• Title/Summary/Keyword: 심근 허혈

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Role of Rest Redistribution Imaging in T1-201 Reinjection Imaging Technique (탈륨 재주사영상법에서 휴식기재분포영상의 의의)

  • Bom, Hee-Seung;Song, Ho-Chun;Kim, Ji-Yeul;Jeong, Myung-Ho;Kang, Jung-Chaee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 1993
  • Apparent washout of T1-201 may occur between redistribution and reinjection images. To examine the frequency of it, we prospectively compared 4-hour redistribution and reinjection images in 63 consequent patients. All patients underwent pharmacological stress test using 0.56 mg/kg dipyridamole. Immediately after the 4-hour redistribution images, 1 mCi T1-201 was injected at rest, and images were reacquired 10 minutes after reinjection. The stress, redistribution, and reinjection images were then analyzed semiquantitatively (0=no uptake, 1=faint uptake, 2=mildly diminished uptake, 3=normal uptake). Of the 100 abnormal myocardial regions on the stress images, 54 showed either complete or partial reversibility on 4-hour redistribution images. After reinjection 11(21.2%) of these regions demonstrated apparent T1-201 washout due to low differential uptake of the tracer. Such lesions would appear irreversible if redistribution imaging is not performed before reinjection. Thus 4-hour redistribution imaging should be performed for assessment of myocardial ischemia and viability.

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Characteristic Findings of Exercise ECG Test, Perfusion SPECT and Coronary Angiography in Patients with Exercise Induced Myocardial Stunning (게이트 심근관류 SPECT상 운동 유발성 기절심근을 보이는 환자의 운동부하 심전도, 관류 SPECT 및 심혈관 조영술 소견)

  • Ahn, Byeong-Cheol;Seo, Ji-Hyoung;Bae, Jin-Ho;Jeong, Shin-Young;Park, Hun-Sik;Lee, Jae-Tae;Chae, Shung-Chul;Lee, Kyu-Bo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2004
  • Purpose : Transient wall motion abnormality and contractile dysfunction of the left ventricle (LV) can be observed in patients with coronary artery disease due to post-stress myocardial stunning. To understand clinical characteristics of stress induced LV dysfunction, we have compared the findings of exercise stress test, myocardial perfusion SPECT and coronary angiography between subjects with and without post-stress LV dysfunction. Materials and Methods : Among subjects who underwent exercise stress test, myocardial perfusion SPECT and coronary angiography within a month of interval, we enrolled 36 patients with post-stress LV election fraction (LVEF) was $\geq5%$ lower than rest (stunning group) and 16 patients with difference of post-stress and rest LVEF was lesser than 1 %(non-stunning group) for this study. Treadmill exercise stress gated myocardial perfusion SPECT was performed with dual head SPECT camera using 740 MBq Tc-99m MIBI and coronary angiography was also performed by conventional Judkins method. Results : Stunning group had a significantly higher incidence of hypercholesterolemia than non-stunning group(45.5 vs. 7.1%, p=0.01). Stunning group also had higher incidence of diabetes mellitus and lower incidence of hypertension, but these were not statistically significant. Stunning group had larger and more severe perfusion defect in stress perfusion myocardial SPECT than non-stunning group(extent 18.2 vs. 9.2%, p=0.029; severity 13.5 vs. 6.9, p=0.040). Stunning group also had higher degree of reversibility of perfusion defect, higher incidence of positive exercise stress test and higher incidence of having severe stenosis ($80{\sim}99%$) in coronary angiography than non-stunning group, but these were not statistically significant. In stunning group, all of 4 patients without perfusion defect had significant coronary artery stenosis and had received revascularization treatment. Conclusion : Patients with post-stress LV dysfunction had larger and more severe perfusion defect and severe coronary artery stenosis than patients without post-stress LV dysfunction. All of the patients without perfusion defect in stunning group had significant coronary artery stenosis and needed revascularization. Therefore, we suggest that invasive diagnostic procedures and therapeutic interventions might be needed in patients with post-stress LV dysfunction.

