• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심비대

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Prognostic Factors Affecting Postoperative Morbidity and Mortality in Destroyed Lung (파괴폐의 술후 합병증과 사망에 영향을 미치는 예후 인자)

  • 홍기표;정경영;이진구;강경훈;강면식
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.387-391
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    • 2002
  • Background: Postoperative morbidity and mortality in destroyed lung are relatively high. We tried to identify the prognostic factors affecting postoperative morbidity and mortality in destroyed lung through a retrospective study. Material and method: The retrospective study was undertaken in 112 patients who had undergone pneumonectomy or pleuropneumonectomy for destroyed lung at Severance Hospital from 1970 to 2000. We analyzed the correlation between postoperative morbidity and mortality and etiology, duration of disease, preoperative FEV1, presence or absence of peroperative empyema, operation timing, the side of operation, duration of operation, and operation type. Result: There were 55 men and 57 women, aged 20 to 81 years (mean 44 years). Etiologic diseases were tuberculosis in 86 patients(76.8%) including tuberculos empyema in 20 and tuberculous bronchiectasis in 4, pyogenic empyema in 12(10,7%), bronchiectasis in 12(10.7%), and lung abscess in 2(1.8%). Postoperative morbidity were 25%(n=28) and postoperative mortality was 6%(n=7). The presence of preoperative empyema(p=0.016), pleuropneumonectomy(p=0.037) and preoperative FEV1 of less than 1.75 L(P=0.048) significantly increased the postoperative morbidity, If operation time was less than 300min, postoperative morbidity(p=0.002) and mortality(p=0.03) were significantly low. Conclusion: Postoperative morbidity and mortality in destroyed lung were acceptable. Postoperative morbidity and mortality were significantly low when operation time was less than 300 min. Preoperative existence of empyema, pleuropneumonectomy and preoperative FEV1 of less than 1.75 L significantly increased postoperative morbidity.

