• Title/Summary/Keyword: 영문표기

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A Study on the Enhancement of Korean Diaspora-related Subject Headings: Focusing on Korean-related Terminology in the National Library of Korea Subject Headings (한인디아스포라 관련 주제명표목 개선 방안 연구 - 국립중앙도서관 주제명표목표의 한인 관련 용어를 중심으로 -)

  • Yeo, Ji-Suk;Yang, Kiduk;ITO, HIROKO;Lee, HyeKyung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.103-124
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    • 2022
  • This paper suggests a way to improve Korean diaspora-related subject headings based on the analysis of terminology about Koreans in Korean diaspora-related manuscripts and investigation of related terms in the National Library of Korea subject headings. After selecting three KCI journals with high ratios of diaspora-related papers, the study extracted Korean-related terminology from the journal papers and examined their term frequencies. Additional Korean-related terms were investigated by manually reviewing the articles in which extracted terms appear. Based on these analyses, the study proposes several supplemental enhancements to Korean-related topic names in the National Library of Korea's subject headings, such as changing the English notation, adding non-preferred words, and changing the hierarchical relationship of the existing topic names.

A Comparative Study on the KDC, NDC, and DDC Classification System for Civil Engineering (KDC, NDC, DDC의 토목공학 분야 분류체계 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon-Rye
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2009
  • This paper is intended to comparatively analyzed the KDC/NDC/DDC classification system for the field of civil engineering, the research field classification system of National Research Foundation of Korea, and the science and technology research field classification system of Korea Science and Engineering Foundation. And based on the analysis, it tried to propose the ways of improving the KDC classification system for the civil engineering field. As a result of the analysis, this paper has found that the KDC 5th-edition for the civil engineering field needed some corrections. That is, the classification items that reflect the trend of academic development should be added, the classification terminology of the basic theories of civil engineering should be properly developed, segmented topics should be added, any errors in classification codes and Korean/English descriptions should be corrected, and the omission of the KDC relative index of classification items should be solved. This paper proposed the ways of improving those problems.

Parafoveal Semantic Preview Effect in Reading of Chinese-Korean Bilinguals (글 읽기에서 나타난 중심와주변 의미 미리보기 효과 : 중국어-한국어 이중언어자 대상으로)

  • Wang, Shang;Choo, Hyeree;Koh, Sungryoung
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.315-347
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to investigate the semantic preview effect in the parafoveal processing of words that are presented in advance in the parafoveal area ahead of the fixation point, benefiting word processing in the fovea. Using the boundary technique in eye-tracking experiments, 25 Chinese-Korean bilinguals, whose native language is Chinese, were presented with 96 sentences that contained a mix of Chinese and Korean, where Korean words were associated with Chinese characters semantically. The study aimed to determine whether a semantic preview effect could be extracted in reading. The experimental sentences were divided into four conditions: the same Korean native word condition (e.g., "나라" meaning "country"), the same Korean word with semantic equivalent in Chinese condition (e.g., "국가" meaning "country"), the same Chinese condition with semantic equivalent in Korean (e.g., "国家" meaning "country"), and the unrelated Chinese condition to the target word (e.g., "围裙" meaning "apron"). The results showed a preview effect in both the Korean word and Chinese word conditions, with a larger preview effect observed in the Chinese word condition compared to the Korean word condition.

Automatic Extraction of Alternative Words using Parallel Corpus (병렬말뭉치를 이용한 대체어 자동 추출 방법)

  • Baik, Jong-Bum;Lee, Soo-Won
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.1254-1258
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    • 2010
  • In information retrieval, different surface forms of the same object can cause poor performance of systems. In this paper, we propose the method extracting alternative words using translation words as features of each word extracted from parallel corpus, korean/english title pair of patent information. Also, we propose an association word filtering method to remove association words from an alternative word list. Evaluation results show that the proposed method outperforms other alternative word extraction methods.

Distribution and Characteristics of the Sedimentary Basin Offshore San-in to Tsushima Islands (일본 산닌-쓰시마 해양에 존재하는 퇴적분지의 분포와 특성)

  • Park Se-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Petroleum Geology
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    • v.10 no.1_2 s.11
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    • pp.34-39
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    • 2004
  • This article discusses stratigraphy and geological history of continental shelf area covering of offshore San-in to Tsushima islands. Geological data from 5 wells and detailed seismic surveys indicate that sediments in the studied area are divided into 4 stratigraphic groups ranging from Oligocene to Tertiary in age, namely X, H, K, and D groups in ascending order. The oldest X group of Oligocene time comprises paralic sediments including volcanics deposited in the initial stage of basin-formation. N group of mainly lower Miocene time consists of deep marine sediment, representing the highest stage of transgression. Sediments of the K group of middle Miocene time show distinct off-lapping depositional pattern during the basinfilling stage. The youngest D group covers these older groups unconformably. Strong deformation of sediments prior to the deposition of the D group formed many anticlinal structures. Five exploratory wells were drilled at the selected structures, where only minor gas shows were encountered. The area provides the enough palaeotemperature to mature the source rocks at moderate depth.

