• Title/Summary/Keyword: 수치지형모델

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The Estimation of DTM Accuracy of Aerial Digital Image with Non-photogrammetric Scanner (비 측량용 주사기에 의한 항공수치영상의 DTM 정확도 평가)

  • 박운용;김희규;이인수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2000
  • This study describes the precise DTM by image processing method through scanning the positive film of aerial photo using scanner instead of plotter. First, scanned the positive film of aerial photo by drum scanner and flatbed scanner in different resolution, and then compared the height from image processing method using auto correlation method with height which is taken using $50^m{\times}50^m$ grid in 1 :5,000 geographical map. It shows that heights from aerial photo image of high resolution obtained from scanner are comparable to the heights from 1:5,000 geographical map.

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Numerical modeling of debris flow damaged area Using Hyper KANAKO (Hyper KANAKO 모형을 이용한 토석류 피해지역 수치모델링)

  • Kang, Bae Dong;Jun, Kye won;Kim, Young Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.305-305
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    • 2020
  • 2019년 10월에 발생한 태풍 미탁은 강원도 삼척시 근덕면 궁촌리 기준 시간당 최대 129mm/hr, 누적강수량 488.5mm를 기록하며 폭우와 강풍, 홍수, 토석류 및 산사태로 사망 13명, 실종 2명, 이재민 910세대 1,442명의 인명피해와 공공시설 1,835건, 사유시설 3,700건 등의 재산 피해가 발생하였다. 한편 Hyper KANAKO 모형은 일본에서 개발된 토석류 수치 모델로 오픈소스인 QGIS와 연동되어 도구의 형태로 사용할 수 있어 사용자에게 편리함을 제공하고 토석류 해석 시 침식 및 퇴적작용의 해석이 가능하다. 1차원의 지형(계류)과 2차원의 지형(퇴적부)의 지반설정과 사방댐의 종류(Closed, Slit, Landslide) 및 개수, 위치, 높이 등을 쉽게 조절할 수 있다는 장점이 있다. 또한, DEM을 기반으로 변환 프로그램을 사용하여 구축한 자료인 LP(Laser Profiler) 데이터를 바탕으로 3차원의 지형을 볼 수 있어 2차원의 지형보다 사용자의 직관적인 해석이 가능하다. 본 연구에서는 QGIS와 Hyper KANAKO를 이용하여 태풍 미탁으로 토석류 피해가 발생한 강원도 삼척시 신남지역을 대상으로 DEM과 LP 데이터를 구축하고 수치모델링을 실시하여 현장조사 결과와 비교분석 하였다.

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Numerical Simulation of Tidal Current Patterns for Estuary Morphological Changes using Simple 2D Model (단순모델을 이용한 하구역 지형변화와 해수유동장 변화 수치모의)

  • Lee, Young-Bok;Yoon, Han-Sam;Ryu, Cheong-Ro
    • Proceedings of the Korea Committee for Ocean Resources and Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.445-448
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 기초적인 연구로 낙동강 하구역을 단순 사각형 만의 형상을 가진 지형으로 설정하고 내부 지형의 변화(수심 및 사주 면적)에 따른 해수유동장을 해수유동 수심적분모델로 구축하여 계산하였다. 계산된 유속장 결과를 바탕으로 내부 지형의 대표단면에서의 단면유량플럭스를 계산하여 상호 비교함으로써 하구역내 사주의 생성 및 발달(내부 지형 용적 변화)에 따른 하구역 입구부에서의 해수용적 변화(순환)의 정도를 평가하고자 하였다.

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Distribution of Photovoltaic Energy Including Topography Effect (지형 효과를 고려한 지표면 태양광 분포)

  • Jee, Joon-Bum;Zo, Il-Sung;Lee, Kyu-Tae;Choi, Young-Jean
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.190-199
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    • 2011
  • A photovoltaic energy map that included a topography effect on the Korean peninsula was developed using the Gangneung-Wonju National University (GWNU) solar radiation model. The satellites data (MODIS, OMI and MTSAT-1R) and output data from the Regional Data Assimilation Prediction System (RDAPS) model by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) were used as input data for the GWNU model. Photovoltaic energy distributions were calculated by applying high resolution Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to the topography effect. The distributions of monthly accumulated solar energy indicated that differences caused by the topography effect are more important in winter than in summer because of the dependency on the solar altitude angle. The topography effect on photovoltaic energy is two times larger with 1 km resolution than with 4 km resolution. Therefore, an accurate calculation of the solar energy on the surface requires high-resolution topological data as well as high quality input data.

Effect of Artificial Changes in Geographical Features on Local Wind (인공적 지형변화가 국지풍에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Do-Yong;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2016
  • The effect of artificial changes in geographical features on local wind was analyzed at the construction site of bridge and fill-up bank in the southern part of Haui-do. Geographic Information System (GIS) data and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model were used in this study. Three-dimensional numerical topography based on the GIS data for the target area was constructed for the surface boundary input data of the CFD model. The wind observations at an Automatic Weather Station (AWS) located in Haui-do were used to set-up the model inflows. The seasonal simulations were conducted. The differences in surface wind speed between after and before artificial changes in geographical features were analyzed. The surface wind speed decreases 5 to 20% at the south-western part and below 2% of the spatial average for salt field. There was also marked the effect of artificial changes in geographical features on local wind in the westerly wind case for the target area.

