• Title/Summary/Keyword: 안전단

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  • Cheng, Chia Jui
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.4
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    • pp.167-176
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    • 1992
  • 1957년에 서명된 로마조약(條約)을 처음 개정한 단일(單一)유럽법(法)이 1987년 7월 1일에 발효(發效)되었을 때 유럽공동체(共同體) 12개 회원국(會員國)들은 공동정책(共同政策)에 의거 상업(商業), 농업(農業), 운송(運送), 금융(金融) 및 기타 관련부분에 있어 단일역내시장(單一域內市場)을 형성하기로 약속했다. 물론 완전한 역내공동시장(域內共同市場)은 자유로운 운송시장(運送市場)을 전제로 한다. 따라서 EC조약(條約)은 모든 회원국(會員國)들이 서어비스의 자유에 근거하여 공동운송정책(共同運送政策)을 따를 것을 강제하고 있다. 항공운송(航空運送)에 있어서의 목표도 역시 다른 모든 경제활동의 목표와 마찬가지로 로마조약(條約)이 적용되는 공동운송정책(共同運送政策)의 일부를 구성하고 있다. 종합적인 공동체항공정책(共同體航空政策)의 작업에는 운임(運賃), 공급량(供給量), 시장진출(市場進出) 및 경쟁상(競爭上)의 일괄적인 자유화 조치 이상의 것을 내포하고 있다. 그것은 국가장벽으로 방해되지 않는 공동체(共同體)의 항공운송망(航空運送網)의 개발과 확장뿐만 아니라 경제(經濟), 안전(安全), 환경(環境) 및 사회적(社會的) 요인(要因)들 간에 합리적인 균형을 이루는 공동체항공운송정책(共同體航空運送政策)의 개발을 위한 공동항공운송정책(共同航空運送政策)의 공식화(公式化)를 요한다. 1987년의 항공(航空)에 관한 일괄입법조치, 1989년의 제 2 차 항공(航空)에 관한 일괄입법조치 및 1992년 이후로 예정된 제 3 차 일괄입법조치에 따라 EC는 초국가적(超國家的)인 항공운송(航空運送) 분야에 있어서의 개방적인 국제경쟁(國際競爭)을 본격적으로 추구하고 있다. 결국 이러한 일괄규칙은 EC와 제(第) 3 국(國)들간의 관계에 중대한 의미를 가지게 될 것이다. EC항공운송정책(航空運送政策)이 아시아 항공산업(航空産業)의 상업운선(商業運船)에 어떠한 영향을 미칠 것인가는 모든 아시아 국가들이 알아야 할 중요한 문제이다. 이론적으로 말해서, 역내공동체(域內共同體) 항공운송(航空運送)의 자유화는 아시아 국가들에 대한 치외법권적(治外法權的) 효과를 일으킬 수 있는 로마조약(條約)과 유럽사법재판소(司法裁判所)에 의해 형성된 원칙들에 필연적으로 영향을 미칠 것이다. 이와 관련하여 아시아 항공산업(航空産業)은 무차별원칙(無差別原則), 설립(設立)의 자유(自由), 서어비스의 자유(自由) 및 EEC 경쟁법(競爭法)과 같은 제(第) 3 국(國)의 국제항공운송에 영향을 미치는 일련의 새로운 원칙과 법률의 출현에 큰 관심을 갖고 있다. 실무적인 관점에서, 1992년 이후의 종합적인 공동체항공운송정책(共同體航空運送政策)의 작업에는 항공운화(航空運貨), 시장진출(市場進出), 제(第)3 및 제(第)4의 운륜자유권(運輪自由權), 복수지정(複數指定), 제(第)5의 자유(自由), 캐보타지(cabotage), 손상(損傷)(derogation), 공급량(供給量), 편수(便數), 불정기운항(不定期運航) 및 기타 부문항공기소음(部門航空機騷音), 최저(最低) 안전(安全) 및 사회적(社會的) 조치(措置), 항공종사자면허(航空從事者免許), 감항증명(堪航證明), 운항시간제도(運航時間制度), 컴퓨터 예약제도(豫約制度), 탑승거절보상의 공동최저기준(共同最低基準), 공중혼잡(空中混雜), 공항이착륙시간할당법(空港離着陸時間割當法), 공항시설(空港施設), 정부지원(政府支援 등). 이와 같은 모든 공동체항공운송정책(共同體航空運送政策)의 주요문제들은 아시아 항공산업(航空産業)에 여러 각도로 영향을 미치게 될 것이다. 위와 같은 문제들 가운데, 제(第) 3국(國) 항공사(航空社)들의 역내공동체(域內共同體) 항로(航路)의 접근, 공급량(供給量), 운임(運賃), 제(第)5의 자유(自由) 및 캐보타지가 아시아 항공산업(航空産業)에 관심이 큰 문제가 되고 있다. 아시아 항공사(航空社)들의 EEC시장(市場)에로의 상업운항(商業運航)이 다소 영향을 받게 될 것이다. 첫째, 복수(複數) 목적지(目的地) 문제이다. 둘째, 항공(航空)서어비스의 운임(運賃) 및 료솔(料率)문제이다. 셋째, 항공운송구역(航空運送區域)에서의 사업에 대한 경쟁원칙의 적용 문제이다. 넷째, 제(第)5 자유(自由) 운륜권(運輪權) 문제이다. 다섯째, 캐보타지(cabotage)문제이다. 끝으로, 유럽 항공사(航空社)들간의 합병(合倂)의 문제이다. 결론적으로 유럽공동체항공운송(共同體航空運送)의 자유화는 1993년까지 공동체(共同體) 역내(域內)와 역외(域外)의 항공운송법제(航空運送法制)의 현재의 모습을 극적으로 바꾸어 놓을 정도로 가속화(加速化)되고 있다. 한편 항공운송(航空運送)의 자유화(自由化)에 대한 EC의 제의는 대담하고 급진적이다. 반면에 그것이 아시아 항공산업(航空産業)에 미칠 영향 또한 중대하다. 의심할 여지없이 항공사(航空社)와 고객들의 이익면에서 EEC와 비(非)EEC국가들의 항공운송산업(航空運送産業)에서 더욱 경제적으로 경쟁적이 되도록 할 필요가 있다. 전세계 항공운송산업(航空運送産業) 운영(運營)의 대부분을 정부가 소유하거나 통제하는 것은 정말로 국제항공운송(國際航空運送)의 발전에 불필요한 장애를 일으킨다. 따라서 國內航空社와 전세계 항공사(航空社)들간의 이해관계의 조화를 협상하는 것이 중요하다. 아마도 아시아 항공사(航空社)들간의 지역적 협조가 미국(美國)뿐만 아니라 유럽으로 부터의 압력 증가에 대해 균형을 이루는 힘이 될 수 있을 것이다.

