• Title/Summary/Keyword: 스크린 인쇄

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The Effect of Electrode Pattern on the Humidity-sensing Properties of the Resistive Humidity Sensor Based on All-printing Process (인쇄공정으로 제조된 저항형 습도센서의 감습특성에 대한 전극패턴의 영향 연구)

  • Ahn, Hee-Yong;Gong, Myoung-Seon
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2012
  • Based on our experience in developing resistive humidity sensor, interdigital gold electrodes with different fingers and gaps have been fabricated on a glass epoxy (GE) substrate using screen printing techniques. The basic structure of the electrode consisted of a 3-, 4- and 5-fingers with gaps of 310 and 460 ${\mu}m$. Gold electrode/GE was prepared by first printing silver nanopaste, followed by consecutive electroless plating of Cu, Ni and then Au. Copolymer of [2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl] dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride (MDBAC) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) was used as a humidity-sensing polyelectrolyte, which was fabricated by a screen printing method on the Au electrode/GE substrate. The flexible humidity sensor showed acceptable linearity between logarithmic impedance and relative humidity in the range of 20-95%RH, low hysteresis of 1.5%RH, good response and recovery time of 75 sec at 1 V, 1 kHz, and $25^{\circ}C$. Electrode construction had a significant influence on the humidity-sensing characteristics of polymeric humidity sensors. The activation energy between electrode and ion conducting polyelectrolyte plays an important role in explaining the differences of humidity sensing characteristics such as temperature dependence, sensitivity, linearity and hysteresis.

Blue Noise Screen Design Based on Human Visual Chracteristics (시각 특성을 기반한 청색잡음 스크린 제작)

  • 박희윤
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 1998
  • FM screening has been praised for its apparent resolution advantage over conventional AM screening. FM screening is also known for its criticalness of film output and difficulties in the proofing stage because of the microdot formation. However, FM screening is not a well understood process from press performance point of view. This study was carried out for the purposes of introducing the availability of hifi-offset printing to domestic printing industries and evaluating the print qualities between 300lpi AM screen and FM screen with the equivalent sized microdots to 4-5% dot area of the 300lpi AM screen, together with comparing with 175lpi AM screen representing a conventional printing. Solid density, dot gain, color gamut and some other quality properties were measured and discussed.

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Evaluation of BSF Layer Formation Ability by the Rheological Control (레올로지 조절에 따른 BSF층 형성 능력 평가)

  • Yang, Seung Jin;Lee, Jung Woong;Park, Ki Bum;Yun, Mi Kyoung;Park, Seong Yong
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.101.2-101.2
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    • 2010
  • 태양전지에서 고효율을 얻기 위해서는 알루미늄 원자의 확산에 의한 불순물층으로서 p+층이 필수적이다. P+층은 형성전자의 재결합을 방지하고, 생성 캐리어의 수집 효율을 향상시키는 BSF(Back Surface Field) 효과의 역할을 한다. 도포된 알루미늄 페이스트가 부족할 경우 BSF효과가 나타나지 않으며 과할 경우 웨이퍼가 휨이 발생하여 최적 인쇄도포량이 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 레오미터 측정조건을 스크린 프린팅 인쇄 조건과 유사하게 진행하여 저장탄성율(G') 과 손실탄성율(G")의 관계를 살펴보았다. 회복단계에서 G'>G" 이고 Cross point가 없을 경우 도포량이 1.8g 이상이였으며, 웨이퍼의 휨(bowing)이 크게 발생하였고, 이와 반대로 회복시 20초 후에 Cross point가 나타난 경우 10% 정도 도포량 감소와 함께 휨 발생도 1 mm 이하로 양호한 특성을 확인할 수 있었다.

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The Opening Size Change for Screen Tension (스크린 망사의 견장과 오프닝의 변화)

  • Jung, Gi-Young;Kang, Young-Reep
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2010
  • The 200mesh screen was tensioned and fixed on a frame. When applied tension to 5N and 10N per unit area, a side length of opening of the screen was 163.223${\mu}m$ and 168.224${\mu}m$, respective. But side length not tensioned was 158.879${\mu}m$. We knew that a side length of opening of the screen rarely changes with tension applied to the screen. The appearances that a side length of opening of the screen expand little are due to a decreasing diameter of thread by means of tension. In a thickness measurement of screen, While the high density mesh screen that had a lot of knots that crossed a line of latitude and longitude per unit area appeared a higher numerical value, the low density mesh screen that had a few knots appeared a low numerical value.

