• Title/Summary/Keyword: 원발성 부갑상선 기능항진증

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A Case of Parathyroid Carcinoma with Systemic Calcification (전신성 석회증을 동반한 부갑상선 암 1예)

  • Kim, Heui-Sik;Lee, Chan-Woo;Nam, Sang-Yiup;Park, Jin-Chul;Yoon, Ji-Sung;Lee, Jae-Chun;Won, Kyu-Chang;Cho, Ihn-Ho;Kim, Tae-Nyun;Lee, Hyoung-Woo;Hyun, Myung-Soo;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.459-466
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    • 1997
  • Hyperparathyroidism due to parathyroid cancer is rare. It is difficult to diagnose preoperatively but there should be an increased index of suspicion in those parathyroid patients with palpable neck masses, profound hypercalcemia(greater than 14mg/dl), marked increase of the parathyroid hormone level to greater than twice normal, and significant metabolic complications. In parathyroid cancer, systemic calcinosis is an extremely rare manifestation. The most common metastatic calcification site is lung and the other involved site is stomach, liver, skin and heart. After resection of parathyroid tumor, this systemic calcinosis is self-limiting. We experienced a patient with primary hyperparathyroidsm, presented with metastatic calcification in the lung and stomach disappeared by successful parathyroidectomy.

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Primary Hyperparathyroidism With Functioning Parathyroid Adenoma - A Case Report - (기능성 부갑상선 선종에 의한 원발성 부갑상선 기능항진증 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Chin Hyung-Min;Lee Seung-Ha;Lee Yoon-Bok;Kim Jun-Gi;Park Woo-Bae;Chun Chung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.58-64
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    • 1996
  • The parathyroid adenoma is the most common cause of the primary hyperparathyroidism. The characteristic of primary hyperparathyroidism is hypercalcemia and high value of serum parathyroid hormone. The primary hyperparathyroidism with parathyroid adenoma is treated by excision of parathyroid gland involved. Especially, parathyroid storm in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism is more prevalent than commonly appreciated. The symptoms and signs of the syndrome are not only due to the hypercalcemia, but also to the toxic effects of the parathyroid hormone. Its wide, but nonspecific clinical presentations make it easily confused with other cardiovascular or renal diseases. The mortality rate in untreated cases of parathyroid storm is essentially 40%. A 33 year old woman with primary hyperparathyroidism was found to have a left lower parathyroid adenoma, presented with hypercalcemic crisis. Initially, good responsiveness to a saline infusion, furosemide administration was noted. Unfortunately, she became consciousness disturbance after fine-needle aspiration of the parathyroid tumor. The recurrent storm was refractory to medical therapy, but was treated succesfully by emergent surgical removal tumor revealed a parathyroid adenoma with parathyroid hormone. Hypercalcemia was alleviated postoperatively. These observations corroborated a functioning parathyroid adenoma.

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A Clinical Analysis of Primary Hyperparathyroidism -A Report of II Cases- (원발성 부갑상선 기능항진증 -11예 보고-)

  • Kang Young-Tae;Oh Sang-Hun;Kim Sang-Hyo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.206-213
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    • 1998
  • Primary hyperparathyroidism is still uncommomn disease in Korea. However the frequency of this disease has been slowly increased with routine measurement of serum calcium and increasing awareness of hyperparathyroidism in recent years. The diagnosis is established by a persistent elevation of serum calcium and parathyroid hormone and by clinical evaluation. This is a report of eleven patients with primary hyperparathyroidism treated with surgical operation during a period from 1983 to 1997 at Department of Hospital. Authors analyzed the cases to evaluate clinical characteristics and outcome of surgical treatment retrospectively. The result was as follows. 1) In sex distribution, female patients were eight and three were male, the age distribution ranged from 18 to 67 years. 2) The presenting clinical manifestations were renal and urinary stone in eight, bone pain or fracture in six, muscle weakness in four, neurologic symptoms in four, neck mass in three, hypertension in two, and G-I symptoms in one. 3) All patients showed hypercalcemia and elevated serum parathyroid hormone level. 4) Preoperative localization study was performed with computerized tomography, ultrasonography, MRI, arteriography and thyroid scaning. 5) The tumor locations were left lower in eight, left upper in one, right lower in one, and right upper location was one case. 6) Histopathologic findings disclosed adenoma in all cases. 7) All patients were treated by surgical excision and postoperatively transient hypocalcemia occurred in six patients, but no other complication was developed.