소적백출산(消積白朮散)이 항암효과(抗癌效果) 및 Cisplatin부작용(副作用) 감소(減少)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Jo, Jong-Gwan
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.255-272
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    • 1996
  • 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 ${\ll}$화제국방(和劑局方)${\gg}$에 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)에 정열해독약(淸熱解毒藥)인 와송(瓦松) 금은화(金銀花) 포공영(蒲公英)을 가미(加味)한 처방(處方)으로, 본방(本方)인 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)은 비위허약(脾胃虛弱), 음식부진(飮食不振), 다곤소력(多困少力) 중만비대(中滿痺臺), 심정기천(心柾氣喘), 구토(嘔吐), 설사(泄瀉), 상한해수(傷寒咳嗽)를 치료목적(治療目的)으로 쓰여 온 이래(以來) 임상에서는 대편부실(大便不實), 구설(久泄), 옹달궤후(癰疸潰後) 불사식자(不思食者)를 치료(治療)하는데 다용(多用)되어 왔다. 종양(腫瘍)(Neoplasia)은 새로운 성장(成長)(New+ Glowth) 이라는 세포학적(細胞學的)으로 비정상세포(非正常細胞)의 과다증식(過多增殖)으로 인해 실질장기(實質臟器), 유강장기(有腔腸器), 및 골격(骨格), 피부조직(皮膚組織)에 비정상조직(非正常組織)을 형성(形成)하는 질환(疾患)이다. 현대적(現代的) 종양(腫瘍)과 유사(類似)한 한의학적(韓醫學的)인 병증(病症)은 ${\ll}$소문(素問)${\gg}$에서는 "궐산(厥疝), 복량(伏梁), 식적(息積)"으로 ${\ll}$영추(靈樞)${\gg}$에서는 "장담(腸覃), 석가"로 표시(表示)된 이후(以後)로 소원방(巢元方)은 징가, 식일, 석옹(石癰), 완저(緩疽), 석저(石疽) 등으로 표현(表現)하였다. 원인(原因)에 대(對)해서는 ${\ll}$내경(內經)${\gg}$에서는 허(虛)와 한기(寒氣), 한(寒) 열(熱)로 보았고, 그 외(外)의 학자(學者)들은 내허(內虛)와 기혈불순(氣血不順), 화(火), 한(寒), 기울(氣鬱), 음양불화(陰陽不和)등으로 보았다. 치료(治療)는 ${\ll}$내경(內經) 자법론(刺法論)${\gg}$에서 "정기재내(正氣在內) 사불가우(邪不可于)" 이라 하여 생명활동(生命活動)의 원동력(原動力)인 정기(正氣)의 역할(役割)을 강조(强調)하였고, ${\ll}$육원정기대론(六元正氣大論)${\gg}$에서는 "대적대취(大積大聚) 불가범야(不可犯也) 쇠기태반이지(衰其太半而止)"라 하여 공벌약(攻伐藥)을 과용(過用)하여 정기(正氣)를 손상(損傷)시켜서는 안된다고 하는 등 부정위주(扶正爲主), 거사위주(祛邪爲主) 혹은 부정거사(扶正祛邪) 겸용(兼用)의 방법(方法)이 혼용(混用)되고 있다. 현대(現代) 서양의학(西洋醫學)의 항암제(抗癌劑)는 치료효과(治療效果)는 우수(優秀)하지만 악심(惡心), 구토(嘔吐)를 비롯하여 골수억제효과(骨髓抑制效果)와 간(肝), 심(心), 신(腎), 폐(肺)의 손상(損傷)을 초래(招來)하는 등(等)의 부작용(副作用)을 나타내며, 빈번(頻繁)한 화학요법제(化學療法劑)의 투여(投與)로 인(因)한 암세포(癌細胞)의 약제저항성(藥劑抵抗性) 출현(出現)등이 항암제(抗癌劑)의 문제점(問題點)으로 제시(提示)되고 있다. 이에 저자(著者)는 비위기능(脾胃機能)을 강화(强化)시켜 정기형성(正氣形成)에 깊이 관여(關與)하는 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)에 청열해독(淸熱解毒), 소종산결지제(消腫散結之劑)인 금은화(金銀花), 포공영(浦公英), 와송(瓦松)을 가미(加味)하여 암발생(癌發生) 백서(白鼠)에 투약(投藥)한 후(後) sarcoma 180암세포(癌細胞)에 대(對)한 생명연장효과(生命延長效果)와 항암제(劑)의 일종(一種)인 cis-platin을 이용(利用)하여 양방항암제(洋方抗癌劑)의 부작용(副作用)에 대(對)한 본(本) 방(方)의 효과(效果)를 실험(實驗)하여 관찰(觀察)하였던 바 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 sarcoma 180 암세포(癌細胞) 이식종양(移植腫瘍)에 대(對)해 생명연장효과(生命延長效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 2. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 치암제(治癌劑)인 cis-platin 치사독성(致死毒性)에 대(對)해 생존연장효과(生存延長效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 3. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(腎毒性) 생쥐 및 흰쥐에 있어서 유의성(有意性) 있는 체중감소억제효과(體重減少抑制效果) 및 serum BUN 상승억제효과(上昇抑制效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 4. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(賢毒性) 흰쥐에 대(對)해 유의성(有意性) 있는 serum creatinine 상승억제효과(上昇抑制效果)가 나타났으며, cis-platin의 혈액학적(血液學的) 부작용(副作用)인 RBC, WBC 감소(減少)에 대(對)해 감소억제효과(減少抑制效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 5. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(腎毒性) 흰쥐에 대(對)해 뇨량감소억제(尿量減少抑制) 효과(效果) 및 ureanitrogen과 creatinine 배수감소억제효과가 관찰(觀察)되었다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로부터 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 악성종양치료(惡性腫瘍治療) 및 항암제(劑)의 부작용(副作用)을 경감(輕減)시키는 데 응용(應用)할 수 있을 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