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A Study on Responses of the Korean kidnapping Terror in overseas (한국인 해외인질납치테러 대응방안)

  • Jeong, Joon-Sik;Kim, Won-Ki
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.339-363
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    • 2009
  • The 9.11 demonstrated that terrorist attack could be more serious problem than the war in our modern life. No countries in the world have evaded being a target for terrorists today. As well as South Korea, the whole world must share attentions and responsibilities for fighting against the terrorism. Since the international terrorist groups have expanded their targets from Western countries to Koreans, civilian hostages are no longer other's affair; it became a serious threat to public. Increased Korean investment, trade, missionary, and travel overseas also expanded activity regions worldwide. It also result increased terrorist threats and possible abduction. The number of kidnapping crisis has increased since the terrorists use it as an effective method of sending a message. Piracy refers to a broad range of violent acts at sea, and has traditionally been regarded as common enemies. Piracy constitutes a great threat to the security of navigation as well as to the safety of vessels and crews. Lessons from hostage issues such as Korean hostage crisis in Somalia and Afghanistan show that it can cause criticism on moral issues if armed rescue missions fail or hostages are killed, so the governments and related corporations try to solve it by paying ransom. Terrorists and use these advantages in order to put a huge pressure on the governments. In this study we will look at essential characteristics and types of hostage abductions and recognition of national safety, lessons and solutions to previous Korean hostage cases in overseas. At the same time, it provides a guidelines of the direction in the fighting against terrorist groups and Piracy.

