• Title/Summary/Keyword: 신전이

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Bow Hunter's Syndrome Caused by Bilateral Dynamic Occlusion of the Subaxial Vertebral Arteries during Neck Extension (경추 신전 시 축하 척추동맥의 양측성 동적 폐쇄로 인해 발생한 보우 헌터 증후군)

  • Yi, Jemin;Han, Ho Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Orthopaedic Association
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.85-89
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    • 2020
  • Bow hunter's syndrome is a rare disease that shows the symptoms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency resulting from a dynamic obstruction or stenosis of the vertebral arteries during neck movement. This paper reports a case of a 59-year-old male who visited the emergency room with diplopia, tinnitus, and gait disturbance. Magnetic resonance imaging and angiography revealed a multiple cerebellar infarct, total obstruction of the right vertebral artery, and dynamic obstruction of the left vertebral artery during neck extension. As the infarction worsened, a thrombectomy was done. Posterior decompression and fusion at C5-6 were performed for the left vertebral artery. The left vertebral arterial patency was confirmed by intraoperative and postoperative angiography. No recurrence of the symptoms was observed for six months after surgery. Physicians need to pay attention to the diagnosis of vertebrobasilar insufficiency caused by an obstruction of the vertebral arteries during neck extension in cervical instability patients.

Kinematic Analysis on Stroke in Wheelchair Table Tennis of Spinal Cord Injured Athletes and a Comparative Study with Abscission Athletes -Case Study of Medalists of Beijing 2008 Paralympics- (척수장애 휠체어 탁구 스트로크의 운동학적 분석 및 절단장애 선수와의 비교 -2008 베이징 장애인 올림픽 메달리스트 사례연구-)

  • Moon, Gun-Pil
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.151-159
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    • 2008
  • In this research, kinematic comparative analysis was performed on strokes of abscission and spinal cord injured athletes who participated in 2008 Beijing Paralympics wheelchair table tennis games. Strokes of all situations were collected under real match-like conditions. Among those, three major forehand stroke motions and backhand stroke motions were drawn Data collected by 9 infrared cameras were expressed in angular motions using graphic program LabVIEW7.0. As a result, forehand stroke of spin handicap athlete from analyzed images, the rotations of the trunk happened with the rotations of shoulder and the flexion extensions of elbow nearly at the same time. According to these results, insufficient turning force or speed of rackets is recompensed using flexion. backhand stroke of spin handicap athlete from analyzed images, the rotations of the trunk, the flexion extensions of the elbow and the flexion extensions of the shoulder were lined up on the prolongations of ping-pong balls. Forehand stroke of abscission athletes was done by outward rotation of the arm using backswing and inner rotation. As for backhand stroke, backswing was made by inner rotation in the spin of shoulder and waist. And after the backswing, impact was formed in wide outer rotation towards the ball.

Effect of Temperature Treatments on the Penetration and Disease Development in the Leaf Epidermis by the Rice Blast Fungus, Pyricularia oryzae Cavara III. Effect of Percent Penetration and Hyphal Growth on Lesion Formation under Different Temperature Regimes (기온변동(氣溫變動)이 벼 도열병균(稻熱病菌)의 엽신(葉身)에의 침입(侵入)과 발병(發病)에 미치는 영향(影響) III. 온도처리(溫度處理)에 따른 침입률(侵入率)과 균사신전도(菌絲伸展度)가 병반형성(病斑形成)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Kim, Chang-Kyu;Mogi, Shizuo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.26 no.1 s.70
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 1987
  • Effect of percent penetration and hyphal growth on lesion formation was evaluated at 23/15C (day/night), 29/21C regimes and greenhouse condition (33-23C) using three rice cultivars, Aichi-asahi, Toyotama and Yamabiko with 6 isolates of Pyricularia oryzae. Percent penetration at 72hr and 96hr after inoculation was highly significant with lesion formation at any temperature regime. At the same time, number of appressoria that exceeded hyphal growth value 11 was also highly significant with lesion formation. However, number of appressoria that exceeded hyphal growth value 30 was significant only at 72hr after inoculation at 29/21C regime. In general, statistical fitness of the model was higher at 23/15C regime than at 29/21C regime or a greenhouse condition. These series of phenomenon were more apparent in a susceptible cultivar Aichi-asahi.