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Foliar-application Effects of Urea and Potassium Phosphate on Fruit Characteristics and Reserve Accumulations of Persimmon Trees 75%-defoliated in Early Autumn (요소 및 제일인산칼륨 엽면시비가 초가을 잎 손실 감나무의 과실 특성과 저장양분 축적에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Seong-Tae;Park, Doo-Sang;Ahn, Gwang-Hwan;Kim, Sung-Chul;Choi, Tae-Min
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.53-57
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    • 2013
  • A severe defoliation by typhoon in early autumn reduces fruit quality for the current season and reserve accumulations for the next season. This study was conducted to determine the effects of foliar applications during the autumn on alleviating the damages after defoliation. Leaves of 2-year-old 'Fuyu' trees, grown in 50-L pots under a rain-shelter, were 75%-defoliated on September 9. In mid-September and early October, trees were treated either with eight foliar applications of urea or with four alternating applications of urea and $KH_2PO_4$ (urea + KP application), all at 0.5% (w/v). Trees untreated after the defoliation served as the control. The urea applications slightly increased N and P concentrations of the leaves collected on November 6, while urea + KP applications significantly increased P and K concentrations. Foliar applications did not affect fruit growth, but tended to decrease skin coloration. Fruit soluble solids increased by 1.5 and $1.0^{\circ}Brix$ for urea and urea + KP applications, respectively. There was a significant increase in dry weight of fine root for the foliar application treatments but not in those of aerial woods and larger roots. With the foliar applications, N concentration tended to increase in the permanent organs but not P and K, whereas soluble sugars and starch notably increased in shoot, trunk, or fine root regardless of the different applications. Results indicated that the foliar applications could partially help to restore fruit quality and carbohydrate accumulations in the defoliated trees.

A Development of a Mixed-Reality (MR) Education and Training System based on user Environment for Job Training for Radiation Workers in the Nondestructive Industry (비파괴산업 분야 방사선작업종사자 직장교육을 위한 사용자 환경 기반 혼합현실(MR) 교육훈련 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Hyong-Hu;Shim, Jae-Goo;Park, Jeong-kyu;Son, Jeong-Bong;Kwon, Soon-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2021
  • This study was written to create educational content in non-destructive fields based on Mixed Reality. Currently, in the field of radiation, there is almost no content for educational Mixed Reality-based educational content. And in the field of non-destructive inspection, the working environment is poor, the number of employees is often 10 or less for each manufacturer, and the educational infrastructure is not built. There is no practical training, only practical training and safety education to convey information. To solve this, it was decided to develop non-destructive worker education content based on Mixed Reality. This content was developed based on Microsoft's HoloLens 2 HMD device. It is manufactured based on the resolution of 1280 ⁎ 720, and the resolution is different for each device, and the Side is created by aligning the Left, Right, Bottom, and TOP positions of Anchor, and the large image affects the size of Atlas. The large volume like the wallpaper and the upper part was made by replacing it with UITexture. For UI Widget Wizard, I made Label, Buttom, ScrollView, and Sprite. In this study, it is possible to provide workers with realistic educational content, enable self-directed education, and educate with 3D stereoscopic images based on reality to provide interesting and immersive education. Through the images provided in Mixed Reality, the learner can directly operate things through the interaction between the real world and the Virtual Reality, and the learner's learning efficiency can be improved. In addition, mixed reality education can play a major role in non-face-to-face learning content in the corona era, where time and place are not disturbed.

