• Title/Summary/Keyword: 연결관

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A Convergence Study on Music-color Association Responses of People with Visual Impairment Mediated by Emotion (시각장애인의 정서 기반 음악-색채 연합에 대한 융복합적 연구)

  • Park, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to examine music-color association response(MCAR) of people with visual impairment through music-emotion scale and music-color scale. The study was conducted on 60 participants(30 congenital/ 30 adventitious) who are using services of two welfare centers at S and B cities. For this, four basic emotions (happiness, sadness, anger, and fear) mediated by music were selected, and MCAR to emotion-inducing music were analyzed through self-report method. As a result, first, there were found contrasts in MCAR between happiness and sadness according to type of emotion, however, similar in anger and fear. Second, in MCAR among three variables of the music-emotion scale(valence, arousal and intensity), valence was congruent with MCAR according to type of emotion, arousal marked high scores in negative emotions, and scores of intensity in happiness and sadness were higher than those in anger and fear. Third, there were no significant differences between two groups of people with congenital and adventitious visual impairments. It is meaningful that this study showed the MCAR can be mediated by music through investigating those of people with visual impairment.

A Study on the Efficient Countermeasures of Military in Accordance with Changing Security Environments (4차 산업혁명에 따른 군사보안 발전방안 연구)

  • Kim, Doo Hwan;Park, Ho Jeong
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 2020
  • The Army, which is dreaming of a military leap forward through the fourth industrial revolution, needs to also consider the side effects and adverse functions of the fourth industrial revolution. In particular, this study conducted an analysis of whether it was consistent with the global technological trend of normal 'military security'. This paper focuses on the countermeasures that could result from 4th industrial revolution by utilizing the text-mining technique and social network technique of big data. 1. Active promotion of a convergence program with private, public, militaryand industrial, academic, and solidarity, 2. Information Sharing for International Cooperation and Cooperation in Cyber security, 3. Military Innovation and Military Unsymmetric Cyber security innovation, 4.The Establishment of Military Security Convergence Interface Management System in accordance with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 5. Cooperation in the transition from technology engineering to social technology, 6. Establishing a military security governance system in the military, 7. Specifying confidential military digital data We look forward to providing useful information so that the results of this study can help develop the military and enhance military confidentiality.

The Beginning of Decentralization: Seongbuk Village Archive (자치분권의 시작, 성북마을아카이브)

  • Kang, Sungbong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 2022
  • Seongbuk Village Archive is a village archive built by Seongbuk-gu Office and Seongbuk Cultural Center to contain the uniqueness and specificity of the region. It is a community archive that preserves the records of the community and a digital archive that builds a database through the digitalization of source data. The management system and home page were established through annual and step-by-step promotion through public-private governance. Seongbuk Village Archive's system is designed to facilitate data accumulation and connection between individual records based on the advanced village record standard classification system. Based on this, Seongbuk Cultural Center tried to produce convergence cultural content by linking records online and off-line. In addition, the composition of items displayed on the website has been diversified to not only preserve records but also produce and utilize content. It is a structure created after contemplating how to show the creation and existence of Seongbuk's historical and cultural resources to users in context. In addition, a richer archive platform was built through various curations and activities of the resident record group.

Methodology of Strength Analysis of Socket for AL Handrail in Offshore Platform (해양플랫폼 알루미늄 핸드레일 적용을 위한 소켓 구조강도 평가법)

  • Kim, Yeon-Ho;Park, Joo-Shin;Seo, Jung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.354-360
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    • 2022
  • The aluminum handrails used for promoting structural strength and weight reduction of the topside in an offshore platform are designed according to international standards (ISO, NORSOK, and Austria Standard), and consider the most conservative load combinations. Existing aluminum handrails are bolted to a socket when installed on the topside of a platform, and the amount of deflection of the handrail is largely influenced by the socket design. However, the importance of socket design has been overlooked, and furthermore, separate evaluation procedures or guidance for socket design are ambiguous. Therefore, a series analysis was performed for estimating the structural strength of aluminum handrails to obtain the governing parameters that minimize their deflection against loads. Experimental verification was performed to validate the structural safety of the new model, and we confirmed that all were satisfied within allowable deflection according to international standards. The developed model could be used in several areas in the future as it is lighter and more productive compared to existing models from overseas makers.