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On Information Theoretical Research of the Korean Language (한국어의 정보이론적 연구 방향)

  • Lee, Jae-Hong;Yi, Chae-Hag
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1992.10a
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    • pp.367-375
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    • 1992
  • 한국어는 다른 언어와는 달리 초성, 중성, 종성의 자소가 모여서 한 음절을 이룬다. 음절을 이루는 자소는 그 발생의 확률적 성질에 따라 확률변수로 간주된다. 음절 안에서 자소간의 발생의 상관관계는 자소간 조건부 확률 및 엔트로피로 표시된다. 음절이 모여서 단어를 이루고 단어를 이루는 음절은 그 발생의 확률적 성질에 따라 확률변수로 간주된다. 한국어 단어안에서 음절간의 발생의 상관관계는 음절간 조건부 확률 및 엔트로피로 표시된다. 수 있다. 그런데 가능한 음절의 종류가 매우 많기 때문에 음절 발생의 상관관계를 표시하는 지표로서 음절간 조건부 확률 대신 초성, 중성, 종성 단위의 조건부 확률을 사용하는 것이 음절간의 발생의 상관관계를 표시하는데 효과적이다. 이러한 한국어의 정보이론적 연구를 위하여서는 기초자료로서 한국어 단어의 빈도분포가 필요하다. 한국어 단어의 빈도분포의 포괄적인 조사는 1956년의 "우리말 말수 사용의 잦기 조사"가 유일한 실정이다. 시간 경과에 따른 한국어의 정보이론적 특성 변화의 분석을 위하여서는 한국어 단어 빈도의 주기적인 조사가 필요하다. 한국어에서 초성, 중성, 종성단위의 정보이론적 연구결과는 한국어 음성인식 및 함성, 자연언어처리, 암호법, 언어학, 음성학, 한국어부호 표준화 연구등에 이용될 것으로 기대된다. 남북한의 언어는 분단이 지속됨에 따라 상호 이질화가 진행되고 있다. 이러한 이질화를 극복하려는 부분적인 노력으로 남북한 언어의 한국어 영문표기의 단일화 등이 있었다. 이러한 노력에 병행하여 남한과 북한의 언어에 대한 정보이론적 비교 연구도 있어야 할 것이다. 정보를 효과적으로 캐싱할 수 있도록 인접한 데이터를 클러스터링해서 브로드캐스팅하여 이동 호스트의 구성 시간(setup time)을 최소화하였다. 그리고, 맨하탄거리(Manhattan Distance)를 사용해서 위치 의존 질의에서 사용하는 데이타를 캐싱하고 질의를 처리하는 방법을 제안한다. 맨하탄 거리를 이용해서 캐싱하면 도로에 인접해서 위치한 데이타를 효과적으로 캐싱할 수 있다. 또한, 거리 계산 방법으로 맨하탄 거리를 사용하면 도심에서 실제 이동 거리와 비슷한 값을 알 수 있고, 직선 거리 계산식에 비해서 계산식도 간단하기 때문에 시스템 계산량도 줄일 수 있다. 기준으로 라이신 부산물은 어분 단백질을 40%까지 대체가 가능하였으며, 아울러 높은 라이신 부산물의 대체 수준에 있어서 사료효율과 단백질 전환효율을 고려한다면 아미노산 첨가(라이신과 아르지닌)와 중화 효과에 좋은 결과가 있을 것으로 사료된다.의한 적정 양성수용밀도는 각고 5~6cm 크기의 경우 10~15개체가 적합하였다. 수증별 성장은 15~20 m 수층에서 빨랐으며, 성장촉진과 폐사를 줄이기 위해서는 고수온이 지속되는 7~10월에는 20~30m수층으로 채롱을 내려 양성하고 그 외 시기에는 15 m층 내외가 좋은 것으로 나타났다. 상품으로 출하 가능한 크기 인 각고 10 cm이상, 전중량 140 g 내외로 성장시 키기까지는 채묘후 22개월이 소요되었고, 출하시기는 전중량 증가가 최대에 이르는 3월에서 4월 중순이 경제적일 것으로 판단된다.er 90 % of good relative dynamic modulus of elasticity due

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A Study on the Internationally Accepted Terminology of Traditional Landscape Architecture - Based on Big Data Analysis on International Documents and Research Papers of Gardens, Parks and Landscape - (전통조경 관련 국제통용 용어 고찰 - 정원·공원·도시경관에 관한 국제 문서와 연구 빅데이터 분석을 바탕으로 -)