A Study on the Effect of User Value on Smartwatch Digital HealthcareAcceptance Intention to Promote Digital Healthcare Venture Start Up (Digital Healthcare 벤처창업 촉진을 위한, 사용자 가치가 Smartwatch Digital Healthcare 수용의도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Eekseong Jin;soyoung Lee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.35-52
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    • 2023
  • Recently, as the non-face-to-face environment has developed due to COVID-19 and environmental pollution, the importance of online digital healthcare is increasing, and venture start-ups and activities such as health care, telemedicine, and digital treatments are also actively underway. This study conducted the impact on the acceptability of digital healthcare smartwatches with an integrated approach of the expanded integrated technology acceptance model (UTAUT2) and the behavioral inference model (BRT). The most advanced integrated technology acceptance model for innovative technology acceptance research was used to identify major factors such as utility expectations, social effects, convenience, price barriers, lack of alternatives, and behavioral intentions. For the study, about 410 responses from ordinary people in their teens to 60s across the country were collected, and based on this, the hypothesis was verified using structural equations after testing reliability and validity of the data. SPSS 23 and AMOS 23 were used for research analysis. Studies have shown that personal innovation has a significant impact on the reasons for acceptance (use value, social impact, convenience of use), attitude, and non-use (price barriers, lack of alternatives, and barriers to use). These results are the same as the results of previous studies that confirmed the influence of the main value of innovative ICT on user acceptance intention. In addition, the reason for acceptance had a significant effect on attitude, but the effect of the reason for non-acceptance was not significant. It can be analyzed that consumers are interested in new ICT products and new services, but purchase them more carefully and selectively. This study has evolved from the acceptance analysis of general-purpose consumer innovation technology to the acceptance analysis of consumer value in smartwatch digital healthcare, which is a new and important area in the future. Industrially, it can contribute to the product's purchase and marketing. It is hoped that this study will contribute to increasing research in the digital healthcare sector, which will play an important role in our lives in the future, and that it will develop into in-depth factors that are more suitable for consumer value through integrated approach models and integrated analysis of consumer acceptance and non-acceptance.

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Studies on the Inheritance of Agronomic Characteristics in Upland Cotton Varieties (Gossypium hirsutum L.) in Korea (육지면품종의 유용형질의 유전에 관한 연구)

  • Bang-Myung Kae
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.281-313
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    • 1976
  • To obtain fundamental informations on cotton breeding efficiences for Korea, individual genetic relationships and interrelationships between the agronomic characteristics of Upland cotton were investigated. These experiments were couducted at the Mokpo Branch Station $(34^{\circ}48'N, $ $126^{\circ}23'E$ and altitude of 10m above sea level) from 1969 through 1972. Heterosis, combining ability, dominance and recessive gene action, genetic variance, and phenotypic and genotypic correlation were investigated by $F_1'S$ from an 11-parent partial diallel cross and the segregating $F_2$ and $F_3$ populations of the cross Paymaster times Heujueusseo Trice. The following points resulted from this study, 1. Heteroses for number of bolls per plant and lint yield were significant at 27, 84% and 37.26%, respectively. No other character had significant heteroses. 2. The GCA estimates for all studied characteristics were higher than the SCA estimates. Varieties with high GCA effects were Suwon 1 for earliness, Paymaster and Arijona for high lint percent, and Arijona for long fiber, etc, 3. SCA estimates for lint yield varied widely in crosses with Mokpo 4, Mokpo 6 and Heujueusseo Trice. Those crosses with the highest SCA effects were combinations with large characteristics differences, Example of these crosses are Mokpo 4 times Acala 1517W, Mokpo 4 times D. P. L. and Heujueusseo Trice aud Paymaster. 4. Early-maturing varieties were completely dominant to late-maturing varieties in some combinations while other crosses gave intermediate phenotypes. These results suggest additive genetic action by multi-genes. Heujueusseo Trice, Mokpo 6, and Suwon 1 showed highest degree of dominance for earliness. 5. There were no significant trends for inheritance of weight of boll and 100 seeds weight. 6. Long staple was partially to completely dominant to short staple. Though there were single gene ratios the rate of dominance decreased in the $F_2$ and $F_3$ populations in the cross between the long staple variety Paymaster and the short staple variety Heujueusseo Trice. Diallel cross $F_1$ hybrids showed complicated allelic gene action for staple length. Various dominance degree were shown by varieties. 7. Number of bolls per plant indicated strong over-dominance and small non-allelic additive gene action. 8. Lint Yield was characterized by over-dominance and by multiple non-allelic-gene action. High-yielding varieties were dominant to low-yielding ones. However, the low-yielding variety Heujueusseo Trice showed over-dominance, indicating different reactions according to the varieties and combinations. 9. Broad sense heritability for days to flowering was 34-39% while narrow sense heritability was 11%. Large variations of individual plants caused by Korean climatic conditions cause this situation. Heritability estimates for weight of boll was 30% for broad sense and 22% for narrow sense. 10. Heritability estimates for staple length and lint percent were very high suggesting strong selection effects. 11. Narrow sense heritability estimates for number of bolls per plant was 30% in the diallel cross $F_1$ hybrids and 36% in the $F_2$ population of the special cross. Broad sense heritability was estimated at 67% suggesting that. 12. Heritability estimates for lint yield was low due to high over-dominance in the diallel cross $F_1$ hybrids. Heritability estimates for yield was low in the $F_1$ hybrids but high in the $F_2$ and $F_3$ populations. 13. Phenotypic and genotypic correlations between lint percent and days to flowering and between staple length and days to flowering were high in the $F_1, $ $F_2$ and $F_3$ populations. Late-maturing varieties and individuals had long staple and high lint percent in general. As the correlation between days to flowering and lint yield was extremely low, the two traits were considered independent of each other. Days to flowering and number of bolls per plant were negatively correlated in the $F_3$ population, indicating early-maturing individual plants with many bolls may be readily selected. 14. Phenotypic and genotypic correlations between lint percent and staple length were high in $F_1, $ $F_2$ and $F_3$ populations. Accordingly, long staple varieties were high in lint percent. It was recognized that lint yield and lint percent were positively correlated in the diallel cross $F_1$ hybrids, and lint percent and staple length were positively correlated in the $F_2$ population, indicating that lint percent and staple length affect lint yield. 15. Lint yield was significantly and positively phenotypically correlated with number of bolls per plant in $F_1, $ $F_2$ and $F_3$ populations. A high genotypic correlation was also noted indicating a close genetic relationship. The selection efficiencies for a high-yielding variety can be increased when individual plants with many bolls are selected in later generations. The selection efficiencies for good fiber quality can be enhanced when individuals with long staple and high lint percent are selected in early generations.