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Usefulness of Minimally Invasive Radio-Guided Parathyroidectomy in Patients with Prior Central Neck Exploration (중앙 경부 수술의 과거력이 있는 환자에서의 방사능 유도 최소 침습 부갑상선 절제술의 유용성)

  • Lee, Sung-Hwan;Kim, Bup-Woo;Kim, Kuk-Jin;Lee, Yong-Sang;Jeong, Jong-Ju;Nam, Kee-Hyun;Chung, Woong-Youn;Chang, Hang-Seok;Park, Cheong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Head & Neck Oncology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.138-142
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    • 2009
  • Introduction : Although bilateral exploration has been thought to be the standard therapeutic modality for primary hyperparathyroidism(pHPT) due to the admirable cure rate, questions have remained as to whether bilateral neck exploration for all patients with pHPT is needed because 80-85% of patients with pHPT have a single parathyroid adenoma. If the diseased parathyroid can be determined preoperatively, a directed and minimal operation is appropriate using the recent innovations of preoperative diagnosis and operation techniques for parathyroid diseases, the radio-guided parathyroid surgery(RGPS) is one of the standards. In especial, RGPS has been reported beneficial in special circumstances, such as in recurrent disease, ectopic parathyroid, and in mediastinal parathyroid. It can be also useful for the parathyroid disease in previously explored or irradiated neck. Material and Methods : We experienced 2 cases of pHPT successfully treated by RGPS in who previously underwent extensive neck dissection and concomitant external or internal radiotherapy. We adopted and modified the technique described by Dr. James Norman at the University of South Florida-the minimally invasive parathyroidectomy using intraoperative nuclear mapping with 99mTc-sestamibi scanning and radioactivity detection probe. Results : We acquired the successful results for these patients. Conclusion : RGPS is thought to be the alternative technique for the patients with prior central neck exploration and irradiation.

Absent or Faint Renal Uptake in Bone Scan: Etiology and Significance in Metastatic Bone Disease (골 신티그라피에서 신장 영상 비출현의 원인 질환 및 전이성 골질환에서의 의의)

  • Kim, Sang-Eun;Kim, Deog-Yoon;Lee, Dong-Soo;Chung, June-Key;Lee, Myung-Chul;Koh, Chang-Soon;Koong, Sung-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.299-306
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    • 1990
  • 골 신티그라피에서 신장이 희미하게 보이거나 전혀 안보이게 되는(이하 신장 영상 비출현이라 함) 원인 질환을 파악하고, 또 골 신티그라피에서 골전이가 발견된 여러 악성종양에서 신장 영상 비출현의 빈도 및 신장 영상 비출현의 소견을 보이는 여러 악성종양의 골전이 범위를 관찰하기 위하여, 서울대학교 병원에서 최근 6년간 시행한 골 신티그람 중 신장 영상 비출현의 소견을 보이는 889개를 재검토하였다. 신장영상 비출현의 원인 질환으로는 신부전이 대부분을 차지하였으나(816/889 : 91.8%), 신장 질환이 없는 경우에서는 광범위한 골전이가 가장 많았으며 (53/889 : 6.0%), 그 원발부위는 전립선암 (19/53 : 35.8%), 위암(14/53 : 26.4%), 유방암(5/53 : 9.4%), 폐암(4/53 : 7.5%) 신세포암(2/53 : 3.8%), 방광암(1/53 : 1.9%), 원발부위 미상(8/53 : 15.1%)으로 전립선암과 위암이 가장 많았다. 특히 강직성 척추염 4예, 류마토이드 관절염 3예, 성인형의 골화석증 1예에서 신장 영상 비출현의 소견을 보여 이채로왔으며, 이 밖에 원발성 부갑상선 기능항진증 및 그레이브스병이 각 1예씩 있었으며 원인을 알 수 없는 경우가 10예 있었다. 전립선암 140예중 골 신티그라피에서 골전이가 발견된 예는 108예(77.1%), 이중 신장 영상 비출현의 소견을 보이는 예는 19예(19/108, 17 6%)이었으며, 위암에서는 각각 328예, 162예(49.4%), 14예 (8.6%), 유방암에서는 각각 1754예, 730예 (41.6%), 5예(0.7%), 폐암에서는 각각 1105예, 596예(53.9%), 4예(0.7%), 방광암에서는 각각 247예, 110예(44.5%), 1예(0.9%)로 전립선암에서 신장 영상 비출현의 빈도가 가장 높았으며, 특히 위암에서 골전이 및 신장 영상 비출현의 빈도가 높아 주목되었다. 골전이 및 신장 영상 비출현의 소견을 보이는 악성종양 환자의 골 신티그람 53개중 44개 (83.0%)에서 척추 및 늑골에 미만성, 또는 다발성 침습이 관찰되었다. 또 골전이 부위를 두개골, 척추, 견대부, 늑골, 골반, 사지의 근위부 장골의 6개 부위로 나누어 분석할 경우 49개(92.5%)에서 3부위 이상에 전이가 발견되었고, 35개(66.0%)에서 4부위 이상에 전이가 발견되었으며, 5부위 이상, 6개 부위에 모두 전이가 발견된 것은 각각 20개 (37 7%), 11개(20.8%)이었다. 이상의 성적으로 보아 악성종양 환자의 골 신피그라피에서 신장 영상의 비출현은 종양의 광범위한 골전이를 간접적으로 시사하는 소견으로 생각된다. 여러 악성종양중 전립선암에서 신장 영상 비출현의 빈도가 가장 높았으며, 특히 위암에서 골전이 및 신장 영상 비출현의 빈도가 높음은 주목할 만한 것이라 하겠다.

