• Title/Summary/Keyword: 소형펀치

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Creep Damage and Hardness Properties for 9Cr Steel by SP-Creep Test Technique (SP-Creep 시험기법에 의한 9Cr강의 크리프 손상과 경도 특성)

  • Baek, Seung-Se;Lyu, Dae-Young;Kim, Jeong-Ki;Kwon, Il-Hyun;Chung, Se-Hee;Yu, Hyo-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2001
  • It has recently been raised main issue how solve the problem of insufficient energy. One of the solution is to increase the thermal efficiency of power generation system. For the purpose of high efficiency, it is necessary to increase the steam temperature and pressure. So, the use of modified $9{\sim}12%Cr$ steel having superior creep rupture strength and oxidation resistance is required to endure such severe environment. The evaluation of creep properties of those heat resistance material is very important to secure the reliability of high temperature and pressure structural components. Since creep properties are determined by microstructural change such as carbide precipitation and coarsening, It is certain that there are some relationship between creep properties and hardness affected by microstructure. In this study, SP-Creep ruptured test for newly developed 9Cr steel being used as boiler valve material was performed, and creep properties of the material were evaluated. Also, hardness test were performed and hardness results were related to the creep properties such as LMP and creep strength to verify the availability of SP-Creep test as creep test method.

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Development of High Temperature Creep Properties Evaluation Method using Miniature Specimen (미소시험편을 이용한 고온 크리프 특성 평가법 개발)

  • Yu, Hyo-Sun;Baek, Seung-Se;Lee, Song-In;Ha, Jeong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2000
  • In this study, a small punch creep(SP-Creep) test using miniaturized specimen$(10{\times}10{\times}0.5mm)$ has been described for the development of the newly semi-destructive creep test method for high temperature structural components such as headers and tubes of boiler turbine casino and rotor and reactor vessel. The SP-Creep testing technique has been applied to 2.25Cr-1Mo(STBA24) steel used widely as boiler tube material and the creep test temperature are varied at $550^{\circ}C{\sim}600^{\circ}C$. The overall deformations of SP-Creep curves are definitely depended with applied load and creep test temperature and show the creep behaviors of three steps like conventional uniaxial creep curves. The steady state creep rate${\delta}_{ss}$ of SP-Creep curve for miniaturized specimen increases with increasing creep temperature, but the exponential value with creep loading is decreased. The activation energy$(Q_{spc})$ during SP-Creep deformation with various test temperatures shows 605.7kJ/mol that is g.eater than 467.4kJ/mol reported in uniaxial creep test. This may be caused by the difference of stress states during creep deformation In two creep test. But from the experimental results, e.g. SP-Creep curve behaviors, the steady state creep rate${\delta}_{ss}$ with creep temperature, and the exponential value(n) with creep loading, it can be summarized that the SP-Creep test may be a useful test method to evaluate the creep properties of the heat resisting material.

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A Study on Material Degradation Evaluation of 9Cr1MoVNb Steel by Micromechanics Test Method (미소역학 시험기법에 의한 9Cr1MoVNb강의 열화도 평가)

  • Baek, Seung-Se;Na, Sung-Hoon;Yoo, Hyun-Chul;Lee, Song-In;Ahn, Haeng-Gun;Yu, Hyo-Sun
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.105-110
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    • 2000
  • The Micromechanics test is new test method which uses comparatively smaller specimen than that required in conventional material tests. There are several methods, such as small-specimen creep test, the continuous indentation test, and small punch(SP) test. Among them, the small punch(SP) test method has been applied to many evaluation fields, such as a ductile-brittle transition temperature, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement, and fracture properties of advanced materials like FGM or MMC. In this study, the small punch(SP) test is performed to evaluate the mechanical properties at high/low temperature from $-196^{\circ}C$ to $650^{\circ}C$ and the material degradation for virgin and aged materials of 9Cr1MoVNb steel which has been recently developed. The ${\Delta}P/{\Delta}{\delta}$ parameter defined a slope in plastic membrane stretching region of SP load-displacement curve decreases according to the increase of specimen temperature, and that of aged materials is higher than the virgin material in all test temperatures. And the material degradation degrees of aged materials with $630^{\circ}C$ -500hrs and $630^{\circ}C$ -1000hrs are $36^{\circ}C$ and $38^{\circ}C$ respectively. These behaviors are good consistent with the results of hardness($H_v$) and maximum displacement(${\delta}_{max}$).

