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Types of Motivations and Activities to Participate in the Community among the Human Safety Net in Eupmyun-dong, Busan: Focusing on Latent Class Analysis (부산광역시 읍면동 인적안전망의 지역사회 참여 동기와 활동유형: 잠재계층분석을 중심으로)

  • 문영주
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.189-224
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the motivations of participating in the community and activity types among major components of a human safety net in Eupmyun-dong, Busan. This includes the heads of Tongs, members of residents' associations, members of community social security association, and members of local organizations that are active as performers of collaborative local governance. Its primary goals were to identify latent classes in the motivations and activities to participate in the community among the human safety net and explore factors influencing this classification of latent classes. Furthermore, it aimed to examine differences in the sense of community among the latent classes. For these goals, the investigator conducted a survey with 940 participants who were heads of Tongs, members of residents' associations, members of Eup, Myun, and Dong-based community social security association, and members of local organizations in three autonomous districts, A, B, and C, in Busan Metropolitan City. Latent class analysis was conducted by evaluating 936 questionnaires that were returned based on the Mplus 8.1 statistical package. The study also used R3STEP and BCH, a three-step estimation method by method of auxiliary variables. The findings show that there were five latent classes in the motivations and activities to participate in the community among the human safety net. They were named "policy promotion," "sharing and identification," "specialized projects," "volunteer activities," and "low level of activities." Secondly, this classification of latent classes was under the statistically significant influences of gender, age, type of residence, length of residence, perceptions of severity of social problem, and perceptions of social inequality. Finally, the types of "policy promotion" and "sharing and identification" had a higher sense of community than the type of "low level of activities." Based on these findings, the study proposed a need for various efforts to help the human safety net effectively serve its roles.

A Journey from Immigration to Diaspora - Focusing on Kim Chang-keol's Works After Liberation - (이민(移民)에서 이산(離散)으로의 여정 - 김창걸의 해방 후 작품을 중심으로 -)

    • 한국학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.75-100
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    • 2019
  • This thesis tried to find how the Manchurian Koreans who had experienced Chinese civil war, the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Korean War and remained in the Northeast China got their identity as a Korean Chinese. Kim Chang-keol is an important writer who is regarded as a founder and pioneer of Korean Chinese literature. This is because he joined in both Korean literature of Manchuria and Korean Chinese literature in China and enabled the continuity of Korean-Chinese literature. He started from Man-sun Daily before liberation, then did literary creation in Man-sun Daily. However, in 1943, he declared that he would stop writing and broke his writing brush. It was January 1950, after the establishement of the People's Republic of China, that Kim Chang-keol restarted writing. The New Village which was awarded in Sinchoon Literary Contest of East-North Korean People's Press in 1950 showed a typical model of rural area that well developed by mutual cooperation under the leadership of the new country's new government. The following two works, The People of the Village(1951) and The Victory of the Village(1951) seem to be the novels about National Counter-revolutionary movement, but are the important works that gave a glimpse of the Korean War, the repercussions of the Korean-Chinese community in Northeast China and their perceptions of the Korean War. These two works indicated that the Korean War was to prevent the invasion of North Korea by the U. S. Army and Syngman Rhee's government, and called on Korean Chinese to join the war for the victory of North Korea's socialist revolution. In addition, for the Korean Chinese in China, this period was the time that the ideological tendency played a more important part than ethnic identity. On the other hand, People Who Know Happiness showed that the desire of the individual should be erased in front of the significance of nation building and indicated that it's possible to be realized by treating Mao Zedong as an idol. During the New China's construction period, the Korean-Chinese youth, not only the national identity but also formed a personal identity as Chinese citizen. In this way, Kim Chang-keol's Works After Liberation showed the fate of the Korean Chinese, the change and development of their identity and the diaspora living of the Korean people who are a minority and Chinese citizens.

An Examination of the Korean Association of Social Workers' Code of Ethics in Practice: the Present and Future (한국사회복지사윤리강령의 개정 필요성과 방향에 관한 연구)

  • 최명민;황보람;김기덕;김욱;유서구;이순민
    • Journal of Korean social welfare administration
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.171-202
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the extent to which the current KASW code of ethics works in social work practice and to propose, if necessary, the future of the KASW code of ethics. This study is firstly to analyse the KASW Code of ethics in terms of contents as well as structures, by comparing it with those in the United States, Canada, Britain, Sweden, and Australia.. This study is also to compare the KASW Code of ethics with those of other professional associations in Korea such as doctors and nurses. Lastly, this study is to conduct both a survey of 429 social workers using a structured questionnaire, and focus-group interviews with 8 social workers, all of whose participants are enrolled in the KASW Research Panel Group. The findings are as follows. The current KASW code of ethics lacks core values and ethical principles that those in other key countries contain. It also fails to recognize the importance of ethical guidances that other professional associations emphasize. Most importantly, social workers ungently demand a revision of the KASW code of conduct in a way of reflecting the societal change in the 21st century. This study suggests that the KASW should revise its code of ethics in the near future, and that its contents should deal with key issues including diversity, inclusiveness, right to protect social workers from harms, accountability of social agencies, and that its way should be responsive to the voices of social workers in practice settings.

