• Title/Summary/Keyword: 열피로 시험

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Behavior of Fatigue Crack at Interface and Around Interface for friction Welded Dissimilar Materials (이종마찰압접재의 접합계면 및 계면근방에서의 피로균열거동)

  • 오환섭
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers Conference
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    • 1998.03a
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    • pp.287-292
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    • 1998
  • In this study behavior of fatigue crack and fatigue fracture is observed under rotary bending fatigue testing in friction welded dissimilar materials. Fatigue fracture most occurred in SM15C heat affected zone around Interface. In case of fatigue test, stress is reduced the position of fracture gradually moves to the welded Interface. Micro crack of heat affected zone surface on SM15C is observed at any different stress.

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A Study on Fatigue Strength Characteristics of Weld Joint using Metal Type Flux Cored Wire (금속계 플럭스들이 용접이음부의 피로강도 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 강성원;신동진;김환식
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.151-161
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    • 1994
  • FCAW has wide application in ship fabrication, maintenance and field erection. It has many advantages over SMAW.SAW and GMAW process. In many applications, the FCAW provides highquality weld metal. This method can reduce weld defects especially porosity and spatter. But the fatigue characteristics of those deposited metal have been rarely investigated. The purpose of this study is to investigate the cyclic stress-strain behavior and fatigue tests by the constant strain control were carried out on the rounded smooth specimen with deposited metal using the metal type flux cored wire. As the results of this study for the deposited metal welded by the metal type flux cored wire, the hardening or softening characteristics under cyclic load were investigated and cyclic stress-strain curve, strain-fatigue life curve, stress-strain function and fatigue life relation which are useful to estimate the fatigue life under the stress concentration condition were obtained.

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Evaluation of the Degradation Trend of the Polyurethane Resilient Pad in the Rail Fastening System by Multi-stress Accelerated Degradation Test (복합가속열화시험을 통한 레일체결장치 폴리우레탄 탄성패드의 열화 경향 분석)

  • Sung, Deok-Yong;Park, Kwang-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.466-472
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    • 2013
  • The use of a concrete track is gradually growing in urban and high-speed railways in many part of the world. The resilient pad, which is essentially when concrete tracks are used, plays the important role of relieving the impact caused by train loads. The simple fatigue test[1] to estimate the variable stiffness of resilient pads is usually performed, but it differs depending on the practical conditions of different railways. In this study, the static stiffness levels of used resilient pads according to passing tonnages levels were measured in laboratory tests. Also, the simple fatigue test and the multi-stress accelerated degradation test for new resilient pads were performed in a laboratory. The static stiffness of the used pad was compared with the results of tests of usage times and cycles. The results of the comparison showed that the variable static stiffness levels of the used pad were similar to results of the multi-stress accelerated degradation test considering the fatigue and heat load. With a T-NT equation related to the degree of the multi-stress accelerated degradation, a model of multi-stress accelerated degradation for a resilient pad was devised. It was found through this effort that the total acceleration factor was approximately 2.62. Finally, this study proposes an equation for a multi-stress accelerated degradation model for polyurethane resilient pads.

The Propagation Behaviour of the Fatigue Crack in the Compact Tension Specimens of the Welded Structural Steels (On according to the difference of the welding direction, the input heat level, the strength of weld material and so on) (용접(鎔接)이음한 구조강(構造鋼)의 소인장시험편(小引張試驗片)에서의 피로구열진전거동(疲勞龜裂進展擧動) (용접방향(鎔接方向), 입열량(入熱量), 용접재료(鎔接材料)의 강도(强度) 등이 다를 때))

  • Chang, Dong Il;Chung, Yeong Wha
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 1984
  • With the weld-joined compact tension specimens compared with each other, that is, transverse and lengthwise about the crack propagation direction, high and low in the input heat level, same as and lower than the base metal in the strength of weld material, the fatigue test were performed. With these data, the log-log curves between the fatigue crack propagation rate ${\frac{da}{dN}}$ and the transition range of the stress intensity factor ${\Delta}K$ ahead the crack tip were drawed. These curves were compared and estimated among each compared specimens, among each zones, that is, the base metal, the heat-affected metal and the weld-mixed metal, and between this study and the past studies. Basically, Little difference in the slope of the $da/dN-{\Delta}K$ relation was showed in all the welded directions, all the input heat levels and all the zones. But, First, to comparison with in the past studies about the base metals, it was showed that da/dN started in the much later rate, increased faster and stoped in the little faster rate. Second, it was showed that, near the time the crack's going from the heat-affected zone to the weld-mixed metal da/dN decreased a little for a while. Third, in the lengthwise weld compared with the transverse weld, in the high input heat weld compared with the low input heat weld in the case used the weld material of the same strength as the base metal, in the opposite case in the case used the one of the lower strength than the base metal, in the case used the weld material of the same strength as compared with the lower strength than the base metal beside the high input heat and the lengthwise weld, it was showed that the crack occured earlier in lower ${\Delta}K$ and later da/dN, the curves went with the same slope. Forth, in the lengthwise weld compared with the transverse weld in the low input heat weld, in the low input heat weld compared with the high input heat weld, it was showed that da/dN went with the lower level.

