• Title/Summary/Keyword: 시각적 아이러니

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IoT Malware Detection and Family Classification Using Entropy Time Series Data Extraction and Recurrent Neural Networks (엔트로피 시계열 데이터 추출과 순환 신경망을 이용한 IoT 악성코드 탐지와 패밀리 분류)

  • Kim, Youngho;Lee, Hyunjong;Hwang, Doosung
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.197-202
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    • 2022
  • IoT (Internet of Things) devices are being attacked by malware due to many security vulnerabilities, such as the use of weak IDs/passwords and unauthenticated firmware updates. However, due to the diversity of CPU architectures, it is difficult to set up a malware analysis environment and design features. In this paper, we design time series features using the byte sequence of executable files to represent independent features of CPU architectures, and analyze them using recurrent neural networks. The proposed feature is a fixed-length time series pattern extracted from the byte sequence by calculating partial entropy and applying linear interpolation. Temporary changes in the extracted feature are analyzed by RNN and LSTM. In the experiment, the IoT malware detection showed high performance, while low performance was analyzed in the malware family classification. When the entropy patterns for each malware family were compared visually, the Tsunami and Gafgyt families showed similar patterns, resulting in low performance. LSTM is more suitable than RNN for learning temporal changes in the proposed malware features.

Consideration of the Traditional Market-Related Law Revision Plan: Focus on Moranjang in Seongnam (전통시장 관련법 개정 방안에 대한 고찰 : 성남 모란시장을 중심으로)

  • Lim, Jin;Kim, Young-Ki;Lee, Min-Kweon;Kim, Yoo-Oh;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2011
  • Our distribution industry still lacks legal and institutional supplementary frameworks. Therefore, we urgently need systematic supporting schemes for targeting small merchants, including those in traditional markets. In 2004, the scope of and target for traditional markets took shape through the enactment of the 'Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets'. Though restricted to a single market, it expanded the target and scope to include markets and stores, market improvement districts, and business improvement districts. However, the Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets, the criterion for the revitalization of and support for the traditional market, applies a uniform standard. Accordingly, the Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets has revealed problems, such as the deficit of legitimate ideas about unregistered markets. This study identifies the problems with the Special Act for Nurturing the Traditional Markets. We take the Moranjang case as an example. This study offers the problems new insight. We discuss the problems in terms of their empirical reality. We focus on unregistered markets, which are not protected by law. Most previous studies have applied empirical methods, but this study also provides legal and institutional perspectives on the prospect for efficient outcomes by applying the normative study methods applicable in the field.

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Control measures in Cyberspace in the light of Rimland theory (림랜드 이론으로 본 사이버공간 통제방안 (북한의 사이버전 사례연구를 중심으로))

  • Dong-hyun Kim;Soo-jin Lee;Wan-ju Kim;Jae Sung Lim
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2022
  • Development of science technology make integrated CPS(Cyber-Physical System) appear. In CPS era, cyberspace and physical-space are hard to separate anymore, that is developing toward integrated CPS. The reality is not stopping, that is consistently changing and the concept of space is developing too. But several articles are considering for cyberspace and physical-space separately, and they are developing tailed alternative each case. The theorical approaching that is not considering reality is dwelled on past, and is dangerous from dropping down to floating cloud that is not considering progressed reality. This article is suggested to consider rimland theory to control measures in cyberspace. That is dedicated to integrated approaching from physical-space to cyberspace. And that is developing concreted controling measures in cyberspace. Especially, this article is suggested to policy alternative by analyzing north korea cyber warfare from rimland theory including human sources. Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. This article make integrated approaching effects about cyberspace and physical-space to preparing in the CPS era.

The Way of Connecting to Tradition through Content (콘텐츠를 통해 전통을 잇는 방식 - 단원미술관 전시사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Sangmi
    • Trans-
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    • v.9
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    • pp.17-36
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    • 2020
  • This study is aimed at discussing the possibility of content production, utilization and expansion, focusing on the exhibition case of Danwon Art Museum run by Ansan Cultural Foundation. In 1991, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism named Ansan as the City of Danwon since it is believed to be the hometown of Danwon Kim Hong-do (1745~?), a painter of the late Joseon Dynasty and a well-known master of genre painting. As a result, Ansan is making various efforts to utilize Danwon Kim Hong-do for its unique resource through internal and external business such as the creation of Danwon Sculpture Park, the operation of Danwon Art Museum, and the planning of Danwon Kim Hong-do Festival. However, the biggest problem with Ansan is that there are not many collections of Kim Hong-do. Ansan has owned a total of six works as of May this year: a deer and a boy, flowers and a bird, A view of clouds on the water, Daegwallyeong, Yeodongbin, A way to Singwangsa. Accordingly, Danwon Contents Center has set up a vision to systematically collect, preserve, and display various visual and artistic materials related to Kim Hong-do, offering high-quality information based on digital data. In other words, it is a complex cultural information agency of One-Source Multi-Use, which combines the functions of libraries, archives and art galleries so that visitors' desire is satisfied. It reflects the contemporary trend of overcoming the limitations of the ancient paintings and satisfying the role and function of the art museum. From the opening of the Danwon Contents Hall, the original work of Kim Hong-do has been interpreted and produced as media contents or recreated as a new form of art by modern artists. Exhibition using technologies such as touch screen and 'deep zoom' helps visitors to heighten their experience of the archives and get inside the world of the genius painter.

