• Title/Summary/Keyword: 압축 잔류응력

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고주파 스퍼터링법으로 증착한 ZnO 박막의 응력 형성

  • 곽상현;이재빈;김형준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.193-193
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    • 2000
  • 박막 내의 잔류 응력은 막의 기계적 전기적 물성을 변화시키는 등 박막에 많은 영향을 끼치는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 응력은 박막의 증착 공정중 여러 가지 증착 조건에 의해서 변화하게 되는데, 특히 스퍼터링 시스템의 경우에는 증착 압력과 사용하는 가스, 인가되는 전력 등 기본적인 증착조건들에 상당한 영향을 받는다. 이러한 영향은 금속 박막의 경우 상당히 잘 알려져 있다. 또한 반도체 공정에서 금속화 과정중 금속 전극의 단락등을 막기 위해 많은 연구가 진행되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 고주파 마그네트론 스퍼터링 시스템을 사용하여 산화 아연(ZnO)을 증착하고 여러 공정 변수들에 따른 응력의 변화를 관찰하였다. 실험에서 ZnO 타겟을 사용하였으며, 작동 가스로는 아르곤과 산소를 사용하였다. 증착한 박막들은 모두 압축 응력을 보였으며, 박막의 응력에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 요소들은 압력, 산소와 아르곤의 비, 기판과 타겟과의 거리 등이었는데, 인가 전력에는 거의 영향을 받지 않았다. 일반적으로 스퍼터링 시스템에서의 압축응력은 atomic peening에 의해서 형성되는데, 박막을 두드리는 높은 에너지의 아르곤이나 산소의 유량과 에너지의 1/2승에 비례하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 본 시스템에서는 인가 전력을 높여도 응력이 증가하지 않았고, 타겟과의 거리를 줄이면 오히려 응력이 감소함을 보였다. 이는 박막의 응력이 peening 하는 입자의 에너지뿐만이 아니라 증착되는 물질의 증착 속도와도 밀접한 관련이 있음을 보여준다. 즉, 증착속도가 증가하면 peening하는 입자가 끼치는 응력의 효과가 반감되기 때문으로 수식을 통해 증명할 수 있었다.진탄화 처리시간을 변화시켰을 때 화합물층의 생성은 ${\gamma}$'상으로부터 시작되고 $\varepsilon$상은 즉시 ${\gamma}$'상을 소모하면서 생성되어 일정시간이 지난 후 $\varepsilon$상은 안정화되며 질소가스농도가 증가할수록 화합물 층내의 $\varepsilon$상분율은 역시 증가하였다. 한편 CH4 가스농도는 처리되는 강종에 따라 차이를 보이며 적정 CH4 가스농도를 초과시에는 $\varepsilon$상 생성은 억제되고 시멘타이트상이 생성되었다.e에서 발생된 질소 플라즈마를 구성하는 이온들의 종류와 그 구성비율을 연구하였다.여러 가지 응용으로의 가능성을 가지고 있다. 그 예로 plasma processing, plasma wave에 의한 입자 가속, 그리고 가스 레이저 활성 매질 발생 등이 있다. 특히 plasma processing의 경우 helicon plasma는 높은 밀도, 비교적 낮은 자기장, remote operation 등이 가능하다는 점에서 현재 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 상업용으로도 PMT와 Lucas Signatone Corp.에 서 helicon source가 제작되었다. 또한 높은 해리율을 이용하여 저유전 물질인 SiOF의 증착에서 적용되고 있다. 이 외에도 다수의 연구결과들이 발표되었다. 잘 일치하였다.ecursor 분자들이 큰 에너지를 가지고 기판에 유입되어 치밀한 박막이 형성되었기 때문으로 사료된다.을수 있었다.보았다.다.다양한 기능을 가진 신소재 제조에 있다. 또한 경제적인

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$Si_3N_4$를 이용한 금속-유전체-금속 구조 커패시터의 유전 특성 및 미세구조 연구

