• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선우

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Characterization of Area Installing Combined Geothermal Systems : Hydrogeological Properties of Aquifer (복합지열시스템에 대한 부지특성화: 대수층의 수리지질학적 특성)

  • Mok, Jong-Koo;Park, Yu-Chul;Park, Youngyun;Kim, Seung-Kyum;Oh, Jeong-Seok;Seonwoo, Eun-Mi
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.293-304
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed in order to hydrogeological analysis of aquifer, which is a necessary part for evaluating the efficiency of the combined well and open-closed loops geothermal (CWG) systems. CWG systems have been proposed for the effective utilization of geothermal energy by combining open loop geothermal systems and closed loop geothermal systems. Small aperture CWG systems and large aperture CWG systems were installed at a green house land with water curtain facilities in Chungju City. Aquifer tests include pumping tests and step-drawdown tests were conducted to analyse hydrogeological characteristics of aquifer in the study area. The transmissivity was estimated in the range of $13.49{\sim}58.99cm^2/sec$, and the storativity was estimated in the range of $1.13{\times}10^{-5}{\sim}5.20{\times}10^{-3}$. The geochemical analysis showed $Ca^{2+}$ ion and ${HCO_3}^-$ ion were dominant in groundwater. The Langelier Saturation Index and the Ryznar Stability Index showed low scaling potential of groundwater. In the analysis of vertical water temperature change, the geothermal gradient was estimated as $2.1^{\circ}C/100m$, which indicated the aquifer was enough for geothermal systems. In conclusion, groundwater is rich, can stably use geothermal heat, and it is less likely to cause deterioration of thermal energy efficiency by precipitation of carbonate minerals in study area. Therefore, the study area is suitable for installation of the combined geothermal system.

New Barley Cultivars with Improved Morphological Characteristics for Whole Crop Forage in Korea (한국에서 개발된 총체사료용 보리 품종의 형태적 특성)

  • Park, Tae-Il;Han, Ouk-Kyu;Seo, Jae-Hwan;Choi, Jae-Sung;Park, Ki-Hun;Kim, Jung-Gon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 2008
  • In Korea, domestic consumption of barley as a cereal crop has been decreasing since the 1980s. It has been considered that winter-season crop production could enhance the global competitiveness of domestic livestock industry by providing better quality fodder to livestock and enhancing field use rate. Therefore, the purpose of barley cultivation for cereal food production has been recently replaced by the production of forage barley. Consequently, the area of barley cultivation for forage is markedly increasing in Korea. Forage barley is cultivars especially as forage for cattle. While any type of barley can be used as forage for feeding cattle, forage barleys deliver a higher dry matter yield than conventional feed barley. We have developed forage barley cultivars with cattle's favorite characters such as smooth awn, hood and auricleless types. Cultivar Wooho, Yuyeon, and Dami have smooth awn, hood type spike, and auricleless type plant. We also developed rough awn type barley cultivars, such as Yongyang, Sunwoo, Sangweon, and Soman, showing earlymaturing and high-yielding. They showed about 12 to 10 ton ha-1 in dry matter yield (average 33 ton $ha^{-1}$ in fresh matter yield). And these were evaluated by forage quality which showed a higher grade of silage quality (TDN, ADF, NDF, CP, etc.) for whole crop barley use. Based on these results, it indicated that barley with smooth awn, hooded, and auricleless could be suitable sources in breeding for whole crop forage use.

The Utility of TAR Vectors Used for Selective Gene Isolation by TAR Cloning. (TAR Cloning에 의한 선별적 유전자 분리에 사용되는 TAR Vectors의 유용성에 관한 연구)

  • 박정은;이윤주;정윤희;김재우;김승일;김수현;박인호;선우양일;임선희
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.322-328
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    • 2003
  • The Transformation-Associated Recombination (TAR) cloning technique allows selective isolation of chromosomal regions and genes from complex genomes. The procedure requires knowledge of relatively small genomic sequences that reside adjacent to the chromosomal region of interest. This technique involves homologous recombination during yeast spheroplast transformation between genomic DNA and a TAR vector that has 5'and 3' gene targeting sequences. In this study, we examined the minimum size of specific hooks required for a single-copy gene isolation and compared the utility of different TAR vectors, radial and unique vectors, by cloning the same single-copy gene. The efficiency of TAR cloning of the hHPRT gene was same using hooks varying from 750 to 63 bp. The number of transformants decreased approximately 20-fold when the TAR vector contained two unique hooks versus using a radial vector, but the percentage of positive recombinants increased over 2-fold when a unique TAR vector was used. Therefore, we suggest that the two-unique TAR vector is suitable for general TAR cloning given its high selectivity, and the radial TAR vector is more suitable when genomic DNA is in limited quantity, for example, DNA isolated from pathological specimens. Moreover, we confirm the minimal length of a unique sequence in a TAR vector is approximately 60 bp for a single-copy gene isolation.

