• Title/Summary/Keyword: 실험기법

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Phenotypic Variation in the Breast of Live Broiler Chickens Over Time (시간에 따른 생축 육계 가슴살의 표현형 변이)

  • Ji-Won Kim;Chang-Ho Han;Seul-Gy Lee;Jun-Ho Lee;Su-Yong Jang;Jeong-Uk Eom;Kang-Jin Jeong;Jae-Cheol Jang;Hyun-Wook Kim;Han-Sul Yang;Sea-Hwan Sohn;Sang-Hyon Oh
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 2024
  • This study utilized the non-invasive MyotonPRO® device to analyze the stiffness in breast muscles of commercial broilers (Ross 308 and Arbor Acres) and compared these findings with data reported for Ross 708, where Woody Breast (WB) symptoms had been previously documented. The research revealed that Ross 308 and Arbor Acres displayed relatively lower stiffness values compared to Ross 708, suggesting a lack of WB expression. These results indicate differentiation in breast muscle traits across strains and underscore the necessity for further research into factors influencing WB manifestation. The study also measured additional muscle tone characteristics such as Frequency, Decrement, Relaxation, and Creep across various growth stages (2, 4, 6, and 8 weeks), finding significant variations with pronounced severity at weeks 2 and 8. An increase in stiffness was observed as the broilers aged, pointing to potential growth-related or stress-induced changes affecting WB severity. A strong positive correlation was established between increased breast meat weight and WB severity, highlighting that heavier breast meat could exacerbate the condition. This correlation is vital for the poultry industry, suggesting that weight management could help mitigate WB effects. Moreover, the potential for genetic selection and breeding strategies to reduce WB occurrence was emphasized, which could aid in enhancing management practices in commercial poultry production. Collectively, these insights contribute to a deeper understanding of WB in broilers and propose avenues for future research and practical strategies to minimize its impact.

State of Health and State of Charge Estimation of Li-ion Battery for Construction Equipment based on Dual Extended Kalman Filter (이중확장칼만필터(DEKF)를 기반한 건설장비용 리튬이온전지의 State of Charge(SOC) 및 State of Health(SOH) 추정)

  • Hong-Ryun Jung;Jun Ho Kim;Seung Woo Kim;Jong Hoon Kim;Eun Jin Kang;Jeong Woo Yun
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2024
  • Along with the high interest in electric vehicles and new renewable energy, there is a growing demand to apply lithium-ion batteries in the construction equipment industry. The capacity of heavy construction equipment that performs various tasks at construction sites is rapidly decreasing. Therefore, it is essential to accurately predict the state of batteries such as SOC (State of Charge) and SOH (State of Health). In this paper, the errors between actual electrochemical measurement data and estimated data were compared using the Dual Extended Kalman Filter (DEKF) algorithm that can estimate SOC and SOH at the same time. The prediction of battery charge state was analyzed by measuring OCV at SOC 5% intervals under 0.2C-rate conditions after the battery cell was fully charged, and the degradation state of the battery was predicted after 50 cycles of aging tests under various C-rate (0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5C rate) conditions. It was confirmed that the SOC and SOH estimation errors using DEKF tended to increase as the C-rate increased. It was confirmed that the SOC estimation using DEKF showed less than 6% at 0.2, 0.5, and 1C-rate. In addition, it was confirmed that the SOH estimation results showed good performance within the maximum error of 1.0% and 1.3% at 0.2 and 0.3C-rate, respectively. Also, it was confirmed that the estimation error also increased from 1.5% to 2% as the C-rate increased from 0.5 to 1.5C-rate. However, this result shows that all SOH estimation results using DEKF were excellent within about 2%.

Prediction of multipurpose dam inflow utilizing catchment attributes with LSTM and transformer models (유역정보 기반 Transformer및 LSTM을 활용한 다목적댐 일 단위 유입량 예측)