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Effects of Dietary Salt Restriction on the Development of Renal Failure in the Excision Remnant Kidney Model (식이 sodium 제한 및 식이 sodium 제한에 따른 항고혈압제의 투여가 만성신부전증의 진행에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim Kee-Hyuk;Kim Sang-Yun;Kang Yong-Joo;Maeng Won-Jae;Kim Kyo-Sun
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: To evaluate whether or not sodium restriction had its own beneficial effect and increased the efficiency of the anti-hypertensive drugs on the progression of renal failure. Methods: We studied using the excision remnant kidney model. Treatment groups were as follows: 5/6 nephrectomy and a 0.49% (normal-high) sodium diet (NN); 5/6 nephrectomy and a 0.25% (normal-low) sodium diet (LN); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.49% sodium diet and enalapril (NNE); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.49% sodium diet and nicardipine (NNN); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.25% sodium diet and enalapril (LNE); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.25% sodium diet and nicardipine (LNN). Both diets were isocaloric and had the same content of protein, phosphorus and calcium. Proteinuria, remnant kidney weight, mesangial expansion scores, and glomerular volume were assessed. Results: Blood pressure tended to be lower in LN compared to NN (P<0.05). NN developed progressive hypertension. LNE, LU, NNE, and NNN reduced blood pressure. LNE, LNN, NNE, NNN, and LN had significantly less proteinuria than NN at 16 weeks (P<0.05). At 24 weeks, LN developed proteinuria (82 mg/day), which were lessened in LNE (54 mg/day) and not lessened in LNN (76 mg/day). Mesangial expansion scores were significantly less in LN rats compared to those in NN rats. Glomerular volumes at 24 weeks in LN rats were significantly less compared to those at 16 weeks in NN rats. Mesangial expansion scores and glomerular volumes at 4, weeks, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks were not different among LN, LNE, and LNN groups. Conclusion: Dietary salt restriction lessens renal damage, at least in part, by inhibiting compensatory renal growth and reducing blood pressure. Enalapril was particularly successful in reducing proteinuria and glomerular injury when combined with dietary salt restriction.

