• 제목/요약/키워드: 연골 손상

검색결과 167건 처리시간 0.028초

족관절 내측 퇴행성 관절염의 방사선적 분류와 관절 연골 손상의 관계 (Relationship between Radiographic Classification and Articular Cartilage Lesions in Medial Degenerative Arthritis of the Ankle)

  • 이우천;문정석;이강;최홍준
    • 대한족부족관절학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: To investigate the relationship between classification based on simple radiographic findings and arthroscopic findings of the cartilage lesions in medial degenerative arthritis of the ankle joint. Materials and Methods: We studied 41 ankles of 36 patients with asymmetrical narrowing of the medial joint space. Degenerative arthritis following fracture and those with generalized arthritic disease were excluded, but those with a history of ankle sprain were included. Standing radiographs of all patients were graded according to the Takakura classification and the Kellgren-Lawrence (K/L) classification. Arthroscopic findings were classified according to the depth, width, and anteroposterior dimension of articular cartilage damage. Results: According to the Takakura classification, 29 ankles were classified as stage II, 7 cases as stage IIIA and 2 cases as stage IIIB. According to our classification of arthroscopic findings of 29 ankles in stage II, 1 ankle was graded as Grade I, 3 ankles as grade II, 10 ankles as grade III, and 15 ankles as grade IV. Spearman correlation coefficient between Takakura classification and arthroscopic classification was 0.342 (P=0.028), and coefficient between K/L classification and arthroscopic classification was 0.480 (P=0.001). Conclusion: Degenerative changes of the articular cartilage are more advanced than radiographic findings in many patients with ankle degenerative arthritis with asymmetrical narrowing of medial joint space. Therefore, we conclude that more aggressive effort should be made for correct diagnosis and treatment of degenerative arthritis.

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방기음의 Monosodium Iodoacetate에 의한 관절연골손상 억제효과 (Protective Effects of Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) on the Articular Cartilage Injuries Induced by Monosodium Iodoacetate in Rats)

  • 정해창;정수현;서일복
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제24권3호
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2014
  • Objectives The objective of this study is to investigate the protective effects of Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) on the articular cartilage injuries in rat model of osteoarthritis. Methods Articular cartilage injury was induced by injection of monosodium iodoacetate (MIA) (0.25 mg) into both knee joint cavities of rats. Rats were divided into control group (n=8) and Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) group (n=8), which was taken extracts of Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) by orally for 20 days. At the end of the experiment (20 days after MIA injection), gross and histopathological examinations on the articular structures of knee joints were performed. Proteoglycan (PG) content in articular cartilages was analyzed by safranin O staining method. And also, tumor necrosis factor-${\alpha}$ (TNF-${\alpha}$) and interleukin-$1{\beta}$ (IL-$1{\beta}$) contents in synovial fluid were measured by ELISA method. Results 1. Grossly, the degree of articular cartilage injury in the Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) group was alleviated compared with the control group. 2. PG content in articular cartilage of the Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) group was increased significantly compared with the control group. 3. Histopathologically, osteoarthritic score of the Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) group was decreased significantly compared with the control group. 4. TNF-${\alpha}$ and IL-$1{\beta}$ content in synovial fluid of the Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) group was increased compared with the control group. But there was no significance. Conclusions On the basis of these results, we suggest that Banggi-eum (FangchiYin) have inhibiting effects on the progression of articular cartilage injury in MIA-induced osteoarthritis model.

무릎 연골 두께 아틀라스를 통한 손상 평가 기법 (Knee Cartilage Defect Assessment using Cartilage Thickness Atlas)

  • 이용우;;안천수;신지태
    • 대한의용생체공학회:의공학회지
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2015
  • Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic joint disease in the world. With its progression, cartilage thickness tends to diminish, which causes severe pain to human being. One way to examine the stage of osteoarthritis is to measure the cartilage thickness. When it comes to inter-subject study, however, it is not easy task to compare cartilage thickness since every human being has different cartilage structure. In this paper, we propose a method to assess cartilage defect using MRI inter-subject thickness comparison. First, we used manual segmentation method to build accurate atlas images and each segmented image was labeled as articular surface and bone-cartilage interface in order to measure the thickness. Secondly, each point in the bone-cartilage interface was assigned the measured thickness so that the thickness does not change after registration. We used affine transformation and SyGN to get deformation fields which were then applied to thickness images to have cartilage thickness atlas. In this way, it is possible to investigate pixel-by-pixel thickness comparison. Lastly, the atlas images were made according to their osteoarthritis grade which indicates the degree of its progression. The result atlas images were compared using the analysis of variance in order to verify the validity of our method. The result shows that a significant difference is existed among them with p < 0.001.

