• Title/Summary/Keyword: 어래산지역

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Geology and Constituent Rocks, and Radioactive Values of the Eoraesan Area, Chungju, Korea (충주 어래산지역의 지질 및 구성암류와 방사능 값)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon;Lee, Deok-Seon;Koh, Sang-Mo
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2018
  • The Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation and the Mesozoic igneous rocks are distributed in the Eoraesan area, Chungju which is located in the northwestern part of Ogcheon metamorphic zone, Korea, and the rare earth element (REE) mineralized zone has been reported in the Gyemyeongsan Formation. We drew up the detailed geological map by the lithofacies classification, and measured the radioactivity values of the constituent rocks to understand the distribution and characteristics of the source rocks of REE ore body in this paper. It indicates that the Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation is mainly composed of metapelitic rock, granitic gneiss, iron-bearing quartzite, metaplutonic acidic rock (banded type, fine-grained type, basic-bearing type, coarse-grained type), metavolcanic acidic rock, and the Mesozoic igneous rocks, which intruded it, are divided into pegmatite, biotite granite, gabbro, diorite, basic dyke. The constituent rocks of Gyemyeongsan Formation show a zonal distribution of mainly ENE trend, and the distribution of basic-bearing type of metaplutonic acidic rock (MPAR-B) is very similar to that of the previous researcher's REE ore body. The Mesozoic biotite granite is regionally distributed unlike the result of previous research. The radioactive value of MPAR-B, which has a range of 852~1217 cps (average 1039 cps), shows a maximum value among the constituent rocks. The maximum-density distribution of radioactive value also agrees with the distribution of MPAR-B. It suggests that the MPAR-B could be a source rock of the REE ore body.

Microstructure Related to the Growth of Rare-earth Mineral in the Eoraesan Area, Chungju, Korea (충주 어래산 지역에서 희토류 광물의 성장과 관련된 미구조)

  • Kang, Ji-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.129-141
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    • 2019
  • The Eoraesan area, Chungju, which is located in the northwestern part of Ogcheon Metamorphic Zone, Korea, mainly consists of the Neoproterozoic Gyemyeongsan Formation and the Mesozoic igneous rocks which intruded it. The metaacidic rocks (MAR) of the Gyemyeongsan Formation show a maximum radioactive value, and the Early Jurassic biotite granite is regionally distributed in this area. In this paper is researched the microstructure related to the growth of rare-earth mineral of allanite in the MAR, and is considered the source and occurrence time of rare-earth element (REE) mineralization. The MAR is mainly composed of alkalic feldspar (mainly microcline), quartz, iron-oxidizing mineral, biotite, muscovite, plagioclase, hornblende, allanite, zircon, epidote, fluorite, apatite, garnet, (clino)zoisite etc. The radioactive elements contained in the allanite cause a dark brown hale in the surrounding biotite, and the allinte also occurs as aggregate along the regional foliation. The deflection of regional foliation and the strain shadows, which are common to the pre-tectonic porphyroblast grown before the formation of regional foliation, can't be observed around most allanites (aggregates). The grain size and orientation of ironoxidizing mineral included in the allanite aggregate are the same as those in the matrix. It is recognized the hydrothermal conversion of hornblende to biotite due to the intrusion of igneous rock, and the secondary biotite occurs and contacts with allanite, zircon, epidote etc. These microstructures indicate that the rare-earth mineral of allanite (aggregate) grew by the hydrothermal alteration due to the intrusion of igneous rock after the formation of regional foliation. It is considered that the REE mineralization is closely related to the intrusion of Early Jurassic biotite granite which is regionally distributed in this area.

Allanite Mineralization in the Mt. Eorae Area (어래산지역(御來山地域)의 갈렴석광상(褐簾石鑛床))

  • Oh, Mihn-Soo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.151-166
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    • 1989
  • A study of rare-earth mineralization in Kyemyungsan metasedimentary formation of Precambrian Ogcheon Group was carried out in the Mt. Eore Area near Choongju City based on the thorium (Th) and uranium (U) count data of geophysical airborne survey. This rare-earth mineralization was found in the magnetite-bearing banded quartizite which contains diagnostically some amounts of the metamict allanite. The brown colored allanites are distributed as aggregates of fine grains and sometimes banded structures with magnetite (inter growth) along the banding. The ore bed is displaced by the small faults and granite intrusions, and separated 5 ore blocks. The dimensions of the outcrop are 50-80 m in width, 1,500 m in length with the strike of $N70-80^{\circ}E$ and dip of $50-80^{\circ}NW$. In the field, the values of total gamma ray count of GR-101A scintillometer were able to measure more than 400 cps and maximum 1,500 cps, which data are coincided with the values of GR-310 gamma ray spectrometer and the gamma ray count of well logging data. The chemical compositions of the allanites from EPMA data are ranged from$\sum^{TR_2O_3}$ 18.57% to 26.00%, and the cerium oxides ($Ce_2O_3$) of allanite are positive relation with $La_2O_3$, MgO, FeO, MnO and negative relation with $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, $Nd_2O_3$. The result of Neutron Activation Analysis (N.A.A.), Multi-Channel Analysis (M.C.A.) and wet chemistry of 25 outcrop samples for the elements of REE, Zr, U, Th shows strong anomalies. The good correlation elements with the thorium (Th) are the elements of La, Ce, LREE, $TR_2O_3$, Pr, Sm, Yb, Lu by the increasing order.