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Current Status of Children on Peritoneal Dialysis in Korea : A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study (소아복막투석의 현황: 다기관 공동연구 결과보고)

  • Youn, Ji-Seok;Lee, Joo-Hoon;Park, Young-Seo;Yim, Hyung-Eun;Paik, Kyung-Hoon;Yoo, Kee-Hwan;Ha, Il-Soo;Cheong, Hae-Il;Choi, Yong
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is the major form of dialysis in use for infants and children with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). The aim of this study was to gain insight into the current status of children on PD in Korea. Methods : In May 2008, questionnaires were sent to the pediatric nephrologists via e-mail. Four centers replied and those data were reviewed. Results : A total of 103 patients were included in this study. Male to female ratio was 1.6:1. Mean age was $11.5{\pm}4.9$ years (0-19 years). Primary renal diseases diagnosed were as follows: primary glomerular disease (34%), chronic pyelonephritis-reflux nephropathy (14.6%), systemic disease (9.7%), renal hypoplasia/dysplasia (8.7%), heredofamilial disease (6.8%), vascular disease (3.9%), drug-induced nephropathy (1.0%), and unknown (12.6%). PD modalities were as follows: CAPD (42.7%), CCPD (27.2%), NIPD (11.7%), and Hybrid (18.4%). Weekly total Kt/V was $2.1{\pm}0.7$ (0.3-4.1). Results of peritoneal equilibrium test were as follows: low 36.8%, low average 31.6%, high average 19.7%, and high 11.8%. Z-score for weight was $-1.00{\pm}1.20$ (-4.54~+2.50). Z-score for height was $-1.55{\pm}1.65$ (-9.42~+1.87). Growth hormone was administered in 24.3% of patients. Anti-hypertensive drugs were administered in 64.0% of patients. Laboratory findings were as follows: hemoglobin $10.5{\pm}1.4$ g/dL, calcium $9.7{\pm}0.7$ mg/dL, phosphorus $5.4{\pm}1.4$ mg/dL, and parathyroid hormone $324.2{\pm}342.8$ pg/mL. Conclusion : Primary glomerular disease was the most common cause of ESRD. CAPD was the most prevalent PD modality. Low and low average peritoneal transport type were common. Growth disturbance were noted in many patients. Some patients had hypertension even with anti- hypertensive drugs. Calcium-phosphorus levels were maintained adequately, but many patients had secondary hyperparathyroidism.

Simultaneous Elevation of Serum Parathyroid Hormone(PTH) and Parathyroid Hormone-related Protein(PTHrP) in a Case of Lung Cancer with Hypercalcemia (고칼슘혈증을 보인 폐암환자에서 부갑상선호르몬(PTH)과 부갑상선호르몬관련단백질(PTHrP)이 동시에 증가된 1예)

  • Kim, Yu-Il;Kim, Kyu-Sik;Yu, Young-Kwon;Park, Chang-Min;Rim, Myung-Soo;Ko, Kyung-Haeng;Hwang, Jun-Hwa;Park, Hyeong-Kwan;Lim, Sung-Chul;Kim, Young-Chul;Park, Kyung-Ok
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.525-532
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    • 1999
  • The parathyroid hormone related protein (PTHrP) is the most common causative peptide of humoral hypercalcemia of malignancy. In contrast, the serum level of parathyroid hormone (PTH) is low to undetectable in the majority of patients with malignancy associated hypercalcemia. Few cases exist in which the production and secretion of PTH by malignant nonparathyroid tumors have been authenticated. To our knowledge, there is very rare case in which a nonparathyroid tumor expressed simultaneously both the PTH and PTHrP. We report a case of squamous cell carcinoma of the lung with hypercalcemia which presented with simultaneous elevation of serum PTH and PTHrP. Severe hypercalcemia (serum calcium, 7.5 mEq/L) was found in a 65-year-old man who had a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung without any bony metastasis and detectable parathyroid abnormalities on isotope scintigraphy. The serum level of intact parathyroid hormone (PTH) con centration was markedly elevated as measured in two site radioimmunoreactive PTH assays (intact PTH 150 pg/mL ; normal 9~55). The serum level of a PTHrP was also increased as measured in C-terminal region specific radioimmunoassay (PTHrP 99.1 pmol/L; normal 13.8~55.3). There are no evidences of coincidental primary hyperparathyroidism in parathyroid MIBI scan and other imaging studies including neck ultrasonography and computed tomography. These results suggest that simultaneous elevation of serum PTH and PTHrP in this patient can be caused by production of both PTHrP and PTH in other nonparathyroid lesions such as squamous cell carcinoma.

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