• Title/Summary/Keyword: 어육 수리미

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Food Functionalities of Dried Fish Protein Powder (건조 어육 단백질 분말의 식품학적 기능성)

  • Choi, Gyeong-Lim;Hong, Yu-Mi;Lee, Keun-Woo;Choi, Young-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.1394-1398
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    • 2006
  • Functionalities of drum-dried fish muscle protein from pH shifting process have been investigated by determining solubility, emulsion activity, rehydration, fat-adsorption capacity, viscosity, and color. Solubility was higher in recovered protein at pH 7.0 than that at pH 5.5, and not dependent on ionic strength. Solubility of the dried protein recovered at pH 7.0 depended on pH of solvent, and lowest in the range of pH 3 to pH 6. The dried protein showed relatively low emulsion capacity in all the samples. Emulsion stability, foam capacity and foam stability were not observed in the samples. Viscosity was in the range of $50,200\sim39,000cP$. Rehydration and fat-binding capacities were $2.63\sim2.89g$-water/g and $2.13\sim2.17g$-oil/g, respectively, and not dependent on particle size and pH. Drum-dried fish muscle protein has a potential application as an ingredient of meat patty products.

Effect of Cryoprotectants on Quality Properties of Chicken Breast Surimi (냉동변성방지제의 종류가 닭가슴살 수리미의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jin, S.K.;Kim, I.S.;Kim, S.J.;Jeong, K.J.;Lee, J.R.;Choi, Y.J.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.847-856
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to determine the effect of cryoprotectants(sugar, sorbitol, polyphosphate) on quality properties of chicken breast surimi manufactured by pH adjustment(pH 11.0) during frozen storage. Final surimi was divided into experimental units to which the following treatments were randomly assigned: C(Alaska pollack surimi, two times washing, 4% sugar+5% sorbitol+0.3% polyphosphate additive); T1(chicken breast surimi, 0.3% polyphosphate additive); T2(chicken breast surimi, 5% sorbitol +0.3% polyphosphate additive); T3(chicken breast surimi, 4% sugar+5% sorbitol+0.3% polyphosphate additive). All amino acid contents of control were higher than those of all treatments, while T2 was higher in amino acid contents among the treatments. Shear force of all treatments were higher than that of control, but the breaking force, deformation and gel strength were lower. The TBARS(thiobarbituric acid reactive substances) and VBN(volatile basic nitrogen) values of all treatments were lower than those of control, The TBARS values of all treatments were increased with increased storage period. In sensory evaluation, the score of appearance, meat color and overall acceptability of control were higher than those of all treatments, but aroma, juiciness and tenderness were lower than those for all treatments.

Optimization of Ingredients Formulation in tow Grades Surimi for Improvement of Gel Strength (저급 수리미의 젤 강도 증강을 위한 첨가물의 최적화)

  • CHOI Young-Joon;LEE Ho-Soo;CHO Young-Je
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.556-562
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    • 1999
  • The increasing price of surimi has affected the economical benefits of surimi based food industry, To maintain gel strength in low grade surimi, the optimum formulation adding functional proteins to low grade surimi is required. The objective of this study was to develop the optimum formulation of ingredients in making gels in low grade surimi on the addition of functional non-muscle proteins to low grade surmi by measuring rheological properties of the gels. The rheological qualities of the cooked gels made with A and RA grade surimi on the effects of adding five kinds of starches (potato, wheat, waxy maize, corn and modified corn) and four kinds of functional proteins (bovine plasma protein, dehydrated egg white, soy protein isolate and whey protein concentrate) to the gels were evaluated, The gel styengths at cooking with A and RA grade surimi were decreased with increasing the added starches. The kind of starches added affected little the gel strengths in Rh grade surimi, while potato and corn starches decreased at the least in gel strengths of the gel made with A grade surimi with increasing the concentration of starches. The bovine plasma protein (BPP) significantly increased the gel strength, especially in RA grade surimi, but BPP decreased the whiteness of the gel. Therefore, the optimum content of BPP was up to $2\%$ because of the whiteness of the gels in RA grade surimi, The optimum formulation for the gel with RA grade surimi to satisfy the gel strength of 1000$\times$g and $78\%$ moisture was $40.9\%$ surimi, $9.1\%$ dehydrated egg white (DEW) and $0.9\%$ starch, while that with A grade surimi under the same condition was $37.9\%$ surimi, $6.6\%$ DEW and $3,4\%$ starch.

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Frozen Stability of Proteins Recovered from Fish Muscle by Alkaline Processing (알칼리 공정으로 회수한 어육 단백질의 동결 안정성)

  • Hur, Sung-Ik;Lim, Hyeong-Soo;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Choi, Yeung-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.903-907
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    • 2006
  • Frozen stability of proteins recovered from white croaker and jack mackerel have been tested by measuring oxidation of residual lipid, browning, total plate count, and texture of gel during storage at $-20^{\circ}C$. The oxidation of residual lipid in recovered protein from Jack mackerel increased up to 60 days, and then decreased. Both browning values significantly was increased after 90 days. Total plate count was $1.2{\times}10^4\;CPU/g$ for proteins recovered from white croaker and $3.2{\times}10^4\;CPU/g$ for proteins recovered from jack mackerel in 60 days. The breaking force, deformation, and whiteness of gel formed from proteins recovered from white croaker did not change up th 120 days significantly, while proteins recovered from jack mackerel did not form heat-induced gel in 120 day. Frozen storage of the recovered protein was limited to 90 days for white croaker and to 60 days for jack mackerel considering the gelling ability and textural properties.