  • Kim, Hyung Ju;Song, Young Hoon;Chung, Eun Sung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.7
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    • pp.437-449
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    • 2024
  • Rainfall-runoff prediction studies using deep learning while considering catchment attributes have been gaining attention. In this study, we selected two models: the Transformer model, which is suitable for large-scale data training through the self-attention mechanism, and the LSTM-based multi-state-vector sequence-to-sequence (LSTM-MSV-S2S) model with an encoder-decoder structure. These models were constructed to incorporate catchment attributes and predict the inflow of 10 multi-purpose dam watersheds in South Korea. The experimental design consisted of three training methods: Single-basin Training (ST), Pretraining (PT), and Pretraining-Finetuning (PT-FT). The input data for the models included 10 selected watershed attributes along with meteorological data. The inflow prediction performance was compared based on the training methods. The results showed that the Transformer model outperformed the LSTM-MSV-S2S model when using the PT and PT-FT methods, with the PT-FT method yielding the highest performance. The LSTM-MSV-S2S model showed better performance than the Transformer when using the ST method; however, it showed lower performance when using the PT and PT-FT methods. Additionally, the embedding layer activation vectors and raw catchment attributes were used to cluster watersheds and analyze whether the models learned the similarities between them. The Transformer model demonstrated improved performance among watersheds with similar activation vectors, proving that utilizing information from other pre-trained watersheds enhances the prediction performance. This study compared the suitable models and training methods for each multi-purpose dam and highlighted the necessity of constructing deep learning models using PT and PT-FT methods for domestic watersheds. Furthermore, the results confirmed that the Transformer model outperforms the LSTM-MSV-S2S model when applying PT and PT-FT methods.

Clustering Method based on Genre Interest for Cold-Start Problem in Movie Recommendation (영화 추천 시스템의 초기 사용자 문제를 위한 장르 선호 기반의 클러스터링 기법)

  • You, Tithrottanak;Rosli, Ahmad Nurzid;Ha, Inay;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.57-77
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    • 2013
  • Social media has become one of the most popular media in web and mobile application. In 2011, social networks and blogs are still the top destination of online users, according to a study from Nielsen Company. In their studies, nearly 4 in 5active users visit social network and blog. Social Networks and Blogs sites rule Americans' Internet time, accounting to 23 percent of time spent online. Facebook is the main social network that the U.S internet users spend time more than the other social network services such as Yahoo, Google, AOL Media Network, Twitter, Linked In and so on. In recent trend, most of the companies promote their products in the Facebook by creating the "Facebook Page" that refers to specific product. The "Like" option allows user to subscribed and received updates their interested on from the page. The film makers which produce a lot of films around the world also take part to market and promote their films by exploiting the advantages of using the "Facebook Page". In addition, a great number of streaming service providers allows users to subscribe their service to watch and enjoy movies and TV program. They can instantly watch movies and TV program over the internet to PCs, Macs and TVs. Netflix alone as the world's leading subscription service have more than 30 million streaming members in the United States, Latin America, the United Kingdom and the Nordics. As the matter of facts, a million of movies and TV program with different of genres are offered to the subscriber. In contrast, users need spend a lot time to find the right movies which are related to their interest genre. Recent years there are many researchers who have been propose a method to improve prediction the rating or preference that would give the most related items such as books, music or movies to the garget user or the group of users that have the same interest in the particular items. One of the most popular methods to build recommendation system is traditional Collaborative Filtering (CF). The method compute the similarity of the target user and other users, which then are cluster in the same interest on items according which items that users have been rated. The method then predicts other items from the same group of users to recommend to a group of users. Moreover, There are many items that need to study for suggesting to users such as books, music, movies, news, videos and so on. However, in this paper we only focus on movie as item to recommend to users. In addition, there are many challenges for CF task. Firstly, the "sparsity problem"; it occurs when user information preference is not enough. The recommendation accuracies result is lower compared to the neighbor who composed with a large amount of ratings. The second problem is "cold-start problem"; it occurs whenever new users or items are added into the system, which each has norating or a few rating. For instance, no personalized predictions can be made for a new user without any ratings on the record. In this research we propose a clustering method according to the users' genre interest extracted from social network service (SNS) and user's movies rating information system to solve the "cold-start problem." Our proposed method will clusters the target user together with the other users by combining the user genre interest and the rating information. It is important to realize a huge amount of interesting and useful user's information from Facebook Graph, we can extract information from the "Facebook Page" which "Like" by them. Moreover, we use the Internet Movie Database(IMDb) as the main dataset. The IMDbis online databases that consist of a large amount of information related to movies, TV programs and including actors. This dataset not only used to provide movie information in our Movie Rating Systems, but also as resources to provide movie genre information which extracted from the "Facebook Page". Formerly, the user must login with their Facebook account to login to the Movie Rating System, at the same time our system will collect the genre interest from the "Facebook Page". We conduct many experiments with other methods to see how our method performs and we also compare to the other methods. First, we compared our proposed method in the case of the normal recommendation to see how our system improves the recommendation result. Then we experiment method in case of cold-start problem. Our experiment show that our method is outperform than the other methods. In these two cases of our experimentation, we see that our proposed method produces better result in case both cases.