  • 서동우;이승윤;강진영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.75-75
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    • 2000
  • 플라즈마 화학증착법(Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition, PECVD)을 이용하여 양질의 Si3N4 금속-유전막-금속(Metal-Insulator-Metal, MIM) 커페시터를 구현하였다. Fig.1에 나타낸 바와 같이 p형 실리콘 웨이퍼의 열 산화막 위에 1%의 실리콘을 함유하는 알루미늄을 스퍼터링으로 증착하여 전극을 형성하고 두 전극사이에 Si3N4 박막을 증착하여 MIM구조의 박막 커패시터를 제조하였다. Si3N4 유전막은 150Watt의 RF 출력하에서 반응 가스 N2/SiH4/NH3를 각각 300/10/80 sccm로 흘려주어 전체 압력을 1Torr로 유지하면서 40$0^{\circ}C$에서 플라즈마 화학증착법을 이용하여 증착하였으며, Al과 Si3N4 층의 계면에는 Ti과 TiN을 스퍼터링으로 증착하여 확산 장벽으로 이용하였다. 각 시편의 커패시턴스 및 바이어스 전압에 따른 누설 전류의 변화는 LCR 미터를 이용하여 측정하였고 각 시편의 커패시턴스 및 바이어스 전압에 따른 누설 전류의 변화는 LCR 미터를 이용하여 측정하였고 각 시편의 유전 특성의 차이점을 미세구조 측면에서 이해하기 이해 극판과 유전막의 단면 미세구조를 투과전자현미경(Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM)을 이용하여 분석하였다. 유전체인 Si3N4 와 전극인 Al의 계면반응을 억제시키기 위해 TiN을 확산 장벽으로 사용한 결과 MIM커패시터의 전극과 유전체 사이의 계면에서는 어떠한 hillock이나 석출물도 관찰되지 않았다. Fig.2와 같은 커패시턴스의 전류-전압 특성분석으로부터 양질의 MIM커패시터 특성을 f보이는 Si3N4 의 최소 두께는 500 이며, 그 두께 미만에서는 대부분의 커패시터가 전기적으로 단락되어 웨이퍼 수율이 낮아진다는 사실을 알 수 있었다. TEM을 이용한 단면 미세구조 관찰을 통해 Si3N4 층의 두께가 500 미만인 커패시터의 경우에 TiN과 Si3N4 의 계면에서 형성되는 슬릿형 공동(slit-like void)에 의해 커패시터의 유전특성이 파괴된다는 사실을 알게 되었으며, 이러한 슬릿형 공동은 제조 공정 중 재료에 따른 열팽창 계수와 탄성 계수 등의 차이에 의해 형성된 잔류응력 상태가 유전막을 기준으로 압축응력에서 인장 응력으로 바뀌는 분포에 기인하였다는 사실을 확인하였다.

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An Experimental Study on Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics of Welded High-Strength Steels (용접구조용 고강도강재의 피로균열성장특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Hong, Sung Wook;Kyung, Kab Soo;Nam, Wang Hyun;Jung, Young Hwa
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.773-782
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    • 2002
  • In this study, a series of fatigue tests are performed in order to estimate quantitatively the characteristics of fatigue crack growth rate according to the base metal, heat affected zone(HAZ) and weld metal, and the welding method and grade of strength of object steels, and the influence on fatigue crack growth rate according to the direction of welded line for high strength steels of SM570, POSTEN60, and POSTEN80 steels. From the fatigue test results, the retardations of fatigue crack growth rate are remarkable in case that the direction of notch is parallel to welded line than in case that the direction of notch is perpendicular to welded line because of compresive residual stress in weld metal & HAZ. And the characteristics of fatigue crack growth rate according to welding method are that the dispersion of fatigue crack growth rate in case of FCAW method is smaller than that of SAW method. Also, it knows that the fatigue crack growth rate converges in high stress intensity factor range. Meanwhile, fatigue safety is guaranteed sufficiently in the object steels because the fatigue crack growth rate in the range of fatigue crack propagation has a similar tendency to the test results & existing results.