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Light and Electron Microscopy of Gill and Kidney on Adaptation of Tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus) in the Various Salinities (틸라피아의 해수순치시(海水馴致時) 아가미와 신장(腎臟)의 광학(光學) 및 전자현미경적(電子顯微鏡的) 관찰(觀察))

  • Yoon, Jong-Man;Cho, Kang-Yong;Park, Hong-Yang
    • Applied Microscopy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 1993
  • This study was taken to examine the light microscopic and ultrastructural changes of gill and kidney of female tilapia{Oreochromis niloticus) adapted in 0%o, 10%o, 20%o, and 30%o salt concentrations, respectively, by light, scanning and transmission electron microscope. The results obtained in these experiments were summarized as follows: Gill chloride cell hyperplasia, gill lamellar epithelial separation, kidney glomerular shrinkage, blood congestion in kidneys and deposition of hyalin droplets in kidney glomeruli, tubules were the histological alterations in Oreochromis niloticus. Incidence and severity of gill chloride cell hyperplasia rapidly increased together with increase of salinity, and the number of chloride cells in gill lamellae rapidly increased in response to high external NaCl concentrations. The ultrastructure by scanning electron microscope(SEM) indicated that the gill secondary lamella of tilapia(Oreochromis niloticus) exposed to seawater, were characterized by rough convoluted surfaces during the adaptation. Transmission electron microscopy(TEM) indicated that mitochondria in chloride cells exposed to seawater, were both large and elongate and contained well-developed cristae. TEM also showed the increased chloride cells exposed to seawater. The presence of two mitochondria-rich cell types is discussed with regard to their possible role in the hypoosmoregulatory changes which occur during seawater-adaptation. Most Oreochromis niloticus adapted in seawater had an occasional glomerulus completely filling Bowman's capsule in kidney, and glomerular shrinkage was occurred higher in kidney tissues of individuals living in 10%o, 20%o, 30%o of seawater than in those living in 0%o of freshwater, and blood congestion was occurred severer in kidney tissues of individuals living 20%o, 30%o of seawater than in those living in 10%o of seawater. There were decreases in the glomerular area and the nuclear area in the main segments of the nephron, and that the nuclear areas of the nephron cells in seawater-adapted tilapia were of smaller size than those from freshwater-adapted fish. Our findings demonstrated that Oreochromis niloticus tolerated moderately saline environment and the increased body weight living in 30%o was relatively higher than that living in 10%o in spite of histopathological changes.

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A Survey of Nutritional Status on Pre-School Children in Korea (학영기전아동(學齡期前兒童)의 영양실태조사(營養實態調査))