A Study for the Water Rising Effect on Flood Water Level by Debris (유송잡물에 의한 홍수위 상승 영향분석 - 삽교천의 선우대교를 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Yong-Ho;Jeong, Sang-Man;Han, Kyu-Ha;Shin, Kwang-Seob
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2007
  • This paper has investigated a rise of water level in upstream and downstream of bridge, which is caused by accumulation of debris in a bridge. The debris has been classified into several types in terms of size. The rise of water level which has been caused by installation and removal of sheet pile that is used to block water in a bridge has been analyzed using HEC-RAS model. According to the analysis, it has turned out that the debris has no influence on the rise of water level in ordinary water flow. In addition, sheet pile has little impact on the rise of water as well. Even though the impact of sheet file has turned out trivial in flood flow just like the ordinary water flow, it's been simulated that the maximum water level difference between upstream and downstream of bridge turned out more than 1.0meter because of debris in 80-year or more flood frequency. When the rise of water level in upstream from the cross section of the bridge was investigated based on 100-year flood frequency, besides, it has turned out that it had an influence up to 17.84km distance because of the effect of debris.

West seacoast wetland monitoring using KOMPSAT series imageries in high spatial resolution (고해상도 KOMPSAT 시리즈 이미지를 활용한 서해연안 습지 변화 모니터링)

  • Sunwoo, Wooyeon;Kim, Daeun;Kim, Seongkyun;Choi, Minha
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.6
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    • pp.429-440
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    • 2017
  • A series of multispectral high-resolution Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite (KOMPSAT) images were analyzed to detect the geographical changes in four different tidal flats in the west coast of South Korea. The method of unsupervised classification was used to generate a series of land use/land cover (LULC) maps from the satellite images, which were used as the input of the temporal trajectory analysis to detect the temporal change of coastal wetlands and its association with natural and anthropogenic activities. The accurately classified LULC maps extracted from the KOMPSAT images indicate that these multispectral high-resolution satellite data is highly applicable to generate good quality thematic maps for extracting wetlands. The result of the trajectory analysis showed that, while the tidal flat area of Gyeonggi and Jeollabuk provinces was estimated to have changed due to tidal effects, the reductive trajectory of the wetland areas belonging to the Saemangeum province was caused by a high degree of human-induced activities including large reclamation and urbanization. The conservation of the Jeungdo Wetland Protected Area in Jeollanam province revealed that the social and environmental policies can effectively protect coastal wetlands from degradation. Therefore, monitoring for wetland change using high resolution KOMPSAT is expected to be useful to coastal environment management and policy making.

Enviromental Toxic Agents on Genetic Material and Cellular Activity III. DNA Polymerase Inhibitors on Repair of Mutagen-Induced DNA Damage in Mammalian Cells (환경성 유해요인이 유전물질과 세포활성에 미치는 영향 III. 포유동물세포에서 돌연변이원에 의한 DNA 상해의 회복에 미치는 DNA 중합효소저해제의 영향)

  • 엄경일;선우양일;이천복;신은주
    • Environmental Mutagens and Carcinogens
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1988
  • The effects of aphidicolin (APC), an inhibitor of DNA polymerase alpha, or 2', 3'-dideoxythymidine 5'-triphosphate (ddTTP), an inhibitor of DNA polymerase beta, on the repair of DNA damage induced by ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) or bleomycin (BLM) were investigated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-K1 cells. Three assays were employed in this study: unscheduled DNA synthesis, alkaline elution and alkaline sucrose gradient sedimentation. It was shown that APC or ddTTP inhibited DNA induced by EMS, and thus, the post-treatment with APC or ddTTP following EMS treatment was resulted in the more amount of unscheduled DNA synthesis, and the more accumulation of DNA single-stand breaks than the cells post-incubated without APC or ddTTP. While, in the BLM induced DNA repair, only ddTTP inhibited DNA repair induced by BLM. And thus, the groups post-incubated with or without APC after BLM treatment had the same value in the amount of unscheduled DNA synthesis and of DNA single-strand breaks, while post-treatment with ddTTP was resulted in the increased amount of unscheduled DNA synthesis and the increased DNA sin -strand breaks than the group without ddTTP. These results suggested that both of DNA polymerase $\alpha$ and $\beta$ participated in the repair of DNA damage induced by EMS, but in BLM-induced DNA repair, polymerase $\beta$ participated.ipated.