Digital Control System Validation using the Simulator Models for 500MW Standard Type Fossil Power Plant (500MW급 표준화력발전소 시뮬레이터 모델을 이용한 디지털 제어시스템 검증)

  • Suh, Jeong-Kwan;Lee, Myeong-Soo;Hong, Jin-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2010
  • The simulator models for 500MW fossil power plant have been developed, and interconnected with the turbine control system to test and validate the digital instrumentation & control (I&C) systems before they are implemented in operating power plants. When the performance of a selected digital I&C system is tested, the corresponding simulator model is replaced by the plant digital I&C systems which is considered as a non-tunable system. The input/out variables of simulator models and control systems were mapped using the LabView in interface systems. This paper describes the interconnection method between the simulator model and the digital I&C system, and summarizes the validation test results performed at the condition of steady-state operation, normal evolution, and malfunction. The integrated validation method of digital I&C systems using the simulator models showed that the simulator can be used as a test bed for the implementation of digital I&C systems in power plants.

Study on Water Cycle Performance Evaluation Experiment of Permeable Block (투수블럭의 물순환 성능평가 실험에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Young Su;Park, Jong Bin;Lee, Jae Hyuk;Kim, Jae Moon;Jung, Min Ho;Shin, Hyun Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.331-331
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    • 2020
  • 급격한 산업화와 도시화로 인한 도시유역의 불투수면의 증가와 이에 따른 배수능력의 저하로 인해 도시 물순환의 왜곡이 발생하였다. 따라서 과거 도시 물관리 기법의 한계가 나타났으며 이를 위해 저영향개발 기법 등과 같은 도시 물관리 기법의 패러다임이 변화하였다. 본 연구에서는 저영향개발 기법에서 도시유역 내 활용이 유용한 침투형 시설 중 투수블럭에 대한 물순환 성능평가를 실외실험을 통해 분석하였다. 성능평가 실험은 부산대학교 양산캠퍼스 한국 GI&LID 센터 내 투수블록 뿐만 아니라 블록 하부 골재층까지 설치가 가능하도록 되어있어 실제 현장과 유사한 환경을 구축이 가능한 2.4×10.9×0.4 (m) 규모의 주차장형 LID 실증시험시설을 활용하였다. 인공강우 분사를 위한 실외 인공강우모사 장치 크기는 2×2(m)으로 본 시험을 위하여 5개의 인공강우모사 장치를 연결하여 활용하였으며, 본 시험장치는 강우를 공급하기 위한 수조와 펌프, 일정한 유량을 유입하기 위한 유량계, 강우를 분사하기 위한 노즐, 인공강우가 실제 강우와 같이 자유낙하 하도록 구현하기 위한 오실레이터 등으로 구성되었다. 시험대상인 틈새투수블록은 석재블록 규격 400×600×100 mm이며 재질은 받침안정층(흙), 투수블록(화강석)으로 구성되어 있다. 실험의 시나리오는 시험체에 강우강도 30mm/hr, 50mm/hr, 100mm/hr에 해당하는 양을 1시간 동안 유입하여 시험 시작 후, 강우지속시간, 표면유출지속시간, 표면유출량을 1분 단위로 측정. 시험체에 유공관이 설치된 경우에는 침투유출지속시간, 침투유출량도 함께 1분 단위로 측정하였으며 각 강우강도별로 측정하고, 1회 측정 후, 각 시험별 시험 대상체의 조건을 같게 하기 위한(하부 지반의 건조) 약 3일 이후(상황에 따라 변동 가능) 시험하였다. 본 실험의 결과, 강우강도가 30 mm/hr와 50 mm/hr인 경우에는 화강석 틈새투수블록포장에서 지표 유출이 발생하지 않았으며, 강우강도 100 mm/hr의 경우 260 L의 지표 유출이 발생하여, 불투수표면 대비 84%의 지표유출 저감률을 보여줌으로서 투수블럭에 물순환 성능에 대한 효과를 분석하였다.

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Successful Treatment of Duodenal Variceal Bleeding with Coil-Assisted Retrograde Transvenous Obliteration: A Case Report (코일을 이용한 역행성 경정맥 폐색술에 의한 십이지장 정맥류 출혈의 성공적 치료: 증례 보고)

  • Se Jin Park;Young Hwan Kim;Ung Rae Kang;Seung Woo Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.81 no.1
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    • pp.231-236
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    • 2020
  • Duodenal varices can develop in patients with portal hypertension secondary to liver cirrhosis. Although upper gastrointestinal bleeding is often severe and fatal, the definite treatment or guideline has not been established. Although endoscopy is the primary therapeutic modality, the use of radiologic interventions, such as transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt, balloon or vascular plug-assisted retrograde transvenous obliteration, and percutaneous transhepatic variceal obliteration, can be considered alternative treatment methods for duodenal varices. Herein, we report a case of duodenal varix in a patient with poor hepatic functional reserve and vascular anatomy, which are contraindications for an occlusion balloon or a vascular plug, successfully treated with coil-assisted retrograde transvenous obliteration.

