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Exploration of Neurophysiological Mechanisms underlying Action Performance Changes caused by Semantic Congruency between Perceived Action Verbs and Current Actions (지각된 행위동사와 현재 행위의 의미 일치성에 따른 행위 수행 변화의 신경생리학적 기전 탐색)

  • Rha, Younghyoun;Jeong, Myung Yung;Kwak, Jarang;Lee, Donghoon
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.573-597
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    • 2016
  • Recent fMRI and EEG research for neural representations of action concepts insist that processing of action concepts evoke the simulation of sensory-motor information. Moreover, there are several behavioral studies showing that understanding of action verbs or sentences describing actions interfere or facilitate current action performance. However, it is unclear that online interaction between processing of action concepts and current action is based on the simulation of sensory-motor information, or other neural mechanisms. The present research aims to explore the underlying neural mechanism that how the perception of action language influence the performance of current action using high-spacial temporal resolution EEG and multiple source analysis techniques. For this, participants were asked to perform a cued-motor reaction task in which button-pressing hand action and pedal-stepping foot action were required according to the color of the cue, and we presented auditorily action verbs describing the responding actions (i.e., /press/, /step/, /stop/) just before the color cue and examined the interaction effect from the semantic congruency between the action verbs and the current action. Behavioral results revealed consistently a facilitatory effect when action verbs and responding actions were semantically congruent in both button-pressing and pedal-stepping actions, and an inhibitory effect when semantically incongruent in the button-pressing action condition. In the results of EEG source waveform analysis, the semantic congruency effects between action verbs and the responding actions were observed in the Wernicke's area during the perception of action verbs, in the anterior cingulate gyrus and the supplementary motor area (SMA) at the time when the motor-cue was presented, and in the SMA and primary motor cortex (M1) during action execution stage. Based on the current findings, we argue that perceived action verbs evoke the facilitation/inhibition effect by influencing the expectation and preparation stage of following actions rather than the directly activating the particular motor cortex. Finally we discussed the implication on the neural representation of action concepts and methodological limitations of the current research.

A Study on Mapping Relations between eBook Contents for Conversion (전자책 문서 변환을 위한 컨텐츠 대응 관계에 관한 연구)

  • 고승규;임순범;김성혁;최윤철
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.99-111
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    • 2003
  • By virtue of diverse advantages derived from digital media, eBook is getting started to use. And many market research agencies have predicted that its market will be greatly expanded soon. But against those expectations, copyright-related problems and the difficulties of its accessing inherited from various eBook content formats become an obstacle to its diffusion. The first problems can be solved by DRM technology. And to solve the second problems, each nation has published its own content standard format. But the domestic standards are useful only the domestic level, they still leave the problems in the national level. The variety of content formats has created a demand for mechanisms that allow the exchange of eBook contents. Therefore we study the mapping relations between eBook contents for conversion. To define the mapping relations, first we extract the mapping both between eBook contents and between normal XML documents. From those mappings, we define seven mapping relations and classify them by cardinality. And we analyze the classified relations, which can be generated by automatic, or not. Using these results, we also classify the eBook content conversion as automatic, semi-automatic, and manual. Besides, we provide the conversion templates for mapping relations for automatic generation of conversion scripts. To show the feasibility of conversion templates, we apply them to the eBook content conversion. Experiment shows that our conversion templates generate the conversion scripts properly. We expected that defined mapping relations and conversion templates can be used not only in eBook content conversion , but also in normal XML document conversion.

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Salty-taste Activation of Human Brain Disclosed by Gustatory fMRI Study (뇌기능 자기공명영상 장치를 이용한 짠맛 자극에 따른 인간 뇌의 반응에 대한 기초 연구)

  • Kim S.H.;Choi K.S.;Lee H.Y.;Shin W.J.;Eun C.K.;Mun C.W.
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study is to observe the blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) contrast changes due to the reaction of human brain at a gustatory sense in response to a salty-taste stimulation. Materials and Methods : Twelve healthy, non-smoking, right-handed male subjects (mean age: 25.6, range: 23-28 years) participated in this salty-taste stimulus functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) study. MRI scans were performed with 1.57 GE Signa, using a multi-slice GE-EPI sequence according to a blood-oxy-gen-level dependent (BOLD) experiment paradigm. Scan parameters included matrix size 128×128, FOV 250 mm, TR 5000 msec, TE 60 msec, TH/GAP 5/2 mm. Sequential data acquisitions were carried out for 42 measurements with a repetition time of 5 sec for each taste-stimulus experiments. Analysis of fMRI data was carried out using SPM99 implemented in Matlab. NaCl solution (3%) was used as a salty stimulus. The task paradigm consisted of alternating rest-stimulus cycles (30-second rest, 15-second stimulus) for 210 seconds. During the stimulus period, NaCl-solution was presented to the subject's mouth through plastic tubes as a bolus of delivered every 5 sec using -processor controlled auto-syringe pump. Results : Insula, frontal opercular taste cortex, amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) were activated by a salty-taste stimulation (NaCl,3%) in the fMRI experiments. And dosolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was also significantly responded to salty-taste stimuli. Activation areas of the right side hemisphere were more superior to the left side hemisphere. Conclusion : The results of this study well correspond to the fact that both insula, amygdala, OFC, DLPFC areas are established as taste cortical areas by neuronal recordings in primates. Authors found that laboratory-developed auto-syringe pump is suitable for gustatory fMRI study. Further research in this field will accelerate to inquire into the mechanism of higher order gustatory process.

