• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시각적 아이러니

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On Franco Moretti's World Literature: Seen from the Perspective of Periodical Studies (프랑코 모레티의 세계문학론 비판 - 매체론의 관점에서 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Yon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.48
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    • pp.325-359
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    • 2017
  • The works of a literary and cultural historian Franco Moretti are conspicuous in many ways. Trained in Marxism and Russian formalism, he participated in the construction of the New Left in England. Also, he interestingly interpreted the socialization of the individual through the genre of bildungsroman. Then, he shifted his research interest to the notion of world literature, and to explore its global scale, he developed his own quantitative approach combined with advanced computer technology in digital humanities. His recent publication reveals that Moretti conducted a social critique of the European bourgeois culture with his new quantitative method. His macroscopic view of literature and use of cutting-edge technology in his research inspire historians of Korean literature located in the so-called periphery of world literature. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the idea of world literature outlined by Franco Moretti by reviewing his method called "distant reading" and examples of such an approach. His distant reading is to construct a macroscopic archive through inclusion of forgotten works from literary history and to analyze morphological patterns that frequently appear in the archive. His book entitled Graphs, Maps, Trees is a collection of examples of which he applied distant reading. By delving into such cases, I will raise questions about Moretti's macroscopic perspective of world literature in conjunction with Korean literature. As located at the periphery of global circulation of literary knowledge, Korea appropriated Western genres, established its literary institutions, and developed book markets through modern newspapers and magazines. This experience of furthering modern literature through periodicals would provide another view to revisit Moretti's world literature.

The Needs of Digital Archive Development for the Records of Early Foreign Missionaries in Korea (1800-1910) (우리나라 초기 외국인 선교사 자료의 디지털 아카이브 구축 필요성 연구(1800-1910))

  • Chang, Yunkeum
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.265-281
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    • 2013
  • The early history of foreign Protestant missionaries in Korea has begun in the late 19th century, when they came to work as professionals such as teachers, medical doctors, etc. as the nation opened its door to western culture with the fall of national isolationism. Their records are considered crucial resources that enable us to shed new light on modern Korean history, politics, economy and society beyond mere religious value. Despite the recognition of such historic value of early missionary resources, however, there has been serious lacking of a systematic attempt to develop policies and plans for making it easy to collect, preserve and access the resources. Up to date, the records of early Protestant missionaries, in diverse forms of mission reports, books, periodicals, personal diaries, letters and photos, are scattered around various places, including their home country churches, governments, libraries, museums, research institutes and homes. Therefore, this research aims at providing basic resources on the archival status of early Protestant missionaries in Korea, needed for developing a sustainable and systematic digital archive system, through the investigation of early foreign missionaries' resources and in-depth interviews of experts. The study covers the period of 1800s to 1910, that is from the beginning of Protestant missionaries entering into Korea until the start of the Japanese annexation in 1910.

Effects of Cognitive Training Using Tablet PC Applications on Cognitive Function, Daily Living and Satisfaction in Subacute Stroke Patients (테블릿 pc 어플리케이션을 사용한 인지훈련이 아급성 뇌졸중 환자의 인지기능, 일상생활 및 만족감에 미치는 영향)

  • Moon, Jong-Hoon;Won, Young-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study was investigated the effect of cognitive training using tablet pc applications on cognitive function, daily living, and satisfaction in subacute stroke patients. This study participated in fourteen subacute stroke inpatients, in I general hospital, at located in Incheon. All subjects assigned that randomized each seven patients in experimental and control group. Two groups received to traditional cognitive therapy during half hour/day, 5 times per week, for 4 weeks. Experimental group performed additionally that cognitive training using tablet pc applications for 30 min/day. The outcome measures were the K-MMSE(: Korea-Mini Mental State Examination), MoCA-K(: Montreal Cognitive Assessments-Korea), MBI(: Modified Barthel Index), VAS(: Visual Analog Scale) for cognitive function, daily living, satisfaction. In results, Both group showed significant improvements after intervention in MoCA-K, MBI(p<.05). In comparison of change between two groups, experimental group showed significant improvements than control group in MoCA-K(p<.05). In comparison of satisfaction of two groups, both group was not significant difference(p>.05). we suggested that Cognitive training using tablet pc applications expected to positive effects the improvements of cognitive function in subacute stroke patients.