A Case of Phenypropanolamine Induced Myocardial Injury (Phenylpropanolamine 음독 후 발생한 심근허혈)

  • Park Jong Woo;Choa Min Hong;Park Joon Seok;Cho Kwang Hyun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.43-46
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    • 2003
  • Phenypropanolamine (PPA) is a sympathetic amine used in over-the-counter cold remedies and weight-control preparations. The side effects are hypertension, dysrhythmias, stroke, etc. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking steps to remove PPA from all drug products and has requested that all drug companies discontinue marketing products containg PPA due to high risk of hemorrhage stroke. But, in Korea now, patinets take products containg PPA with over the counter. We report here the case of PPA induced myocardial injury in a young woman who takes overdose for suicide.

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Characteristics of Neural Networks for ECG Pattern Classification (심전도 패턴을 분류하기 위한 신경망 특성 평가)

  • 김만선;김원식;노기용;이상태
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.148-153
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    • 2003
  • 본 논문에서는 심근허혈 질환을 효율적으로 분류하기 위한 신경망을 설계하였다. European ST-T DB의 심전도로부터 ST 분절의 특징을 추출하여 입력노드를 결정하고 10개의 학습률과 학습 횟수에 따른 신경망의 MES를 계산하였다. 실험 결과 특징 파라미터의 조합을 ST0, ST80, Slope, Area로 하였을 때 MSE를 가장 작았다. 이러한 특징 파라미터를 이용하여 신경망의 입력으로 학습시킨 경우 학습 횟수의 증가에 따라 MSE가 지수합수적으로 감소하였으며 1,000회 이상에서는 둔하게 감소하였다. 또한 학습 횟수가 5,000회, 10,000회, 15,000회 각각의 경우에 대하여 학습률을 0.01부터 0.7까지 증가시키면서 MSE를 계산한 결과 학습 횟수가 증가할수록 MSE를 최소로 하는 최적학습률이 0.1부터 0.04까지 감소하였다.

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A Simulation of the Cardiac Ischemia Using Three Dimensional Ventricular Model (3차원 심실모델을 이용한 심근허혈 시뮬레이션)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Joung;Yoon, Hyung-Ro
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1994 no.12
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 1994
  • This paper describes the construction of an anisotropic three dimensional ventricular model based on the bidomain model. The cardiac artivation process in the normal cardiac cell and the myocardiac ischemic cell are simulated by the Huygen's principle. The depolarization process in the myocardial ischemia displays the delayed activation compared to the normal state. The repolarization process is simulated by the myocardial potential at the arbitrary ellapsed time after activation process.

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Myocardial Protective Effect of Adenosine in Ischemic Rat Heart (흰쥐의 허혈심장에서의 Adenosine의 심근 보호 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 박승규
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.1090-1106
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    • 1990
  • This study was undertaken to investigate whether adenosine administered during cardioplegic arrest could enhance myocardial protection and improve recovery of function after ischemia. Isolated Langendorff-perfused rat hearts were subjected to 40 minutes of normothermic [37oC] ischemia. Control hearts [n=10] received modified St. Thomas’ cardioplegic solution, and the remaining hearts received modified St. Thomas’ cardioplegic solution with either 20 \ulcornerM [n=10], 200 \ulcornerM [n=10] adenosine. After ischemia of 40 minutes and 30 minutes of reperfusion, left ventricular contractility was superior in all groups of adenosine-treated hearts compared with control hearts. Furthermore, there was a significant incremental increase in functional recovery with increasing dose of adenosine. Post-ischemic diastolic stiffness was significantly better in all adenosine groups compared with controls. No differences were noted in coronary flow or myocardial water content between adenosine-treated and control hearts. These data demonstrate that adenosine administered in these concentrations provides myocardial protection, preservation of myocardial ATP and creatine phosphokinase and improved post-ischemic functional hemodynamic recovery after normothermic ischemia, presumably metabolically by reducing depletion of adenosine triphosphate, inducing rapid cardiac arrest and enabling improved post-ischemic recovery.