Behaviour of Beams Without Transverse Reinforcement (전단보강근이 없는 보의 거동)

  • Cho, Soon-Ho
    • Magazine of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 1999
  • To deepen the understanding of shear behaviour in beams without transverse reinforcement, the relative importance of five contributing factors to concrete shear resistance($v_c$), which are i)flexural compression zone, ii)friction at crack faces, iii)dowel action, iv)arch action and recently identified, v)residual tensile stresses across cracks, was explained physically using two analytical methods based on the truss concept. One is called "Modified Compression Field Theory(MCFT)" considering ii) and v) explicitly, and the other "Crack Friction Truss Model(CFTM)" more dominantly ii) in determining concrete resistance. To verify their effectiveness, the predictions using MCFT and CFTM were also made for twenty KAIST beam tests($f'_c$=53.7Mpa), designated more likely to the development of the size effect law based on the fracture mechanics concept. Experimental findings with varying of a/d, longitudinal reinforcement ratios, and obtained from MCFT enabled additional explanations for some phenomena which were difficult to measure in tests. However, MCFT seemed somewhat conservative for beams with higher longitudinal reinforcement, while somewhat unsafe for beams with larger depths. More tests are necessary leading to firm conclusions in these areas.

Anisotropy in Strength and Deformation Properties of a Variety of Sands by Plane Strain Compression Tests(I) Strength Anisotropy (평면변형률 압축시험에 의한 각종 모래의 강도.변형특성의 이방성(I) -강도 이방성-)

  • 박춘식
    • Geotechnical Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 1997
  • Anisotropy in strength and deformation characteristics of isotropically consolidated sande prepared by pluviating through air was studied by plane strain compression tests. Seven types of sand of the world-wide origins were tested, which have been extensively used for research purposes. The strains for direction of bmazimum principal stress and direction of minimum principal strews were measured continuously from $10^{-6}\; to 10^{-2}$. The following results were obtained for all sands. The behaviour at strains leas than about 0.001% was elastic and isotropic regardless of the angle $\delta\; of\; the\;\sigma$ direction relative to the bedding plane. However, the sands became gradually more anisotropic as the strain increased to the extent exceeding the elastic limit. The peak strength was noticeably anisotropic with a similar trend. Thus, the angle of internal friction $\phi\; decreased \;as\;\delta$ decreased from $90^{\circ}$, and the ratio of the smallest to largest values of was between 0.82 and 0.90. The l has a minimum at $\delta=0^{\circ}~30^{\circ}$ depending on the hypes of sand. The residual strength became isotropic again.

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Variation of Fatigue Properties in Nanoskinned Ti-6Al-4V - Rotating Bending and Axial Loading Tension-Compression Cycle - (Ti-6Al-4V 재의 UNSM 처리에 의한 피로특성변화 - 회전굽힘 피로시험과 축하중 인장압축 피로시험 비교 -)

  • Suh, Min-Soo;Pyoun, Young-Shik;Suh, Chang-Min
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.443-449
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    • 2012
  • Nanoskins were fabricated on a Ti-6Al-4V material by carrying out various surface treatments, i.e., deep rolling, laser shot peening, and ultrasonic nanocrystal surface modification (UNSM). These surface treatments are newly developed techniques and are becoming more popular for industrial applications. Fatigue tests were carried out using material test system (MTS); these tests included the axial loading tension-compression fatigue test (R = -1, RT, 5 Hz, sinusoidal wave) and rotating bending fatigue test (R = -1, RT, 3200 rpm). The analysis of the crack initiation pattern in the UNSM-treated material indicated that the crack was interior originating in the axial loading tension-compression cycle, and was surface originating in the bending fatigue test. UNSM treatment significantly improved the fatigue strength for the regime of above $10^6$ cycles that S-N curve of rotating bending stress clearly show the performance of a 5 mm titanium specimen after UNSM treatment is similar to that of an untreated 6 mm titanium specimen.