A Method of DTM Generation from KOMPSAT-3A Stereo Images using Low-resolution Terrain Data (저해상도 지형 자료를 활용한 KOMPSAT-3A 스테레오 영상 기반의 DTM 생성 방법)

  • Ahn, Heeran;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.5_1
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    • pp.715-726
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    • 2019
  • With the increasing prevalence of high-resolution satellite images, the need for technology to generate accurate 3D information from the satellite images is emphasized. In order to create a digital terrain model (DTM) that is widely used in applications such as change detection and object extraction, it is necessary to extract trees, buildings, etc. that exist in the digital surface model (DSM) and estimate the height of the ground. This paper presents a method for automatically generating DTM from DSM extracted from KOMPSAT-3A stereo images. The technique was developed to detect the non-ground area and estimate the height value of the ground by using the previously constructed low-resolution topographic data. The average vertical accuracy of DTMs generated in the four experimental sites with various topographical characteristics, such as mountainous terrain, densely built area, flat topography, and complex terrain was about 5.8 meters. The proposed technique would be useful to produce high-quality DTMs that represent precise features of the bare-earth's surface.

Investigating Applicability of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to the Tidal Flat Zone (조간대 갯벌에서 무인항공기 활용 가능성에 관한 연구 - 수치표고모델을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Bum-Jun;Lee, Yoon-Kyung;Choi, Jong-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.461-471
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we generated orthoimages and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) to confirm the accuracy of possibility of geospatial information system generation, then compared the DEM with the topographic height values measured from Real Time Kinematic-GPS (RTK-GPS). The DEMs were generated from aerial triangulation method using fixed-wing UAV and rotary-wing UAV, and DEM based on the waterline method also generated. For the accurate generation of mosaic images and DEM, the distorted images occurred by interior and exterior orientation were corrected using camera calibration. In addition, we set up the 30 Ground Control Points (GPCs) in order to correct of the UAVs position error. Therefore, the mosaic images and DEM were obtained with geometric error less than 30 cm. The height of generated DEMs by UAVs were compared with the levelled elevation by RTK-GPS. The value of R-square is closely 1. From this study, we could confirm that accurate DEM of the tidal flat can be generated using UAVs and these detailed spatial information about tidal flat will be widely used for tidal flat management.

Application of GIS for Selection of Logging Operation Machine (벌출작업 기종의 선정을 위한 GIS 활용)

  • Jeon, Kwon-Seok;Ma, Ho-Seop
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2003
  • This study was aimed at suggest a proper logging method of mountain forest using geographic information system(GIS) based on digital terrain model(DTM) in the National Forest at Mt. Kumsan in Namhae-gun, Gyungsangnam-do, which has about 2,948 ha in area. The areal percentage of 201 to 250m in the elevation was about 15.5%, elevation of 251 to 300m was 14.5%, and 78.75% for higher than 400m. The accumulated areal percentage of below 30% in the gradient was 17.2%, and 81.0% for steeper than 60%. The area for tractor skidding was 17.2%(511.7ha), the area for tractor attached winch skidding was 63.8%(1,896.3ha) and 18.4%(545.5ha) for cable yarding. It is important to choose the proper logging machines for timber harvesting. In general, the selection of logging operation system was affected several major environmental factors like as terrain conditions(slope gradient, slope length) and stand factors. The rate of middle slope gradients in terrain conditions showed higher than that of steep slope gradients in this area. Therefore, it considered that the logging operation system in this area could apply to tractor+winch operating machine according to terrain conditions.

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Run-up Height around Axis-symmetric Topographies (축 대칭 지형에서의 처오름 높이)

  • Jung, Tae-Hwa;Ryu, Yong-Uk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.539-546
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we develop numerical model using the elliptic mild-slope equation for waves propagating around axis-symmetric topographies where the water depth varies arbitrarily having zero at the coastline. The entire region is divided into three regions. In the both of inner and outer regions, an existing analytical solutions are used. In the middle region, the finite element technique is applied to the governing equation. To get the solution, the methods of separation of variables, Frobenius series are used. Developed solution is validated by comparing with previously developed analytical solution. We also investigate various cases with different bottom topographies.

Reference Points Selection for Interpolation in Digital Elevation Model (수치표고모델의 보간기준점 선정에 관한 연구)

  • 최병길;김욱남;진세일
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2003
  • The method that selects reference points for interpolation is very important in Digital Elevation Model. However, there is no definition of an accurate standard until now, so users select the reference points for interpolation at their option. This paper aims to study on the accurate selection of the reference points for interpolation of DEM. This paper analyzed the method using the number of points and the reference points selection method by using the average distance calculated, from irregular points. Based on the analysis of the results, it shows that the Kriging method applying of the average distance is more efficient in construction of DEM.