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Study on the Characteristics of the Corrosion Fatigue Crack Propagation of Al-Alloy used for the Shipbuilding (선박용 알루미늄 합금재의 부식피로구열 진전특성에 관한 연구)

  • Im, U-Jo;Lee, Jong-Rak;Lee, Jin-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 1988
  • Recently with the rapid development in marine and shipbuilding industries such as marine structures, ship, and chemical plants, there occurs much interest in the study of corrosion fatigue characteristics was closed up an important role in mechanical design. In this study, the 5086 Al-Alloy was tested by used of a rotary bending fatigue tester and was investigated under the environments of various specific resistance and air. The specific resistance, as a corrosion environment, was changed 15, 20, 25 and 5000$\Omega$.cm. The corrosion fatigue crack initiation sensitivity was quantitatively inspected for 5086 Al-Alloy in the various specific resistance. The experimental constants of Paris rule were examined in the various specific resistances, and the influences of load and corrosion with affect the crack growth rate were compared with. Main results obtained are as follows: (1) Number of stress cycles to corrosion fatigue crack initiation delaies and corrosion fatigue crack initiation sensitivity decreases with the increasing for the specific resistance. (2) The experimental constant m of Paris rule decreases with the decreasing for specific resistance. Hence the effect of corrosion is more susceptible than that of stress intensity factor. (3) The corrosion fatigue crack of 5086 Aluminium Alloy appears intergranular fracture. (4) Corrosion sensitivity is decreased with the increasing stress intensity factor and is nearly uniform when stress intensity factor is over 40kg.mm super(-3/2)

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Joining properties and thermal cycling reliability of the Si die-attached joint with Zn-Sn-based high-temperature lead-free solders (Zn-Sn계 고온용 무연솔더를 이용한 Si다이접합부의 접합특성 및 열피로특성)

  • Kim, Seong-Jun;Kim, Keun-Soo;Suganuma, Katsuaki
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.72-72
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    • 2009
  • 전자부품의 내부접속 및 파워반도체의 다이본딩과 같은 1차실장에는 고온환경에서의 사용과 2차실장에서의 재용융방지를 위해 높은 액상선온도 및 고상선온도를 필요로 하여, Pb-5wt%Sn, Pb-2.5wt%Ag로 대표되는 납성분 85%이상의 고온솔더가 널리 사용되고 있다. 생태계와 인체에 대한 납의 유해성이 보고된 이래, 무연솔더에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되어 왔으나, Sn-Ag-Cu계로 대표되는 Sn계 합금으로 대체 중인 중온용 솔더와는 달리, 고온용 솔더에 대해서는 대체합금에 대한 연구가 미흡한 실정이다. 대체재의 부재로 인해 기존의 납을 다량함유한 솔더로 1차실장이 지속됨으로서, 2차실장의 무연화에도 불구하고 전자부품 및 기기의 재활용에 큰 어려움을 겪고 있다. 지금까지 고온용 무연솔더로서는 융점에 근거해 Au-(Sn, Ge, Si)계, Bi-Ag계, Zn-(Al, Sn)계의 극히 제한된 합금계만이 보고되어 왔다. Au계 솔더는 현재 플럭스를 사용하지 않는 광학, 디스플레이 분야 등 고부가가치 공정에 사용되고 있으나, 합금가격이 매우 비싸며 가공성이 나빠 대체재료로서는 적합하지 않다. Bi-Ag계 솔더 또한 취성합금으로 와이어 및 박판으로 가공하는데 어려움이 크며, 솔더로서 중요한 특성중 하나인 전기전도도 및 열전도도가 나쁜 편이다. 이에 비해, Zn계 합금은 비교적 낮은 합금가격, 적절한 가공성과 뛰어난 인장강도, 우수한 전기전도도 및 열전도도를 지녀, 고온용솔더 대체재료의 유력한 후보로 생각된다.이전 연구에서, 필자의 연구그룹은 Zn-Sn계 합금을 고온용 무연솔더로서 제안한 바 있다. Zn-Sn계 합금은 충분히 높은 융점과 함께, 금속간화합물이 없는 미세조직, 우수한 기계적 특성, 높은 전기전도도 및 열전도도 등의 장점을 나타내었다. 본 연구에서는 기초합금특성상 고온솔더로서 다양한 장점을 지닌 Zn-30wt%Sn합금을 고온용 솔더의 대표적인 적용의 하나인 다이본딩에 적용하여, 접합부의 강도 및 미세조직, 열피로 신뢰성에 대해 분석을 함으로서 실제 공정에의 적용가능성에 대해 검토하였다. Zn-30wt%Sn을 이용해 Au/TiN(Titanium nitride) 코팅한 Si다이를 AlN-DBC(aluminum nitride-direct bonded copper)기판에 접합한 결과, 양측에 완전히 젖은 기공이 없는 양호한 다이접합부를 얻었으며, 솔더내부에는 금속간화합물을 형성하지 않았다. Si다이와의 계면에는 TiN만이 존재하였으며, Cu와의 계면에는 Cu로부터 $Cu_5Zn_8,\;CuZn_5$의 반응층을 형성하였다. 온도사이클시험을 통한 열피로특성평가에서, Zn-30wt%Sn를 이용한 다이접합부는 1500사이클 지점에서 Cu와 Cu-Zn금속간화합물의 사이에서 피로균열이 형성되며, 접합강도가 크게 감소하였다. 열피로특성 향상을 위해 Cu표면에 TiN코팅을 하여 Zn-30wt%Sn 솔더로 다이접합한 결과, Si다이와 기판 양측에 TiN만으로 구성된 계면을 형성하였으며, TEM관찰을 통해 Zn-30wt%Sn과 극히 미세한 접합계면이 형성하고 있음을 확인하였다. Zn-wt%30Sn솔더와 TiN층의 병용으로 2000사이클까지 미세조직의 변화 및 강도저하가 없는 극히 안정된 고신뢰성의 다이접합부를 얻을 수가 있었다.

