This paper illustrate residual hearing and socio-medical background on the hearing impaired children, 207 comming to Deaf School. attached to Hankuk Social Work College, Taegu, Korea. The survey was performed through interview with their parents and testing by diagnostic audio-meter (TRIO, AS 105 type) at soundproof room from March 10, to November 28, 1973. The results obtained were as follows. 1) The attendance rate of the compulsory primary school was markedly lower tendency in female than male according to directly proportional to prevalence rate of deafness among them. If was showed the deeper gap in the more superior school (middle and high school). 2) Who entered at the suitable age to each school (six years old to primary school, 12 years to middle and 15 years to high) was 11.3%. And who were enrolled in school age to each school (6-11 years for primary. 12-14 years for middle and 15-17 years for high) was 45.9% (43.7% in male, 50.0% in female). 3) As causative disease, congenital case, were 23.6% included of 13.5% of heredity and 10.1% of troubles during pregnancy; the total acquired cases were 47.9%, it was classified as 11.6% of convulsion from any other diseases, 7.7% of measles, 7.7% of other febrile diseases, 3.4% of drug (the most of streptomycin) intoxication, 2.4% of meningitis, 1.5% of epidemic encephalitis and 31.3% of other diseases; and unknown cases were 28.5%. 4) 31.4% of who included congenital cases lost their hearing within six months old, 11.6% in 6-11 months. 9.7% in 1-2 years old and 14.0% in 2-3years old. Consequently we obtained that the most cases 90.0% were lost their hearing within 3 years after birth. 5) According to qualities of hearing leases the most of cases were perceptive, 197(97.5%), only two cases were conductive, and eight cases were mixed. 6) The status of residual hearing according to average grade of hearing loss. $B(=\frac{a+2b+c}{4}$ as table 13) were as follows. Two cases were normal (one was mute and another was severe speach disorder). Ten cases, moderate. Moderately severe cases were 40 (19.3%). Severe cases, 38(18.4%). Scale out, profound cases, 48 (23.3%). And impossible testing cases because that were infantile or had some mental disorder were 69 (33.3%). 7) The using rate of hearing aides was only 12.0%. Among them who had some more residual hearing and could showed hearing effect with hearing aide have used more many proportionary but who were difficult to expect that effect were rare.
Feather, generated in large quantities as a byproduct of commercial poultry processing, is almost pure keratin, which is not easily degradable by common professes. Four strains, SMMJ-2, FL-3, NO-4 and RM-12 were isolated from soil for production of extracellular keratinolytic protease. They were identified as Bacillus sp. based on their morphological and physiological characteristics. They shown high protease activity on 5.0% skim milk agar medium and produced a substrate like mucoid on keratin agar medium. Bacillus sp. SMMJ-2 had a faster production time for producing keratinolytic protease than other strains. This strain did not completely degrade whole chicken feather for five days in basal medium but completely degraded whole chicken feather when supplied with nitrogen source for 40hours in keratinolytic producing medium ($0.7%\;K_{2}HPO_{4},\;0.2%\;KH_{2}PO_{4},\;0.1%$ fructose, 1.2% whole chicken feather, $0.01%\;Na_{2}CO_3$, pH 7.0). When supplied with chicken feather as nitrogen source, keratinolytic protease activity was 89 units/ml/min. When soybean meal was used as nitrogen source, the keratinolytic protease production reached a maximum of 106 units/ml/min after 48 hours under $30^{\circ}C$, 180 agitation. To isolate the keratinolytic protease, the culture filtrate was precipitated with $(NH_4)_{2}SO_4$ and acetone. The recovery rate of keratinolytic protease was about 96% after treatment with 50% acetone. The enzyme was stable in the range of $30{\sim}50^{\circ}C$ and pH $6.0{\sim}12.0$.