Contemporary urbanism represented in game : Focusing on 'Hacking' and 'Parkour' system (게임 <와치독2>에서 재현되는 현대 도시성)

  • Kwangtaek Park;Seungjea Lee;Sangjoon Bae
    • Global Cultural Contents
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    • no.34
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    • pp.67-91
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    • 2018
  • This article analyzed how contemporary urbanism is revealed in the digital game (2016) with the contemporary city as a setting. The city in the game is a precisely directed space, so the experience of the user in the space has a special meaning. It's because the urbanism implied in player's game experience. Urbanism is properties of the city constructed between citizen's everyday life and space. Of course, it as the self of the city is influenced by cultural tradition and modern infrastructure. Therefore, contemporary cities inherit the modernity that is standard and norm, and at the same time, it can be unique space caused by network system installed around the city. In this context, contemporary citizenry accepts the urbanism as matter of course but try to surpass the modern limits and imprisonment of the network. This challenge reveals as resistance, creativity, and amusement in the relation in contemporary urbanism. Hacking and parkour are the representative examples of resistance, creativity and amusement acts of the citizen in the virtual and non-virtual environment. A protagonist in the game is a hacker and also traceur who resist modern network power. The playable character does the hacking and parkour striding the city. And these acts melt into the worldview, interface, and visualization to represent contemporary urbanism. In this regard, hacking and parkour performed by the player character are interfaced in different ways, giving the user a creative urban experience of the city in the game. In addition, the game's high-angle view of the hacked CCTV and the low-angle view of the small device show contemporary people's play on the city. This way, city people represented in are not different from contemporary fläneur who actively practice. Consequently, the city as the space in the game contents are not just settings, but one of the important axes that implies the message of the contents.

The 29th PEN International Congress in Tokyo and the Cold War Culture historic meaning and prospect (제 29차 도쿄 국제펜대회(1957)와 냉전문화사적 의미와 지평)

  • 박연희
    • 한국학연구
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    • no.49
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    • pp.189-222
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this paper is to examine the process of support on the Korea PEN by The Asia Foundation. During the Cold War, the Asia Foundation is an American nonprofit organization which has supported major Asian nations in country rebuilding, anticommunist education, and cultural activities. This foundation established an office in an aid-receiving country and actively attracted local literary people to participate in various cultural programs. In Korea, above all, this culture-aiding system contributed to expanding the international base of Korean literature. For example, after the establishment of PEN Korean Center in 1954 through the aid and intervention of the Asia Foundation, it was able to institutionalize the program for the translation and introduction of Korean literature. The activities of the Korea PEN focused on the translation of culture which specialized in the characteristics of Korean literature and the difference of the Eastern literature. In this respect, the "Resolution on Translation", which had been passed in the 29th international PEN in Japan, has a significant meaning. In the PEN conference of Japan, the role of Japan had been stressed on the bridge between the Asian literature and international literature, and in particular, the assignment of Kawabata Yasunari, the president of Japan PEN, stood out at the meeting. In this context, this paper examined the business contents of Korea PEN and the aspect of increase in literary translations and their relating book reviews which had changed after the 29th international PEN in Japan. More importantly, from the international acceptance of Korean writer, Hwan Sunwon, in Encounter published in 1959, this paper paid attention to the translation forum of the Korean literature of 1950s which had been shaped as the output of the Asia Foundation.

