• 제목/요약/키워드: 용융염원자로

검색결과 2건 처리시간 0.014초

다결점 AMBISM/SIMULINK 모델을 이용한 AMBIDEXTER 계측제어 시스템 개념 설계에 관한 연구 (A Design Concept study for the AMBIDEXTER Control System through Developing a Multi-node System Model, AMBISM/SIMULINK)

  • 유영진;김진성;이영준;오세기
    • 한국에너지공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국에너지공학회 2002년도 추계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.89-103
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    • 2002
  • 기존 원자력 발전 기술이 안고 있는 문제점들을 해결함과 동시에 장기적으로 기존의 경ㆍ중수형 원자로를 대체 또는 보완할 수 있을 것으로 기대되는 새로운 원자력에너지시스템으로서 토륨ㆍ우라늄ㆍ플루토늄 혼합 핵주기에 기초한 용융염원자로(Molten Salt Reactor)의 일종인 AMBIDEXTER (Advanced Molten-salt Break-even Inherently-safe Dual-missioning EXperimental and TEst Reactor) 원자력에너지 복합시스템의 개념설계 연구가 진행중이다.(중략)

  • PDF

OpenMC를 활용한 초소형 이동형 원자로용기 방사화 선원항 평가 (A Study on Radioactive Source-term Evaluation for A Transportable Micro Reactor Using OpenMC)

  • 윤성준;박동규;서재욱;고유빈;지성균
    • 한국압력기기공학회 논문집
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.170-177
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    • 2024
  • Transportable Micro Reactors (TMRs) harness the advantages of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) while addressing the need for mobility and transient power supply. These factory-manufactured reactors can be quickly installed and relocated, enhancing their practicality. This study evaluates radiation safety during transportation, focusing on exposure from radioactive sources within the reactor vessel. While significant radiation from fission products in the active core can be effectively shielded by the inner reflector, the induced radiation from surrounding components requires careful assessment to ensure compliance with exposure limits for operators. Given the constraints on the size and weight of the transport container, minimizing fast neutron leakage is crucial. Utilizing OpenMC for depletion calculations, we identify six key isotopes-Cr-51, Fe-59, Mn-54, Mn-56, Co-58, and Co-60-generated during a conservative operational scenario. Our findings indicate that maintaining surface doses below 10 mSv/h requires fast neutron leakage from the inner surface of the reactor vessel to be under 1.0E+8/cm2·sec. Therefore, optimizing core size and reflector thickness is essential for the effective design of TMRs without the need for additional shielding.