Documenting Artistic Acts of Resistance in History: Focusing on the Archives of the Art Workers' Coalition (미술가들의 저항 행위를 역사로 기억하기 미술노동자연합(AWC) 아카이브를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Rin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.82
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    • pp.275-309
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    • 2024
  • This study examines artists' acts of resistance in the turbulent social climate of the 1960s and beyond, and considers the meaning of these documents in a contemporary context. It focuses on the Art Workers' Coalition, organised in 1969 by artists, writers, filmmakers and critics. Art Workers' Coalition demanded basic rights for artists in the art world and challenged war, discrimination, and injustice in society at large. Not only did they actively intervene in the structural problems of society through collective actions, protests, and statements, as seen in other acts of resistance, but they also expanded their reach through the medium of art. Studies of the Art Workers' Coalition, which can be considered as activist art of the late 1960s, have mainly chronicled their actions in the context of art history, without paying particular attention to the nature and value of the documentation produced in the process of resistance. However, the archives of Art Workers' Coalition have an informational and evidential value, which is a key value of archives, as they provide information not only about the activities of the organisation, but also about the activities of the individuals who comprised the unions, their intricate connections, and the social climate. In addition to the basic function of proving the activities of a group of artists, the archives of Art Workers' Coalition are also significant as a medium for providing information on people and events that have been marginalised in mainstream studies of artworks and artists, and for incorporating them into historical memory. Therefore, this study aims to identify the current status of Art Workers' Coalition-related archives as a medium to prove the activities of artists of the time, and to propose a different way of reading history through the contextual information of archives.

Heterotopia, Strange Stories, and Modern Anxiety in the Colonial Era (식민지 근대의 헤테로토피아와 괴담, 그리고 모던의 불안)

  • Lee, Jura
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.42
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    • pp.23-46
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    • 2016
  • This article focused on heterotopian spaces of modern Korea in the colonial era. This paper attempted to understand the features of heterotopia in the era. Heterotopia was slightly grotesque in modernity, but in the colonial era, people expected to realize the hope of contemporary society. Also, while analyzing discourses on heterotopia, this study identified another point of view on modernity in the era,. Pagoda Park, where March First Independence Movement was conducted and the psychiatric hospital East Ward Eighth, were heterotopian spaces at the times. Those spaces are represented as failure of modernity. Nevertheless, those spaces functioned as utopia, where people could speak freely on 'the independence'. But the governing system considered such speech as deceptive strange stories. Strange stories that inexplicably, revealed imperfection of the governing system and caused anxiety about the foundation of daily life. In conclusion, this article could provide understanding of another side of acceptance of modernity in the colonial era i.e., anxiety. It was revealed through the finding of heterotopia and analyzing discourses on heterotopia in the colonial Korea.

Movement of Animation through Characteristics of Cinema (영화적 특성을 통한 애니메이션의 운동성)

  • Song, Shi-Hyeong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.48-55
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    • 2014
  • A new relation between technological changes and arts is begins to create by the modernization of the West. Because the arts in the past that were enjoyed by specific individuals and small number of people are now massively produced via technological development, public acceptance of such arts is now possible. In this study, movement between each frame, which can be the core in animation, is investigated. We can see that the animation's cinematic movement cannot be identified with motions reproduced in live action films, let alone the motions in real world, no matter how the reproduced motions in animation are faithfully made. In the end, while crating the detailed expressions of movement of animation, along with cinema factors, and the continuity of such expressions, we can gradually exert the power of animation art form with enlivened reality that only animation has.

흑자시대의 주변환경과 대응시각 (기계공업을 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Hyeon-Yul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.17-19
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    • 1987
  • 지난해 우리나라 경제는 안정속에 고도성장과 국제수지 흑자를 기록한 값진 보람을 느낀 한 해였다. 그러나 이같은 흑자기조는 개개기업의 성장잠재력에서 찾아볼 수도 있겠으나 대부분이 3저요인을 배경으로한 수출환경의 변화에 힘입은 바 크다. 그럼으로 언제 무산될지 모르는 장래를 낙관만 할 수는 없다. 지금의 현상을 어떻게 보는가에 대하여는 각계각층이 보는 시각에 따라 견해가 달라지겠으나 분명한 것은 국제유가나 국제이자가 오름세를 보이기 시작했다는 사실과 우리에게 국제경상수지흑자시대를 열어준 3저호재는 확실히 변해가고 있다는 것이다. 이렇게 볼 때 우리나라 경제는 해외요인변화에 매우 예민함으로 지금, 흑자기조가 정착되었다고 속단하기에는 너무 이른것 같다. 적어도 흑자기조가 정착되려면 모든 산업간, 계층간, 지역간의 불균형이 시정되고 기존의 산업기반을 내실화하는 단계에 있을 때 비로서 흑자경제의 향배가 가름하게 되는 것이다. 최근에 일어나고 있는 원화의 지속적인 평가절하, 엔화강세에 따른 원자재가격폭등은 우리에게 적지않은 위협을 주고있다. 이같은 상황에서 정부는 올해 국제수지흑자의 적정선유지를 위해 대미구매사절단의 파견, 수입선의 다변화, 수출지원정책의 감소등 다각적인 정책을 선택하고 있는 것으로써 일응 올바른 판단으로 수긍하나 다만 업종에 따른 특성에 배려가 있었으면 한다. 특히 우리나라의 기계공업은 20년의 짧은 근대화건설 과정에서 그나마 지금의 수준과 규모의 기반을 닦아왔다. 그러나 아직도 기술면에서 많은 취약점을 지니고 있어 대부분의 기초소재와 핵심부품이 해외에서 수입되고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 기계공업이 명실공히 선도산업으로써 의 위치를 굳히기 위해서는 적어도 기계류의 수입국에서 수출국으로의 탈바꿈을 할 때 비로소 성취될 것이며, 이 때가 관련산업간의 불균형이 시정된 흑자시대라고 보는 것이 옳을 것 같다. 작금의 주변환경은 서두에서 언급한 3저호재에 심상치 않는 조짐이 보이고 있다. 이같은 주변환경에 관점을 두고 지금 우리가 당면하고 있는 과제 중의 하나인 원화절상을 지적하지 않을 수 없다. 이같은 원화절상내용을 중심으로 부가적으로 수반된 몇가지의 현안문제와 함께 점검해 보기로한다.

