• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원발성 사구체신염

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Clinicopathological Analysis of Glomerulonephritis in Children (소아 사구체신염의 임상 및 병리학적 분석)

  • Park Gwang-Yong;Yoon Hye-Kyoung;Chung Woo-Yeong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.4-12
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    • 1997
  • Purpose: To evaluate the prevalence and clinical manifestations of various glomerulonephritis (GN) in children, a clinicopathological anlysis of 310 biopsied cases were performed. Method: We conducted retrospective study with review of histopathologic findings and clinical manifestations of the 310 cases diagnosed as glomerulonephritis by percutaneous renal biopsy which were done between January 1986 and December 1996 at department of pediatrics, Pusan Paik hospital. Results: 1) Male to female ratio was 1.54:1 and the range of age was from 13 months to 15 years 10 months. 2) Among these, 217 (70.0%) patients were belong to primary GN and 93 (30.0%) patients were belong to secondary GN. As a whole, the most common pathologic diagnosis was minimal change lesion (MC, 32.6%), which was followed by IgA nephropathy (IgAN, 15.8%), $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura nephritis (HSPN, 13.5%), Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (PSAGN, 8.1%). 3) Clinical manifestations of patients were asymptomatic urinary abnormality (43.2%), nephrotic syndrome (41.0%), acute glomerulonephritis (14.2%), chronic glomerulonephritis (1.0%), rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (0.6%). 4) In primary GN, the most common pathologic diagnosis was MC (46.5%), IgAN (22.6%), thin glomerular basement membrane (GBM) disease (7.8%), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN, 5.5%), mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (MesPGN,4.6%), focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS, 4.6%), membranous nephropathy (MN, 0.9%), sclerosing glomerulonephritis (SCGN, 0.9%), crescentic glomerulonephritis (CreGN, 0.5%) and non-specific glomerulonephritis (NonspGN, 6.0%). 5) Major causes of secondary GN were HSPN (45.2%), PSAGN (26.9%), hepatitis B associated glomerulonephritis (HBGN, 17.2%), lupus nephritis (LN, 6.5%), Alport syndrome (2.2%), hemolytic uremic syndrome (1.0%), fibrillary glomerulonephritis (1.0%) in descending order. Conclusions: There are some differences of the results of clinicopathological stuidies of glomerulonephritis in children because of its different indications of renal biopsy, pathologic classification of renal disease and methods of analysis among investigators. In order to establish more reliable data of incidence and classification of childhood glomerulonephritis in Korea, multicenter cooperative study were necessary.

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Clinicopathological Analysis of Glomerulonephritis with Asymptomatic Urinary Abnormalities in Children (무증상성 요이상을 동반한 사구체신염 환아의 임상 및 병리학적 분석)

  • Sung Ick-Ho;Yoon Hye-Kyoung;Chung Woo-Yeong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : To evaluate the prevalence and clinical manifestations of various glomerulonephritis(GN) in children with asymptomatic urinary abnormalities, a clinicopathological analysis of 134 biopsied cases which were subdivided into 3 groups of proteinuria with hematuria, isolated hematuria and isolated proteinuria was done. Methods : We conducted retrospective study with review of histopathologic findings and clinical manifestations of the 134 cases with asymptomatic urinary abnormalities diagnosed by percutaneous renal biopsy which were done between January 1986 and December 1996 at department of pediatrics, Pusan Paik hospital. Results : 1) The proportion of children with asymptomatic urinary abnormalities was 43.2% of all biosied cases. 2) Among these, primary GN were 95 cases and secondary GN were 39 cases, it's ratio was 2.44:1. As a whole, the most common pathologic diagnosis was IgA nephropathy(IgAN, 26.9%), which was followed by $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura nephritis(HSPN, 17.9%), minimal change lesion(MC, 17.2%), thin GBM disease(12.7%), Hepatitis B associated glomerulonephritis(HBGN, 6.0%), poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis(PSAGN, 3.0%), mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis(MesPGN, 2.2%), membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN, 2.2%), Alport syndrome (1.5%) and Fibrillary nephritis(0.7%). 3) In proteinuria with hematuria, the most common pathologic diagnosis was IgAN(34.6%), which was followed by HSPN(19%), MC(17.7%), thin GBM disease(8.9%), HBGN(6.3%), PSAGN(3.6%), MesPGN(1.2%), MPGN(1.2%) and Alport syndrome(1.2%). 4) Major causes of isolated hematuria were thin GBM disease(19.6%), IgAN(17.6%), HSPN(17.6%), MC(11.8%). 5) Isolated proteinuria was due to of 3 cases of MC and 1 case of HBGN. Conclusion : The prevalence of glomerulonephritis with asymptomatic urinary abnormalities in children were 43.2% of all biopsed cases. When these children were subdivided into 3 groups, proteinuria with hematuria was accounted 58.9%(79 cases) and then isolated hematuria was 38.1%(51 cases), isolated proteinuria was only 3%(4 cases) respectively. The most common pathologic diagnosis was IgA nephropathy in patient with proteinuria and hematuria, and thin GBM disease in patient with isolated hematuria.