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Development of Evaluation Technique of High Temperature Creep Characteristics by Small Punch-Creep Test Method (ll) - Boiler Header - (Sp-Creep 시험에 의한 고온 크리프 특성 평가 기술 개발(ll) - 보일러 헤더 -)

  • Baek, Seung-Se;Lee, Dong-Hwan;Ha, Jeong-Su;Yu, Hyo-Seon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.55-60
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    • 2002
  • For the development of a new creep test technique, the availability of SP-Creep test is discussed for 1Cr-0.5Mo boiler header material. And some results are also compared with those of 2.25Cr- 1Mo steel which widely uses as boiler superheater tube. The results can be summarized as follows. The load exponents(n) obtained by SP-Creep test for 1Cr-0.5Mo steel are decreased with increasing creep temperature and the values are 15.67, 13.89, and 17.13 at 550$^{circ}C$ ,575$^{circ}C$ and 600$^{circ}C$, respectively. The temperature dependence of the load exponent is given by n = 107.19 - 0.1108T. This reason that load exponents show the extensive range of 10∼16 is attributed to the fine carbide such as M$_{23}$C$_{6}$ in lath tempered martensitic structures. At the same creep condition, the secondary creep rate of 1Cr-0.5Mo steel is lower than the 2.25Cr-1Mo steel1 due to the strengthening microstructure composed by normalizing and tempering treatments. Through a SEM observation, it can be summarized that the primary, secondary, and tertiary creep regions of SP-Creep specimen are corresponding to plastic bending, plastic membrane stretching, and plastic instability regions among the deformation behavior of four steps in SP test, respectively.y.

Development of Evaluation Technique for Hydrogen Embrittlement Behavior of Metallic Materials Using in-situ SP Testing under Pressurized Hydrogen Gas Conditions (고압수소가스하 in-situ SP시험법을 사용한 금속재료의 수소취화거동 평가기법 개발)

  • Shin, Hyung-Seop;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Baek, Un-Bong;Nahm, Seung-Hoon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.1377-1382
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    • 2011
  • Recently, alternative and novel energy resources have been developed for use in the future because of the current environmental problems and exhaustion of fossil energy resources. Hydrogen energy has many merits, such as its environmental friendliness, easy storage, and easy production, but it also has disadvantages, in that it is highly combustible and explosive. In this study, a test procedure using a simple SP test under highly pressurized hydrogen gas conditions was established. In order to evaluate its applicability, SP tests were carried out using a stainless steel (SUS316L) sample under atmospheric, pressurized helium, and pressurized hydrogen gas conditions. The results under the pressurized hydrogen gas condition showed fissuring and produced a reduction of the elongation in the plastic instability region due to hydrogen embrittlement, showing the effectiveness of the current in-situ SP test.

Creep Characterization of 9Cr1Mo Steel Used in Super Critical Power Plant by Conversion of Stress and Strain for SP-Creep Test (SP-Creep 시험의 응력 및 변형률 환산에 의한 초임계압 발전설비용 9Cr1Mo강의 크리프 특성 평가)

  • Baek, Seung-Se;Park, Jung-Hun;Yu, Hyo-Sun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.30 no.9 s.252
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    • pp.1034-1040
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    • 2006
  • Due to the need of increasing thermal efficiency, supercritical pressure and temperature have been utilized in power plants. It is well known that 9Cr1Mo steel is suitable fer use in power plants operating at supercritical conditions. Therefore, to ensure the safety and the soundness of the power plant, creep characterization of the steel is important. In this study, the creep characterization of the gCr1Mo steel using small punch creep(SP-Creep) test has been described. The applied load and the central displacement of the specimen in SP-Creep test have been converted to bearing stress and strain of uc, respectively. The converted SP-Creep curves clearly showed the typical three-stage behavior of creep. The steady-state creep rate and the rupture time of the steel logarithmically changed with the bearing stress and satisfied the Power law relationship. Furthermore, the Larson-Miller parameter of the SP-Creep test agreed with that of the tensile creep test. From the comparison with low Cr-Mo steels, the creep characteristics of 9Cr1Mo steel proved to be superior. Thus, it can be confirmed that the 9Cr1Mo steel is suitable for supercritical power plant.