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Mineralogical and chemical characterization of arsenic solid phases in weath-ered mine tailings and their leaching potential (풍화광미내 고상 비소의 광물학적화학적 특성 및 용출 가능성 평가)

  • 안주성;김주용;전철민;문희수
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2003
  • Arsenic contamination around Au-Ag mining areas occurs mainly from the oxidation of arsenopyrite which is frequently contained in mine tailings. In weathered tailings, oxidation of sulfide minerals typically results in the formation of abundant ferric (oxy)hydroxides or (oxy)hydroxysulfates near the tailings surface, and arsenic may be associated with these secondary precipitates. In this study, solid phases of arsenic in weathered tailings of some Au-Ag mines were investigated through the SEM/EDS and sequential extraction analyses. The stability of As solid phases and the leaching potential were assessed with the variation of pH and Eh conditions. Oxidation of sulfides in the tailings samples was indicated by depletion of S molar concentrations compared to As and heavy metals. Under XRD examinations, jarosite as an Fe-oxyhydroxysulfate was found in the tailings of Deokeum, Dongil and Dadeok, and scorodite as an As-bearing crystalline mineral was identified from Dadeok which has the highest concentration of As (4.36 wt.%). Beudantite-like phases and some Pb-arsenates were also found under SEM/EDS analysis, and most of As phases were associated with Fe-(oxy)hydroxides and (oxy)hydroxysulfates despite a few arsenopyrite from Samgwang and Gubong. Sequential extraction analysis also showed that As was present predominantly as coprecipitated with Fe hydroxides from Dongil, Dadeok and Myungbong (72∼99%), and as sulfides (58%) and Fe hydroxide-associated forms (40%) from Samgwang and Gubong. In the tailings leaching experiment, As was released with high amounts by the dissolution of As-bearing Fe(oxy)hydroxysulfates in the lowest pH (2.7) conditions of Deokeum, and by desorption under alkaline conditions of Samgwang and Gubong. Higher leaching rates of arsenite(+3) were found under acidic conditions, which pose a higher risk to water quality. Changes in pH and Eh conditions coupled with microbial processes could influence the stabilities of the As solid phases, and thus, time amendments or landfilling of weathered tailings may result in enhanced As mobilization.

A Comparative Study on the Improvement of Curriculum in the Junior College for the Industrial Design Major (2년제 대학 산업디자인전공의 교육과정 개선방안에 관한 비교연구)

  • 강사임
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the curriculum for industrial design department in the junior colleges. In order to achieve the purpose, two methodologies were carried out. First is job analysis of the industrial designers who have worked in the small & medium manufacturing companies, second is survey for the opinions of professors in the junior colleges. Some results were as follows: 1. The period of junior college for industrial designers is 2 years according to present. But selectively 1 year of advanced course can be established. 2. The practice subjects same as computational formative techniques needed to product development have to be increased. In addition kinds of selection subjects same as foreign language, manufacturing process, new product information and consumer behavior investigation have to be extended. 3. The next subjects need to adjust the title, contents and hours. (1) The need of 3.D related subjects same as computer modeling, computer rendering, 3.D modeling was high. The use of computer is required to design presentation subjects. (2)The need of advertising and sale related subjects same as printing, merchandise, package, typography, photography was low, the need of presentation techniques of new product development was high. (3) The need of field practice, special lecture on practice and reading original texts related subjects was same as at present, but these are not attached importance to form. As the designers feel keenly the necessity of using foreign language, the need of language subject was high.