  • PDF

A Comparative Study on 「Yanghwasorok」 and 『Zhangwuzhi』 - Focused on the Taste of Plants in Scholar's Garden, Korea and China - (「양화소록(養花小錄)」과 『장물지(長物志)』 화목류에 나타난 문인원림 취미 비교)

  • Park, Hee-Soung;Yun, Jia-Yan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.79-93
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    • 2016
  • The present study aimed to understand the taste of literati appearing in the Korean-Chinese garden by comparing "Yanghwasorok(養花小錄)" and "Zhangwuzhi(長物志)", which are one of the representative gardens in Korea and China. The main subject of comparison is plants; the research results are as follows. First, Gang Hui-an stated that the ultimate purpose of growing and appreciating the gardening plants is the completion of oneself, while Wen Zhen-heng(文震亨) used gardening plants as a means to practice a life of reclusiveness(隱逸). Second, Gang Hui-an claimed that growing plants is human's cultivation of virtue on the basis of Confucian view's gaining knowledge by the study of things(格物致知), whereas Wen Zhen-heng realized the taste of 'elegance(雅趣)' through form of plants or planting method. Third, although plant preference of literati of both countries is similar in many parts, there is a slight difference for putting gardening plants in pots and appreciating them. For example, even for selecting or placing pots, simplicity and lightness are characteristically reflected from Gang Hui-an while splendor and refinedness are characteristically shown from Wen Zhen-heng. Moreover, in light of the taste of appreciation of literati of the Song Dynasty(宋代), which is a sample of literati spirit, Gang Hui-an inherited the inner world of the spirit whereas Wen Zhen-heng expressed 'literati-ness' in visual images.

Contents Development of Urban Tourism Using Old Maps (고지도를 활용한 도시관광 콘텐츠 개발 방안)

  • Choi, Ji-Yeon;Lee, Yk-Su
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.10
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    • pp.274-282
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    • 2007
  • Although many korean cities are getting interested in promoting its attractiveness as a tourism destination, they have little distinguishing attractiveness. In order to reinvigorate competitive urban tourism, developing more charming tourism resources and studying urban contents including its historicity and regionalism regarded as an effective means. By examining old maps therefore, the purpose of this study is to indicate competitive contents of urban tourism focused on the case of Gangneung.

Language Games between Donald Trump and Gloria Anzaldúa (도널드 트럼프와 글로리아 안살두아의 '언어' 게임)

  • Park, Jungwon
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.46
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    • pp.85-112
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    • 2017
  • Donald Trump, the $45^{th}$ president of the United States, has revived the 'English Only' policy since the beginning of his presidential campaign. The monolingualism not only underscores his extremely conservative ideas, but it also reflects the nativist tendency that prevents the demographic and cultural transformation of the US, which is accelerated by globalization and transnational migration. In particular, Donald Trump tries to reconfirm the mainstream American culture that is now thought to have been threatened by Hispanization and the growing number of Spanish speakers. This paper examines the effects of "code-switching" and the possibility of a bilingual community by contrasting Donald Trump with Gloria $Anzald{\acute{u}}a$, one of the representative Latina writers who created a "border language." Borderlands/La Frontera (1987) includes Spanish glossaries and expressions to represent her bilingual realities, while attempting to translate from English to Spanish, and vice versa. However, the text occasionally demonstrates the impossibility of translation. In doing so, $Anzald{\acute{u}}a$ indirectly states that it is indispensable to present both languages at the stage; she also invites monolingual readers to make more efforts to learn and better understand the Other's language. A "border language" she attempts to embody throughout the text is created in the process of encounters, conflicts, and negotiations among languages of different ethnicities, classes and generations. It does not signify an established form: rather it appears as a constantly transforming language, which can provide us with new perspectives and an alternative way of communication beyond monolingualism.