A Study of the Relationship between Realistic Expression of Objects and Graphic Novel in Korean Comics - Focused on the work by Kwon, Ga-Ya - (한국만화에 있어 대상의 사실적 표현과 그래픽 노블의 연관관계에 대한 연구 - 권가야의 <남한산성>작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Hee-Bok;Kim, Kwang-Su
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.361-392
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    • 2014
  • Regarding works that express objects realistically in painting, Gustave Courbet advocated realism in the mid-19th century, France, resisting the then academist style of painting, and works in realist style were produced in earnest by painters such as H. Daumier or Jean F. Millet, who went along with him. Later, realism has expanded into the realm of general literature, including fine art, which has had profound impacts on works of art and literary works. In comics, too, in the same historical context as a form of painting, realistic comics began to be produced by painters or cartoonists at the time. These realism comics are those dealing with stories based on facts, and in terms of contents, objective description and representation of the social realities of the times is one of the most important objectives, but it could not be concluded that in their visual aspect, that is, that of expressing the objects, they were realistic. In the meantime, a graphic novel was born, which was the intermediate form between comics and novels around the United States and Europe since the 1980s. Graphic novels appeared in forms and styles with strong literary and artistic values in the comics market in the U.S. which was full of the superhero genre (comics around heroes), and their major characteristics are very realistic expressions in terms of contents and visual aspect. They are complex and delicate and even have artistic, literary values as if readers read a fiction or literary work of which its narrative structures or pictures are produced with graphics. The characteristics of realistic expressions shown in graphic novels are very different from the previous works of comics. It is noteworthy that they began to be acknowledged as works of art like painting or illustration, thanks to their features of strongly individual auteurist painting style, a fairly high degree of completion of the works, and creative and experimental expression techniques or methods, instead of following the fashion of the times. In recent years, in South Korea, Hollywood blockbuster films have been released one after another and become box office hits, there are increasing interest and demand for the original graphic novels. Accordingly, many original graphic novels have been translated and started to be sold, and keeping pace with this global flow of fashion, some writers in Korea began to produce works of graphic novels. However, to look into the domestic works produced claiming to be graphic novels, there are various opinions on their format and authenticity. In this sense, this study focused on Ga-ya Kwon's Namhansanseong, one the representative works of Korean style graphic novels, and in particular, it attempted to analyze their characteristics and commonalities focusing on the visual aspect of realistic expressions of objects. It is expected that there would be an opportunity to seek for ways so that Korean style graphic novel can be further developed as a genre of comics, with competitiveness by looking back on the identity and present state of domestic graphic novels and developing and applying Korea's original subject matters differentiated from those of graphic novels in the U.S., Europe or Japan through this study. In addition, it is desired that they will be a new energizer for the stagnant domestic comics market.

Tc-99m ECD Brain SPECT in MELAS Syndrome and Mitochondrial Myopathy: Comparison with MR findings (MELAS 증후군과 미토콘드리아 근육병에서의 Tc-99m ECD 뇌단일 광전자방출 전산화단층촬영 소견: 자기공명영상과의 비교)

  • Park, Sang-Joon;Ryu, Young-Hoon;Jeon, Tae-Joo;Kim, Jai-Keun;Nam, Ji-Eun;Yoon, Pyeong-Ho;Yoon, Choon-Sik;Lee, Jong-Doo
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.490-496
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    • 1998
  • Purpose: We evaluated brain perfusion SPECT findings of MELAS syndrome and mitochondrial myopathy in correlation with MR imaging in search of specific imaging features. Materials and Methods: Subjects were five patients (four females and one male; age range, 1 to 25 year) who presented with repeated stroke-like episodes, seizures or developmental delay or asymptomatic but had elevated lactic acid in CSF and serum. Conventional non-contrast MR imaging and Tc-99m-ethyl cysteinate dimer (ECD) brain perfusion SPECT were Performed and imaging features were analyzed. Results: MRI demonstrated increased T2 signal intensities in the affected areas of gray and white matters mainly in the parietal (4/5) and occipital lobes (4/5) and in the basal ganglia (1/5), which were not restricted to a specific vascular territory. SPECT demonstrated decreased perfusion in the corresponding regions of MRI lesions. In addition, there were perfusion defects in parietal (1 patient), temporal (2), and frontal (1) lobes and basal ganglia (1) and thalami (2). In a patient with mitochondrial myopathy who had normal MRI, decreased perfusion was noted in left parietal area and bilateral thalami. Conclusion: Tc-99m ECD SPECT imaging in patients with MELAS syndrome and mitochondrial myopathy showed hypoperfusion of parieto-occipital cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus and temporal cortex, which were not restricted to a specific vascular territory. There were no specific imaging features on SPECT. The significance of abnormal perfusion on SPECT without corresponding MR abnormalities needs to be evaluated further in larger number of patients.

