• Title/Summary/Keyword: 우라늄-납 연대

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The Study of Age Determination Using Stepwise Dissolution Technique (단계적 용해에 의한 연대측정법 연구)

  • 박계헌
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.133-147
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    • 2001
  • Recently developing method of age determination using stepwise dissolution technique to expand the applicability of absolute age determination significantly is evaluated whether it is applicable to the Korean samples. The materials selected for the study are uranium-bearing black slates from Changni Formation of Ogcheon metamorphic belt, tourmaline separated from Naedeongni granite of Yeongnam massif, garnet and ilmenite separated from ilmenite-bearing anorthositic rock of Yeongnam massif, scheelites from Ogbang mine, and magnetite separated from Gyemyeongsan Formation of Ogcheon metamorphic belt. For the stepwise dissolution, various acid steps with different normalities and different durations were applied to leach the samples. The leachate from each step was analyzed to determine the Pb isotopic composition and concentrations of Pb and U using thermal ionization mass spectrometer. The black slates from the Changni Formation and the tourmaline from the Naedeongni granite reveal significant variation of Pb isotopic composition, which reveals the potential of such stepwise dissolution technique as a dating method. The behaviors of uranium and lead during the each stage of step leaching are different, which seem to reflect the differences in positions within the crystal lattices depending upon mineral species.

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Gwangju Shear Zone : Is it the Tectonic Boundary between the Yeongnam Massif and Okcheon Metamorphic Belt? (광주전단대 : 영남육괴와 옥천변성대의 지구조적 경계?)

  • Ha, Yeongji;Song, Yong-Sun;Kim, Jeong-Min
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2014
  • In this study we carried out SHRIMP U-Pb age dating of detrital zircons from age-unknown meta-sedimentary formations distributed around the NNE-SSW trending Gwangju Shear Zone, a branch of Honam Shear Zone, in the southwestern region of the Korean Peninsula. The meta-sedimentary formations from the west (Yeonggwang) and east (Jangseong) areas of the Gwangju Shear Zone have different patterns of zircon age distributions. Zircons of quartzites from the Yeonggwang area yield clusters at Neoarchean (ca. 2,500 Ma), Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1,860 Ma), Neoproterozoic (ca. 960 Ma) and Paleozoic (ca. 380 Ma) ages, but those of the Jangseong area yield clusters at only Neoarchean (ca. 2,500Ma) and Paleoproterozoic (ca. 1,880 Ma) ages. The contrastive patterns in age indicate that the meta-sedimentary formations from the west and east areas correspond to the meta-sedimentary formations of the Okcheon Metamorphic Belt and the sedimentary formations overlying on the Yeongnam Massif, respectively. The results imply that the Gwangju Shear Zone is the tectonic boundary between the Okcheon Metamorphic Belt and the Yeongnam Massif.