Comparison of Molding Characteristics for Multi-cavity Molding in Conventional Injection Molding and Injection Compression Molding (다수 개 빼기 성형에서 일반사출성형과 사출압축성형의 성형특성 비교)

  • Lee, Dan Bi;Nam, Yun Hyo;Lyu, Min-Young
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.144-149
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    • 2014
  • Large residual stresses are remained in the conventional injection molded products because of the high cavity pressure in packing phase during injection molding process. Conventional injection molding (CIM) invokes distribution of cavity pressure and it has a limitation to obtain product with uniform physical property. Multi-cavity conventional injection molding contains quality deviation among the cavities since flow imbalance occurs during filling phase. Injection compression molding (ICM) is adopted to overcome these limitations of CIM. In this study, molding characteristics of CIM and ICM have been investigated using multi-cavity injection mold. Researches were performed by both experiment and computer simulation through observations of birefringence for transparent resins, polycarbonate and polystyrene in CIM and ICM. As a result, low and uniform birefringence and mold shrinkage were showed in the specimens by ICM that could give a uniform cavity pressure. Deviation of physical property among the specimens in multi-cavity mold shown in CIM was significantly reduced in the specimens by ICM. Through this study it was concluded that the ICM in multi-cavity molding was valid for molding products with uniform property in an individual cavity and also reduced property deviation among the cavities.

A Fracture Mechanic's Study for Crack Growth Retardation Phenomenon using Effective Plastic Zone Concept (균열성장 지연현상에 대한 유효 소성역 개념을 사용한 파괴역학적 연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Goo;Lee, Tae-Won;Park, Chang-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.112-120
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the growth rate of surface cracks (da/dN) during the retardation period was analyzed in terms of effective stress intensity factor range(${\Delta}K_{eff}^*$) obtained by using the proposed effective plastic zone concept. Effective stress intensity factors obtained by using the effective plastic zone concept were smaller than those obtained by using Willenborg analysis. On the growth rate of surface cracks analyzed by ${\Delta}K$, the dependence of overload stress levels appears. On the growth rate by ${\Delta}K_{eff}$ obtained by Willenborg analysis, there is a linear relationship with two different slops between da/dN and ${\Delta}K_{eff}$. However, on the growth rate by ${\Delta}K_{eff}^*$ obtained by the proposed effective plastic zone concept, there is a linear relationship between da/dN and ${\Delta}K_{eff}^*$ that coincides with the results of constant amplitude loading.

A Study on Effect of Shot Peening on Fracture Toughness of Spring Steel (스프링강의 파괴인성에 미치는 쇼트피닝 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, K.J.;Park, K.D.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.66-72
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the steel parts used at the aerospace and automobile industries are required to be used light weight parts. Therefore, used material, steel have to be a high stress, which is an indispensable condition in this field. At the consideration of parts design, high hardness of the lightweight parts have an benefit of saving fuel and material. A high stress of metal has a point of difference according to the shape of design, external cyclic load and condition of vibration. A crack generates on the surface of metal or under yield stress by defect of inner metal defect or surface defect and slowly, this crack grow stable growth. Finally, rapidity failure phenomena is happen. Fatigue failure_phenomena, which happen in metal, bring on danger in human life and property therefor, anti-fatigue failure technology take an important part of current industries Currently, the shot peening is used for removing the defect from the surface of steel and improving the fatigue strength on surface. Therefore, this paper investigated the effect on frcature toughness using shot peening which is improve the resistance of crack growth and crack expansion rate by fatigue that make a compressive residual stress on surface.

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A Study on the Cooling Effects of Mist in the Grinding (연삭 가공시 Mist의 냉각효과에 관한 연구)

  • 이석우;최헌종;김대중
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.918-921
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    • 2001
  • In grinding process, the heat of $1200^{\circ}$~$1500^{\circ}$ on the grinding area between grinding wheel and workpiece is generated. It decreases the surface integrity of workpiece and causes the thermal damages such as the deformed layer, residual stress and grinding burn. Generally coolant is widely used for preventing the heat generation on the grinding area, but it deteriorates the working condition by polluting the atmosphere of workplace and in the end pollutes the environment. The grinding methods using the compressed cold air and mist are the cooling methods to substitute conventional coolant. They can decrease the environmental pollution through not using coolant any more or minimizing it. In this study, the cooling effects of grinding methods using the compressed cold air and mist have been investigated. The grinding system equipped with the water bathe and mist spray nozzle was developed. The energy partition to workpiece through measuring the temperature on the workpiece surface was calculated. The surface integrity of workpiece and thermal damage like the deformed layer were analyzed.

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