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A Study on the Mechanical Strength Change by Thermal Aging of 2.25Cr-1Mo Steel (발전설비용 2.25Cr-1Mo 강의 시효에 의한 기계적 강도 특성 변화에 대한 연구)

  • Yang, Hyeon-Tae;Kim, Sang-Tae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.24 no.7 s.178
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    • pp.1771-1778
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the thermal embrittlement and the mechanical properties of 2.25Cr-1Mo steel aged at high temperature for the extended periods. Original, aged artificiall y and used material were tested to obtain the tensile strength, hardness and impact absorbed energy. Tensile strength, hardness and impact absorbed energy decreased with the increasing aging time. The carbide morphology with the thermal embrittlement was found to contribute to the mechanical property change by X-Ray diffraction method.

핵융합로용 플라즈마 대향부품 개발을 위해 제작된 텅스텐/FM강 HIP 접합 목업의 수명 평가 해석

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Sin, Gyu-In;Kim, Seok-Gwon;Jin, Hyeong-Gon;Lee, Eo-Hwak;Yun, Jae-Seong;Mun, Se-Yeon;Hong, Bong-Geun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.452-452
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    • 2014
  • 블랑켓 일차벽이나 디버터와 같은 핵융합로 플라즈마 대향부품은 플라즈마로부터 입사되는 중성자 및 입자들을 차폐하여 구조물을 보호하고, 발생열을 에너지로 변환하기 위해 냉각재를 활용한 열제거 기능을 담당한다. 특히, 고속중성자와 입사 열부하 및 여러 입자들로부터 블랑켓 및 내부 구조물을 보호하기 위해 차폐체와 구조물로 구성된다. 세계적으로 차폐체로서는 텅스텐 혹은 텅스텐 합금, 구조물용 재료로는 저방사화 Ferritic Martensitic (FM) 강이 유력한 후보재료로 개발, 연구 중에 있다. 국내에서는 국제핵융합로(ITER) 사업을 통해 고온등방가압(HIP, Hot Isostatic Pressing)을 이용한 이종금속간 접합기술과 한국형 저방사화 고온구조재료인 ARAA (Advanced Reduced Activation Alloy)가 개발되고 있으며, 이를 활용한 설계, 접합법 개발, 제작목업의 건전성 평가 등이 수행되고 있다. 한국원자력연구원에서는 핵융합 기초사업의 일환으로 전북대와 공동으로 수행 중인 건전성 평가체계 개발을 위해, 기 개발된 접합법을 활용한 $45mm(H){\times}45mm(W){\times}2mm(T)$의 W/FM강 목업을 제작한 바 있으며, 이를 국내 구축된 고열부하 시험 장비인 KoHLT-EB (Electron Beam)를 활용한 고열부하 인가 건전성 평가시험을 준비 중에 있다. 이종금속간 접합 특성은 기계적 평가를 위한 파괴시험을 통해 검증, 이를 활용한 목업이 제작되었으며, 제작된 목업에 대한 초음파를 이용한 접합면의 비파괴 검사를 통해 결함이 없음을 확인하였다. 최종적으로 실제 사용되는 핵융합 운전조건과 유사 혹은 가혹한 조건에서 고열부하를 인가하여, 그 건전성을 평가가 이루어질 것이다. 고열부하 시험을 위해서는 냉각조건, 인가 열부하, 수명평가를 통한 반복 고열부하 인가 횟수 등이 사전에 결정되어야 한다. 이를 위해 상업용 열수력, 구조해석 코드인 ANSYS-CFX와 -mechanical을 이용한 시험조건 모의 및 수명 평가가 수행되었다. 구축 장비의 냉각계통을 고려하여 냉각수의 온도 및 속도는 $25^{\circ}C$, 0.15 kg/sec로, 열부하는 0.5 및 $1.0MW/m^2$에 대해 모의를 수행하였다. 정상상태 시 텅스텐의 최대 온도는 각 열부하 조건에 따라 $285.3^{\circ}C$$546.8^{\circ}C$였으며, 이에 도달하는 시간을 구하기 위해 천이해석을 수행하였고, 이를 통해 30초에 최대온도 95 %이상의 정상상태 온도에 도달함을 확인하였다. 또한, 목업의 초기 온도에 도달하는 냉각시간도 동일한 천이해석을 통해 30초로 가능함을 확인하였고, 최종 시험 조건을 30초 가열, 30초 냉각으로 결정하였다. 결정된 반복 열부하 인가 조건에서 이종금속 접합체가 받는 다른 열팽창 정도에 따른 응력을 계산하여 목업의 수명을 도출하였고, 이를 시험해야 할 반복 횟수로 결정하였다. 각 열부하 조건에 따른 온도조건을 ANSYS-mechanical 코드를 활용하여 열팽창과 이에 따른 접합면의 응력분포로 계산하였다. 0.5 및 $1.0MW/m^2$에 대해, 목업이 받는 최대 응력은 334.3 MPa와 588.0 MPa 였으며, 이 때 텅스텐과 FM강이 받는 strain을 도출하여 물성치로 알려진 cycle to failure 값을 도출하였다. 열부하에서 예상되는 수명은 0.5 및 $1.0MW/m^2$에 대해, 100,000 사이클 이상과 2,655 사이클로 계산되었으며, 시간적 제약을 고려 최종 평가는 $1.0MW/m^2$에 대해, 3,000사이클 정도의 실험을 통해 그 수명까지 접합건전성이 유지되는 지 실험을 통해 평가할 예정이다.