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Feed Value and Yield of Whole Crop Barley Varieties Depend on Organic Content (유기물함량이 총체보리 품종의 수량과 사료가치에 미치는 영향)

  • Ji, Hee-Chung;Ju, Jung-Il;Lee, Hee-Bong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.263-268
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    • 2007
  • This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of organic content and to select lodging resistance for six varieties in paddy field of Chungnam province from 2006 to 2007. In this experiment, plant height was increased at the high fertile field and dry matter rate (%) per fresh matter was decreased at the high fertile soil condition but dry matter rate (%) of spike was increased. The dry matter (DM) yield showed higher in Sunwoo barley (13,520kg/ha) and Youngyang barley (12,780kg/ha) at the high fertile field. Fresh yield was also high in Wooho barely (34,720kg/ha) and Youngyang barely (33,670kg/ha) at the high fertile field but yield in high and normal fertile soil condition was not difference. Total digestible nutrients (TDN) content of Youngyang barley and Yuyeon barley was high as 69.5%, 70.3%, respectively, at the high fertile soil condition. According to this result Soman barley and Youngyang barley might be recommendable for whole crop barely in lower organic content condition of paddy rice field and Wooho barley and Soman barley with the lodging resistance and high yield is suitable for paddy field with high organic content.

Characterization and Isolation of Mutants Involved in Cell Cycle Progression and Regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Saccharomyces cerevisiae에서 세포주기의 진행과 조절에 관련된 변이주들의 분리 및 특성화)

  • 박정은;임선희;선우양일
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.28-36
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    • 2001
  • These studies were carried out to understand the mechanisms of genes which are related in cell cycle progression at G1/S phase. Mutants involved in cell cycle progression and regulation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated and characterized. To isolate new mutants, we screened the sensitivity to ciclopirox olamine (CPO) which inhibits the cell cycle traverse at or very near the G1/S phase boundary in HeLa cell and budding yeast. As results, we isolated 30 mutants and named cos(ciclopirox olamine sensitivity: cos27∼cos57) mutants. To determine the phenotype of mutants, we examined the sensitivity to methyl-methane sulfonate (MMS) and hydroxyurea (HU). Several mutants were sensitive to MMS and HU. According to these Phenotypes, cos mutants were grouped into four. Group I mutants are cos27, cos28, cos32, cos33, cos36, cos37, cos40, cos42, cos46, cos50, cos52 and cos53 which show MMS, HU sensitivities and might act at a checkpoint pathway during S phase. Group II mutants are cos43 and cos48 which show MMS sensitivities and might act at a checkpoint pathway during Gl or G2 phase. Group III mutants are cos35, cos47, cos54, cos55 and cos56 which show HU sensitivities and might act at a progress pathway during S phase. Finally, Group IV mutants are cos29, cos30, cos31, cos34, cos38, cos39, cos41, cos44, cos45, cos49, cos51 and cos57 which show only CPO sensitivities. Moreover, we examined the terminal phenotype of mutants under fluorescent microscope and then found one of S phase checkpoint related mutant(cos37). Furthermore, we constructed the heterozygote strain between mutant and wild type haploid strains to study their genetic analysis of cos mutants.

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상한(傷寒) 의학사(醫學史)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (III) - 상한학파(傷寒學派)의 형성과 발전시기(명${\sim}$청)(明${\sim}$淸)를 중심으로 -