A study on the Management Status of Free Semester in Special Schools and Special Teachers' Awareness (특수학교 자유학기제 운영 실태 및 특수교사의 인식)

  • 백지혜;박재국
    • The Journal of Special Children Education
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.69-106
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the management status of free semester in special schools and special school teachers' awareness. Method: For this investigation, twnety five special schools that offers the free semester in 2017 were selected as subjects of this study and the questionnaire surveys were implemented on special school teachers from two metropolitan cities and six cities, together with the analysis based on 218 surveys. The questionnaire consisted of basic information about teachers, performance levels of special school free semester, and awareness about the management status of free semester for special school. Results: The results of the statistical analysis of the free semester operations plan and the collected data are as follows. First, the number of lessons per week in the free semester did not change much, but the number of lessons in the basic subjects was significantly reduced for the free semester. Second, the performance levels of the special school free semester was found to be average level, There was a high level of awareness of club activities and curriculum administration in the sub - areas of free semester activities, and the recognition level of topic selection activities was a little low. Third, the overall level of awareness of special education teachers about the operation of special school free semester is above the average level. Especially, the level of awareness about the operation plan and the application of the program was high, and the operating environment and the effect of the result were a little low. Conclusion: The results of this study are compared with the previous studies and discussions for efficient management of special school free semester were discussed in the discussion.

Ionospheric Responses to the May 2024 G5 Geomagnetic Storm Over Korea, Captured by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) Near Real-Time Ionospheric Monitoring System (2024년 5월 G5 지자기 폭풍 때 한반도 상공 전리권 변화: 한국천문연구원 준 실시간 전리권 감시 시스템 관측 결과를 중심으로)

  • Woo Kyoung Lee;Hyosub Kil;Byung-Kyu Choi;Junseok Hong;Se-Heon Jeong;Sujin Kim;Jeong-Heon Kim;Dong-Hyo Sohn;Kyoung-Min Roh;Sung-Moon Yoo;Tae-Yong Yang;Jaeheung Park;Jong-Kyun Chung;Young-Sil Kwak
    • Journal of Space Technology and Applications
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.210-219
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates various ionospheric and thermospheric disturbances around the Korean Peninsula during the G5 geomagnetic storm occurred on May 10, 2024. This level of storm was the first of its magnitude in 21 years, resulting in auroras visible even in South Korea and severe space weather worldwide. The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute has been providing ionospheric information over Korea through total electron content (TEC) measurements from the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) and monitoring the impact of ionospheric disturbances on GNSS signals by operating five GNSS scintillation stations in Korea and other countries. During this storm period, large amplitudes of TEC variations were observed over South Korea, along with anomalous TEC enhancements accompanied by strong scintillations at night and persistent TEC depletion on the dayside during the storm's recovery phase. Such daytime TEC depletion disturbances are quite rare, typically occurring only a few times throughout the 11-year solar cycle. While the association of persistent TEC depletion during the daytime with neutral composition disturbances was identified through observations, the causes of TEC enhancement and strong scintillation at night remain unclear. We speculate that the uplift of the ionosphere by storm-induced electric fields is responsible for the TEC enhancement and scintillation, but this hypothesis requires validation based on additional observational data.

Development of an Automated Algorithm for Analyzing Rainfall Thresholds Triggering Landslide Based on AWS and AMOS

  • Donghyeon Kim;Song Eu;Kwangyoun Lee;Sukhee Yoon;Jongseo Lee;Donggeun Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.9
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2024
  • This study presents an automated Python algorithm for analyzing rainfall characteristics to establish critical rainfall thresholds as part of a landslide early warning system. Rainfall data were sourced from the Korea Meteorological Administration's Automatic Weather System (AWS) and the Korea Forest Service's Automatic Mountain Observation System (AMOS), while landslide data from 2020 to 2023 were gathered via the Life Safety Map. The algorithm involves three main steps: 1) processing rainfall data to correct inconsistencies and fill data gaps, 2) identifying the nearest observation station to each landslide location, and 3) conducting statistical analysis of rainfall characteristics. The analysis utilized power law and nonlinear regression, yielding an average R2 of 0.45 for the relationships between rainfall intensity-duration, effective rainfall-duration, antecedent rainfall-duration, and maximum hourly rainfall-duration. The critical thresholds identified were 0.9-1.4 mm/hr for rainfall intensity, 68.5-132.5 mm for effective rainfall, 81.6-151.1 mm for antecedent rainfall, and 17.5-26.5 mm for maximum hourly rainfall. Validation using AUC-ROC analysis showed a low AUC value of 0.5, highlighting the limitations of using rainfall data alone to predict landslides. Additionally, the algorithm's speed performance evaluation revealed a total processing time of 30 minutes, further emphasizing the limitations of relying solely on rainfall data for disaster prediction. However, to mitigate loss of life and property damage due to disasters, it is crucial to establish criteria using quantitative and easily interpretable methods. Thus, the algorithm developed in this study is expected to contribute to reducing damage by providing a quantitative evaluation of critical rainfall thresholds that trigger landslides.