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Durability Test and Micro-Damage Formation of Rubber Hose for Automotive Hydraulic Brake (자동차 유압브레이크용 고무호스의 내구성 시험 및 미세손상에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Seung-Bum;Choi, Nak-Sam;Lim, Young-Han
    • Composites Research
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2008
  • Rubber hose assembly for automotive hydraulic brake during operation is subject to combined stresses of cyclic pressure, cyclic bending and torsion as well as thermal load. The rubber hose is composed of ethylene-propylene diene monomer(EPDM) rubber layers reinforced by polyvinyl acetate(PVA) braided fabrics. A durability tester with loading rigs for inducing the above cyclic stresses was used to investigate failure mechanisms in the rubber hose assembly. Failure examination was performed at every 100 thousands cycles of bending and torsion. Hose samples were sectioned with a diamond-wheel cutter and then polished. The polished surface was observed by optical microscope and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Some interfacial delamination with a length of about 1mm along the interface between EPDM rubber and PVA fabrics was shown at the test cycles of 400,000. The delamination induced some cracking into the outer rubber skin layer to leading the final rupture of the hose.

Durability Design of Composite Piston in Marine Diesel Engines (박용 디젤엔진용 분리형 피스톤의 내구설계)

  • Son, Jung-Ho;Ha, Man-Yeong;Ahn, Sung-Chan;Choi, Seong-Wook
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.651-657
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    • 2010
  • A composite piston with a crown made of steel and a skirt made of NCI is used in a marine diesel engine, which has a maximum firing pressure of over 180 bar and a high thermal load. In the fatigue design of the composite piston, the fatigue is influenced by factors such as the load type, surface roughness, and temperature; further, the distribution ratio of the firing force from the crown to the skirt is important for optimizing the design of the crown and skirt. In this study, the stress gradient method was used to consider the effect of the load type. The temperature field on the piston was predicted by cocktail-shaking cooling analysis, and influence of high temperature on fatigue strength was investigated. The load transfer ratio and contact pressure were optimized by design of the surface shape and accurate tolerance analysis. Finally, the cooling performance and durability design of the composite piston were verified by performing a long-term prototype test.