• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시설소개

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A Simulation-Based Investigation of an Advanced Traveler Information System with V2V in Urban Network (시뮬레이션기법을 통한 차량 간 통신을 이용한 첨단교통정보시스템의 효과 분석 (도시 도로망을 중심으로))

  • Kim, Hoe-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.121-138
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    • 2011
  • More affordable and available cutting-edge technologies (e.g., wireless vehicle communication) are regarded as a possible alternative to the fixed infrastructure-based traffic information system requiring the expensive infrastructure investments and mostly implemented in the uninterrupted freeway network with limited spatial system expansion. This paper develops an advanced decentralized traveler information System (ATIS) using vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication system whose performance (drivers' travel time savings) are enhanced by three complementary functions (autonomous automatic incident detection algorithm, reliable sample size function, and driver behavior model) and evaluates it in the typical $6{\times}6$ urban grid network with non-recurrent traffic state (traffic incident) with the varying key parameters (traffic flow, communication radio range, and penetration ratio), employing the off-the-shelf microscopic simulation model (VISSIM) under the ideal vehicle communication environment. Simulation outputs indicate that as the three key parameters are increased more participating vehicles are involved for traffic data propagation in the less communication groups at the faster data dissemination speed. Also, participating vehicles saved their travel time by dynamically updating the up-to-date traffic states and searching for the new route. Focusing on the travel time difference of (instant) re-routing vehicles, lower traffic flow cases saved more time than higher traffic flow ones. This is because a relatively small number of vehicles in 300vph case re-route during the most system-efficient time period (the early time of the traffic incident) but more vehicles in 514vph case re-route during less system-efficient time period, even after the incident is resolved. Also, normally re-routings on the network-entering links saved more travel time than any other places inside the network except the case where the direct effect of traffic incident triggers vehicle re-routings during the effective incident time period and the location and direction of the incident link determines the spatial distribution of re-routing vehicles.

Development of Health Promotion Program through IUHPE - Possibilities of collaboration in East Asia - (IUHPE를 통한 건강 증진 프로그램의 발달-동아시아권의 공동연구의 가능성-)

  • Moriyama, Masaki
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Health Promotion Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2004
  • This paper considers the possibilities of health promotion from the following perspectives; (1) IUHPE, (2) socio-cultural similarities, (3) action research, and (4) learning from our past. 1. The IUHPE values decentralized activities through regions, and countries such as Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and China belong to NPWP region. Since IUHPE World Conference was held in Japan in 1995, Japan used to occupy more than 60% of NPWP membership. After 2001, membership is increasing rapidly in Chinese speaking sub-region. The transnational collaboration is still in its beginning phase. 2. Confucianism is one of key points. Confucian tradition should not be seen only as obstacles but as advantages to seek a form of health promotion more acceptable in East Asia. 3. Within the new public health framework, people are expected to create and live their health. However, especially in Japan, the tendency of 'lacking of face-to-face explicit interactions' is still common at health-promotion settings as well as academic settings. Therefore, the author tried participatory approaches such as asking WlFY (interactive questions designed for subjects to review their daily life and environment) and as introducing round table interactions. So far, majority of participants welcome new trials. 4. The following social phenomena are comparatively discussed after Japanese invasion and occupation of Korea ended in 1945; ·status of oriental medicine, ·separation of dispensary services, and ·health promotion specialist as a national license. In contrast to Japanese' tendency of maintaining the status quo and postponing of substantial social change, trend toward rapid and dynamic social changes are more commonly observed in Korea. Although all of above possibilities are still in their beginning stages, they are going to offer interesting directions waiting for further challenges and accompanying researches.

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Methods of Incorporating Design for Production Considerations into Concept Design Investigations (개념설계 단계에서 총 건조비를 최소로 하는 생산지향적 설계 적용 방법)

