• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시간 차이

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Short-axis cine MR 영상을 이용한 심박출량 측정 : Threshold segmentation 기법의 적용

  • 강원석;최병욱;최규옥;정해조;이상호;유선국;김희중
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Medical Physics Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.79-79
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    • 2003
  • 심실의 내부는 유두근이나 trabecular와 같은 해부학적 구조물들로 인해 복잡한 형태를 띄고 있다. 그러한 복잡한 구조는 MR 영상을 이용한 심박출량 측정시 오차를 유발시킬 수 있으며, 만약 오차를 줄이기 위해 수작업을 하게 된다면 많은 수고와 시간이 필요하게 될 것이다. 본 연구에서는 threshold 기법을 이용하여 짧은 시간동안에 정확하게 복잡한 구조를 가진 심실의 심박출량을 측정하고자 하였다. 7 명의 환자에 대해 l.5T 급 MR 장치 (INTERA, Philips, Netherlands)를 이용하여 short-axis cardiac MR 영상을 획득하였다. 한 환자에 대해서 8개에서 10개의 슬라이스 영상을 8-10 mm의 두께로, 하나의 심장주기(cardiac cycle)동안 일정한 시간간격으로 25 개의 영상을 획득하였으며, 펄스시퀀스로는 ECG-gated segmented balanced fast field echo (TR/TE = 3ms/1.56ms)를 사용하였다. 획득된 영상은 PC(threshold 기법)와 workstation (기존의 수동 및 자동 segmentation 기법)로 DICOM 형태로 전송되었다. 측정은 IDL을 이용하여 자체 제작된 소프트웨어와 상용화된 소프트웨어 (MASS 5.0, MEDIS, Netherlands)를 이용하여 분석되었다. MR 영상에서 심내벽 부위를 추출하기 위하여 자체제작된 소프트웨어로는 threshold 기법을, 상용 소프트웨어로는 기존의 수동 및 자동 기법을 이용하였다. 심박출량은 최대수축기와 이완기 사이의 용적 차이로써 계산되었으며, 좌심실 및 우심실 모두에 대해 수행되었다. 또한, 해부학적 구조의 복잡도에 따른 측정방법의 정확도를 확인하기 위해 유두근 및 trabecular의 hypertrophy의 정도를 3 단계로 구분하고 측정된 값들을 통계적으로 분석하였다. Hypertrophy가 약한 그룹에서는 기존의 수동방식과 threshold 기법간의 의미있는 차이가 없었으며 (p=0.372), 기존의 수동 및 자동방식 간에도 큰 차이가 없었다 (p=0.298). 그러나, hypertrophy가 심한 그룹에서는 수동방식 및 자동방식 측정치 사이에 통계적으로 유의한 차이를 보임을 알 수 있었다 (p=0.044). 그러나, threshold 기법과 수동방식 사이에는 유의한 차이가 없었다 (p=0.l94). 분석시간은 threshold 기법이 기존의 수동방식에 비해서 두배정도 빠르다는 것을 알 수 있었다, Threshold 기법은 심박출량 측정에 있어서 정확하면서도 빠른 결과의 도출이 가능했으며, 특히 심내벽의 구조가 복잡한 경우에 그 효과가 증대됨을 알 수 있었다.

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Aggregate-level Analysis of Auto Travel Dependency on Freeways in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (집계자료를 이용한 수도권내 승용차 통행의 고속도로 의존도 분석)

  • Go, Jun-Ho;Lee, Seong-Hun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the degree of dependency on freeways when auto travelers make route choices in the Seoul Metropolitan Area. The investigation is conducted based on aggregated auto trip data, defining the degree of dependency as the proportion of auto trips selecting freeways in their travel paths. The analyses reveal that the trips departing from the areas with higher accessibility to freeways tend to exhibit higher dependency on freeways. In addition, the dependency is significantly affected by the travel time differences between two paths including and excluding freeways, respectively. The number of service interchanges was found to be one of significant factors for trips to Incheon and Gyenggi areas. The finding indicates that the factors affecting the degree of dependency on freeways may vary depending on the areas' characteristics. The findings would enhance the understanding of drivers' route choice behavior in Seoul at an aggregate level.

