• Title/Summary/Keyword: 융합 교육

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A Study on the Information Behavior of Students in Specialized High School - A Case Study of B Specialized High School (특성화고등학교 학생들의 정보이용행태 연구- B 특성화고등학교 사례 분석)

  • Euikyung Oh
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.415-423
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study was to prepare basic data for improving school library information service by investigating the information usage behavior of specialized high school students. Preferred information sources for each situation requiring information and the level of solving information problems using information sources were investigated, and difference analysis was conducted by department and grade. As a result of the survey, the percentage of students who preferred Internet portal services, personal information sources (teachers, friends, parents), and social media was high, while the percentage of students who preferred traditional print information sources and mass media was very low. The average score of the information problem solving level was 3.55, and the problem solving level in the areas of employment and career/admission was relatively low. Preferred sources of information were similar regardless of grade and department, and the difference between departments in information problem solving level was not statistically significant, but the difference between grades was statistically significant. In addition, there is an academic contribution in this field that specific examples of youth information use behavior have been added. Based on the results of the study, librarians should make efforts to verify the reliability of Internet portal site information, improve and promote library information sources, and expand library use education. In future studies, it was suggested to develop customized information services.

Effect of Perceived Stress and Self-efficacy, Interpersonal Relationship on College Life Adaptation in College students (일 전문대학생의 지각된 스트레스, 자기효능감, 대인관계능력이 대학생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Byun, Eun Kyung;Kim, Ye Jin
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of perceived stress, self-efficacy, interpersonal relationship of college life adaptation in college students. Data were collected from 2,956 college students in B city and analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multiple regression using SPSS/WIN 22.0. The degree of suicide ideation in nursing students was 3.33±5.28. There were significant differences in college life adaptation with department(F=9.932, p<.001), number of friend(F=5.681, p<.001), close professor (t=-3.739, p<.001), There was negative correlation between college life adaptation and perceived stress(r=-.543, p<.001), positive correlation between college life adaptation and self-efficacy(r=.667, p<.001), interpersonal relationship(r=.679, p<.001). The factors affecting college life adaptation of the study subjects were perceived stress(β=-.191, p<.001), self-efficacy(β=.280, p<.001), interpersonal relationship(β=.394, p<.001), with an explanatory power of 56.7%. Through the result of this study, it is necessary to development education and program that to improve college life adaptation in college students.

The Effects of Spousal Bereavement and Complicated Grief on Death Anxiety among Older Adults (배우자 사별여부와 복잡성비애 수준이 노인의 죽음불안에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kyung Hee;Lyu, Jiyoung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to empirically verify the effects of spousal bereavement and complicated grief level on death anxiety of the elderly. The sample consisted of 1,998 adults who were aged 65 or older. Dependent variable was measured with the Death Anxiety Scale-Korean version (DAS-K). Independent variable was measured with both spousal bereavement and the Inventory of Complicated Grief-Korean version (ICG-K). Multiple regression analysis was performed using SPSS 23.0, adjusting for demographics, psycho-social and health variables. The results indicated that death anxiety level was lower among the bereaved with normal grief (p<.01) than non-bereaved. In contrast, death anxiety level was higher among the bereaved with complicated grief than non-bereaved (p<.01). The study result suggests that the most risky factor for death anxiety is complicated grief rather than the bereavement. Although the bereavement can be a universal experience, the severity and duration of symptoms after the bereavement may not be general. The unhealed emotional and physical pain after the bereavement stimulates death anxiety, and senior citizens who suffer from complicated grief often fail to integrate the bereavement and loss into reality, therefore, may not accept the death phenomenon itself. Anxiety and fear of death can emerge when they cannot acknowledge the bereavement. To manage complex sorrows and mitigate death anxiety, intervention programs should be provided to increase adaptability to the bereavement.