Assessment of Material Degradation of High-Temperature Components for Process Plant by Grain Boundary Etching Method (입계부식법에 의한 공정설비 고온요소의 재질열화 평가)

  • Han Sang In;Yoon Kee Bong;Kim Ji Yoon;Chung Se Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.74-82
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    • 1998
  • The grain boundary etching method as a technique for assessing degradation of structural materials used at elevated temperature has received much attention since it is simple, inexpensive and easy to apply to real plant components. In this study, the technique is applied to some aged petroleum and chemical plant components such as reactors and drums. As a degradation parameter, intersection number ratio ($N_i/N_o$), is employed. The intersection number ratio ($N_i/N_o$) is defined as the ratio of intersection number ($N_i$) obtained from 5-minute picric acid etched surface to the number ($N_o$) obtained from Nital etched surface. In order to study degradation level, several relationships were measured such as the correlation between shift in ductile brittle transition temperature, $({\Delta}DBTT)_{sp}$ and intersection number ratio, ($N_i/N_o$) and the correlation between the measured ($N_i/N_o$) values and Larson-Miller Parameter values.

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Cryogenic fracture behaviors and polarization characteristics according to sensitizing heat treatment on structural material of the nuclear fusion reactor (핵 융합로 구조재료의 예민화 열처리에 따른 극저온 파괴거동 및 분극특성)

  • Kwon, Il-Hyun;Chung, Se-Hi
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.311-320
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    • 1998
  • The cryogenic fracture behaviors of austenitic stainless steel HN2 developed for nuclear fusion reactor were evaluated quantitatively by using the small punch(SP) test. The electrochemical polarization test was applied to study thermal aging degradation of HN2 steel. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) analysis was conducted to detect carbides and nitrides precipitated on the grain boundary of the heat treated HN2 steel. The mechanical properties of the HN2 steel significantly decreased with increasing time and temperature of heat treatment or with decreasing testing temperature. The integrated charge(Q) obtained from electrochemical polarization test showed a good correlation with the SP energy(ESP) obtained by means of SP tests. From the results observed in the x-ray diffraction and anodic polarization curve, it was known that the material the grain boundary. Combining SP test and electrochemical polarization test, it could be useful tools to non-destructively evaluate the cryogenic fracture behaviors and the aging degradation for cryogenic structural material.

A Study on Effect of PWHT in AH36-TMCP Steel (AH36-TMCP강의 용접후열처리 효과에 관한 연구)

  • 유효선;장원상;안병국;정세희
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.44-51
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    • 1998
  • It is well known that the fine bainitic microstructure obtained by TMCP(thermo-mechanical control process) secures the high toughness of base metal. Besides, TMCP steel is very suitable for high heat input in welding as it has low carbon equivalent. In HAZ, however, the accelerated cooling effect imparted on the matrix by the weld thermal cycles is relieved and thus the weldment of TMCP steel has softening zone which shows low fracture toughness compared with base metal. Therefore, PHWT of weldment is carried out to improve the fracture toughness in weldment of TMCP steel which has softening zone. In this study, the effects of PWHT on the weldment of AH36-TMCP steel are investigated by the small punch (SP) test. From the several results such as SP energy and displacement at room temperature, the behavior of transition curves, the fracture strength at -196$^{\circ}C$, distribution of (DBTT)sp and (DBTT)sp, the PWHT condition of A.C. after 85$0^{\circ}C$-1 sec W.C. was suitable condition for recovering a softening zone of HAZ as welded.

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Strength Evaluation of A Failed A53B Carbon Steel Pipe with Small Punch Test and Finite Element Analysis (소형펀치시험과 유한요소해석을 이용한 A53B 탄소강 파손 배관의 강도 평가)

  • Lee, Joon-Won;Kim, Maan-Won;Shin, Kyu-In;Park, Jai-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2008
  • In this study, small punch test and tensile test were performed with specimens directly machined from an ASTM A53 grade B carbon steel pipe at which an explosion accident was occurred in the Heavy Oil Unit. Main damage mechanism of the pipe was known as a high temperature hydrogen attack(HTHA). Effects of HTHA on the mechanical strength change of the A53B steel were studied in detail. Small punch test results have showed that maximum reaction forces, SP energy and ductility were decreased at hydrogen attacked part of the pipe compared with sound part of the pipe. Yield strength and tensile ultimate strength were calculated with the obtained small punch test curve results using different methods and compared the estimation methods. Small punch test simulation has been also performed with the finite element method and then mechanical strength, equivalent strain and fracture toughness were calculated with the obtained numerical analysis results. It was shown that the fracture toughness data calculated from small punch equivalent energy obtained by the finite element analysis for SP test was very low at the hydrogen attacked part.