A Development on the Non-Photomask Plate Making Technology for Screen Printing (포토 마스크가 필요없는 스크린 제판 기술 개발)

  • Koo, Yong-Hwan;Ahn, Suk-Chul;Kim, Sung-Bin;Nam, Su-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2010
  • Environmentally friendly, stencil and screen printing for cost-effective for maskless. In this study, UV -LED light source for the dispersion characteristics and high competence photoresist coating was prepared. Wavelength of 365nm UV-LED exposure device using the maskless lithography, 1.7kgf/$cm^2$ $2600mmH_2O$ the injection pressure and the suction pressure by using a dry photoconductor symptoms were dry emulsion on the market as a result, curing properties and adhesion, hardness, solvent resistance and excellent reproduction of fine patterns and ecological stencil technology was available and could be confirmed as a possibility.

A Study on the Maskless Plate Making Technology for Screen Printing(I) (Maskless용 스크린 제판 기술 연구(I))

  • Lee, Mi-Young;Park, Kyoung-Jin;Nam, Su-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.73-85
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    • 2008
  • We have manufactured a photoresist which has excellent dispersity and good applying property due to 330cps of viscosity for environment-friendly and economical maskless screen plate making. And the photoresist applied on the screen stretched was exposed without mask by beam projector with CRT light source. Then it was developed by air spray with $1.7kgf/cm^2$ of injection pressure. The pencil hardness and solvent resistance of curing photoresist film were worse than those of conventional photoresist film and the maximum resolution of line image formed by maskless screen plate making was 0.5 mm since the exposure system for maskless plate making has weak light intensity and the diffusion of light. But we could obtain maskless screen plate which has sharp edges of line image and confirm a possibility of dry development process by air spray method.

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The Thickness of a Sensitive Emulsion on the Double Layer Screen Plate (이중층 스크린 인쇄판에 도포된 감광유제의 두께)

  • Jung, Gi-Young;Kang, Young-Reep
    • Journal of the Korean Graphic Arts Communication Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2011
  • Is very simple in tension work of screen mesh for effective printing if worker uses screen mesh of player who desire at screen print process. General method is methods that use mesh of player who want on screen frame as screen plate because tensioned. The single layer screen plate was made from one sheet screen mesh and the double layer screen plate was made from two sheets screen mesh overlapped. The thickness of sensitive emulsion applied to double layer screen plate is more thicker than two time s of thickness of emulsion applied to single layer screen plate. It seems that the sensitive emulsion inserted between an upper layer and a lower layer of double layer screen mesh.

조우니 장비 도입식

  • Kim, Sang-Ho
    • 프린팅코리아
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    • v.10 no.12
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    • pp.114-115
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    • 2011
  • 조우내(대표 이우백)는 지난 11월 3일 파주 출판단지에 위치한 본사에서 100여 명의 고객들과 관계자들이 참석한 가운데 다이니폰스크린 코리아의(대표 전익성) 풀 컬러 초고속 잉크젯 프린팅시스템 Truepress Jet520ZZ의 도입식을 가졌다. 이번 도입으로 조우니는 현재 보유하고 있는 트루프레스셋520 작업라인을 더욱 확장해 One to One 마케팅 시장을 대상으로 최신 생산설비를 갖추고 신속하게 대응할 수 있는 시스템을 공고하게 됐다. 조우니는 지난 1969년, 전산용지를 생산 판매한 이래 40여 년 동안 다양한 제품의 개발과 생산으로 전산관련 업무설계, 처리 및 통계, 전산출력, 봉입발송에 이르기까지 DM토탈 솔루션을 전문적으로 공급해 왔다.

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Technology of carbon sputtering on the mobile phone touch glass for prevention of ITO disconnection (ITO 목단선 방지를 위한 휴대폰 터치글라스상의 카본 스퍼터링 기술 개발)

  • Lee, Su-Yeong;Kim, Si-Myeong;Kim, Sang-Ho;An, U-Yeong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.76-77
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    • 2013
  • 스마트폰 화면의 대형화와 테블릿 PC 비중 확대와 더불어 모바일용 터치스크린의 평균 면적이 확대됨에 따라 휴대폰 터치 글라스상의 ITO의 단락을 방지하기 위하여 carbon black을 이용한 스퍼터링 공법을 진행하였으며, 최적 증착 조건 도출 및 기존 인쇄 방식과 대등한 투과도 수치를 확보하였다.

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