Development of Pig IVM/IVF Produced Embryos to Hatching Blastocysts In Vitro as Affected by Amino Acids and Serum (아미노산과 혈청이 돼지 체외수정란의 부화에 미치는 영향)

  • 엄상준;김은영;김묘경;윤산현;박세필;정길생;임진호
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 1997
  • 체외성숙과 수정된 돼지 난자의 체외발달능이 체외배발생 배양액인 NCSU 배양액에 0.4% BSA, 10% 혈청 혹은 아미노산(2% BME 아미노산 용액과 1% MEM 아미노산 용액)을 첨가함으로써 조사되었다. 본 실험에 공시된 난자는 체외수정 후 30시간 (2-세포기) 혹은 48시간 (2~4-세포기)에 회수하였다. 실험 I에서 0.4% BSA가 첨가된 NCSU 배양액에서 2-세포기 난자들의 배양경과시간에 따른 발달능을 조사한 결과, 배양 후 72시간 (체외수정 후 102 시간)에 상실배와 배반포기가 나타났으며, 배양 후 120시간째(체외수정 후 150시간)에도 팽창된 배반포까지만 발달하였다. 실험 II는 체외수정 후 48시간의 분할된(2~8-세포기) 난자들의 핵과 외관적 분할구와의 수적 차이를 조사한 결과, 2~4-세포기보다는 5-세포기 이상에서 핵과 분할구의 조화에 차이가 많았다. 실험III에서는 BSA, 혈청 혹은 아미노산이 첨가 혹은 무첨가된 배양액내에서 2~4-세포기 난자들의 배반포 후 부화능력을 조사한 결과, 모든 군에 있는 난자들은 팽창된 배반포까지 발달할 수 있었던 반면, 난자의 부화는 아미노산 혹은 혈청이 포함된 배양액에서만 일어났다. 더욱이 상실배와 배반포시기에 혈청의 첨가는 부화 배반포기 배의 발달을 현저히 증가시켰다. 이상의 결과로 미루어 볼 때, 배양액내에 대한 아미노산과 혈청의 첨가는 돼지 배반포의 부화를 유도할 수 있다고 본다.

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Effect of Bean Water Concentration and Incubation Time of Yukwa Paste and Packaging Method on the Quality of Yukwa (유과 반죽의 콩물 농도 및 Incubation time과 포장방법이 유과의 저장 중 품질 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Mi-Na;Jeon, Hyeong-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.294-300
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    • 2001
  • Effect of bean water concentration and incubation time of Yukwa paste as well as packaging method on the quality of Yukwa was investigated. Quality loss in Yukwa during storage was dependent on the packaging method such as bamboo packaging at $30^{\circ}C$, nitrogen packaging at $30^{\circ}C$ and LDPE packaging at $-18^{\circ}C$. Peroxide value increased with bean water concentration, but showed no significant difference by incubation time. The hardness of Yukwa decreased with the increase of bean water concentration, incubation time, and storage time but showed no significant difference by packaging method. Sensory evaluation after storage for 3 months showed that Yukwa color was significantly influenced by packaging method and bean water concentration. The volume was also significantly influenced by bean water concentration and incubation time. Off-flavor showed significant difference by storage method. Tenderness, taste and overall desirability showed significant difference by bean water concentration. Crispness showed significant difference by storage method and bean water concentration.

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An Analysis of the Middle-aged Adults' Mobile Information Behavior Focused on their Demographic Characteristics (중·장년층의 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 모바일 정보이용행태 분석)

  • Kim, Heesop;Lee, Misook;Seo, Jiwoong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.335-353
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the middle-aged adults' mobile information behavior focused on their demographic characteristics. To achieve the aim of this study data were collected from 50 to 64 years old middle-aged adults who live in different size of cities and towns in Korea using self-designed questionnaire through online and offline survey. Gender, academic background, income level, size of residential zone, physical condition, and occupation were adopted as demographic characteristics, and type of mobile contents use, hour of mobile use, ability of mobile use, persistency of mobile use, and usability of mobile were used as the mobile information behavior in this study. Total of 191 valid data were analysed using SPSS Ver. 21. The results of this empirical study revealed that there exist a significant difference between some of their demographical characteristics (e.g., academic backgrounds, income level, and occupation) and mobile information behaviors particularly in their contents use.