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A Study on the developing Character Contents for the making specialized regional culture - Centering on a development project of Characters in the city of Gwangju - (지역문화 특성화를 위한 캐릭터 개발에 관한 연구 - 광주광역시 캐릭터 개발 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • 신승택;유장웅
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.193-206
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    • 2004
  • 예로부터 빛고을로 인식되었던 광주가 근세에 이르러 의병활동, 광주학생운동, 5\ulcorner18민주화운동, 아직도 끝나지 않은 이념전쟁으로만 비추어질 수도 있는 지역의 이미지를 재정립하고, 도시 경쟁력의 증대를 위한 방안으로 CI사업 추진계획을 수립하고 3개년에 걸쳐(1999~2001) CI전략 개발, CI디자인 개발, 문화상품 개발, 도시환경디자인 개발 등을 추진하였다. 최근 커뮤니케이션에 있어서 캐릭터는 정보의 시각화라는 측면에서 다른 그래픽 심볼에 비해 설득적이라 할 수 있고, 기존의 심볼의 이미지 보완적 보조심볼로서의 개념이 아닌 독자적인 영역이 구축되어야 하므로 광주광역시 캐릭터 개발은 Character Identity 차원에서 메인캐릭터와 이를 각각의 용도에 맞춰 응용전개시키는 이벤트 캐릭터, 브랜드캐릭터로 구분하여 유형에 따라 다르게 적용되어야 할 적용성 및 활용성에 중점을 두고 개발되었다. 광주광역시의 메인캐릭터 개발컨셉은 "빛"과 "생명"으로 결정된 TCI이념을 활용하는 것과 광주의 상징 요소로서 "무등산"을 활용하는 두 가지 방향에서 개발이 진행되었으며, 1999년 10월의 TCI 추진회의 1차선정을 시작으로 광주시민을 포함한 전국민 설문조사와 2000년 4월의 의회설명회에 이르기까지 다양한 방법을 통해 캐릭터 개발안에 대한 평가와 검토/수정과정을 거쳐 기본캐릭터를 완성하게 되었다. 이를 통해 본 광주광역시의 캐릭터는 중장기적으로 치밀하게 계획되고 실천되어야 하며 변화하는 환경에 효율적으로 대응하는 구체적이고 실천적인 연구평가와 접근방법에 대한 연구 등으로 그 지역의 특징적인 문화를 상품화시키려는 노력이 캐릭터개발을 토대로 뒤따라야 한다. 촉진, 중요 연구 주제의 도출 및 연구 진행 계획을 수립하고, 국제적 산학 협력 강화를 통해 공동 연구를 도출하는 자리를 마련함. $\textbullet$본 학술회의에서 발표된 논문들을 취합하여, 논문집 및 CD-ROM을 제작하여 세계적 수준의 연구 결과를 알리고 이 분야에 관련된 학문, 기술 발전에 큰 도움이 됨.emove effectively radioactivity with in Adsorbent. As cleaning heavy water adsorbent and drying on each condition (temperature for drying and hours for cleaning). Because there is something to return heavy water adsorbent by removing impurities within adsorbent when it is dried o high temperature. After operating, we have been applying this research to the way to dispose heavy water adsorbent. Through this we could reduce solid waste products and the expense of permanent disposal of radioactive waste products and also we could contribute nuclear power plant run safely. According to the result we could keep the best condition of radiation s

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A Study of the Application of 'Digital Heritage ODA' - Focusing on the Myanmar cultural heritage management system - (디지털 문화유산 ODA 적용에 관한 시론적 연구 -미얀마 문화유산 관리시스템을 중심으로-)