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Business Application of Convolutional Neural Networks for Apparel Classification Using Runway Image (합성곱 신경망의 비지니스 응용: 런웨이 이미지를 사용한 의류 분류를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Yian;Shin, Kyung-shik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2018
  • Large amount of data is now available for research and business sectors to extract knowledge from it. This data can be in the form of unstructured data such as audio, text, and image data and can be analyzed by deep learning methodology. Deep learning is now widely used for various estimation, classification, and prediction problems. Especially, fashion business adopts deep learning techniques for apparel recognition, apparel search and retrieval engine, and automatic product recommendation. The core model of these applications is the image classification using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). CNN is made up of neurons which learn parameters such as weights while inputs come through and reach outputs. CNN has layer structure which is best suited for image classification as it is comprised of convolutional layer for generating feature maps, pooling layer for reducing the dimensionality of feature maps, and fully-connected layer for classifying the extracted features. However, most of the classification models have been trained using online product image, which is taken under controlled situation such as apparel image itself or professional model wearing apparel. This image may not be an effective way to train the classification model considering the situation when one might want to classify street fashion image or walking image, which is taken in uncontrolled situation and involves people's movement and unexpected pose. Therefore, we propose to train the model with runway apparel image dataset which captures mobility. This will allow the classification model to be trained with far more variable data and enhance the adaptation with diverse query image. To achieve both convergence and generalization of the model, we apply Transfer Learning on our training network. As Transfer Learning in CNN is composed of pre-training and fine-tuning stages, we divide the training step into two. First, we pre-train our architecture with large-scale dataset, ImageNet dataset, which consists of 1.2 million images with 1000 categories including animals, plants, activities, materials, instrumentations, scenes, and foods. We use GoogLeNet for our main architecture as it has achieved great accuracy with efficiency in ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC). Second, we fine-tune the network with our own runway image dataset. For the runway image dataset, we could not find any previously and publicly made dataset, so we collect the dataset from Google Image Search attaining 2426 images of 32 major fashion brands including Anna Molinari, Balenciaga, Balmain, Brioni, Burberry, Celine, Chanel, Chloe, Christian Dior, Cividini, Dolce and Gabbana, Emilio Pucci, Ermenegildo, Fendi, Giuliana Teso, Gucci, Issey Miyake, Kenzo, Leonard, Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, Marni, Max Mara, Missoni, Moschino, Ralph Lauren, Roberto Cavalli, Sonia Rykiel, Stella McCartney, Valentino, Versace, and Yve Saint Laurent. We perform 10-folded experiments to consider the random generation of training data, and our proposed model has achieved accuracy of 67.2% on final test. Our research suggests several advantages over previous related studies as to our best knowledge, there haven't been any previous studies which trained the network for apparel image classification based on runway image dataset. We suggest the idea of training model with image capturing all the possible postures, which is denoted as mobility, by using our own runway apparel image dataset. Moreover, by applying Transfer Learning and using checkpoint and parameters provided by Tensorflow Slim, we could save time spent on training the classification model as taking 6 minutes per experiment to train the classifier. This model can be used in many business applications where the query image can be runway image, product image, or street fashion image. To be specific, runway query image can be used for mobile application service during fashion week to facilitate brand search, street style query image can be classified during fashion editorial task to classify and label the brand or style, and website query image can be processed by e-commerce multi-complex service providing item information or recommending similar item.

