대화 패턴 연구를 통한 스마트TV 음성 상호작용 모델의 탐구)

  • Choi, Jinhae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.96-104
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    • 2017
  • As new smart devices are evolved into the intelligent agent who can reflect user intention and use context, user experience design for easy and convenient usability becomes a core competitive edge. Under the assumption that human centered natural interaction is necessary for the optimal smart TV experience, this study explores the types of voice interaction which are peculiar to TV watching context. In order to build a model for the users to naturally interact with Smart TV, conversation patterns were collected by requesting key features of Smart TV to intelligent agent. Collected sentences were applied to CfA model and classified by responses to activate features. The classified conversation patterns were divided into feature activation and information search. This study has identified that CfC1 occurred when voice interaction between Smart TV and users was vague and CfC2 occurred when the requests were complex or conditional. In conclusion, Simple Request Type is the most efficient model and voice interaction is more appropriate to use to clarify users' vague requests.

Context-aware based TV Application Services in Ubiquitous Computing Environments (유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 환경에서 상황인식 기반 TV 응용 서버스)

  • Moon Ae-Kyung;Lee Kang-Woo;Kim Hyoung-Sun;Kim Hyun;Lee Soo-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.31 no.7B
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    • pp.619-631
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    • 2006
  • With the advent of ubiquitous computing environments, it has become increasingly important for applications to take full advantage of context information, such as the user's location, to offer greater services to the user without any explicit request. In this paper, we propose context-aware active services on the basis of CAMUS (Context-Aware Middleware for URC Systems). CAMUS is a middleware for providing context-aware applications with development and execution methodology. Accordingly, the applications developed by CAMUS respond in a timely fashion to contexts. To evaluate, we apply proposed active services to TV application domain. Therefore, we implement and experiment the TV contents recommendation service agent, control service agent and TV task based on CAMUS. The context-aware TV task is to recommend programs and control of TV according to user preference, location and voice commands.

Korean Talking Animation for User Interface Agent Environment (사용자 인터페이스 에이젼트 환경을 위한 국어 발음 애니메이션)

  • Choe, Seung-Keol;Lee, Mi-Seung;Kim, Woong-Soon
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.284-297
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    • 1996
  • 사용자가 컴퓨터와 자연스럽고 인간적으로 대화할 수 있고, 사람의 요구에 지능적인 해답을 능동적으로 제시할 수 있는 사용자 인터페이스 에이전트가 활발히 연구되고 있다. 음성, 펜, 제스쳐인식 등을 비롯한 다양한 방법을 통하여 사람의 의사전달방식을 컴퓨터의 입력수단으로 구현하여 사용자 편의성을 도모하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 컴퓨터를 블랙박스로 하고, 표면적으로 지능형 3차원 그래픽 얼굴 에이전트와 사용자가 의사소통을 하는 사용자 인터페이스를 대상으로 하였다. 컴퓨터가 단순문제 해결을 위한 도구에서 많은 정보를 다양한 매체를 통해 제공하는 보조자의 역할을 수행하게 되었기 때문에 위의 방법은 보다 적극적인 방법이라 할 수 있다. 이를 위한 기반 기술로써 국어를 발음하는 얼굴 애니메이션을 연구하였다. 발음을 표현하기 위한 데이터로써 디지털 카메라를 사용하여 입술 운동의 특징점의 위치를 조사하였고, 모델링 시스템을 개발하여 데이터를 입력하였다. 적은 데이터로도 복잡한 자유곡면을 표현할 수 있는 B-Spline곡면을 기본데이터로 사용하였기 때문에 애니메이션을 위한 데이터의 양 또한 줄일 수 있었다. 그리고 국어음소의 발음시간 수열에 대한 입술모양의 변화를 조사하여 발음소리와 입술 움직임을 동기화 시킨 발음 애니메이션을 구현하였다.

  • PDF

Intelligent Hexapod robot for the support walking of the aged (고령자 보행 지원을 위한 지능형 6족 로봇)

  • Lee, Sang-Mu;Kim, Sang-Hoon
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.534-539
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    • 2008
  • This paper is about intelligent hexapod robot for the support walking of the aged person. The robot using various sensors and small camera has various abilities of forward backward walking, turing left or right, control the speed of walking, avoiding the obstacles and detecting risky situation of fire or gas. To let the aged feel soft and safe walking, we used special servo motor and developed hexapod walking mechanism and effective algorithm.

  • PDF

An EPG Configuration Constructing Method and Structure for Dynamically Implementing Viewer Chosen EPG Configurations (시청자 선택 기반의 EPG 형상의 동적 구현을 위한 EPG형상 제작 방법과 구조)

  • Ko, Kwang-Il
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2011
  • Due to the digital technology, the TV broadcasting platform is evolving to the digital-TV, which is supporting data broadcasting service. Although the data broadcasting services (i.e., games, wether information, stock trading service) provide rich entertainment to viewers, they make the operation manners of digital-TV so complex that some viewers feel difficulty in using their TV sets. Several researches have been performed to address the problem by improving the functions of EPG such as searching and reserving programs, applying gesture and voice recognition technologies to operating EPG, guiding the design of the EPG's user interface, and developing agents helping EPG to behave intelligently. A research, however, that tries to address the problem that viewers have different familiarities with IT services has not been performed yet. The paper tackles the problem by letting a viewer to choose an EPG configuration (among the several EPG configurations provided by a broadcasting network) and designing an EPG that implements an EPG configuration based on the choice.

A Conversational Interactive Tactile Map for the Visually Impaired (시각장애인의 길 탐색을 위한 대화형 인터랙티브 촉각 지도 개발)

  • Lee, Yerin;Lee, Dongmyeong;Quero, Luis Cavazos;Bartolome, Jorge Iranzo;Cho, Jundong;Lee, Sangwon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2020
  • Visually impaired people use tactile maps to get spatial information about their surrounding environment, find their way, and improve their independent mobility. However, classical tactile maps that make use of braille to describe the location within the map have several limitations, such as the lack of information due to constraints on space and limited feedback possibilities. This study describes the development of a new multi-modal interactive tactile map interface that addresses the challenges of tactile maps to improve the usability and independence of visually impaired people when using tactile maps. This interface adds touch gesture recognition to the surface of tactile maps and enables the users to verbally interact with a voice agent to receive feedback and information about navigation routes and points of interest. A low-cost prototype was developed to conduct usability tests that evaluated the interface through a survey and interview given to blind participants after using the prototype. The test results show that this interactive tactile map prototype provides improved usability for people over traditional tactile maps that use braille only. Participants reported that it was easier to find the starting point and points of interest they wished to navigate to with the prototype. Also, it improved self-reported independence and confidence compared with traditional tactile maps. Future work includes further development of the mobility solution based on the feedback received and an extensive quantitative study.

Communication Aid System For Dementia Patients (치매환자를 위한 대화 보조 시스템)

  • Sung-Ill Kim;Byoung-Chul Kim
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.459-465
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    • 2002
  • The goat of the present research is to improve the quality of life of both the elderly patients with dementia and their caregivers. For this Purpose, we developed a communication aid system that is consisted of three modules such as speech recognition engine, graphical agent. and database classified by a nursing schedule. The system was evaluated in an actual environment of nursing facility by introducing the system to an older mail patient with dementia. The comparison study was then carried out with and without system, respectively. The occupational therapists then evaluated subject"s reaction to the system by photographing his behaviors. The evaluation results revealed that the proposed system was more responsive in catering to needs of subject than professional caregivers. Moreover we could see that the frequency of causing the utterances of subject increased by introducing the system.