  • H.S.,Bong
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1990
  • 여러해 전부터 선박의 생산실적이나 생산성 관련 자료를 기록하고 보완하는 작업을 꾸준히 개선토록 노력해온 결과중 중요한 것 하나는, 선박의 여러 가지 설계 검토과정에서 충분히 활용할 수 있는 함축성 있고 믿을만한 형태의 생산정보를 제공해줄 수 있게 되었다는 것이라고 말 할 수 있겠다. 이러한 자료들은 생산계획상 각 단계(stage)에서의 작업량, 예상재료비와 인건비의 산출등이 포함될 수 있으며, 선박이나 해상구조물의 전반적인 설계방법론(design methodology)을 개선코자 한다면 ''생산지향적 설계(Design for Production)''의 근간이 되는 선박건조전략(build strategy), 구매정책(purchasing policy)과 생산기술(production technology)에 대한 폭넓은 지식이 한데 어우러져야 한다. 최근에는 CIMS의 일부분에서 보는 바와 같은 경영관리, 설계 및 생산지원 시스템의 도입으로 이와 같은 설계 프로세스의 추진을 가능케하고 있다. 이와 병행하여 설계를 지원하기 위한 전산기술, 특히 대화형 화상처리기술(interactive graphics)의 발달은 설계자가 선박의 형상이나 구조 배치를 여러 가지로 변화시켜 가면서 눈으로 즉시 확인할 수 있도록 설계자의 능력을 배가시키는데 크게 기여하고 있다. 여러 가지의 설계안(alternative design arrangement)을 신속히 만들어내고 이를 즉시 검토 평가할 수 있는 능력을 초기설계 단계에서 가질 수 있다면 이는 분명히 큰 장점일 것이며, 더구나 설계초기 단계에 생산관련인자를 설계에서 고려할 수 있다면 이는 더욱 두드러진 발전일 것이다. 생산공법과 관련생산 비용을 정확히 반영한 각 가지의 설계안을 짧은 시간내에 검토하고 생산소요 비용을 산출하여 비교함으로써, 수주계약단계에서 실제적인 생산공법과 신뢰성있는 생산실적자료를 기준으로 하여 총 건조비(total production cost)를 최소로 하는 최적의 설계를 선택할 수 있도록 해 줄 것이다. 이제 이와 같은 새로운 설계도구(design tool)를 제공해 주므로써 초기설계에 각종 생산관련 정보나 지식 및 실적자료가 반영가능토록 발전되었다. 본 논문은 영국의 뉴카슬대학교(Univ. of Newcastle upon Type)에서 위에 언급한 특징들을 반영하여 새로운 선박구조 설계 방법을 개발한 연구결과를 보여주고 있다. 본 선계연구는 5단계로 구분되는데; (1) 컴퓨터 그라픽스를 이용하고 생산정보 데이타베이스와 연결시켜 구조형상(geometry)을 정의하고 구조부재 칫수(scantling) 계산/결정 (2) 블럭 분할(block division) 및 강재 배치(panel arrangement)의 확정을 위해 생산기술 및 건조방식에 대한 정보 제공 (3) 상기 (1) 및 (2)를 활용하여 아래 각 생산 단계에서의 생산작업 분석(work content assessment) a) 생산 준비 단계(Preparation) b) 가공 조립 단계(Fabrication/Assembly) c) 탑재 단계(Erection) (4) 각각의 설계(안)에 대하여 재료비(material cost), 인건비(labour cost) 및 오버헤드 비용(overhead cost)을 산출키 위한 조선소의 생산시설 및 각종 품셈 정보 (5) 총 건조 비용(total production cost)을 산출하여 각각의 설계안을 비교 검토. 본 설계 방식을 산적화물선(Bulk Carrier) 설계에 적용하여 구조배치(structural geometry), 표준화의 정도(levels of standardisation), 구조생산공법(structural topology) 등의 변화에 따른 설계 결과의 민감도를 분석(sensitivity studies)하였다. 전산장비는 설계자의 대화형 접근을 용이하도록 하기 위해 VAX의 화상 처리장치를 이용하여 각 설계안에 대한 구조형상과 작업분석, 건조비 현황 등을 제시할 수 있도록 하였다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 설계초기 단계에서 상세한 건조비 모델(detailed production cost model)을 대화형 화상 처리방법에 접합시켜 이를 이용하여 여러가지 설계안의 도출과 비교검토를 신속히 처리할 수 있도록 함은 물론, 각종 생산 실적정보를 초기설계에 반영하는 최초의 시도라고 믿으며, 생산지향적(Design for Production) 최적설계분야의 발전에 많은 도움이 되기를 기대해 마지 않는다. 참고로 본 시스템의 설계 적용결과를 부록에 요약 소개하며, 상세한 내용은 참고문헌 [4] 또는 [7]을 참조 요망한다.