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Use of Chicken Meat and Processing Technologies (가금육의 이용과 가공기술)

  • Ahn, Dong-Uk
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Poultry Science Conference
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    • 2003.07b
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    • pp.67-88
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    • 2003
  • The consumption of poultry meat (chicken and turkey) grew the most during the past few decades due to several contributing factors such as low price. product research and development. favorable meat characteristics, responsive to consumer needs, vertical integration and industry consolidation, new processing equipments and technology, and aggressive marketing. The major processing technologies developed and used in chicken processing include forming/restructuring, tumbling, curing, smoking, massaging, injection, marination, emulsifying, breading, battering, shredding, dicing, and individual quick freezing. These processing technologies were applied to various parts of chicken including whole carcass. Product developments using breast, thigh, and mechanically separated chicken meat greatly increased the utilization of poultry meat. Chicken breast became the symbol of healthy food, which made chicken meat as the most frequent menu items in restaurants. However, the use of and product development for dark meat, which includes thigh, drum, and chicken wings were rather limited due to comparatively high fat content in dark meat. Majority of chicken are currently sold as further processed ready-to-cook or ready-to-eat forms. Major quality issues in chicken meat include pink color problems in uncured cooked breast, lipid oxidation and off-flavor, tenderness PSE breast, and food safety. Research and development to ensure the safety and quality of raw and cooked chicken meat using new processing technologies will be the major issues in the future as they are now. Especially, the application of irradiation in raw and cooked chicken meat products will be increased dramatically within next 5 years. The market share of ready-to-eat cooked meat products will be increased. More portion controlled finished products, dark meat products, and organic and ethnic products with various packaging approaches will also be introduced.

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Establishment of Microbial Criteria by Investigation of Microbial Contamination in Ready-to-Eat Foods (즉석섭취·편의식품류의 미생물 오염도 조사를 통한 기준·규격 재평가)

  • Song, Bo Ra;Kim, Soon Han;Kim, Jin-Kwang;Han, Jeong-A;Kwak, Hyo Sun;Chung, Kyung-Tae;Heo, Eun Jeong
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.348-354
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    • 2017
  • Internationally different food safety regulation and standards could cause troubles in trade unless those are built on scientific knowledge. In this research, we monitored the microbial population and analyzed the results to determine the level of microbial contamination in foodstuffs using relatively new statistical analysis (microbiological sampling plan, International Commission on Microbiological Specification for Foods). The goal of this research falls on establishing entirely new standards for various food categories addressed in the Korean "Food Code". Targets for monitoring were indicator organisms (i.e. total aerobic count, coliform and Escherichia coli) and foodborne pathogens (i.e. Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens) in ready-to-eat (RTE) products. As the result of the monitoring, total aerobic count, coliform, E. coli, and B. cereus in RTE products were found at the mean values of 2.10 log CFU/g, -0.60 log CFU/g, -1.33 log CFU/g and -1.23 log CFU/g, respectively. S. aureus was detected with the level of -1.35 log CFU/g only in fresh-cut food, while C. perfringens was -1.37 log CFU/g only in ready-to-cook food. Other samples did not have any food borne pathogens. Total aerobic count, B. cereus, S. aureus and C. perfringens satisfied the Food Code (the MFDS). On the basis of the analysis, we proposed a draft of microbial criteria for RTE products.

Determination of Strategies for the Reduction of Plate Waste and Prevention of Plate Waste Reuse in Foodservice Operations (음식점 남은 음식물 저감화 및 재사용 근절 관리 방안)

  • Cha, Myeong-Hwa;Jeong, Hyun-Suk;Ryu, Kyung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.247-256
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to provide strategies for the reduction of plate waste and prevention of plate waste reuse in foodservice operations. To achieve these goals, we surveyed the entrepreneurs of foodservice operations, professionals in the field of foodservice management and food safety, and public officials working for food safety enforcement about their perceptions and strategies on plate waste management. The professionals' survey indicated that definition of plate waste needed to be clear for understanding. Also Korean food culture insisting on abundance and variety table settings, foodservice owners' demands for cost reduction, and foodservice workers' insufficient safety perceptions were indicated to bring forth the practice to reuse plate waste. The effective ways to control plate waste management were systematic educational supports for Korean food culture upgrade among consumers and improvements of safety perceptions among owners, as well as workers. Also small portion size was needed to reduce plate waste.