  • 심윤주;김희남;김영명;차몽철;현승재;김경수
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1987.05a
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    • pp.9.1-9
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    • 1987
  • 뇌간유발청력검사는 최근 들어 신생아 및 영유아에 있어 청력 및 청신경로의 성숙(auditory maturation)정도를 파악할 수 있는 객관적인 진단 방법으로 평가되고 있다. 그러나 상기 검사결과는 측정계기의 종류 및 측정방법에 따라 다소 차이를 보일 수 있다. 우리나라에서는 아직 정상 신생아를 대상으로 뇌간유발청력검사에 대한 보고가 없는 실정이다. 이에 본 교실에서는 87년 3~4월에 Severance병원에서 출생한 정상 신생아 20명을 대상으로, 출생 후 16내지 69 시간내 두 차례에 걸쳐 뇌간유발 전달시간 및 뇌간유발 역치를 측정, 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었기에 보고하는 바이다. 1) 72.5 ㏈, 4KHz click에 대한 평균 절대적 latency는 각각 I(1.68), II(2.74), III(4.33), IV(5.71), V(6.77), Ⅵ(8.16), Ⅶ(9.85)였고 tone pip은 각각 I(2.04), II(3.04), III(4.60), IV(5.75), V(7.14), Ⅵ(8.54), Ⅶ(10.60) 이었다. 2) 평균 뇌간전위 유발역치는 29.5㏈ SPL 이었다. 3) 파형은 A형이 1.7%, 3형이 30.2%, C형이 45.7%, D형이 5.2%, E형이 1.7%, F형이 15.5%이었고, click과 tone pip, 자극음의 강도, ISI에 따른 차이가 없었다. 4) 제1소파에서 제5소파까지의 절대적 latency와 I- III, III-V,및 I-V의 상대적 latency에 있어서, 반복율, 자극음 종류 및 첫째날과 둘째날의 비교치에 있어서만이 선택적으로 유의한 차이가 발생하였으며, 자극음의 크기에는 차이가 나타나지 않았다.

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Comparative on Recovery Efficiency of Spilled Oil by Disk Materials (디스크 소재별 유회수 성능 비교)

  • Jang Duck-Jong;Na Son-Cheol
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.165-170
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    • 2005
  • A basic study for the development of a disk type oil skimmer for a tank lorry, compares via experiments to the oil recovery differences by material between the existing oil skimmer disk and several discs which oil adhesion are possible. The experiment results in this study are summarized as follows: In all the disks, the mass of recovery of bunker-A oil was greater than light oil. In light oil, there was nearly no differences in the mass of oil recovery by disk material, but in the case of bunker A oil, recovery efficiency showed big differences depending on the disk materials. For light oil, the differences in the mass of oil recovery per unit of operation time from the initial time zone were hardly shown. However, the mass of recovery of bunker-A oil linearly increased from the initial operation time in all the disks and the increase shaped a slow moving trend as time went on; therefore, the mass of oil recovery per unit of operation time showed differences depending on time. This result shows that oil viscosity has an effect on the disk recovery efficiency. When comparing the mass of pure oil recovery and the mass of water recovery in the total mass of recovery by bunker-A oil, there was no difference in the mass of oil recovery between the window-aluminum material disk and the disks consisting of other materials, but the mass of water recovery of the former was relatively very small. This shows the most ideal result in view of oil recovery efficiency that considers the mass of water recovery. In conclusion, it was found that aluminum is the most advantageous as the material for tank lorry oil skimmer disk.