A series of four in vitro experiments were conducted to evaluate condensed molasses solubles (CMS) as a source of nitrogen for ruminal microbes. In experiment 1, as compared with urea, the value of CMS as a nitrogen source was examined. In experiment 2, to determine the time needed for maximal response of microbial synthesis, the treatments were incubated for increasing times (from 6 h to 16 h). Because a sediment that was assumed to cause nitrogen loss was found after incubation in experiments 1 and 2, it was decided to avoid formation of sediment using sugar instead of molasses or a shorter time incubation (experiments 3 and 4). Furthermore, in experiment 4, because the extent to which ammonia nitrogen is released from CMS and urea before 6 h of incubation was uncertain, it was decided to examine the peaks of concentrations of ammonia nitrogen released from CMS and urea by sampling after 2 h incubation. There was no significant difference in the concentration of microbial-N between molasses/CMS and molasses/ urea treatments in experiment 1, although there were greater decreases in ammonia concentration with the molasses/CMS treatment. The microbial protein synthesis was increased progressively until 10 h for both treatments (experiment 2). Although ingredients that were completely soluble (sucrose, urea) were used in experiment 3, the sediment was still evident suggesting that the sediment was largely of microbial not feed origin. Ammonia release from CMS was much faster than from urea during 2 h incubation. In conclusion, the results of the present studies suggest that the feed value of CMS as a source of nitrogen for ruminal bacteria was similar to that of urea when it was estimated in vitro.
An ecological study on pathogenic vibrios was done in the aquatic environments of southern coast of Korea during summer in 1995, to investigate the distribution and relationship between pathogenic vibrio and zooplankton. Furthermore, special emphasis was given to study on the efforts of zooplankton existence on the wintering of Vibrio cholerae in the aquatic region in Korea. During the study period, pathogenic vibrios were isolated from the samples such as V. parahaemolyticus, V. vulnificus, V. mimicus, and V. cholerae non O1, but V. cholerae O1 was not detected in any sample submitted in this study. Adsorption ratio of V. parahaemolyticus onto zooplankton was higher than that of E. coli. The efficiency of adsorption was found to be on the concentration of NaCl and other ions found in sea water. For example, adsorption ratio of V. parahaemolyticus were $75\%\;at\;5\%_{\circ}$ of NaCl solution and $55\%$ at same salinity of diluted sea water, but those were decreased as $20\%\;and\;7\%\;at\;15\%_{\circ}$ salinity of NaCl solution and diluted sea water, respectively. In addition, survival period of pathogenic vibrio was extended in the presence of live copepods at $25^{\circ}C$, but zooplankton existence has no significant effect on the survival rate at $5^{\circ}C$ in closed microcosm and also microalgae and dead copepods do not affect on the survival of V. parahaemolyticus. According to these experimental results, zooplankton has positive effects on the growth and survival rate of pathogenic vibrios in sea water during the summer season, but copepods have no significant effects on the growth and survival rate of them in winter season in Korea. Finally, authors suggest that V. cholerae is not able to over winter with zooplankton in adjacent sea water in Korea.
To assess the status of industrial injuries, a large scale textile company located around Taegu city was selected. And it was investigated from January 1981 to December 1982. After the department for workers safety was established, frequency rate of injury was 9.70 in 1981 and 4.15 in 1982, incidence rate per 1,000 workers was 27.11 in 1981 and 12.96 in 1982, and then, intensity rate was 0.33 in 1981 and 0.01 in 1982. The average duration of working loss was 36.64 days in 1981 and 3.34 in 1982. The incidence rate per 100 workers was 2.3 in annual average, 2.7 in men and 2.0 in women. The monthly incidence rate per 1,000 workers was highest as 3.6 in June; daily incidence rate, lowest as 1.8 on Sunday; and the highest as 14.7 from 10 to 12 o'clock in a day. The frequency by injured parts of body was highest as 42.3% on finger and 14.4% on the other part of hand, and the lower extremities as 14.4% followed. According to the kind of injuries, the laceration was the highest as 46.1%, the next was contusion as 15.4%, and the third was superficial injuries as 6.7%, According to the cause of injuries, the machinery accidents showed the highest as 47.1% and the accidents due to hand tool followed as 16.3%. By underlying cause of injuries, the environmental factors were 13.5% and the human factors 86.5%. The psychologic factors among human factors were the most common as 60.6%.