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Development of EMG-Triggered FES System and Optimal Electrode Location for Chronic Hemiplegic Patients (편마비 환자를 위한 근전도 유발 기능적 전기자극기의 개발과 이상적인 전극부착 위치)

  • 박병림;안상호;정호춘;진달복;김성곤;이상세;김영기
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.151-156
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to develop EMG triggered FES system for restoration of upper extremity function in chronic hemiplegic patients and to identify the optimal location of electrode application for the EMG triggered FES system which produces effective muscle contraction and detects EMG activity for extension in the wrist and finger joints. The stimulus system was composed of EMG measuring component, constant current component and the program for muscle contraction by EMG triggered FES and passive FES. Parameter of electrical stimulation was 35 ㎐ in frequency, 150 ${\mu}\textrm{s}$ in pulse width and symmetric bi-phasic wave. In 15 hemiplegic patients, EMG triggered FES was applied to the proximal half of forearm which was divided into 12 areas. The most sensitive area for measuring EMG activities during extension of the wrist and fingers was area 4, 5 and the optimal location of electrical stimulation for producing extension of the wrist and fingers was area 4, 5, 7, 8. These results suggest that the area 4 and 5 was considered as the most optimal location of electrode application for measuring EMG activities as well as producing extension of the wrist and fingers by EMG triggered FES system.

Choui Uisun's Philosophy on Tea Ceremony and Tradition of Korean Thought (초의의순(艸衣意恂)의 다도철학(茶道哲學)과 한국사상(韓國思想)의 전통(傳統))

  • Choi, Young-sung
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.43
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    • pp.81-105
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    • 2014
  • For a lack of books on tea ceremony, 'Dongdasong (東茶頌)' by Buddhist priest Choui occupies a prominent position. Along with 'Dabu (茶賦)' by Yi Mok (李穆: 1471~1498) and 'Gida (記茶)' by Yi Deok-ri (李德履: 1728~ ?), Dongdasong forms the three peaks of tea work. These books are all based on Tea Classic (茶經) by Ryukwoo (陸羽). Assuming that Tea Classic serves as introduction (起), Dabu is development (承), Gida for turn (轉) and Dongdasong for conclusion (結). Dongdasong is inextricable from Dasinjeon (茶神傳). Dasinjeon is the abstract of Jangwon's Darok (茶錄). The keyword of Dasinjeon is 'tea deity (茶神).' Extracting key concepts of Darok as his perspective, Choui established his own philosophy on tea ceremony. In the process of making into his philosophy, he reorganized the system by introducing the principle of 'subtle combination (妙合),' one of traditions in Korean thought, which is characterized by not separating spirit and material. It is 'subtle combination' that does not make a division between spirit and material, which are undeniably different things. Subtle combination is a relation of two things' being one and one thing's being two. Choui's philosophy on tea ceremony can be assessed as valuable inheritance from traditions of Korean thought.

Tracing Per Ankh as a Prototype of Ancient Egytian Libraries (고대 이집트 도서관의 원형, 페르 앙크(Per Ankh) 추적)

  • Hee-Yoon Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.57 no.4
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    • pp.5-24
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    • 2023
  • In ancient Egypt, temples were not only religious sanctuaries but also community centers. One of the core spaces created in the temple is the facility where priests and scribes copied and preserved texts on papyrus and other media. Its common designation was 'pr-mḏȝ'(House of Books) and the 'per-(nw)-seshw'(House of Scrolls). The general term used during that time was 'Per Ankh', and the modern term for it is 'temple library'. Therefore, this study first identified the character and identity of the Per Ankh attached to the temple, and then traced whether it is appropriate to designate 'healing place of the souls' depicted on the hypostyle hall(Per Ankh) in the Ramesseum(mortuary temple) built by Ramses II of the New Kingdom as a library. As a result, Per Ankh, a hieroglyph combining the Per(house) and Ankh(life), was revealed to be a multi-purpose complex facility consisting of a learning and research center, a treatment and healing center with medical facilities and sanatoriums, a religious ceremony and a center for the celebration of eternal life, a scriptorium and a library. Therefore, the traditional argument that Per Ankh refers to a library cannot be justified. In the same context, the inscription 'Ψυχῆς ἰατρεῖον' on the doorplate of the hypostyle hall of the Ramesseum, which was first introduced by Greek historian Hecataeus of Miletus in the 4th century BC, was translated into Latin as 'Psychēs Iatreion' by Diodorus Siculus in the 1st century BC and described as the motto of the sacred library. However, Psyche is the goddess of Greek and Roman mythology, and Iatreion means hospital(clinic, healing center) and pharmacy, so Per Ankh in the Ramesseum is a space to heal the soul of the pharaoh (Ka). Therefore, 'Psychēs Iatreion = library' is a distortion and a mistranslation. It is not the motto of the library, but a metaphor for the Per Ankh.

고대도시 폼페이의 도시형성과 지역분화

  • 남영우
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.191-195
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    • 2003
  • 폼페이는 로마의 역사와 비교될 만큼 오래된 고대도시 중 하나일 뿐만 아니라, 고대 이탈리아 반도의 도시국가에서는 평범한 역사를 가진 도시였다. 이탈리아의 고대민족 중 하나였던 오스코족은 기원전 8세기에 캄파니아 지방의 베수비오산 기슭에 폼페이라는 취락을 건설하였다. 이 무렵, 그리스로부터 이주해 온 식민자는 도리아식 신전을 폼페이시 남부의 삼각포럼(그림 1의 제 VII지구 7구역)에 건설한 바 있다. (중략)

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