Factors Affecting Subjective Life Expectancy of The Elderly: A Comparison Three Age Groups (노인의 주관적 기대여명에 영향을 미치는 요인: 연령집단별 개입요인 비교)

  • Kim, Yeon Gyeong;Kim, Clara Tammy
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.699-721
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine and compare factors affecting the subjective life expectancy among the elderly, and to suggest health practice and social welfare service implications for later life. A total of 4,483 seniors from the 6th wave(2016) of the Korean Longitudinal Study on Aging (KLoSA) were used for analysis. The subjects were divided into three age groups: the young-old (n=2,106, 65~74 years), middle-old (n=1,803, 75~84 years), and oldest-old (n=574, 85 years and older). Control variables were sociodemographic factors and health status factors. Independent variables were health promotion behavior, cognition of public care, participating social activity, economic activity, and receiving basic pension. The data were analyzed using hierarchical multiple regression. The main results were as follows. Health promotion behavior was associated with the young-old. Social activities and economic activity were associated with the young-old and middle-old. Receiving basic pension had a significant impact on all age groups. In the middle-old, significant results were focused on socio-demographic and health status factors compared to other groups. The results of this study will provide basic data for the elderly policy and welfare service and will help to find and improve the important factors for the life of the elderly.

A Study on the Factors Influencing the Continuity of Volunteer Activities of Middle-aged Women (중년 여성의 자원봉사활동 지속성에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Eun-Yeong Kim;Ji-Yeon Park
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to examine how individual variables (motivation to participate, leadership life skills, aging awareness), interpersonal variables (relations with subjects, colleagues, and employees), and institutional variables (recognition compensation, institutional education) affect the continuity of volunteer activities. To this end, a survey was conducted on women aged 40 to 64 working at volunteer centers and local volunteer institutions in Seoul for 20 days from August 2, 2019, and a total of 300 questionnaires were distributed and 298 copies were collected, of which 180 were used for the final analysis. For data analysis, frequency analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis were conducted. As a result of the analysis, it was found that leadership life skills and motivation for participation, relationships with colleagues as interpersonal variables, and recognition compensation as institutional variables had a positive effect on the continuity of volunteer activities. This study aims to provide practical and policy suggestions to revitalize and maintain the continuity of volunteer activities of middle-aged women, and basic data for the development of programs to be used in the field of practice.

The Mediating Effects of Self-Control on the Relationship between Academic Stress and Impulse Buying Tendency of Nursing University Student (간호대학생의 학업스트레스와 충동구매 경향성 간의 관계에 대한 자기통제력의 매개효과)

  • Ja-Sook Kim;A-Young Park;Jong-Hyuck Kim
    • Journal of Industrial Convergence
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2023
  • The aim of this study was to explain the mediating effects of self-control in the relationship between academic stress and impulse buying tendency. Participants were recruited from one nursing university student located in Gwangju and J city. Data were collected from 145 nursing university student. The SPSS WIN 23.0 version was used with Sobel test and Baron and Kenny's mediating effect. It was investigated whether there was a mediating effect of self-control on academic stress and impulse buying tendency. First, academic stress showed a significant effect on impulse buying tendency. Second, Self-control had a partial mediating effect in the relationship between academic stress and impulse buying tendency(z=-2.69, p<.001). To reduce the impulse buying tendency among nursing university student, it is necessary to develop education·non-education interventions that promotion self-control in addition to decreasing academic stress.

Analyzing TripAdvisor application reviews to enable smart tourism : focusing on topic modeling (스마트 관광 활성화를 위한 트립어드바이저 애플리케이션 리뷰 분석 : 토픽 모델링을 중심으로)

  • YuNa Lee;MuMoungCho Han;SeonYeong Yu;MeeQi Siow;Mijin Noh;YangSok Kim
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2023
  • The development of information and communication technology and the improvement of the development and dissemination of smart devices have caused changes in the form of tourism, and the concept of smart tourism has since emerged. In this regard, researches related to smart tourism has been conducted in various fields such as policy implementation and surveys, but there is a lack of research on application reviews. This study collects Trip Advisor application review data in the Google Play Store to identify usage of the application and user satisfaction through Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling. The analysis results in four topics, two of which are positive and the other two are negative. We found that users were satisfied with the application's recommendation system, but were dissatisfied when the filters they set during search were not applied or that reviews were not published after updates of the application. We suggest more categories can be added to the application to provide users with different experiences. In addition, it is expected that user satisfaction can be improved by identifying problems within the application, including the filter function, and checking the application environment and resolving the error occurring during the application usage.