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Combined Primary IgA nephropathy and Membranous Glomerulonephritis in a Child (소아에서 IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염이 병발한 사구체신염 1례)

  • Kim Mi-Kyung;Choi Jeong-Hoon;Won Nam-Hee;Yoo Kee-Hwan
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.232-236
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    • 1999
  • IgA 신병증은 사구체 중맥에 IgA가 침착하는 것이 특징적인 질환이며 막성 사구체 신염은 IgG가 사구체 기저막의 상피하에 미만성으로 침착하는 질환이다. 원발성 사구체 질환중 IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염은 비교적 흔한 질환이나 전체적인 빈도는 낮은 편으로, 한 환자의 사구체에서 두 질환이 동시에 발생하는 경우는 매우 드물다. IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염의 중복 신염은 Doi등이 1983년 원발성 신질환으로서 처음 보고한 이래, 성인에서 20여례가 보고되었다. 저자들은 신증후군이 발생한 환아에서 신생검을 시행한 결과 원발성 신질환으로서 IgA 신병증과 막성 사구체신염의 소견이 동시에 보이는 중복신염의 드문 예를 경험하였기에 보고하는 바이다. 환아는 7세된 남아로 내원 한달 전부터 발생한 전신부종을 주소로 내원하였다. 가족력과 과거력상 특이 소견없었으며, 내원시 이학적 소견상 전신적인 허약감과 안와부종, 복부팽만, 하지의 함요부종이 관찰되었고, 검사소견에서는 WBC $19,800/mm^3$, Hb 14.1g/dL, Platelet $397,000/mm^3$, BUN/Cr 10/0.4mg/dL, protein/albumin 4.43/2.73g/dL, cholesterol 429mg/dL, IgA 85mg/dL, $C_3$ 68.8mg/dL, $C_4$ 13.4mg/dL, ANA(-), ANCA(-), RF(-), HBsAg/Ab(-/-)이었다. 뇨검사에서는 RBC many/HPF, WBC 2-3/HPF, protein ${\le}\;300mg/dL$ 였으며, 24시간 소변 검사상 protein 9.18g/day, Ccr 66.67ml/min의 소견을 보였다. 신생검을 시행한 결과 광학현미경상에서 몇몇 사구체의 분절성 경화와 중맥역의 증식이 관찰되었고, 면역형광현미경검사에서는 IgA(3+)가 과립상으로 미만성 분포를 보이며 중맥역에 침착되어 있고, 미세한 과립상과 위선의 양상으로 IgG(1+)가 모세혈관벽에 침착되어 있었으며, 전자현미경 소견상 중맥역과 모세혈관 기저막 상피하에 소량의 전자 고밀도 침착이 함께 관찰되었다. 환아는 prednisolone을 경구 투여 받았으나 단백뇨와 혈뇨가 지속되어 solumedrol pulse therapy, captopril과 cyclophophamide로 치료 받은 후, 전신 상태 호전되고, 혈뇨가 사라졌으며, 24시간 소변 검사상 단백뇨가 487.5mg/day로 감소하여 외래에서 추적 관찰 중이다.

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An Analysis of 94 Percutaneous Renal Biopsies (경피적 신생검 94례에 대한 분석)

  • Kang, Ho-Jung;Lim, Sang-Woo;Do, Joo-Yeung;Yoon, Kyung-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.84-95
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    • 1995
  • A clinical and histopathological study was performed on ninety-four patients with nephrotic syndrome (91 idiopathic and 3 secondary) who were admitted to Department of Internal Medicine, Yeungnam University Hospital during the period of nine years, from January 1985 to May 1994. The results were as following. 1. the ratio of male to female was 1.76:1. In young age group, minimal change was the most predominant type. In old age group, membranous glomerulonephritis and focal glomerulosclerosis were predominant types. 2. The primary nephrotic syndromes were 96.8% and secondary nephrotic syndromes were 3.2%. Histopathologic findings of 94 renal biopsy tissue were classified into minimal change (43.6%), mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (29.8%), membranous glomerulonephritis (12.8%), TypeI membranous proliferative glomerulonephritis (4.3%), focal glomerulosclerosis (3.2%) and others (6.4%). 3. The response of eighty-six patients treated with steroid showed complete remission in 51.2%, partial remission in 20.9%, steroid dependent in 2.3%, and no effect in 25.6% of cases respectively. The response to steroid therapy was most effective in the patients with minimal change lesion. 4. In the patient with membranous proliferative glomerulonephlitis, long-term angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor treatment showed less deterioration of renal function.