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The Effect of Boshimdan(補心丹:$\breve{b}ux\bar{i}nd\bar{a}n$) on Ischemic Heart Disease (허혈성(虛血性) 심근(心筋)에 보심단(補心丹)이 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Gang, Myeong-Seok;Go, Chang-Nam;Jo, Gi-Ho;Kim, Yeong-Seok;Bae, Hyeong-Seop;Lee, Gyeong-Seop
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 1995
  • In this study, the effects of Boshimdan, which is used in oriental medicine for the treatment of palpitation, chest discomfort, impatience, insomnia, forgetfulness ete., were tested as a part of series of experimental verification of prescriptions treatments for preventing and curing ischemic heart. The results were as follows: 1. Boshimdan did not effectively work on heart rate of the perfused rat heart. 2. Boshimdan did not effectively work on heart pressure of the perfused rat heart. 3. Boshimdan did not effectively work on flow rate of the perfused rat heart. 4. Boshimdan was not effective in activation of GOT. 5. Boshimdan was not effective in activation of GPT. 6. Boshimdan was not effective in activation of LDH. 7. Boshimdan was not effective in activation of CPK.

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오가피 및 작약으로부터 혈소판 응집 억제작용 물질의 개발에 관한 연구

  • 윤혜숙;강삼식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Applied Pharmacology
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    • 1992.05a
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    • pp.20-20
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    • 1992
  • 혈관내에서의 비정상적인 혈소판의 활성화는 혈소판 응괴 또는 혈전 형성을 초래함으로서 동맥경화증, 심근 경색증, 혈전중등의 허혈성 질환의 발현에 직접 또는 간접적인 원인으로서 주목되고 있다. 본 연구자 등은 천연물로부터 혈소판 응집억제작용 물질의 개발을 목표로 하여 한약 또는 민간약의 형태로서 관련질환에 사용되어온 식물생약 약 40종을 검색하였으며 이들중 혈소판 응집억제작용을 갖는 식물로부터 작용 물질의 분리를 계속하여 오고있다. 본 실험에서는 작약을 메타놀로 추출하고 작용을 추적하면서 용매로 분획하였으며, 작용분획인 Et0Ac fr.으로부터 methyl gallate를 분리하였다. Methyl gallate는 오가피로부터 작용성분으로서 이미 분리 보고된 protocatechuic acid 및 artifact인 ethyl protocatechuate와 구조적으로 매우 유사하여 이들 analogs 수종에 대하여 작용을 비교 검색하였다.

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A Model Study of Action Potential in Acute Myocardial Ischemia (심근허혈시 세포에서의 활동 전위 모델)

  • Song, J.H.;Jang, S.Y.;Jeong, M.K.;Lee, K.J.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1997 no.11
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    • pp.218-221
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    • 1997
  • In this paper, we designed a myocaldial ischemia model based on L-R dynamic model including hyperkalemia and anoxia. Using the model, we simulated the effects of ionic concentration $[K^+]_o$ and intracellular $[ATP]_i$ on action potential in single cardiac cell. Also we evaluated this model by comparing the simulated results with that of other researches. In luther research, we are going to consider the effect of acidosis quantitatively.

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Effect of Topical Hypothermia on Myocardial Protection from Ischemia - Experimental study using isolated rat heart perfusion technique- (흰쥐의 적출된 작업성 심장에서 허혈성 심정지시 국소냉각법이 심근보호에 미치는 영향)

  • 최종범
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.231-239
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    • 1988
  • Currently numerous methods are in use for myocardial hypothermia as a myocardial preservation modality for cardiac operation. During cardiac ischemia after crystalloid cardioplegia[4C GIK solution], topical cold saline[Group I, a=9], topical ice slush[Group II, n=9] and topical ice chip[Group III, a=10] have been compared for myocardial surface cooling in the isolated rat heart model of cardiopulmonary bypass. During postischemic period, hemodynamic functions[aortic flow, coronary flow, peak aortic pressure and heart rate], biochemical enzymatic activities and cellular injuries with electron microscope were evaluated in this isolated rat heart perfusion model. Postischemic aortic flow, cardiac output and peak aortic pressure in Group I and Group II recovered better than Group III.[p< 0.05] Postischemic creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase leakages in Group II and Group III increased more than Group l and postischemic mitochondrial swelling in Group III was more severe than Group I, and Group II.[p< 0.05] These results suggest that topical cold saline was the better method than topical ice slush or topical ice chip as a myocardial preservation modality in the isolated rat heart model of cardiopulmonary bypass.

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