늑골의 양성 종양환자에서 흉강경을 이용한 늑골 절제술 (VATS Rib Resection in Benign Bone Tumor)

  • 박창률;김정원;이용직;주석;정종필;김대영
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.454-457
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    • 2010
  • 42세 남자 환자가 종합 검진상 발견된 좌측 6번 늑골의 후궁(posterior arc)의 종괴로 내원하였다. 흉부 컴퓨터 전산화 단층 촬영 및 뼈 스캔(bone scan)에서 뼈연골종(osteochondroma)으로 의심되었고, 흉강경하 늑골 절제술을 시행하였다. 수술 과정 중 혈관 및 신경 손상은 없었다. 환자는 수술 후 4일째 합병증 없이 퇴원 하였다. 조직학적 결과는 양성 섬유성 조직구종(benign fibrous histiocytoma)이었다. 본 증례를 통하여 흉강경을 이용한 늑골의 절제는 후측방 절개술을 통한 늑골 절제술에 비해 미용적인 면에서 장점이 있으며, 손쉽게 수행 가능함을 알 수 있었다.

반월상 연골판 손상을 동반한 내측 측부인대 부분파열 환자의 한방 치료 효과: 증례보고 (Effects of Korean Medicine Treatment on Medial Collateral Ligament Tear with Meniscal Tears : Report of 3 Cases)

  • 전용현;김두리;문희영;박지원;이윤하;채지원;최동주;최효정
    • 척추신경추나의학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : The purpose of this report was to introduce 3 cases of patients diagnosed with both medial collateral ligament tear and meniscal tear that showed clinical improvement after Korean medicine treatment. Methods : These patients received Korean herbal medicine, pharmacopuncture treatment, and acupuncture treatment. We assessed these cases by using the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities'Arthritis Index (WOMAC), and the European Quality of Life-5 Dimension Index (EQ-5D). Results : After Korean medicine treatment, most of the NRS, WOMAC, and EQ-5D scores showed improvement on every discharge date of these 3 cases. The NRS and WOMAC scores of all cases showed a decrease. The EQ-5D of all cases showed an increase. Conclusions : Through this research, we concluded that Korean medicine treatment can be helpful in relieving pain and improving the quality of life and function of knee joint movement in patients with medial collateral ligament tear and meniscal tears.

전방십자인대 재건술후 대퇴골 경골핀 고정의 실패 - 증례보고 - (Failure of Cross-Pin Femoral Fixation after Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction - A Case Report -)

  • 이기병;권덕주;지용남
    • 대한관절경학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.92-95
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    • 2003
  • 34세 남자 환자로 등산중 실족으로 발생한 전방십자인대의 완전파열로 자가 슬괵건을 이용한 경핀 고정법으로 전방십자인대 재건술을 시행하였다. 술후 경과는 양호하였으나 술후 3개월째 굴신 신전 운동 시 슬부 후측면의 동통과 지속적인 관절내 부종 소견을 보였으며 수차례의 관절천자와 약물투여에도 반응이 없었다. 컴퓨터 단층 촬영 상후방 피질 골의 천공이 관찰되어 술후 6개월째 이차관절내시경 수술을 시행하였다. 내시경 소견상 경핀고정물의 전방부 1/3에 일치되는 투명한 이물질과 대퇴경골관절면의 연골의 손상이 관찰되었으며 이물 제거 후 증세는 호전되었다. 경핀 터널의 잘못된 위치가 실패의 원인이라고 생각되었으며 경핀고정법을 이용한 전방십자인대 재건술시, 슬관절 과굴곡 상태에서 예각의 대퇴 터널을 만들어 후방 피질 골을 두껍게 남기고, 핀 홀을 만들 때 경핀가이드를 횡상과축보다 $10\~20$도 외회전시켜야 대퇴골 후방피질골의 천공을 방지할 수 있어 조기 실패를 예방할 수 있다고 생각된다.