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A Case of Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis Type II (Dense Deposit Disease, DDD) (막성증식성 사구체신염 제 II형 (Dense Deposit Disease, DDD) 1례)

  • Kwon Hae Sik;Oh Seung-Jin;Lee Young-Mock;Kim Ji Hong;Kim Pyung-Kil;Kang Hae Youn;Jeong Hyeon Joo;Choi In Joon
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.188-195
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    • 2001
  • Type II membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (Dense deposit disease) is an acquired primary glomerular disease characterized by electron microscopic evidence of a continuous dense membrane deposition replacing the lamina densa. It is a subtype of idiopathic membra- noproliferative glomerulonephritis, and was described as a separate entity by Berger and Galle in 1963. It frequently occurs in older chilren and young adults and the clinical course is variable, but is generally progressive. The presenting feature is nephrotic syndrome in many patients, and proteinuria and hematuria are also seen frequently. The purpose of this paper is to present a case of DDD (Dense deposit disease) from a 10 year old boy who was diagnosed as a acute poststreptococcal glomurulonephritis with protenuria, hematuria, and facial edema by renal biopsy 4 years ago. (J, Korean Soc Pediatr Nephrol 2001 ; 5 : 188-95)

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Incidence of Chronic Pathologic Nephrotoxicity of Cyclosporine A in Pediatric Nephrotic Syndrome (소아 신증후군에서 Cyclosporine A에 의한 만성 조직학적 신독성의 발현빈도에 대한 연구)

  • Kim Ji-Hong;Jeong Hyun-Ju;Choi In-Jun;Kim Pyung-Kil
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.130-144
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : Long-term use of Cyclosporine(CsA) reduce renal blood flow by afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction and lead to chronic pathologic changes of CsA nephrotoxicity - 1) interstitial nephritis(IN); tubular atrophy (TA) and/or interstitial fibrosis(IF),2) arteriolopathy(AP). The Object of this study is to estimate the incidence of chronic pathologic CsA nephrotoxicity by duration of treatment and type of renal disease, relationship between histologic and clinical nephrotoxicity, and optimal duration of CsA therapy. Methods : 102 children with steroid resistant or dependent nephrotic syndrome confirmed by renal biopsy and treated with CsA from 1986 to 1997 were enrolled in this study(58 MCNS, 10 FSGS, 10 MGN, 15 $Henoch-Sch\"{o}nlein$ purpura nephritis with nephrotic syndrome (HSPN) and 9 IgA nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome(IgAN)). CsA was administered for 1yr, 1.5yr, 2yr in 24, 12, 22 MCNS patients and 2, 2, 6 FSGS patients respectively, 1yr, 2yr in MGN and 1yr in HSPN and IgAN. Sequential biopsies were done in all 102 patients after CsA treatment for evaluation of pathologic nephrotoxicity. Results : Complete remission rate was 92.2% (100% in MCNS and MGN, 80% in FSGS, 86.6% in HSPN and 55.5% in IgAN). Incidence of relapse during 6months after CsA treatment was significantly decreased compaed with relapsing spisodes during 6months before CsA treatment in MCNS(P<0.0001) and FSGS(P<0.0001). According to pathologic changes, 71 patients(69.6%) showed no pathological change, 24 patients(23.5%) showed IN and 7 patients(6.8%) showed AP. IN was 16.6%, 33.3%, 27.2% in 1, 1.5, 2 year of CsA treatment group in MCNS. AP was 0%, 16.6%, 9% in 1, 1.5, 2 year of CsA treatment group in MCNS. 14 out of 58 MCNS(24.1%) showed IN and 4 out of 58 MCNS(6.8%) showed AP. Incidence of pathologic change was significantly lower in CsA therapy of <1yr than >1yr(P=0.03). There were no significant difference of incidence of pathologic change in original renal disease, age and sex. Conclusion : Duration of CsA treatment was significant risk factor for nephrotoxicity and optimal duration seemed to be 1 year. Pathologic change due to nephrotoxicity did not correlate with deterioration of renal function and only detectable by renal biopsy.

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