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A Study on the Image Quality According to the Change of Flip Angle in Flow-Related Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Angiography (유속증강 자기공명혈관조영술에서 숙임각 변화에 따른 영상의 질 연구)

  • Goo, Eun-Hoe
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.201-208
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the optimal flip angle by measuring the SNR and CNR according to the angle of changes of the MRI technique using the Image J program. A total of 30 normal volunteers were assessed by using a 1.5T magnetic resonance imaging system (Philips, Medical System, Achieva). For the MRI angiography, we set the region of interest in four regions and evaluated the SNR and CNR. The statistical significance of SNR and CNR was calculated by one-way ANOVA using quantitative analysis at five different positions. The Bonferroni method was used for post-hoc analyzes. Statistical significance was determined by using ANOVA analysis at p<0.05 and Bonferroni method was used as a post-hoc analysis. The results of this study, the measurement values of ACA(SNR:876.59±14.22, CNR:1999.7±12.5), PCA(SNR:$863.48{\pm}13.29$, CNR:1870.18±12.56), ICA(SNR:1116.87±08.34, CNR:2979.37±14.69) and MCA(SNR:848.66±15.25, CNR:2199.25±13.48) were obtained with the high signal intensity at 25(p<0.05). The values of a1, a2, a3, p1, p2, p3, m1, m2 and m3 were also the same (p<0.05). Post-hoc analysis results, There was a statistically significant difference (p=0.000) between 10, 15, 20 on the 25 reference for the flip angle, but no significant results were obtained with 30(p<0.05). In concision, because the signal intensity decreased at 30, this study revealed that the optimal flip angles were 25 in cerebrovascular MR angiography.

Analysis on the Degree of Cerebral Activity According to Cognition Task in Welders Exposed to Manganese (망간 노출 용접공의 인지수행에 따른 뇌 활성화 정도 분석)

  • Choi, Jae-Ho
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we examined the impact caused by chronic exposure to Mn by investigating the degree of brain activation based on the data of recognition activities using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging). A questionnaire survey, blood tests, and fMRI tests were carried out with respect to two groups. Group 1 was an exposure group consisting of 15 male workers who are 34 years old or older, and who worked for longer than 10 years in a shipbuilding factory as a welder. Group 2 was a control group consisting of 15 workers in manufacturing industries with the same gender and age. The results showed that blood Mn concentration of Group 1(1.3μg/dl) was significantly higher than that of Group 2(0.8μg/dl)(p < 0.001), and Pallidal Index (PI) of Group 1 was also significantly higher than that of Group 2 (p < 0.001). PI value of the group whose blood Mn concentration was 0.93μg/dl or higher was significantly higher than that of the group whose blood Mn concentration was less than 0.93μg/dl (p < 0.001). As for brain activity area within the control group, the right and the left areas of occipital cortex showed significant activity and the left area of middle temporal cortex, the right area of superior inferior frontal cortex and inferior parietal cortex showed significant activity. Unlike the control group, the exposure group showed significant activity on the right area of superior inferior temporal cortex, the left of insula area. In the comparison of brain activity areas between the two groups, the exposure group showed significantly higher activation than the control group in such areas as the right inferior temporal cortex, the left area of superior parietal cortex and occipital cortex, and cerebellum including middle temporal cortex. However, in nowhere the control group showed more activated area than the exposure group. As the final outcome, chronic exposure to Mn increased brain activity during implementation of arithmetic task. In an identical task, activation increased in superior inferior temporal cortex, and insula area. And it was discovered that brain activity increase in temporal area and occipital area was more pronounced in the exposure group than in the control group. This result suggests that chronic exposure to Mn in the work environment affects brain activation neuro-network.

Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Sympathetic Ramus Clipping in Essential Hyperhidrosis -Cadaver Fitting Test and Clinical Application (다한증 환자에서 클립을 이용한 교감신경 교통가지 차단술 -사체 연구 및 임상적용-)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Cho, Seong-Joon;Jung, Jae-Seung;Kim, Tae-Sik;Son, Ho-Sung;Sun, Kyung;Kim, Kwang-Taik;Kim, Hyoung-Mook
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.595-601
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    • 2003
  • Background: It has been known that the most effective treatment method of hyperhidrosis is video-assisted thoracoscopic sympathetic nerve block. Postoperative compensatory hyperhidrosis and anhidrosis are major factors that decrease the postoperative satisfaction. Although sympathetic rami have been selectively blocked to decrease the complications, technical difficulties and excessive bleeding have prevented the universal application. Material and Method: Three pre-fixative cadavers were dissected before clinical application. Bilateral sympathetic chains were exposed in supine position after the whole anterior chest wall was removed. Second and third sympathetic rami were blocked using clips. After the sympathetic chains including ganglia were removed, we evaluated the extents of rami block. Twenty-five patients were subjected to the clinical application. Surgeries were performed in semi-fowlers position under general anesthesia and bilateral ventilation. 2 mm thoracoscopy and 5 mm trocar were intro-duced through third and fourth intercostal space, respectively. Second and third sympathetic rami were blocked using thoracoscopic clips. The postoperative complications, satisfaction, and compensatory hyperhidrosis rate were evaluated retrospectively. Result: Sympathetic rami were completely blocked in cadaver dissection study Hyper-hidrosis symptom was improved in all patients without operative complication. Operative time was shorter than that of traditional ramicotomy. All patients, except four, were satisfied with postoperative palmar hyperhidrosis. Com-pensatory hyperhidrosis was more severely happened in fifteen patients (60%). The remaining six patients had no complaint. Two patients had a minimal degree of gustatory hyperhidrosis. Conclusion: This operative method had shorter operative time and less complication rate, compared with traditional ramicotomy Operative success rate was similar to the traditional syrnpathicotorny; lower extent and occurrence rate of compensatory hyperhidrosis. The thoracic sympathetic rami clipping was suggested as an alternative method for treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis.