Stress-susceptible pigs have been known as the porcine stress syndrome (PSS), swine PSS, also known as malignant hyperthermia (MH), is characterized as sudden death and production of poor meat quality such as PSE (pale, soft and exudative) meat after slaughtering. PSS and PSE meat cause major economic losses in the pig industry. A point mutation in the gene coding for the ryanodine receptor (RYR1) in porcine skeletal muscle, also known calcium (Ca$^{2+}$) release channel, has been associated with swine PSS and halothane sensitivity. We used the PCR-RFLP(restriction fragment length polymorphism) and PCR-SSCP (single strand conformation polymorphism) methods to detect the PSS gene mutation (C1843T) in the RYR1 gene and to estimate genotype frequencies of PSS gene in Korean pig breed populations. In PCR-RFLP and SSCP analyses, three genotypes of homozygous normal (N/M), heterozygous carrier (N/n) and homozygous recessive mutant (n/n) were detected using agarose or polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, respectively. The proportions of normal, carrier and PSS pigs were 57.1, 35.7 and 7.1% for Landrace, 82.5, 15.8 and 1.7% far L. Yorkshire, 95.2, 4.8 and 0.0% for Duroc and 72.0, 22.7 and 5.3% for Crossbreed. Consequently, DNA-based diagnosis for the identification of stress-susceptible pigs of PSS and pigs producing PSE meat is a powerful technique. Especially, PCR-SSCP method may be useful as a rapid, sensitive and inexpensive test for the large-scale screening of PSS genotypes and pigs with PSE meat in the pork industry.y.
This paper intends to describe the carrier's duty for the delivery of international air cargo and the carrier's liability for the illegal delivery of cargo under the Montreal Convention, lATA Conditions of Carriage for Cargo and judicial precedents. Under the Article 13 of Montreal Convention, the consignee is entitled, on arrival of the cargo at the place of destination, to require the carrier to deliver the cargo to it, on payment of the charge due and on complying with the conditions of carriage. And unless it is otherwise agreed, it is the duty of the carrier to give notice to the consignee as soon as the cargo arrives. Under the Article 18 of Montreal Convention, the carrier is liable for damage sustained in the event of the destruction or less of or damage to, cargo upon condition only that the event which caused the damage so sustained took place during the carriage by air. And the carriage by air comprises by the period during which the cargo is in the carriage of the carrier. Under the Article 11 of lATA Conditions of Carriage for Cargo, carrier is liable to shipper, consignee of any other person for damage sustained in the event of destruction of loss of, or damage to, or delay in the carriage of cargo only if the occurrence which caused to the damage so sustained took place during the carriage as defined under Article 1. According to the precedent of Korean Supreme Court sentenced on 22 July 2004, the freight forwarder as carrier was not liable for the illegal delivery of cargo to the notify party (actual importer) on the airway bill by the bonded warehouse operator because the freight forwarder did not designate the bonded warehouse and did not hold the position of employer to the bonded warehouse operator. In conclusion, the carrier or freight forwarder should pay always attention the movement and condition of the cargo not to be liable for the illegal delivery of cargo.
Kwon, Oh-Gyeong;Shin, Jin-Hee;Kabir, F. Md.;Lee, Jae-Kook;Lee, DongWoon
Horticultural Science & Technology
Sugar beet cyst nematode, Heterodera schachtii, causes serious economic losses worldwide in Brassicaceae crops. In 2011, this nematode was first found in highland vegetable cultivation areas in Korea, and thereafter spread to the surrounding healthy Chinese cabbage fields. However, little has been documented on the biological and ecological characteristics of the sugar beet nematode in highland vegetable cultivation areas. In this study the dispersal of the sugar beet cyst nematode was examined, focusing on spreading through soil and/or water infested with the nematode. When farmers with work boots trampled on Chinese cabbage fields for 10 minutes, the number of cysts recovered from the soil attached to the working differed depending on the research sites. Under irrigation conditions of 2, 4, and 8 liters of water per $m^2$, the amounts of soils attached on the bottom of the work boots and the number of healthy cysts in the soils increased significantly with the increase in soil moisture, although the total number of cysts, eggs, and juveniles did not increase significantly. After driving on the farm road adjacent to cabbage fields infested with the sugar beet cyst nematode, cysts were also recovered from the soil attached to the vehicle's tires, suggesting that the sugar beet cyst nematode can spread to new fields through soil carried by vehicles and by farmers. An excavator and a motor truck could deliver 41 kg and 224 g, respectively, of soil on the shovel shoes and the wheels to other locations during the Chinese cabbage harvest, suggesting that farming equipment and transportation vehicles may be vital means by which the cyst nematode spreads to non-infested fields in the highland area of Korea. Runoff water also contained cysts, whose amounts increased after water irrigation onto the ridges to simulate rainy conditions, with no significant difference in the number of cysts with increasing amounts of irrigation water. All of these results confirmed that the sugar beet cyst nematode spreads through soil attached to work boots, harvesting tools, and transportation vehicles, especially during the harvest time, and through runoff water on rainy days. These observations suggest that personal sanitization and cleaning of working tools and vehicles are one of the most important means to prevent the dispersal of the sugar beet cyst nematode in fields.
