• Title/Summary/Keyword: 유머이미지

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A Study on the Effects of Humor Package on Memory - Focusing on fMRI Demonstration - (유머 패키지가 기억에 미치는 영향 -fMRI 실증을 중심으로-)

  • Seok-Hwan Bae;Myung-Chul Park;Jae-Sang You
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.185-190
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    • 2023
  • This study designed and produced stimuli in the form of canned images of fun humor, character, quirky, and sexy humor, and measured the signal values (SI) of the hippocampus associated with memory through fMRI analysis. The results of 20 participants showed that there were differences in SI values according to gender and age, and the fun humor image stimuli had the highest SI values. Men showed higher SI values for fun humor image stimuli, while women showed higher SI values for character humor image stimuli. In addition, those in their 20s showed higher SI values for fun humor image stimuli, while those in their 30s showed higher SI values for quirky humor image stimuli. Considering these findings, it is expected that more effective results can be obtained by utilizing fun humor images and characters in package design.

The Influence of Humor Effects for the Corporate Image (유머효과가 기업이미지에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 - 광고에서의 유머효과를 중심으로 -)

  • 박영원
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 1998
  • It is impossible that the corporation can make up good corporate images with sales promoting and pursuing profits only. To form impressive oorporate images, the corporation should acquire efficient marketing images and social oonfidences with the investment for the culture, the art, the preservation of public health, educations and social welfare programs. The oorporate image is indined to be formed by audiences subjectively even though the corporation makes great efforts to have its unique images. The audience has a tendency to have their subjective opinions about the corporate image based on several informations communicated by the corporation and various sources. The sensitive approach and emotional persuation can be efficient for making good corporate images because corporate images of audiences arise from emotional and sensitive factors rather than rational ones. There are many previous studies verifying that the humor effect should be one of powerful means for inducing concentrations, memorizations and persuations. The majority of popular advertisings are humor touched one and the questionaire proves that almost all university students participating sample test, prefer humorous advertisings to serious advertisings. The questionaire verifies that it is a most efficient method is using humor effects at product advertising to improve the corporate image indirectly. And there are very possitive reactions about applying humor effects for the corporate image advertising and the other advertisement types such as pamphlets and catalogues. The humor effect motivates the persuation with spiritual pleasures and intimacy, and it minimize the negative aspects of advertising for the formation of the corporate image. The humor effect is valuable not only for the formation of the corporate image reflecting the entity of the oorporation itself but also for the ideation of advertising communications. The study on the humor effect related with the corporate image is significant because the humor is a different version of the humanism based on deep oontemplation and oomprehension of human life rather than simple means to motivate laughers.

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A Study on the Fashion Illustration of Humor Images Using 2D Graphics (2D 그래픽스를 활용한 유머 이미지의 패션일러스트레이션 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Ran;Kim, Soo-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.58 no.9
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    • pp.81-98
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    • 2008
  • This research aims to analyze humorous images expressed in 2D graphics fashion illustrations and to propose application of 2D graphics in humorous images for fashion illustrations to suggest a more creative and relevant fashion illustration for contemporary culture. The result of this research were as follows: First, theories on reaction of humor can be classified into Incongruity theory, Superiority theory and Arousal and Relief theory. Humor in visual arts are classified in Visual Parody, Visual Pun, Visual Paradox and Visual Satire. Second, Visual Pun, Visual Parody, and Visual Satire are used for visualizing fashion illustration, and the foundations for many humor images were simple-colored, imaginative, and unreal settings. And it was also found out that the physical proportion of the models generally was 1(head):7(entire body), 1:8, 1:15 and the models were usually laughing and smiling. Tone was usually pastel and vivid, and posture was usually standing-position or sitting-position. Third, based on such results, fashion illustration works of humor image using 2D graphics were created. To concretize the humor image, 'gift' as a concept was chosen. Humor alleviates the tension and stress. It also brings laughter and pleasure to people's lives. Therefore humor image will be an effective way of expanding creativity in modern fashion illustration.

CEO's Twitter Message and Image: Exploring CEO's Twitter Messages and Followers (CEO의 트위터 메시지와 이미지 -CEO 트위터의 메시지 유형과 팔로워의 평가를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Seung-Ho;Hong, Sook-Yeong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this current study is to examine CEO image presented in messages of CEO twitter and perceived by CEO twit followers. To conduct this study, we selected two CEOs, ChanJin Lee and HyeonMyeong Pyo who are top ranking based on a number of followers in Korea. We investigated each CEO's Tweet, RT, Reply, and RT+Reply using three CEO image factors: CEO personality, CEO quality, and CEO outward characteristics. Also, followers were asked what image mostly they have based on those three image factors. The results showed that for ChanJin Lee, CEO quality were more presented in twitter than CEO personality and CEO outward characteristics, and CEO Lee's followers also perceived that Lee has more CEO quality image than others. Pyo, HyeonMyeong has CEO quality image in twitter than others, and his followers thought that he had more CEO outward characteristics image than others.