  • Ju, Jin-Soon;Oh, Seoung-Ho
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.68-86
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    • 1976
  • The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the correct nutritional status on pre-school children in Korea. Furthermore, it made an attempt to find and define nutrional problems, and assist in establishment on their nutritional improvement plan. For this, food intake and health condition (physical, clinical, biochemical and parasitological) survey on 109 Pre-school children in both sexes, randomly selected from Yang-Gu area in Gang-Won province and Rea-ju area in Kyong-gy Province, were conducted by means of three-day records, during the two periods of Spring and Fall season in 1975. The results obtained are summerized as follows: 1. The food intake; Average food intake of the subjects per day were $508{\sim}647g$ ($83{\sim}91%$ in vegetable foods and $5.5{\sim}11.7%$ in animal foods) in Yang-gu area, and $587{\sim}698g$ ($88{\sim}89%$ in vegetable foods and $6.3{\sim}7.6%$ in animal foods) in Rea-ju area. 2. The intake of energy and nutrients; a) Calory intake. Average energy intake of subjects per day in Yang-gu area$(1120{\sim}1415kcal)$ were all lower than the Korean Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) in either Spring and Fall survey, whereas the subjects in Rea-ju area were lower intake $(1213{\sim}1418kcal)$ than the RDA in the Spring but higher intake$(1516{\sim}1755kcal)$ than the RDA in the Fall, and the average intake were similar level with that of RDA. b) Protein intake. Average protein intake of the subjects per day in Yang-gu area $(33{\sim}43g)$ girl subjects in Rea-ju area $(35{\sim}39g)$ were lower than the RDA in either Spring and Fall survey, whereas the boy subjects in Rea-ju area$(36{\sim}38g)$ were lower in Spring and higher $(49{\sim}57g)$ in the Fall than that of the RDA, but the average $(43{\sim}47g)$ were similar level with the RDA. The protein intake from animal sources in all subjects were much lower $(5.5{\sim}11.7\;of\;total\;protein)$ than the RDA. c) Fat intake. Average fat intake were very lower in all subjects of both area $(14{\sim}24g\;in\;Yang-gu,\;10{\sim}12g\;in\;Rea-ju)$ than that of RDA which is recommended $12{\sim}14%$ of total energy to be supplied from fat. d) Calcium intake. Average calcium intake were very low in all subjects of both area $(264{\sim}355mg\;in\;Yang-gu\;and\;283{\sim}429mg\;in\;Rea-ju)$, especially, these in Spring were about a half level of the RDA, and it was much increased in the Fall due to increased intake of milk, but it was still not enough than the RDA. e) Vitamin A intake. Average intake of V.A ($703{\sim}1465\;IU$ in Ynag-gu and $750{\sim}1521\;IU$ in Rea-ju) were also lower than the RDA, moreover their V-A sources were mainly vegetable, so that the V-A supply might be critical one for the subjected. f) Riboflavin intake. Average riboflavin intake on all subjects in both area except boys in Rea-ju area in Fall, were very lower than the RDA. 3. The physical status; a) Average weight and height of boys aged 4 and 5 in Yang-gu area and girls of aged 5 in Rea-ju area were lower than those of Korean Standard of 1967 report, but those by age of girls in Yang-gu area and boys in Rea-ju area were a little heigher than the Korean Standard. It is, hower, present Korean standard of physical status might be somehow heigher than the 1967, since the socio-economical situation has been much improved during past a decade. So that, if one considered on this sense, the physical status of the subjects on this survey might be somehow lower than those of present Korean standard. b) Average upper arm circumference in both area were no difference each other, and their mean values of age 4, 5 and 6 in boy and girl were 15.6, 16.5, 16.4 and 15.5, 16.5, 16.4cm respectively. c) Average chest girth of boys were similar to those of Korean standard whereas the girls were smaller than the Korea standard. The average head circumference also showed similar tendency with the chest girth. 4. The clinical findings; The most popular clinical signs were angular stomatitis and dental caries, and boys had more heigher incidence then the girls. 5. The biochemical findings; a) Hemoglobin and anemia Average Hb value of boys and girls were 11.4 and 10.9g per 100 ml of blood respectively. The incidence of anemia (Hb value below 11 g/100 ml, by WHO) was increased by age, and girls had more heigher incidence than the boy (34% : 48%). The incidence of anemia in age of 4,5, and 6 in boys and girls were 28%, 41% 34%, and 33%, 50%, 49% respectively. The degree of the anemia was not severe, and the anemia of there subjects may be caused mainly low intake of better quality protein and low iron intake as well. b) Hematocrit. Average Ht value of whole subject were $39.9{\sim}41.6%$. c) Blood plasma protein. Average blood plasma protein contents of whole subjects were $6.6{\sim}7.4gm$ per 100 ml. The incidence of deficient range (<6.0g%, by ICNND) was only one girl of age 4 in yang Gu area. 6. Parasitological findgs; The most popular parasitism were asicris lumbicoides and trichocephalus trichiura, and about 2/3 of the whole subjects were suffering one or more of these parasitism.

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