Jung, Kyeongsoo;Chae, U-Ri;Chae, Ho Keun;Chung, Myeong-Sug;Lee, Joo-Yeoun
Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
In today's global energy market, the importance of green energy is emerging. Hydrogen energy is the future clean energy source and one of the pollution-free energy sources. In particular, the fuel cell method using hydrogen enhances the flexibility of renewable energy and enables energy storage and conversion for a long time. Therefore, it is considered to be a solution that can solve environmental problems caused by the use of fossil resources and energy problems caused by exhaustion of resources simultaneously. The purpose of this study is to efficiently produce hydrogen using plasma, and to study the optimization of DME reforming by checking the reforming reaction and yield according to temperature. The research method uses a 2.45 GHz electromagnetic plasma torch to produce hydrogen by reforming DME(Di Methyl Ether), a clean fuel. Gasification analysis was performed under low temperature conditions ($T3=1100^{\circ}C$), low temperature peroxygen conditions ($T3=1100^{\circ}C$), and high temperature conditions ($T3=1376^{\circ}C$). The low temperature gasification analysis showed that methane is generated due to unstable reforming reaction near $1100^{\circ}C$. The low temperature peroxygen gasification analysis showed less hydrogen but more carbon dioxide than the low temperature gasification analysis. Gasification analysis at high temperature indicated that methane was generated from about $1150^{\circ}C$, but it was not generated above $1200^{\circ}C$. In conclusion, the higher the temperature during the reforming reaction, the higher the proportion of hydrogen, but the higher the proportion of CO. However, it was confirmed that the problem of heat loss and reforming occurred due to the structural problem of the gasifier. In future developments, there is a need to reduce incomplete combustion by improving gasifiers to obtain high yields of hydrogen and to reduce the generation of gases such as carbon monoxide and methane. The optimization plan to produce hydrogen by steam plasma reforming of DME proposed in this study is expected to make a meaningful contribution to producing eco-friendly and renewable energy in the future.
Paddy fields are apparently nonpoint source pollution and influence water environment. In order to improve water quality in rivers or lakes, to low nutrient load from paddy fields are required. To establish comprehensive plan to control agricultural non-point source pollution, it is imperative to get a quantitative evaluation on pollutants and pollution load from paddy fields. A field monitoring study was carried out to investigate the water balance and losses of nutrients from fields in Sumjin river basin. The size of paddy fields was 115 ha and the fields were irrigated from a pumping station. The observed total nitrogen loads from paddy fields were larger than those of the unit loads determined by Ministry of Environment data (MOE). It is because the nitrogen fertilization level at the studied field was higher than the recommended rate and the high irrigation and subsequent drainage amount. On the contrary, total phosphorus loads were less than those addressed by MOE since phosphorus fertilization level was lower than that of standard level. Therefore, it was found that fertilization, irrigation, and drainage management are key factors to determine nutrient losses from paddy fields. When the runoff losses of nutrients were compared to applied chemical fertilizer, it was found that 42 to 60% of nitrogen lost via runoff while runoff losses of phosphorus account for 1.3 to 7.6% of the total applied amount during the entire year.
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④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
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- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
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당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
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서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.