  • Seo, Ja-Yoo;Jung, Hae-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the definition of traditional landscape and the appropriate English notation. To confirm the appropriate concept, the charter's relevant terminology was synthesised and the meaning of the vocabulary used in international studies was examined. ICOMOS The Charter on Historic Gardens(The Florebce Charter, 1981), ICOMOS-IFLA Document on Historic Urban Parks(New Delhi, 2017), and UNESCO Recommendation on The Historic Urban Landscape(Paris, 2011) were analysed to examine the concept, and the words describing definitions, space, objects, value, and activity were arranged. Big data was used to analyse the research literature related to overseas traditional landscapes. This study examined the characteristics of each word and examined the appropriate name for expressing the historic and cultural characteristics of landscape in research literature, which included traditional, historic, cultural, classical, vernacular, landscape-related gardens, parks, and landscape words related to historic culture. Consequently, the International Charter declared the suitability of 'historic' gardens and parks, as well as traditional landscape for expressing unique designs, composition technique, and ecological meaning of Korea, while historic landscape was deemed suitable for explaining gardens and parks in landscape history.

Reexamination of foreign collector's sites and exploration routes in Korea (IV) - with respect to T. Ishidoya (외국인의 한반도 식물 채집행적과 지명 재고(IV): Tstomu Ishidoya 석호곡면(石戶谷勉))

  • Chang, Chin-Sung;Chang, Kae-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.90-104
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    • 2010
  • Tstomu Ishidoya (1891-1958), a Japanese taxonomist and pharmacognosist, conducted his plant explorations on the Korean peninsula from 1911 to 1943. Especially from 1912 to 1923 Ishidoya, as a governmentemployee of Chosen Governor-General collected numerous specimens of woody plants which were later studied by T. Nakai. Collection numbers totalling 6,487 (= collections) were recorded according to Nakai's studies, while only 1,350 speciemens are confirmed to be preserved now in three Japanese herbaria (Tokyo Universtiy, Kyoto University and National Museum of Nature and Science). All collection sites were described by Nakai using romanized characters with Japanese pronunciation. For this study, one hundred seventy three locality names were reviewed using those of Ishidoya's specimens that are deposited at TI, KYO, and TNS; the database, Korean Biodiversity Information System (http://www.nature.go.kr), and the articles and literature of Nakai and Ishidoya. These are listed in the order of his collection dates.

Review and proposed improvements for Romanization and English expressions of rubrics in the WHO ICD-11 beta version traditional medicine chapter (세계보건기구 국제질병분류 11판 베타버전 중 한의학 고유 상병의 로마자 표기 및 영문표현 검토연구)

  • Kim, Jin Youp;Yin, Chang Shik;Jo, Hee Jin;Kim, Kyu Ri;Kang, Da Hyun;Lee, Jong Ran;Kim, Yong Suk
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.47-68
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    • 2015
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to review and propose improvements for the Romanization and English expressions in the WHO international classification of diseases 11th revision beta version (ICD-11b) traditional medicine chapter. Methods : ICD-11b as of October 5, 2015, was reviewed. Romanization and English expressions were analyzed with reference to existing standards such as the Basic Principles of Romanization stipulated by the National Institute of Korean Language, and the Korean Standard Classification of Diseases (KCD), suggested improvements followed. Results : Following the Basic Principles of Romanization, 131 ICD-11b rubrics need improvement in the Romanization of Korean. When compared to KCD-6 comparable rubrics, 161 ICD-11b rubrics are the same and 64 are different. When compared to KCD-7 comparable rubrics, 118 ICD-11b rubrics are the same, and 51 are different. In KCD-6, there are 127 rubrics that do not match with items in ICD-11b. In KCD-7, there are 123 rubrics that do not match with items in ICD-11b. Conclusions : ICD-11b may be improved by correcting the Romanization and consideration of English expressions suggested in this study.

A Comparative Study on Authority Records for Korean Writers Among Countries (한국인 저자 전거에 관한 국가간 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Song-Ie;Chung, Yeon Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.379-403
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    • 2015
  • Name Authority Control is useful not only to manage author information but also to gather other names of authors in order to provide access points in libraries and other institutes. The purpose of this study is to find problems through comparing and analyzing Literature Translation Institute of Korea Author Database, Korean name authority records of national libraries in the U. S., Japan and Korea. The results of the study are as follows. First, Literature Translation Institute of Korea Author Database missed some useful information about Korean writers in translated books in other countries. Second, the name authority file of Library of Congress and National Diet Library did not include the variant names, dates of authors' birth and death date, and filled out incorrect variant names with some birth and death dates. Third, English and Chinese character variants of Korean authors were not found in the National Library of Korea. To solve these problems, revisions of Korean author database, open access to National Library of Korea name authority file, and a strong participation of VIAF were suggested.