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족관절 중등도 불안정성의 관절경적 전거비인대 봉합 - 증례 보고 - (Arthroscopic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair for Grade II Chronic Ankle Instability - Two Cases Report -)

  • 송백용;양기원;김진수;박영욱;김태원;이경태
    • 대한관절경학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2011
  • 족관절 인대 봉합수술은 만성 족관절 불안정성의 치료에 많이 사용되는 술기로서 최근에는 족관절의 관절경술을 추가로 시행하여 관절내 병변 등을 확인하고 치료하는 것이 권유되고 있다. 저자들은 연골 손상을 동반한 족관절 중등도 불안전성 환자에서 관절경적 다발성 천공술과 함께 관절경하에 생체 흡수성 나사못을 이용한 전거비 인대 고정술을 시행하고, 그 결과를 문헌 고찰과 함께 보고 하고자 한다.

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반월상 연골판 손상을 동반한 전방 십자인대 부분파열 환자의 한의학적 치료 효과: 증례보고 (Korean Medicine Therapy to Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament with Meniscal Tears: Report of 4 Cases)

  • 이기언;변다영;한시훈;유형진;이진현
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.175-184
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to report the effectiveness of complex Korean Medicine treatment for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries with meniscus tear. Four patients were treated with complex Korean Medicine by acupuncture, pharmacopuncture and herbal medication. We evaluated the improvement of knee pain and function by Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Arthritis Index (WOMAC Index), EuroQol-5 Dimension Index (EQ-5D Index). After treatment, we found that knee pain was reduced and joint function was improved by NRS and WOMAC index in all cases. In the evaluation of health-related quality of life through EQ-5D index, there was no significant difference in patients with degenerative knee osteoarthritis and severe meniscal injury. This results show that complex Korean Medicine may be an effective option for ACL injuries with meniscus tear. Further clinical studies are needed to clarify the effect of Korean Medicine therapy on ACL injuries with meniscus tear.

반복적으로 풋스위치를 밟는 작업에 의한 반월상 연골 손상 증례 (A Case Report on the Meniscal Tear due to Repetitive Foot-Switch Stepping)

  • 유선희;임현술;김두희;채동주;강석
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.805-814
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    • 1997
  • Injuries to the menisci occur in a variety of ways, most commonly with a twist, pivot, squat, or valgus stress to the knee. Tear patterns are classified to longitudinal, horizontal, or transverse features according to the mechanism of injury. Work-related meniscal tear usually occurs with a repetitive usage of the foot, hence it can be classified as a cumulative traumatic disorder. We found a 47 year-old female worker who had been taking charge of repetitive foot-switch stepping for 8 years. She suffered from pain in the right knee since 5 months ago. Tenderness along the medial joint line of the right knee was observed and pain was aggravated with full flexion of the right knee. On magnetic resonance imaging, high signal intensity was observed at the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the right knee. Degenerative longitudinal and transverse complex tear in the medial meniscus was observed on arthroscopy. Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy was performed. We surveyed the work process and the health status of co-workers. It turned out that the work process was compatible to injure the meniscus and nine out of fourteen co-worker(64.3%) complained pain of the knee. No other factors related to her meniscal tear could be found except for the situation at her work. Therefore, we conclude that meniscal tear is related to the repetitive stepping of foot switch.

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대영전의 Monosodium Iodoacetate 유발 관절연골손상 억제 효과 (Inhibitory Effects of Daeyeoungjeon on the Injury of Articular Cartilage Induced by Monosodium Iodoacetate in Rats)

  • 서일복;정수현;박동수
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제27권2호
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2017
  • Objectives This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of Daeyoungjeon (hereinafter referred to DYJ) treatment on the injury of articular cartilage induced by monosodium iodoacetate in rats. Methods Twenty-four male rats were divided into normal, osteoarthritic control and DYJ group. Rats of normal group were injected with 0.1 ml physiological saline, rats of control and DYJ groups were injected with 0.1 ml monosodium iodoacetate (3 mg/ml) into each left and right knee joint cavities. Rats of DYJ group were administrated extracts of DYJ during 60 days per orally. At 60 days after treatment, gross lesions, area and proteoglycan contents of articular cartilage, histopathological lesions, immunohistochemistry on matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-2, MMP-3, MMP-7) were evaluated. Results Grossly, degenerative changes of articular cartilages were observed weak in DYJ group. The areas of articular cartilages were broader significantly in DYJ group. The proteoglycan contents in articular cartilages were lesser significantly in DYJ group. Histopathologically, the chondrocyte score was lesser significantly in DYJ group. MMP-3 expression in articular cartilages was observed weak in DYJ group. Conclusions From above results, DYJ treatment has inhibitory effects on the injuries of articular cartilage induced by monosodium iodoacetate in rats, and it's effects may be related with down regulation of MMP-3.