• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선회유동 난류비예혼합 화염

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Numerical Study on Flame Structure and Pollutant Formation for Syngas Turbulent Nonpremixed Swirl Burner (석탄가스 선회난류 연소기의 화염구조 및 공해물질 배출특성 해석)

  • Lee, Jeong-Won;Kang, Sung-Mo;Kim, Yong-Mo
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.449-452
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    • 2007
  • The present study numerically investigate the effects of the Syngas chemical kinetics on the basic flame properties and the structure of the Syngas diffusion flames. In order to realistically represent the turbulence-chemistry interact ion and the spatial inhomogeneity of scalar dissipation rate. the Eulerian Particle Flamelet Model(EPFM) with multiple flamelets has been applied to simulate the combustion processes and NOx formation in the syngas turbulent nonpremixed flames. Due to the ability for interactively describing the transient behaviors of local flame structures with CFD solver, the EPFM model can effectively account for the detailed mechanisms of NOx format ion including thermal NO path, prompt and nitrous NOx format ion, and reburning process by hydrocarbon radical without any ad-hoc procedure. validation cases include the Syngas turbulent nonpremixed jet and swirling flames. Based on numerical results, the detailed discussion has been made for the sensitivity of the Syngas chemical kinetics as well as the precise structure and NOx formation characteristics of the turbulent Syngas nonpremixed flames.

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The Characteristics of the Flow and Combustion in a Turbulent Non-Premixed Flat Flame (난류 비예혼합 평면화염의 유동과 연소 특성)

  • Kwark, Ji-Hyun;Jung, Yong-Ki;Jun, Chung-Hwan;Chang, Young-June
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.447-457
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    • 2003
  • An experiment in a turbulent non-premixed flat flame was carried out in order to investigate the effect of swirl number on the flow and combustion characteristics. First. stream lines and velocity distribution in the flow field were obtained using PIV method. In contrast with the axial flow without swirl, highly swirled air induced stream lines along the burner tile. and backward flow was caused by recirculation in the center zone of the flow field. In the combustion. the flame with swirled air also became flat and stable along the burner tile with increment of the swirl number. Flame structure by measuring OH and CH radicals intensity and by calculating Damkohler number(Da) and turbulence Reynolds number(Re$_{T}$) was examined. It appeared to be comprised in the wrinkled laminar-flame regime. Backward flow by recirculation of the burned gas decreased the flame temperature and emissions concentrations as NO and CO. Consequently, the stable flat flame with low NO concentration was achieved.d.