An Experiment and Analysis for Standardize Measurement on CCFL (냉음극 형광램프의 표준화 계측을 위한 실험과 분석)

  • Jin, Dong-Jun;Jeong, Jong-Mun;Jeong, Hee-Suk;Kim, Jin-Shon;Lee, Min-Kyu;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Koo, Je-Huan;Gwon, Gi-Cheong;Kang, June-Gill;Choi, Eun-Ha;Cho, Guang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.331-340
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    • 2008
  • A method of measuring the current and voltage is suggested in the circuit of cold cathode fluorescent lamps (CCFLs) which are driven at a high frequency of $50{\sim}100\;kHz$ and a high voltage of several kV. It is difficult to measure the current and voltage in the lamp circuit, because the impedance of the probe at high voltage side causes the leakage current and the variation of luminance. According to the analysis of equivalence circuit with the probe impedance and leakage current, the proper measuring method is to adjust the input DC voltage and to keep the specific luminance when the probe is installed at a high voltage circuit. The lamp current is detected with a current probe or a high frequency current meter at the ground side and the voltage is measured with a high voltage probe at the high voltage side of lamp. The lamp voltage($V_C$) is measured between the ballast capacitor and the lamp electrode, and the output voltage($V_I$) of inverter is measured between inverter output and ballast capacitor. As the phases of lamp voltage($V_C$) and current ($I_G$) are nearly the same values, the real power of lamp is the product of the lamp voltage($V_C$) by the lamp current($I_G$). The measured value of the phase difference between inverter output voltage($V_I$) and lamp current($I_G$) is appreciably deviated from the calculated value at $cos{\theta}=V_C/V_I$.

Morbidity of Laparoscopic Assisted Gastrectomy for Early Gastric Cancer (조기 위암에서 복강경 보조 하 위 절제술 후 합병증 발생)

  • Choi, Ji-Eun;Jeong, Oh;Yook, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Kab-Jung;Lim, Jung-Tack;Oh, Sung-Tae;Park, Gun-Choon;Kim, Byung-Sik
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.152-159
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Recently, the use of laparoscopic assisted gastrectomy for early gastric cancer has been on the increase and the procedure has been quickly adopted by clincians. However, there are few reports regarding the safety and risk of this type of surgery. The aim of this study is to evaluate the morbidity and to verify the safety of laparoscopic assisted gastrectomy for early gastric cancer. Materials and Methods: A total of 376 patients that had undergone laparoscopic assisted gastrectomy for early gastric cancer between April 2004 and December 2006 were reviewed retrospectively. The clinicopathological characteristics, operative complications, and factors related to complications were evaluated. Results: The overall operative morbidity and mortality rates were 10.6% and 0%, intraoperative morbidity was 1.1% (4 of 376 patients) and post operative morbidity was 9.6% (36 of 376 patients). Most complications required no surgery except for an intestinal obstruction in two cases. Multivariate analysis of risk factors related to operative morbidity determined that age was an independent factor associated with morbidity (P=0.021). Conclusion: The complication rate of laparoscopic assisted gastrectomy is low and most complications can be managed by conservative methods rather than with surgery. There were no specific predicting factors for complications except old age. Laparoscopy is a technically feasible and acceptable surgical modality for early gastric cancer.

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Basic Study for Selection of Factors Constituents of User Satisfaction for Micro Electric Vehicles (초소형전기차 사용자만족도 구성요인 선정을 위한 기반연구)