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The Present State and Curriculum Implementation Overview of the Nursing-Specialized Vocational High Schools (특성화고등학교 간호과 운영 현황 및 교육과정 운영실태 분석)

  • Yoon, In-Kyung;Jang, Myung-Hee;Lee, Hyun-Young
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.19-46
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the curriculum implementation of the Nursing-Specialized Vocational High School by researching on operation, organization and environment of the program of Nursing. This study aims to improve the curriculum of the Nursing-Specialized Vocational High School. This study has analyzed previous existing studies, Link of School info, Educational Statistics and data indicating establishment, operation and curriculum of the department of Nursing which have been collected from web sites of institutions and associations relevant to Nurse Education. The major results of this study are as follows: 1) As of the first semester of the year 2016, out of a total of thirty eight Specialized Vocational High Schools and Meister High Schools in the country, 6.4% of the schools have nursing educational programs. These schools have established the programs under various names, such as Health Nursing, Dental Health Nursing, Nursing, Nursing and Medical Tourism, Accounting in Nursing and Nursing Management, etc. Since 2012, enrollment rates have increased while post-graduation employment rates have decreased, with the average employment rate of Specialized Vocational High School graduates having reached up to 46% by 2015. 2) The Nursing-Specialized Vocational High School aims to create skilled Nurses Assistant such as Nurse Aide and Care giver. The program is successful in providing necessary courses to acquire required certification and proficient field experience but requires revisional changes in order to create a long-term program of sufficient qualification. The official requirement of 780 hours of field practice was completed during the three educational breaks from the first year of high school to the second year, while the curriculum was conducted separately in the field hospitals. 3) An average of two laboratory classrooms were available based on the facility requirement standard of Cities and Provinces Educational Policies. In order to secure proficient instructors of Nursing education, establishment of specific indicated subjects, regional placement, in-service education, research and supervision are essential for establishing excellence and continual improvement.

A Study on the Cultural Landscapes of Scenic Sites on 『Joseon myeongseungsiseon(朝鮮名勝詩選)』 at the Japanese Colonial Period - A Case of Cheonan, Chungnam Province - (일제강점기 『조선명승시선(朝鮮名勝詩選)』에 나타나는 명승고적의 문화경관 연구 - 충청남도 천안을 사례로 -)

  • Lee, Hang-Lyoul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.40-53
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the changes in Scenic Spots by utilizing the "Sinjeungdonggukyeojiseungram(新增東國輿地勝覽)" and "Joseonhwanyeoseungnam(朝鮮?與勝覽)" to interpret "Joseonmyeongseungsiseon(朝鮮名勝詩選, 1915)". By examining the historical context when "Joseonmyeongseungsiseon" was published, it documented the Japanese's memories of 'Sino-Japanese War(淸日戰爭)' in 1894, which implies the 'policy of assimilation' by the Japanese Government-General of Korea after the Japanese annexation of Korea(1910). Detailed information about the author 'Narushima Sagimura(成島鷺村)' can be found in preface. In the "Joseonmyeongseungsiseon", it dedicates most of the part in describing the Scenic Spot especially in 'Anseong Do (15 lines)', where has the memories of war such as the 'First Sino-Japanese War'. The number of Scenic Spots, commonly mentioned in both "Sinjeungdonggukyeoji seungram" and "Joseonhwanyeoseungnam" in Cheonan province are 13 in total. Most of the content contains a similar structure. But 'Honggyeongwon(弘慶院)' and 'Seonghwanyeok(成歡驛)' has both the common Joseon Dynasty landscape point of view, and the additional historical context which are about the 'Jeongyujaeran(丁酉再亂)' or 'First Sino-Japanese War' consequently enlightens the 'placeness' of the Scenic Spots. Among the newly described Scenic Spots, 'Anseongdo(安城渡)' is the part that focuses on the memory of the 'Anseongcheon Battle' that gave Japan its first defeat in the Sino-Japanese War. Especially, by introducing the poetry of 'Sinobu Shunpei' it maximizes the appreciation through emphasizing the direct correlation between placeness and the poem itself. While the Joseon Dynasty poems are 10 pieces in total and their title and the subject matters are all related to historical spots, and the appreciation also maximizes when fully interpreted with understanding the historical context. However, it's contextual meanings are neglected by dividing the actual structures into separate pages. When looking at the location of famous historic sites, they come in many different types, considering the location, meaning, size, and conditions surrounding them. It appears as a service space for travelers, a place for sightseeing, relaxation or return, a temple space for paying respects or memorial services, a fortress facility for defense and protection, or a fishing area for wages, and an old battlefield. Especially, it is noted that the area is diverse as the cultural landscape of Cheonan, given that the battle space between the hermitage and the Donghangnongmin(東學農民) is shared with each other. It is necessary to establish policies for the preservation and restoration of local cultural assets based on these points in the future.