  • Jeong, Seongmi
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.198-215
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    • 2020
  • Official development assistance refers to assistance provided by governments and other public institutions in donor countries, aimed at promoting economic development and social welfare in developing countries. The purpose of this research is to examine the construction process of the "Myanmar Cultural Heritage Management System" that is underway as part of the ODA project to strengthen cultural and artistic capabilities and analyze the achievements and challenges of the Digital Cultural Heritage ODA. The digital cultural heritage management system is intended to achieve the permanent preservation and sustainable utilization of tangible and intangible cultural heritage materials. Cultural heritage can be stored in digital archives, newly approached using computer analysis technology, and information can be used in multiple dimensions. First, the Digital Cultural Heritage ODA was able to permanently preserve cultural heritage content that urgently needed digitalization by overcoming and documenting the "risk" associated with cultural heritage under threat of being extinguished, damaged, degraded, or distorted in Myanmar. Second, information on Myanmar's cultural heritage can be systematically managed and used in many ways through linkages between materials. Third, cultural maps can be implemented that are based on accurate geographical location information as to where cultural heritage is located or inherited. Various items of cultural heritage were collectively and intensively visualized to maximize utility and convenience for academic, policy, and practical purposes. Fourth, we were able to overcome the one-sided limitations of cultural ODA in relations between donor and recipient countries. Fifth, the capacity building program run by officials in charge of the beneficiary country, which could be the most important form of sustainable development in the cultural ODA, was operated together. Sixth, there is an implication that it is an ODA that can be relatively smooth and non-face-to-face in nature, without requiring the movement of manpower between countries during the current global pandemic. However, the following tasks remain to be solved through active discussion and deliberation in the future. First, the content of the data uploaded to the system should be verified. Second, to preserve digital cultural heritage, it must be protected from various threats. For example, it is necessary to train local experts to prepare for errors caused by computer viruses, stored data, or operating systems. Third, due to the nature of the rapidly changing environment of computer technology, measures should also be discussed to address the problems that tend to follow when new versions and programs are developed after the end of the ODA project, or when developers have not continued to manage their programs. Fourth, since the classification system criteria and decisions regarding whether the data will be disclosed or not are set according to Myanmar's political judgment, it is necessary to let the beneficiary country understand the ultimate purpose of the cultural ODA project.

A Study on the storytelling strategy of Animation Studio using Mythology - Based on the comparative analysis of Disney and Dream Works (신화를 활용한 애니메이션 스튜디오의 스토리텔링 전략 -디즈니<미녀와 야수>와 드림웍스<슈렉>의 비교분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.25-52
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    • 2017
  • As the expansion of the cultural industry expands, various competitive structures are formed and the methodologies for producing commercial success are being discussed. Among them, Hollywood studios use political relationships and apply ideologies that can produce the best interests. Also, they use a structure that can convey this ideology, which is a mythology. The myth has satisfied the public for a ling time. Campbell suggested that strategies come from the myth, and the ideology emerged as a result of what mythology has to do with existing powers. Disney and Dream Works use the mythology and combine their own values into ideology. Disney and Dream Works choose conflicting ideologies in a different growth background. If Disney is recognized as an educational animation by the ruling class, Dream Works are supported by the public for their actions against Disney. Disney has conservative and patriotic personality, Dream Works is more liberal and progressive. Disney's structure came out first, and Dream Works parodied it. So we can compare Disney and Dream Works with similar myths to create a storytelling structure that embodies ideology. As a result, Disney and Dream Works have been choosing the 9 stages the key of Ideology form the 17 stages of the mythology and reduced them to the introduction, growth and completion. In the first units of the introduction, Disney dealt with the subject of social leaders who sacrificed to the ruling class and Dream Works hinted at the overthrow of the ruling class through the irony. If Disney had deployed colored races in the main characters, Dream Works used a variety of races from the main characters to others. In the second units of growth, Disney organized the process of accepting the value of the ruling class, and Dream Works showed the individual values, not the values of society. In the third units completion, Disney showed the main character who live in the world of the ruling class rebuilded, and Dream Works removed the ruling class and went back to the Individual life. Through the structure of Disney and DreamWorks, we learned how to utilize the mythical structures that transform according to ideologies. The right way to organize works will require the strategic approach to storytelling.

학교교육과정의 인구교육내용분석

  • 박덕규
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 1988
  • This study focused on the anding of Inchon's identity The empirical method and ethnomethodological approaches were used to collect the data. Among members ofcitizen movement groups,government workers,and students who are living inInchon were selected as 613 samples using a purposive sampling method. MultipleClassification Analysis (MCA) and cross-tabulation methods were used in theanalysisThe study of identity in an area is important in terms of providing the solution ofthe problem in a region and social integration of the citizens. The scores of the indexabout Inchon's identity are quite low and more than half of the respondents to allthree groups showed the middle position of the scores from the identity index. By thecharacteristics of the respondents,female,unmarried single,30 years or more,lowerincome groups showed relatively higher identity index scores than other counter-parts . And professional,administrative,clerical workers'identity index scores werehigher than people who work at sales,service,and agricultural sectors. Respondentswith 2 years of college or more,with intentions to donate special monies for cultural, social welfare, environmental reform,persons who want to live in Inchon for along period of time equipped with a stronger identity index.For the character of Inchon's identity,there are no identity,making it fromnow on,capacity or broad-minded city,vanguard pioneer,displeased, Oiversity/multiplicity of the city,defense spirit from foreign invasion,entrancecity from the world in that order. Therefore,it is hard to say what exactly Inchon'simage is in a single word. However,Inchon can be characterized as a diverse citywith capacity to live together without any serious conflicts among citizens who come from Seoul,Kyunggi-Do,Chungchung-Do,Chunla-Do,Kyungsang-Do,and foreign countries including North Korea. These facts imply that Inchon should continue topursue this image as a diverse city with capacity as an identity pursuing towardsworld city and hub city of North East Asia.ty as an identity pursuing towardsworld city and hub city of North East Asia. East Asia.