  • Kim Gi-Uk;Park Hyeon-Guk;Jeong Seong-Chae
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.146-183
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    • 2000
  • 통과이상적연구(通過以上的硏究), 장상한학술적성숙기(將傷寒學術的成熟期), 칙지명대여청대관여상한의학사적내용정리(則至明代與淸代關與傷寒醫學史的內容整理) 여하(如下). 1. 명청시대적시대배경사상한학적내용갱풍부(明淸時代的時代背景使傷寒學的內容更豊富), 촉진상한학술적발전(促進傷寒學術的發展) 병차출현료흔다관여상한적저작(幷且出現了?多關與傷寒的著作), 단실제상야출현료상한론내용적중복여지론술일반부분(但實際上也出現了傷寒論內容的重複與只論述一般部分), 혹저자립안조잡적처방지폐단(或著者立案粗雜的處方之弊端). 차기우출현각종상한학파적리유(此期又出現各種傷寒學派的理由), 시인위당시류행적사조(是因爲當時流行的思潮), 칙정주리학적영향여명대문단부고(則程朱理學的影響與明代文壇復古), 의고적추향(擬古的趨向), 환유금원시대적백가쟁오등(還有金元時代的百家爭嗚等), 성료형성상한학파적기초(成了形成傷寒學派的基礎). 2. 위료불실거상한론적본래의식(爲了不失去傷寒論的本來意識), 주장정리화고정원문회부왕숙화이전모양적착간중정파시왕안도기료개단(主張整理和考訂原文恢復王叔和以前模樣的錯簡重訂派是王安道起了開端), 방유집확대료기의식(方有執擴大了其意識). 유창여침명종시대표저학파학자(喩昌與沈明宗是代表這學派學者), 장로(張?) 정응모(程應?) 주양준(周揚俊) 오겸등수료저학설(吳謙等隨了這學說). 3. 주장(主張)'존왕(尊王)(숙화(叔和))찬성(贊成)(무기(无己))'적유호구론파(的維護舊論派), 주장료불능수변개상한론삼음삼양편적배렬여순서(主張了不能隨變改傷寒論三陰三陽篇的排列與順序), 문자(文字), 구문(句文), 문장(文章), 고세식(高世?), 진념조등인(陳念祖等人). 4. 주장상한론적정수재어변증론치(主張傷寒論的精髓在於辨證論治), 선우운용칙능득상한핵심리론적학파시변증론치학파(善于運用則能得傷寒核心理論的學派是辨證論治學派). 저학파분사개계통(這學派分四?系統), 이처방수집증상적의가유허굉(以處方收集證狀的醫家有許宏), 가금(柯琴), 서대춘(徐大椿); 이치법수집증상적의가유오인구(以治法收集證狀的醫家有吳人駒), 우이(尤怡); 이분유륙경찰증상적의가유진념조(以分有六經察證狀的醫家有陳念祖), 포성(包誠); 이증상분류증후적의가유류순(以證狀分類證候的醫家有劉純), 왕긍당(王肯堂), 진지정(秦之楨), 침금오등인(沈金鰲等人). 5. 회통파유량종류형(?通派有兩種類型), 일시수통상한여온병적학파(一是誰通傷寒與溫病的學派), 간칭회통파(簡稱?通派), 대표의가유도화(代表醫家有陶華), 오정(吳貞), 유근초등인(兪根初等人), 령일개유회통중의여서의적립장상해석상한적의가당종해(?一?有?通中醫與西醫的立場上解釋傷寒的醫家唐宗海). 6. 경전학파시이상한론위보귀적경전래인식(經典學派是以傷寒論爲保貴的經典來認識), 병차지유숭상차경여사상적학파(幷且持有崇尙此經與思想的學派), 차리분량개편우원문적고증래연구적경전고증파(此里分兩?偏于原文的考證來硏究的經典考證派), 화인위지유상한론(和認爲只有傷寒論), 재능총괄치료외감병(才能總括治療外感病), 부정온병학설병배척적경전림상파(否定溫病學說幷排斥的經典臨床派).

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Analysis of Regional Antecedent Wetness Conditions Using Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Point Scale Rainfall Data (위성토양수분과 지점강우량을 이용한 지역 선행습윤조건 분석)

  • Sunwoo, Wooyeon;Kim, Daeun;Hwang, Seokhwan;Choi, Minha
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.587-596
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    • 2014
  • Soil moisture is one of the most important interests in hydrological response and the interaction between the land surface and atmosphere. Estimation of Antecedent Wetness Conditions (AWC) which is soil moisture condition prior to a rainfall in the basin should be considered for rainfall-runoff prediction. In this study, Soil Wetness Index (SWI), Antecedent Precipitation Index ($API_5$), remotely sensed Soil Moisture ($SM_{rs}$), and 5 days ground Soil Moisture ($SM_{g5}$) were selected to estimate the AWC at four study area in the Korean Peninsula. The remotely sensed soil moisture data were taken from the AMSR-E soil moisture archive. The maximum potential retention ($S_{obs}$) was obtained from direct runoff and rainfall using Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number (SCS-CN) method by rainfall data of 2011 for each study area. Results showed the great correlations between the maximum potential retention and SWI with a mean correlation coefficient which is equal to -0.73. The results of time length representing the time scale of soil moisture showed a gap from region to region. It was due to the differences of soil types and the characteristics of study area. Since the remotely sensed soil moisture has been proved as reasonable hydrological variables to predict a wetness in the basin, it should be continuously monitored.