Value and Prosect of individual diary as research materials : Based on the "The 12th May Diaries Collection" (개인 일기의 연구 자료로서의 가치와 전망 "5월12일 일기컬렉션"을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Hyo Jin;Yim, Jin Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.46
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    • pp.95-152
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    • 2015
  • "Archives of Everyday Life" refers to an organization or facility which collects, appraises, selects and preserves the document from the memory of individuals, groups, or a society through categorizing and classifying lives and cultures of ordinary people. The document includes materials such as diaries, autobiography, letters, and notes. It also covers any digital files or hypertext like posts from blogs and online communities, or photos uploaded on Social Network Services. Many research fields including the Records Management Studies has continuously claimed the necessity of collection and preservation of ordinary people's records on daily life produced every moment. Especially diary is a written record reflecting the facts experienced by an individual and his self-examination. Its originality, individuality and uniqueness are considered truly valuable as a document regardless of the era. Lately many diaries have been discovered and presented to the historical research communities, and diverse researchers in human and social studies have embarked more in-depth research on diaries, their authors, and social background of the time. Furthermore, researchers from linguistics, educational studies, and psychology analyze linguistic behaviors, status of cultural assimilation, and emotional or psychological changes of an author. In this study, we are conducting a metastudy from various research on diaries in order to reaffirm the value of "The 12th May Diaries Collection" as everyday life archives. "The 12th May Diaries Collection" consists of diaries produced and donated directly by citizens on the 12th May every year. It was only 2013 when Digital Archiving Institute in Univ. of Myungji organized the first "Annual call for the 12th May". Now more than 2,000 items were collected including hand writing diaries, digital documents, photos, audio and video files, etc. The age of participants also varies from children to senior citizens. In this study, quantitative analysis will be made on the diaries collected as well as more profound discoveries on the detailed contents of each item. It is not difficult to see stories about family and friends, school life, concerns over career path, daily life and feelings of citizens ranging all different generations, regions, and professions. Based on keyword and descriptors of each item, more comprehensive examination will be further made. Additionally this study will also provide suggestions to examine future research opportunities of these diaries for different fields such as linguistics, educational studies, historical studies or humanities considering diverse formats and contents of diaries. Finally this study will also discuss necessary tasks and challenges for "the 12th May Diaries Collection" to be continuously collected and preserved as Everyday Life Archives.

Development of Practical Problem-Based Home Economics Teaching.Learning Process Plans by Blended Learning Strategy - Focusing on a Unit 'the Youth and Consumer Life' - (Blended Learning(BL) 전략을 활용한 실천적 문제 중심 가정과 교수 학습 과정안 개발 - '청소년과 소비생활' 단원을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee;Chae, Jung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.19-42
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to develop practical problem-based home economics teaching.learning process plans about a unit 'the youth and consumer life' of middle school eighth-grade Technology and Home Economics by applying blended learning(BL) strategy. According to ADDIE instructional design model, this study was conducted in the following procedure: analysis, design/development, implementation, and evaluation. In the stage of design and development, the selected unit was converted into a practical problem-based unit, and practical problem-based teaching. learning process plans were designed in detail by using BL strategy. An online study room for practical problem-based home economics instruction grounded in BL strategy was prepared by using Edunet(http://community.edunet4u.net/${\sim}$consumer2). Eight-session lesson plans were mapped out, and study aids for students and materials for teachers were prepared. In the implementation stage, the first-session teaching plans that dealt with a minor question 'what preparations should be made to become a wise consumer' were utilized when instruction was provided to 115 eighth graders who were in three different province, and the other one was in a middle school in the city of Daejeon. The experimental teaching was implemented for two weeks in the following procedure: preliminary program, pre-online learning, main instruction and post- online learning. The preliminary program was carried out in a session in the classroom, and pre-online learning was provided before the main instruction was given in a session in the classroom. After the main instruction was completed, post-online learning was offered. In the evaluation stage, a survey was conducted on all the learners and teachers to find out their opinions and suggestions.

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