Purification Efficiency of Slop & Plane Water Treatment Part of SRT System Using Eco-Concrete (Eco-Concrete를 이용한 SRT System의 사면수처리부와 평면수처리부의 정화효율분석)

  • Jang, Won-Geun;Park, Jae-Young;Choi, I-Song;Chang, Jun-Young;Oh, Jong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.1860-1864
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 강우시 발생되는 강우유출수와 합류식하수관거월류수에 의해 하천으로 유입되는 오염부하를 저감시키기 위한 공법으로, 고수부지 및 제방사면부와 둔치부를 형상화하여 pilot를 제작하였고, 연속적으로 시운전을 한 SRTS(Stormwater Runoff Treatment System)에 관한 것이다. SRT system 내부의 사면수처리부와 평면수처리부에는 다공성 콘크리트를 충진하였다. system 상부에는 식생을 조성하여 뿌리가 수면에 닿아 영양물질을 흡수하는 목적으로 사면수처리부와 평면수처리부에 각각 정육각형과 직사각형인 식생포트를 탈.부착이 가능하도록 고안하였다. 내부에서는 토양과 수처리조 사이에 연결관을 부착하였고, 모세관현상에 의해 토양이 수분을 흡수하도록 구성하였다. pilot plant는 유입부, 사면 수처리부, 평면 수처리부, 유출부로 나누었다. 유입부는 유입펌프와 V-notch로 구성하였고, 유입펌프는 2대를 설치하여 1시간 간격으로 연속적 유입으로 유량조절이 가능하도록 상호교대 운전을 하였다. 평면 수처리부$(W(1.0m){\times}(L(2.4m){\times}H(0.6m))$는 장방형의 접촉산화조로서 하부에 슬러지 침전 및 저류를 위한 hopper를 설치하여 슬러지의 원활한 수집 및 인발이 가능하도록 하였다. 유출부는 사각weir를 설치하였다. 강우유출수의 pH는 $7.27{\sim}7.92$이고, DO농도는 $7.12{\sim}7.88mg/l$로 관측되었다. 2차처리수의 pH는 평균7.4이고 DO농도는 최저 4.5 mg/l에서 최고 8.9 mg/l로 평균 6.8 mg/l로 관측되었다. 또한 강우유출수의 유입수의 T-N, T-P 농도는 각각 $17.5{\sim}22.5mg/l,\;8.9{\sim}11.4mg/l$의 범위이고, 2차 처리수의 유입수의 T-N, T-P 농도와 유사하였다.적인 방법론을 제시할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.첨두홍수량을 저류하기 위해서 상대적으로 넓은 저류면적이 필요한 것으로 나타난다. 대등한 수위감소값의 홍수저감효과를 발휘하기 위해서 본 연구에서는 On-Line 저류지 면적은 Off-Line 저류지에 비 두배 이상이 필요한 것으로 보여졌다.들에 관한 정보는 종종 현장관측에서 조차 무시되는 경우가 많다. 이에 본 연구에서는 수질모형의 매개변수 중 특히 수리특성에 관련된 매개변수들이 수질에 미치는 영향을 파악하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이를 위해 적용된 수질모형은 QualKo를 사용하였으며, 대상 하천은 낙동강 본류 경남구간 시점 부근인 회천 합류 전부터 낙동강 본류 경남구간 종점 부근인 밀양강 합류 전까지의 경남 오염총량관리 기본계획 시 구축된 모형 매개변수를 바탕으로 분석을 수행하였다. 일차오차분석을 이용하여 수리매개변수와 수질매개변수의 수질항목별 상대적 기여도를 파악해 본 결과, 수리매개변수는 DO, BOD, 유기질소, 유기인 모든 항목에 일정 정도의 상대적 기여도를 가지고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이로부터 수질 모형의 적용 시 수리 매개변수 또한 수질 매개변수의 추정 시와 같이 보다 세심한 주의를 기울여 추정할 필요가 있을 것으로 판단된다.변화와 기흉 발생과의 인과관계를 확인하고 좀 더 구체화하기 위한 연구가 필요할 것이다.게 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.는 초과수익률이 상승하지만, 이후로는 감소하므로, 반전거래전략을 활용하는 경우 주식투자기간은 24개월이하의 중단기가 적합함을 발견하였다. 이상의 행태적 측면과 투자성과측면의 실증결과를 통하여 한국주식시장에 있어서 시장수익률을 평균적으로 초과할 수 있는 거래전략은 존재하므로 이러한 전략을 개발 및 활용할 수 있으며, 특히, 한국주식시장에 적합한 거래전략은 반전거래전략이고, 이 전략의 유용성은 투자자가 설정한 투자기간보다 더욱 긴 분석기간의 주식가격정보에 의하여 최대한 발휘될 수 있음을 확인하