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Comparison of Oil Recovery Performance between Disk Materials of Oil Skimmer (유회수기용 디스크 소재별 성능 비교)

  • Jang Duck-Jong;Na Son-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.11 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2005
  • For the development of a disk type oil skimmer for a tank lorry, a basic study on comparison of oil recovery performance between disk materials of oil skimmer was conducted. The experiment results are summarized as follows: In all the disks, the volume of recovery of bunker-A oil was greater than diesel oil. In light oil, there was nearly no differences in the volume of oil recovery by disk material, but in the case of bunker A oil, recovery efficiency showed big differences depending on the disk materials. For diesel oil, the differences in the volume of oil recovery per unit of operation time from the initial time zone were hardly shown. However, the volume of recovery of bunker-A oil linearly increased from the initial operation time in all the disks and the increase showed a slew moving trend as time. went on; therefore, the volume of oil recovery per unit of operation time showed differences depending on time. This result shows that oil viscosity has an effect on the disk recovery efficiency. When comparing the mass of pure oil recovery and the volume of water recovery in the total mass of recovery by bunker-A oil, there was no difference in the volume of oil recovery between the window-aluminum material disk and the disks consisting of other materials, but the volume of water recovery of the former was relatively very small This shows the most ideal result in view of oil recovery efficiency that considers the volume of water recovery. In conclusion, it was found that aluminum is the most advantageous as the material for tank lorry oil skimmer disk.

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Adaptive Expertise in Pilot Situation Awareness: Comparison of Expert and Novice Instrument Flight Performance (조종사 상황인식의 적응적 전문성: 전문가와 초보자의 계기비행 수행 비교)

  • Sohn, Young-Woo;Lee, Kyung-Soo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.55-64
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    • 2009
  • Previous research has mainly investigated the characteristics of expertise by using typical and routine tasks. This research to overcome these limitations included non-routine task situations and observed expert and novice pilots' situation awareness (SA) performance in routine and non-routine situations. Additionally, whether the ability to aware or perceive the environmental information in limited time varies with the level of expertise was tested. To this end, $2^*2^*2$ mixed factorial design was employed, including expertise (novice/expert) as a between-subjects variable and normality of fight situation (routine/non-routine) and stimulus display time (long/short) as within-subjects variables. As results, there was no performance difference in routine situations between experts and novices, while experts significantly outperformed novices in non-routine situations. When the display time became shorter, overall SA accuracy was decreased for both experts and novices, whereas experts' performance remained significantly higher than novices in short and long conditions. When we examined the interaction between the normality of fight situation and stimulus display time, there was no difference between experts and novices in routine situations for both short and long conditions. In non-routine situations, however, experts' SA accuracy was significantly higher than novices both in short and long conditions. Overall, non-routineness of flight situation does not have any impact on SA performance of experts, while it has a critical impact on SA performance of novices.

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Development of an Estimation Method for Travel Time (도달시간 산정 방법의 개발)

  • Jeong, Jong-Ho;Keum, Jong-Ho;Yoon, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.715-727
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    • 2002
  • The travel time of a flood through a river reach can be estimated by dividing the river length by the mean velocity with which the flood passes downstream. It is closely related to storage constant for the watershed routing of a flood. There are so many empirical formulas available for the estimation of travel time but the results computed generally show great different depending on individual formulas. In the present study, the mean velocity data computed in the process of water surface profile computation for a probability flood through more than 100 different river reaches were collected along with the mean river bed slope of each river reach. And then, a regression analysis is made between the mean river bed slope and the mean velocity, which showed a wide scatter along the mean regression curve, which appears to be due to the different in the magnitude of probability rainfall and size of watershed area. Therefore, methods have been developed to remove the effect of these factors and generalized empirical equation is proposed to relate the mean velocity to mean river bed slope of a reach. Hence, if the mean river bed slope of a river reach is estimated from the longitudinal river profile, the mean velocity can be computed by the generalized equation along with the probability rainfall and watershed area of the river reach under consideration, which leads to the estimation of travel time through a river reach.