Behavior of amber fish, Seriola aureovittata released in the setnet (정치망내에 방류한 부시리, Seriola aureovittata 의 행동)

  • 신현옥;이주희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 1999
  • This paper describes the swimming and escaping behavior of amber fish, Seriola aureovittata released in the first bag net of the setnet and observed with telemetry techniques. The setnet used in experiment is composed of a leader, a fish court with a flying net and two bag nets having ramp net. The behavior of the fish attached an ultrasonic depth pinger of 50 KHz is observed using a prototype LBL fish tracking system. The 3-D underwater position ofthe fish is calculated by hyperbolic method with three channels of receiver and the depth of pinger. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The fish released on the sea surface was escaped down to 15 m depth and rised up to near the sea surface during 5 minutes after release. The average swimming speed of the fish during this time was 0.87 m/sec. 2. The swimming speed of the fish is decreased slowly in relation to the time elapsed and the fish showed some escaping behavior forward to the fish court staying 1 to 7 m depth layer near the ramp net. The average speed of the fish during this time was 0.52 m/sec. 3. During 25 minutes after beginning of hauling net, the fish showed a faster swimming speed than before hauling and an escaping behavior repeatedly from the first ramp net to the second one in horizontal. In vertical, the fish moved up and down between the sea surface and 20 m depth. After this time, the fish showed the escaping behavior forward to fish court after come back to the first ramp net in spite of the hauling was continued. It is found that the fish was escaped from the first ramp net to the fish court while the hauling was carried out. The average speed of the fish after beginning of hauling was 0.72 m/sec which increased 38.5 % than right before the hauling and showed 0.44 to 0.82 m/see of speed till escaping the first bag net. The average swimming speed during observation was 0.67 m/sec (2.2 times of body length).

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17 beta-Estradiol Increases Peak of Ca2+ Current in Mouse Early Embryo (에스트로겐이 생쥐 초기배의 Ca2+ 전류에 미치는 영향)

  • 강다원;신용원;김은심;홍성근;한재희
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2001
  • Steroid hormones control the expression of many cellular regulators, and a role thor estrogen in mouse oocytes has been well documented. The preovulatory E2increment is generally accepted as the endocrine process regulating induction of in vivo oocyte maturation To address whether the activity of the T-type Ca2+ channel is altered by 17 beta-estradiol ( E2), we examined the actions of E2on the calcium channel of mouse oocytes and early embryos. Oocrtes were collected from the oviduct of mice treated with pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and human choronic gonadotropin (hCG). Whole cell voltage clamp technique and confocal microscopy were used to examine that E2increase intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([C a2+]i ) via voltage dependent Ca2+ channel (VDC) and estrogen receptor (FSR), and E2concentration by the use of radioimmunoassay (RIA) were examined in mouse. The results obtained were as follows: The peak of Ca2+ current induced by E2increased 122% to 1.50±0.03 nA from 1.23±0.21 nA (n=15) in the presence of 5 mM extracellular Ca2+ concentration ([C a2+]o ). The increased Ca2+ current was temporally associated with Ca2+ transients. The intracellular Ca2+ level increased 207%~30 s following the addition of 1{\mu}{\textrm}{m} E2(relative fluorescence intensity: 836.4±131.2 for control, n=10, 1736.4±192.0 in the presence of E2, n=10). E2increased amplitude of Ca2+ current and [C a2+]i . E2-induced Ca2+ current and E2concentration in blood were showed difference on the stage of embryo. These results suggest that E2modulate Ca2+ channel to increase Ca2+ influx.Ca2+ influx.

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