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Captive Affects, Elastic Sufferings, Vicarious Objects in Melodrama -Refiguring Melodrama by Agustin Zarzosa (멜로드라마 속의 사로잡힌 정동(Captive Affects), 탄력적 고통(Elastic Sufferings), 대리적 대상(Vicarious Objects) -어구스틴 잘조사의 멜로드라마 재고)

  • Ahn, Min-Hwa
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.429-462
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    • 2019
  • This paper argues how the concept of melodrama can be articulated with the Affect Theory and Posthumanism in relation to animal or environment representation which have emerged as the new topics of the recent era. The argument will be made through the discussion of Agustin Zarzosa's book, Refiguring Melodrama in Film and Television: Captitve Affects, Elastic Sufferings, Vicarious Objects. Using a genealogical approach, the book revisits the notion of mode, affect, suffering (hysteria), and excess which have been dealt with in the existing studies of melodrama. In chapter one, he broadens the concept of melodrama as a mode into the means of redistribution of suffering across the whole society in the mechanism of the duo of evil and virtue. It is the opposition of Brooks's argument in which melodrama functions as the means of proving the distinction between evil and virtue. Chapter two focuses on the fact that melodrama is an elastic system of specification rather than a system of signification, with the perspective of Deleuzian metaphysics. Through the analysis of Home from the Hill (Vincente Minnelli, 1959), this chapter pays attention to an 'affect' generated by the encounters between the bodies and the Mise-en-Scène as a flow not of a meaning but of an affect. Chapter three argues that melodrama should reveal an unloved (woman's) suffering, opposing the discussion on the role of melodrama as the recovery of moral order. Safe (Todd Haynes, 1995), dealing with female suffering caused by the industrial and social environment, elaborates on the arguments on melodrama in relation to female hysteria with ecocritical standpoints. The rest of the two chapters discusses the role of melodrama for the limitation and extension of the notion of the human through 'animal' and 'posthuman' melodrama. It argues that the concept of melodrama as 'excess' and 'sacrifice' blurs the boundary between human and inhuman. In summary, although the author Zarzosa partly agrees with Peter Brook's notion of mode, affect and sufferings,he elaborates the concept of melodrama, by articulating philosophical arguments such as Deleuzianism, feminism, and posthumanism (Akira Lippit and Carry Wolf) with the melodrama. Thefore, Zarzosa challenges the concepts of melodrama led by Brooks, which had been canonical in the field.

A Study on the Enjoyment Modes of Classic Novels·Ga-Sa in Cheongsong of the Middle of the-20th Century (20세기 중반 청송 지역의 고전소설·가사의 향유 양상)

  • Kwon, Mi-sook
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.33
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    • pp.211-253
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    • 2016
  • Depending on the class and status, literary works are variously accepted and interpreted. As a result, they show different forms and ways of enjoying the novels and different variations of a text. The only ideal way of investigating and analyzting it is to meet someone who actually lived in that era. This study tries to investigate the enjoying aspects of the classic Korean classical novels by studying how the classical novels have been enjoyed in Northern Gyeong-Buk Area, especially in Cheongsong. It is a follow-up study of cases studies based in Yeongdeok, Uljin. As a result, one can come true the conclusions. In the case of Cheongsong, the Northern Area and Southern Areas show differences in their modes enjoying the Korean classical novels. The Northern Area has a strong expresses self-confidence and pride, and forms solid enjoying groups. However I could hardly find any such cases in the Southern Area. And the entertaining aspects of the classical novels are enjoyed by individuals rather than entertainers. It shows that there have been many difficulties in the culture of in taking-root classical novels as a firm ludic culture in Cheongsong. Furthermore, this survey can identify a duality of entertainers genres conception to enjoying Ga-sa and classic the Korean classical novels. The entertainers who haves read only the classical novels has not hidden ashamed of themselves as readers and entertainersof them. But the entertainers who are proud of the self as enjoyers of Ga-sa tried to dissimulate hide the fact that they read of the classical novels, because they think that a narrativity and fictitiousness, incredibility of the novels are disproportionate inappropriate to their for dignity as members of Yangban(兩班) families, and are in stark contrast to the morality and seriousness of Ga-sa.