The Impact of Edu-Tech and Tangible and Intangible Services of Private Institutes on parents' Intention for Re-Enrollment: The Moderating Effect of Rapport-Building Behavior (학원의 에듀테크특성과 유·무형적서비스가 학부모의 재수강의도에 미치는 영향: 라포형성행동의 조절효과)

  • Jeon, Ji-Yeon;Ha, Tae-Kwan
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.127-139
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    • 2024
  • This study investigates the impact of edutech characteristics and both tangible and intangible educational services on the intention to re-enroll, which is directly related to the management performance of private institutes. The study aims to propose strategies to improve re-enrollment intentions and management performance based on the findings. Private education has grown continuously, complementing the limitations of public education and increasing parental dependence. This study tested the hypothesis that edutech characteristics, intangible services, and tangible services, increasingly utilized with the development of information and communication technology, would influence re-enrollment intentions. It also examined whether rapport-building behavior with parents would have a moderating effect on this relationship. The hypothesis testing results showed that among the edutech characteristics, content, intangible services such as reliability and empathy, and tangible services such as tangibility and payment accessibility positively impacted re-enrollment intentions. The hypothesis that rapport-building behavior would moderate the relationship between educational services and re-enrollment intentions was supported for empathy in intangible services and tangibility in tangible services. Based on these findings, the study proposed three strategies to improve management performance of private institutes. First, in terms of improving and managing edutech characteristics, it suggested introducing and updating edutech content and ensuring operational stability. Second, for improving and managing intangible services, it recommended managing instructor recruitment and training to enhance quality and competence, maintaining professionalism through continuous education by credible institutions, and providing level-based education for students based on the qualitative improvement of educational programs. Third, to improve and manage tangible services, it suggested setting appropriate tuition fees, offering various payment methods (online, mobile, card, bank transfer) unrestricted by time and place, and equipping interiors and facilities that enable focused learning. Additionally, considering the moderating effect of rapport-building behavior, it emphasized that improvements and management requiring costs are necessary, but making parents feel a high level of tangibility through rapport-building is also important. Furthermore, given the increasing importance of edutech based on information and communication technology, the study highlighted the need for various support measures such as government technological support and venture certification system support for institutes with an entrepreneurial spirit aiming to introduce innovative technologies such as AI technology based on large language models and AR/VR-applied metaverse environments. This study is expected to help improve the management performance of private institutes by specifically suggesting items and methods for improvement and management in the educational field.

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Factor Influencing Unmet Healthcare Needs among People with Disabilities (장애인의 미충족의료 경험에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Bo Hui Park;Kyoung Eun Yeob;Eun Hye Choi;So Young Kim;Jong Hyock Park
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.271-281
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    • 2024
  • Background: The unmet healthcare needs (UHNs) of people with disabilities (PWD) are not only detrimental to their quality of life but also can lead to serious health outcomes including death. A variety of factors including socioeconomic, personal, and environmental factors affect UHNs for PWD. Previous studies focused on individual socioeconomic and disability characteristics as influencing factors. Our studies included environmental factors that have a significant impact on the use of healthcare service by PWD. Methods: We analyzed the UHNs status and influencing factors among 4,326 adults with disabilities using the Korea Disability Life Data. Chisquare analysis identified differences in UHNs by general, disability, and environmental characteristics. Logistic regression determined factors affecting UHNs. Results: Those with low educational level (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.229; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.024-1.475), those with low income level (aOR, 1.416; 95% CI, 1.015-1.976), those who enrolled in private insurance (aOR, 1.234; 95% CI, 1.018-1.496), those who need help with daily living (aOR, 1.298; 95% CI, 1.059-1.592), those who did not go out (OR, 1.566; 95% CI, 1.274-1.924), those who use taxis (aOR, 1.407; 95% CI, 1.047-1.891) or call taxi for people with disabilities when going to the hospital (aOR, 1.370; 95% CI, 1.001-1.875), the communication disabled (aOR, 1.304; 95% CI, 1.029-1.651), those with poor subjective health status (aOR, 1.248; 95% CI, 1.043-1.494), those who felt the explanation of treatment results was insufficient (aOR, 4.035; 95% CI, 1.365-11.927), hose dissatisfied with healthcare services (aOR, 3.515; 95% CI, 2.741-4.508) were more likely to experience UHNs. Conclusion: Effective healthcare service provision for PWD requires not only financial assistance but also social support, along with education for healthcare staff, policies that consider the characteristics of disabilities.