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Recontextualizing geography curriculum:society;student and discipline of geography (地理 敎育課程의 再脈絡化)

  • Seo, Tae Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.438-449
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    • 1994
  • This paper focuses on recontextualizing geography curriculum, i.e. examining recent changing aspects in three geography curriculum locators-society, student and discipline of geography-and searching future directions of geography curriculum in light of such changes. For conciliation and reflection of changing aspects of each locators, this paper dealt with social issues and societal changes in terms of locator of society, increased concern to student and development of cognitive science in terms of students, and challenging views on science and the meaning of epistemological changes in geography in terms of discipline. As a result, three future directions in geography curriculum are searched : issue-based geography curriculum, thinking geography curriculum, geography curriculum toward equity and accessbility.

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A Study of the Impractical Area and Boundary of an Outer Royal Garden "Hamchunwon" Attached to Gyeonghuigung Palace (경희궁 별원(別苑) 함춘원의 실지(實地) 경역 고찰)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Hong, Hyeon-Do;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.26-42
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to examine and understand the area and the original outer boundaries of Hamchunwon(含春苑), which was the outer royal garden of Gyeonghuigung Palace, which existed before the site of the Russian legation. The results of the study are as follows. First, examining the 3 types of drawings prepared for securing the Russian legation's site and constructing a new building, it was confirmed that two low peaks, which appear to be the original terrain of Hamchunwon, existed in the north and south directions inside the site. According to the initial plan of the of the legation's site, it appears that the entrance of the legation building is connected to the Saemunan-ro in the northwest. However, according to the report made at the time when the Russian temporary minister Veber purchased the legation's site, it was recorded that the site already had a narrow entrance and a dirt road in place, and hence, it was connected to Saemunan-ro. This fact makes it possible to learn that the line of movement for officials and the original gate were located to the northwest of the site planned as the entrance of the legation building towards Hamchunwon. Second, the site was created by cutting the top of the high hill at the time of the construction of the legation building, and as a result, a two tiered staircase typed terrace was built. The ground on which the main building and the secretary's building, etc., were erected was made by cutting the highest peak and solidifying it flat, and a large quantity of soil was used for grading. In the case of the northern area of the main building, the traces of leveling the terrain by cutting the mountains are apparent, and an observation typed garden with a walking path and pavilion was formed by utilizing the physical environment equipped with an easy view. This may be considered as a use which is consistent with the topographical conditions of creating an outer royal garden to block the civilian views on a high terrain overlooking the palace. Third, Hamchunwon's fences were partially exposed in the photos from the 1880s through the 1890s, which demonstrate the spatial changes made around the US, UK, and the Russian legations. As a result of the photo analysis performed, Hamchunwon occupies the northern area of the Russian legation's site, and it is estimated that the north, west, and east walls of the legation resembled those of Hamchunwon. The area to the south of the Russian legation was originally a place made available for civilian houses, and it was possible to examine the circumstances of purchasing dozens of civilian houses and farmlands according to various materials. Fourth, Hamchunwon, which was formed as the outer royal garden of Gyeongdeokgung Palace of Lord Gwanghaegun, lost its sense of place as an outer royal garden when the entire building of Gyeonghuigung Palace was torn down and used as a construction members during the reconstruction of Gyeongbokgung Palace, and faded away as the site was sold to Russia around 1885. The area where Hamchunwon used to be located transformed into a core space of the Russian legation where the main building and garden were located after the construction of the new building. Hence, Hamchunwon, which was limited to the northern area of the Russian legation, does not carry the temporal and spatial context with Gyeongungung Palace and Seonwonjeon which were constructed after 1897, and it is determined that the view of Seonwonjeon as Baehoorim or Baegyeongrim is not valid.