A Study on Risk Parity Asset Allocation Model with XGBoos (XGBoost를 활용한 리스크패리티 자산배분 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Younghoon;Choi, HeungSik;Kim, SunWoong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.135-149
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    • 2020
  • Artificial intelligences are changing world. Financial market is also not an exception. Robo-Advisor is actively being developed, making up the weakness of traditional asset allocation methods and replacing the parts that are difficult for the traditional methods. It makes automated investment decisions with artificial intelligence algorithms and is used with various asset allocation models such as mean-variance model, Black-Litterman model and risk parity model. Risk parity model is a typical risk-based asset allocation model which is focused on the volatility of assets. It avoids investment risk structurally. So it has stability in the management of large size fund and it has been widely used in financial field. XGBoost model is a parallel tree-boosting method. It is an optimized gradient boosting model designed to be highly efficient and flexible. It not only makes billions of examples in limited memory environments but is also very fast to learn compared to traditional boosting methods. It is frequently used in various fields of data analysis and has a lot of advantages. So in this study, we propose a new asset allocation model that combines risk parity model and XGBoost machine learning model. This model uses XGBoost to predict the risk of assets and applies the predictive risk to the process of covariance estimation. There are estimated errors between the estimation period and the actual investment period because the optimized asset allocation model estimates the proportion of investments based on historical data. these estimated errors adversely affect the optimized portfolio performance. This study aims to improve the stability and portfolio performance of the model by predicting the volatility of the next investment period and reducing estimated errors of optimized asset allocation model. As a result, it narrows the gap between theory and practice and proposes a more advanced asset allocation model. In this study, we used the Korean stock market price data for a total of 17 years from 2003 to 2019 for the empirical test of the suggested model. The data sets are specifically composed of energy, finance, IT, industrial, material, telecommunication, utility, consumer, health care and staple sectors. We accumulated the value of prediction using moving-window method by 1,000 in-sample and 20 out-of-sample, so we produced a total of 154 rebalancing back-testing results. We analyzed portfolio performance in terms of cumulative rate of return and got a lot of sample data because of long period results. Comparing with traditional risk parity model, this experiment recorded improvements in both cumulative yield and reduction of estimated errors. The total cumulative return is 45.748%, about 5% higher than that of risk parity model and also the estimated errors are reduced in 9 out of 10 industry sectors. The reduction of estimated errors increases stability of the model and makes it easy to apply in practical investment. The results of the experiment showed improvement of portfolio performance by reducing the estimated errors of the optimized asset allocation model. Many financial models and asset allocation models are limited in practical investment because of the most fundamental question of whether the past characteristics of assets will continue into the future in the changing financial market. However, this study not only takes advantage of traditional asset allocation models, but also supplements the limitations of traditional methods and increases stability by predicting the risks of assets with the latest algorithm. There are various studies on parametric estimation methods to reduce the estimated errors in the portfolio optimization. We also suggested a new method to reduce estimated errors in optimized asset allocation model using machine learning. So this study is meaningful in that it proposes an advanced artificial intelligence asset allocation model for the fast-developing financial markets.