A Study on the Application of Computers to the Development of Humor Image Fashion Design (컴퓨터를 활용한 유머 이미지 패션디자인 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 우세희;최현숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2003
  • Due to the rapid changes occurring in many aspects of contemporary society, the need for a means to actively combat widespread feelings of emptiness and alienation among the public, while satisfying its visual pleasure, is increasing. Thus the need for humorous elements which bring freedom to the human psyche is urgently requested. Of course, the field of fashion cannot be left out in this trend, and humor image design is a good example of this. Humor image in fashion endeavors to release the tension accumulated in the modern world, while trying to find a way to recover the original pureness of mankind. Another aspect currently important is computers. The creation of images in modern visual art relies a lot upon computers. Traditional visual processes such as painting, photography and video are now merged within digital technology. and are now quite symbiotic to each other. With the development of computers came computer art. which uses all applicable functions of a computer to create art. Any artistic action which uses a computer in any stage of its creation can be called computer art. The common factor in humor and computer art in modern fashion can be classified as follows : repetition, deformation and distortion. exaggeration and abridgement. juxtaposition. and Tromp l'oeil. This study has placed its objective on the fusion of humor image fashion and computer art, by manufacturing a work with humor and computers, two important aspects of modern culture. Expanding the field of fashion design while promoting creativity In fashion by finding a verging point between art and science is also necessary. I have designed and made five costumes using the above cited techniques in computer humor images, on a theoretical basis.

The impact of emotional storytelling on brand attitude- compare to humor advertising (감성적 스토리텔링이 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향 - 유머광고와의 비교-)

  • Rhie, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2014
  • In the past, to stimulate customers' rationality were used as a marketing methods but the storytelling marketing is appealing to consumers by showing product or brand value. Storytelling marketing attracts clients favorable attitude. In this research, I tried to figure out how emotional storytelling and humor advertising affects to brand attitude a quality of products according to advertising types, brand image, trust, interest, message, advertising model, intension of purchase and recommendation requisite to impact on brand attitude. As a result emotional storytelling was more effective than the humor advertising method when forming the brand attitude and brand image. Also, among the types of advertisement, emotional storytelling tended to bring a significant difference between men and women. Emotional storytelling advertisement are increasing and being competitive. Therefore, we need notable advertisement. It is a significant research to understand how advertising type affects to consumers.

Factors Influencing Consumer's Sharing Intent of Facebook Viral Advertising (소비자의 페이스북 바이럴 광고 구전의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Heo, Seo-Jeong;Jo, Chang-Hwan
    • (The) Korean Journal of Advertising
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.53-81
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    • 2017
  • As online video advertising market grows, viral advertising is drawing attention. This study investigated factors influencing consumer's sharing intent of viral advertising each from four dimensions which are content, sender, consumer, and network. As a result, factors of persuasive intent, brand-ad image fit, perceived self-presentation, and bridging social capital were found to affect consumer's sharing intent of viral advertising. And persuasive intent of content was found to be negatively affect consumer's sharing intent. Social value and bonding social capital were not found to have significant influence on consumer's sharing intent of viral advertising. From the analysis of this result, this study suggested future research topic and academic/practical implications.

Derivation of Success Factors Gangnam-style music video in the framework of CPNT Model (CPNT모델측면에서의 강남스타일 뮤직비디오 성공요인 도출)

  • Chae, suman;Song, Kyungseok;Lee, Jungmann
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.413-414
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구는 C.P.N.T측면에서 싸이의 뮤직비디오 그리고 문화적인 요소의 성공요인들에 대해서 분석했다. 연구결과, 싸이의 뮤직비디오에는 재미, 유머, 음악과 춤의 반복성 등 창의적인 콘텐츠를 보여주었으며, 플랫폼으로는 YG의 유투브 직접 제작 참여로 수용자의 시청에 부담 없게 접근이 용이하게 고화질 저용량으로 보급하였습니다. 네트워크측면에서는 트위터와 페이스북과 같은 다양한 서비스를 통하여 빠른 속도와 장소에 구애받지 않고 유통망을 형성했으며, 매스미디어 NBC방송에 유투브 영상이 소개됨으로 싸이의 뮤직비디오와 음악이 단순한 UCC영상의 평범함에서 대중적이고 혁신적인 상징의 이미지로 급부상하게 된다. 또한 아이패드, 스마트폰, N스크린 등 많은 터미널을 통해 싸이의 강남스타일 뮤직비디오와 음악은 수용자의 시각과 청각을 만족시켜주어 성공하게 된다.

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A Study on The Process of Design Idea - Focused on An Expansion and A Diversity of Idea (디자인 아이디어 전개에 관한 연구 - 사고의 확장성과 다의성을 중심으로)

  • 이한성
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2004
  • The main stream of consumption about the products is tend to transfer from low price value with mass production, to the second value of products, such as pleasure, familiarity, humor, and metaphor. This second value is closely connected to a redundancy which are also related to modern science as well as product design. These terms such as matrials, identity, and gravitation, disappeared gradually, and these are substituted with an uncertainty principle, a fortuity, a contradictory concept, entropy etc. In sum this study focuses on the tendency of intelligency issue the recent design trends. This result shows that The 4th Column Thinking and Formation System which is related to an expansion and diversity of design intellectual ideas.

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A study on the 'Fun' in Hangul Iconicity (한글 도상성에 나타난 '재미'에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Won
    • 기호학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.65-92
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    • 2018
  • Hangul 's iconicity based on the scientific creation principle makes it possible to expand into various designs. 'Fun' is a factor for success in the cultural contents industry. Through the design process, it is possible to apply fun elements to the design of cultural contents to meet the purpose. The characteristics of Hangul icons that can be used in cultural contents design, the concept of 'fun', the inducing factors of fun and the production methods of visual fun are summarized. The production method of visual fun has suggested the same way as the design humor creation method in visual communication design. 10 types of examples of Hangul in relation to visual 'fun' have been analyzed by the semiotic approach. This suggests a design methodology for the creation of fun elements that utilize Hangul Iconicity in cultural contents design in the future.