  • Jin, Eunju;Seo, Imki;Kim, Jongmin;Park, Jejin
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.581-589
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    • 2021
  • With the recent increase in the introduction of micro-electric vehicles in Korea, interest in micro-electric vehicle user satisfaction is increasing to revitalize related markets. In this paper, a basic study was conducted on the development of public services using micro-electric vehicle based on the constituent factors of user satisfaction. The survey includes: ① 'Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for selecting the priority factors of user satisfaction of micro-electric vehicles', ② 'A survey of micro-electric vehicles image' to collect data in advance for providing users' preferences and transportation services for micro-electric vehicles, ③ In order to investigate the user satisfaction level of users who actually operated micro-electric vehicles, the order of 'user satisfaction survey of micro-electric vehicle drivers' was conducted. In the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis, it was found that users regarded as important in the order of 'user utilization data', 'vehicle movement data', and 'charging service data'. In the micro-electric vehicle image survey, users perceived micro-electric vehicles more positively in terms of "safety", 'durability', 'Ride comfort', 'design', 'MOOE (Maintenance and other operating expense)', and 'environment-friendly' when comparing micro-electric vehicles with electric motorcycles. In the survey on the user satisfaction of micro-electric vehicle drivers, the use of micro-electric vehicle did not directly affect work performance efficiency, and there was an experience of being disadvantaged on the road due to the size of the micro-electric vehicle, and driving in a cluster of micro-electric vehicle for outdoor advertisements. The city's public relations effect was great, but it was concerned about safety. In the future, based on the results of this study, we plan to build a user satisfaction structural equation model, preemptively discover feedback R&D for micro-electric vehicle utilization services in the public field, and actively seek to discover new public mobility support services.

Estimation of irrigation return flow from paddy fields on agricultural watersheds (농업유역의 논 관개 회귀수량 추정)

  • Kim, Ha-Young;Nam, Won-Ho;Mun, Young-Sik;An, Hyun-Uk;Kim, Jonggun;Shin, Yongchul;Do, Jong-Won;Lee, Kwang-Ya
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2022
  • Irrigation water supplied to the paddy field is consumed in the amount of evapotranspiration, underground infiltration, and natural and artificial drainage from the paddy field. Irrigation return flow is defined as the excess of irrigation water that is not consumed by evapotranspiration and crop, and which returns to an aquifer by infiltration or drainage. The research on estimating the return flow play an important part in water circulation management of agricultural watershed. However, the return flow rate calculations are needs because the result of calculating return flow is different depending on irrigation channel water loss, analysis methods, and local characteristics. In this study, the irrigation return flow rate of agricultural watershed was estimated using the monitoring and SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) modeling from 2017 to 2020 for the Heungeop reservoir located in Wonju, Gangwon-do. SWMM modeling was performed by weather data and observation data, water of supply and drainage were estimated as the result of SWMM model analysis. The applicability of the SWMM model was verified using RMSE and R-square values. The result of analysis from 2017 to 2020, the average annual quick return flow rate was 53.1%. Based on these results, the analysis of water circulation characteristics can perform, it can be provided as basic data for integrated water management.

Characteristics of Marine Algal Communities in Village Fishing Grounds Near Large Wildfires in Uljin-gun (울진군 대형산불 발생 인근 마을어장의 해조류 군집 특성)

  • Jeong Hee Shim;Hee Chan Choi;Hae-Kun Jung;Jong-Ku Gal;Jeong-Min Shim;Sung-Eic Hong;Chul-Hui Kwoun;Sang-Woo Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we examined the effects of a large wildfire in the coastal area of Uljin-gun. The analysis of water quality and the dominant species, species composition, and community structure of marine algal was conducted quarterly in 2022 at Nagok (F-1), Hujeong (F-2), Bongpyeong (F-3), and Gongse Port (F-C) in Uljin-gun. As a result of water quality analysis, the pH, a factor of wildfire impact was 8.07~8.30 and 8.12~8.48 in surface and bottom layers, respectively, which are normal values in coastal waters of the East Sea, suggesting no direct impact from wildfires. By marine algal species composition, the coastal areas show the following order: Rhodophyta (58.1%) > Ochrophyta (25.8%) > Chlorophyta (14.5%) > Magnoliophyta (1.6%). By season, Undaria pinnatifida was the most dominant at Nagok and Hujeong in March and June, which in September and November, Gelidium elegans and Lithophyllum sp. were the most dominant in Bongpyeong and Gongse Port, respectively. In the cluster analysis, the stations were divided into two groups according to presence and absence of specific marine algal by season. The dominant species were U. pinnatifida, G. elegans and D. divaricata in group A, and Lithophyllum sp. was mainly present in group B. Thus, the species composition and group structure reflected the normal seasonal change pattern with water temperature variation and showed little significant difference from the control site, suggesting no direct effects of the wildfire on algae distribution in Uljin.