A Study on Market Size Estimation Method by Product Group Using Word2Vec Algorithm (Word2Vec을 활용한 제품군별 시장규모 추정 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Ye Lim;Kim, Ji Hui;Yoo, Hyoung Sun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2020
  • With the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, various techniques have been developed to extract meaningful information from unstructured text data which constitutes a large portion of big data. Over the past decades, text mining technologies have been utilized in various industries for practical applications. In the field of business intelligence, it has been employed to discover new market and/or technology opportunities and support rational decision making of business participants. The market information such as market size, market growth rate, and market share is essential for setting companies' business strategies. There has been a continuous demand in various fields for specific product level-market information. However, the information has been generally provided at industry level or broad categories based on classification standards, making it difficult to obtain specific and proper information. In this regard, we propose a new methodology that can estimate the market sizes of product groups at more detailed levels than that of previously offered. We applied Word2Vec algorithm, a neural network based semantic word embedding model, to enable automatic market size estimation from individual companies' product information in a bottom-up manner. The overall process is as follows: First, the data related to product information is collected, refined, and restructured into suitable form for applying Word2Vec model. Next, the preprocessed data is embedded into vector space by Word2Vec and then the product groups are derived by extracting similar products names based on cosine similarity calculation. Finally, the sales data on the extracted products is summated to estimate the market size of the product groups. As an experimental data, text data of product names from Statistics Korea's microdata (345,103 cases) were mapped in multidimensional vector space by Word2Vec training. We performed parameters optimization for training and then applied vector dimension of 300 and window size of 15 as optimized parameters for further experiments. We employed index words of Korean Standard Industry Classification (KSIC) as a product name dataset to more efficiently cluster product groups. The product names which are similar to KSIC indexes were extracted based on cosine similarity. The market size of extracted products as one product category was calculated from individual companies' sales data. The market sizes of 11,654 specific product lines were automatically estimated by the proposed model. For the performance verification, the results were compared with actual market size of some items. The Pearson's correlation coefficient was 0.513. Our approach has several advantages differing from the previous studies. First, text mining and machine learning techniques were applied for the first time on market size estimation, overcoming the limitations of traditional sampling based- or multiple assumption required-methods. In addition, the level of market category can be easily and efficiently adjusted according to the purpose of information use by changing cosine similarity threshold. Furthermore, it has a high potential of practical applications since it can resolve unmet needs for detailed market size information in public and private sectors. Specifically, it can be utilized in technology evaluation and technology commercialization support program conducted by governmental institutions, as well as business strategies consulting and market analysis report publishing by private firms. The limitation of our study is that the presented model needs to be improved in terms of accuracy and reliability. The semantic-based word embedding module can be advanced by giving a proper order in the preprocessed dataset or by combining another algorithm such as Jaccard similarity with Word2Vec. Also, the methods of product group clustering can be changed to other types of unsupervised machine learning algorithm. Our group is currently working on subsequent studies and we expect that it can further improve the performance of the conceptually proposed basic model in this study.

Development of Korean Version of Heparin-Coated Shunt (헤파린 표면처리된 국산화 혈관우회도관의 개발)

  • Sun, Kyung;Park, Ki-Dong;Baik, Kwang-Je;Lee, Hye-Won;Choi, Jong-Won;Kim, Seung-Chol;Kim, Taik-Jin;Lee, Seung-Yeol;Kim, Kwang-Taek;Kim, Hyoung-Mook;Lee, In-Sung
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 1999
  • Background: This study was designed to develop a Korean version of the heparin-coated vascular bypass shunt by using a physical dispersing technique. The safety and effectiveness of the thrombo-resistant shunt were tested in experimental animals. Material and Method: A bypass shunt model was constructed on the descending thoracic aorta of 21 adult mongrel dogs(17.5-25 kg). The animals were divided into groups of no-treatment(CONTROL group; n=3), no-treatment with systemic heparinization(HEPARIN group; n=6), Gott heparin shunt (GOTT group; n=6), or Korean heparin shunt(KIST group; n=6). Parameters observed were complete blood cell counts, coagulation profiles, kidney and liver function(BUN/Cr and AST/ ALT), and surface scanning electron microscope(SSEM) findings. Blood was sampled from the aortic blood distal to the shunt and was compared before the bypass and at 2 hours after the bypass. Result: There were no differences between the groups before the bypass. At bypass 2 hours, platelet level increased in the HEPARIN and GOTT groups(p<0.05), but there were no differences between the groups. Changes in other blood cell counts were insignificant between the groups. Activated clotting time, activated partial thromboplastin time, and thrombin time were prolonged in the HEPARIN group(p<0.05) and differences between the groups were significant(p<0.005). Prothrombin time increased in the GOTT group(p<0.05) without having any differences between the groups. Changes in fibrinogen level were insignificant between the groups. Antithrombin III levels were increased in the HEPARIN and KIST groups(p<0.05), and the inter-group differences were also significant(p<0.05). Protein C level decreased in the HEPARIN group(p<0.05) without having any differences between the groups. BUN levels increased in all groups, especially in the HEPARIN and KIST groups(p<0.05), but there were no differences between the groups. Changes of Cr, AST, and ALT levels were insignificant between the groups. SSEM findings revealed severe aggregation of platelets and other cellular elements in the CONTROL group, and the HEPARIN group showed more adherence of the cellular elements than the GOTT or KIST group. Conclusion: Above results show that the heparin-coated bypass shunts(either GOTT or KIST) can suppress thrombus formation on the surface without inducing bleeding tendencies, while systemic heparinization(HEPARIN) may not be able to block activation of the coagulation system on the surface in contact with foreign materials but increases the bleeding tendencies. We also conclude that the thrombo-resistant effects of the Korean version of heparin shunt(KIST) are similar to those of the commercialized heparin shunt(GOTT).

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