Investigating Occupational Therapy Students' Awareness of Developmental Rehabilitation Services and the Accreditation of Sensory Developmental Rehabilitation Service Providers (작업치료 전공 학생들의 발달재활서비스 및 감각발달재활서비스 제공인력 자격인정에 대한 인식도 조사)

  • Sung, La-Yun;Chang, Moon-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2023
  • Objective : This study sought to explore occupational therapy students' awareness of Developmental Rehabilitation Services (DRSs) and the certification of Sensory Developmental Rehabilitation Service Providers (SDRSPs). Moreover, it also aimed to examine the differences in students' awareness based on general characteristics. The findings were intended to provide a foundation for research on sensory developmental rehabilitation. Methods : An online survey was conducted among 199 occupational therapy students nationwide from October 4 to November 5, 2022. Frequency analysis was used to assess the general characteristics and additional items. Both descriptive statistics and frequency analysis were employed to assess the students' awareness of DRSs and SDRSP certification. Any differences in the students' awareness based on their general characteristics were examined using t-tests and an analysis of variance. Results : The students' awareness of DRSs was moderate (4.50 ± 2.40), while their awareness of SDRSP certification was also moderate (4.22 ± 2.55). The awareness of DRSs varied significantly based on the students' academic year and child-related practice experience. Similarly, the awareness of SDRSP certification differed significantly based on the students' academic program, academic year, recognition by the related department, and child-related practice experience. Conclusion : The occupational therapy students expressed a strong intention to provide DRSs and become certified as SDRSPs. However, their awareness levels were moderate. These findings emphasize the importance of educational efforts and the provision of relevant information about DRSs and SDRSP certification in universities to foster the development of competent SDRSPs.

The Influence of social support, depression, self-control on job stress in job seekers (취업준비생의 우울, 사회적지지, 자기통제력이 취업스트레스에 미치는 영향)

  • Eun-Ju Yoo;Hyo-Jin Park;Hwa-Myung Lee
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2023
  • This study is a descriptive research study to identify the social support, depression, self-control, and employment stress levels of job seekers and to identify their correlation and influencing factors. The subjects of the study scored 4.13 points for social support, 0.79 points for depression, 3.10 points for self-control and 2.15 points for employment stress. The results of analyzing employment stress according to the general characteristics of the subjects showed that there was no statistically significant difference in gender, and there were significant differences in age, grade, major, and grades. Employment stress of the subjects is employment stress-depression (r=.625, p=).001), employment stress - self-control (r=.251, p=.001) and employment stress - social support (r=-, 519, p=).001) showed a negative correlation. Depression is depression-social control (r=.300, p=).001) shows a static correlation and depression-social support (r=-.503, p=).001) shows a negative correlation. Social support was not correlated with social support-self-control (r=-.059, p=414). Social support and depression were the factors affecting employment stress. We would like to provide basic data on programs and education to reduce the employment stress of college students.

The Effects of Learning Flow, Academic Stress and Resilience on Self-efficacy of University Students (대학생의 학습몰입, 학업스트레스, 회복탄력성이 자기효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Suk Ja Yoon;Eun Kyung Byun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.335-342
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    • 2023
  • This study was attempted to confirm the effects of learning flow, academic stress, and resilience on self-efficacy in college students. This study targeted 304 university students in B and G cities. Data analysis was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS 22.0 program. The average self-efficacy of the subjects was 3.14±0.62 points, and the difference in self-efficacy according to general characteristics was significant in gender(t=-2.533, p=.012) and satisfaction with major(F=5.687, p=.004). Self-efficacy of the subjects was positive correlation with learning flow(r=.574, p<.001), resilience(r=.525, p<.001), and negative correlation with academic stress(r=-.262, p<.001). Resilience of the subjects showed positive correlation with learning flow(r=.325, p<.001) and negative correlation with academic stress(r=-.291, p<.001). Learning flow showed negative correlation with academic stress(r=-.211, p<.001). Factors influencing the self-efficacy of the subjects were identified as academic commitment (β=.442, p<.001) and resilience (β=.363, p<.001) and the explanatory power was 45.6%. Therefore, in order to improve college students' self-efficacy, it is necessary to develop and apply education and programs that can improve learning flow and resilience.