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Situation of the Supply-demand and Potentiality of REE Resources in South Korea (국내 희토류자원의 수급, 부존현황 및 자원잠재성)

  • Koh, Sang-Mo
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2009
  • 국내에는 충주 어래산 광화대와 홍천 광화대에 대한 탐사 결과 약 4,600,000 톤의 자원량을 확보하였으나 시추량의 제한에 따른 자원량의 부족과 낮은 가격으로 인해 경제성이 없는 것으로 잠정적으로 판단된 바 있다. 그러나 최근 희토류 가격이 2000년대 초에 비해 2~3배까지 상승하였으며 최저개발 품위가 REO 2%대로 낮아짐으로써 두 광화대에 대한 체계적인 정밀탐사를 통하여 보다 정확한 자원평가가 요구된다. 이 두 지역은 REE 뿐만 아니라 Fe, Sr 등이 수반됨으로써 그 잠재적인 가치를 높일 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 하동 광화대는 Ti외 REE와 Li의 추출이 가능하여 경제성을 상승시킬 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 양양 광화대는 Zr-Nb-REE 광화대로 알려져 있으나 체계적 탐사가 수행되지 않아 자원량의 산정은 수행되지 않았으나 REE 외 희유금속인 Nb을 수반하여 그 잠재적인 가치가 높다고 판단된다. 국내 REE 자원탐사는 체계적이고 계획적인 탐사가 진행 된 적이 없어 단일 광상에 대해 정확한 매장량 산정이나 경제성 분석 등이 이루어지지 않아 그 가치 판단이 모호함으로써 개발에 제한을 가지고 있다. 세계적인 수요량이 현재 REO 100,000톤에서 2013년에는 거의 200,000톤으로의 증가가 전망되고, Eu의 가격은 2000년 중반에 비해 최근 2배 상승하였으며, Dy의 가격은 3배 이상 급상승 추세에 있어 대부분 희토류 산화물 가격은 점차 증가될 것으로 전망한다. 전 세계 희토류 생산의 95%를 중국이 독점하고 있어 자원이 1개국에 편재된 극히 좋지 않은 자원환경으로 세계 각국에서 희토류 탐사에 전념하고 있는 실정이다. 아울러 하이브리드 카 생산이 증대되면 중국만이 생산하는 중희토류의 수요가 급증하여 가격 상승과 함께 수급에 차질이 있을 것으로 추측된다. 따라서 국내 희토류 자원에 대한 체계적이고 단계적인 중장기적 탐사를 통하여 REE 자원을 확보하여 개발한다면 국내 REE 자원의 수급을 원활히 할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

Mineralogy and Mineral-chemistry of REE Minerals Occurring at Mountain Eorae, Chungju (충주 어래산 일대에서 산출하는 희토류 광물의 광물학적 및 광물화학적 특성)

  • You, Byoung-Woon;Lee, Gill Jae;Koh, Sang Mo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.643-659
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    • 2012
  • The Chungju Fe-REE deposit is located in the Kyemyeongsan Formation of the Ogcheon Group. The Kyemyeongsan Formation includes meta-volcanic rocks and pegmatite hosted REE deposit which show different kind of REE-containing minerals. The meta-volcanic rocks hosted REE deposits' main REE minerals are allanite, zircon, apatite, and sphene, whereas the pegmatite hosted REE deposits is mainly composed of fergusonite, and karnasurtite, zircon, thorite. The meta-volcanic rock hosted major REE mineral is allanite as the form of aggregation and contains 23.89-29.19 wt% TREO (Total Rare Earth Oxide), 4.71-9.92 wt% $La_2O_3$, 11.30-14.33 wt% $Ce_2O_3$, 0.11-0.29 wt% $Y_2O_3$, 0.15-0.94 wt% $ThO_2$, as a formula of (Ca, Y, REE, Th)$_{2.095}$(Mg, Al, Ti, Mn, $Fe^{3+})_{2.770}(SiO_4)_{2.975}(OH)$. Accompanying REE in a coupled substitution for $Ca^{2+}$ (M1 site) and $Al^{3+}-Fe^{2+}$ (M2 site) leads to a large chemical variety. Due to the allanite's high contents of Fe, it belongs to Ferrialanite. The pegmatite hosted deposit's domi-nant REE mineral is fergusonite as prismatic or subhedral grains associated with zircon, fluorite and karnasurtite. Geochemical composition of the fergusonite($YNbO_4$) suggests substitution of Y-REE and Y-Th in A-site, and Nb-Ta-Ti in B-site, furthermore the proportion of $Y_2O_3$ and $Nb_2O_5$ is oddly 1:1.5 comparing to the ideal ratio 1:1 and Nb is higher than Y, also A-site Y actively substitutes with REE. Karnasurtite in pegmatite variously ranges 9.16-22.88 wt% $Ce_2O_3$, 2.15-9.16 wt% and $La_2O_3$, 0.44-10.8 wt% $ThO_2$, as a calculated formula (Y, REE, Th, K, Na, Ca)$_{1.478}(Ti, Nb)_{1.304}$(Mg, Al, Mn, $Fe^{3+})_{0.988}$(Si, P)$_{1.431}O_7(OH)_4{\cdot}3H_2O$. Firstly the 870-860 Ma is the initial age of the supercontinent Rhodinia dispersal and subsequent A-1 type volcanism, which contains Fe, REE, and HFS(High Field Strength elements; Nb, Zr, Y etc.) elements in Fe-rich meta-volcanic rocks dominant Kyemyeongsan Formation, might mineralized allanite. Another synthesis is that regional metamorphism at late Paleozoic 300-280 Ma(Cho et al., 2002) might cause allanite mineralization. Also pegmatite REE mineralization highly related to the granite intrusion over the Chungju area in Jurassic(190 Ma; Koh et al., 2012). Otherwise above all, A-1 type volcanism at the same time of the Kyemyeongsan Formation development, regional metamorphism and pegmatite, might have caused REE mineralization. Although REE ore bodies display a close spatial association, each ore bodies display temporal distinction, different mineral assemblage and environment of ore formation.