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A Role of Trial Radiation Therapy in the Pineal Region Tumors (송과체부 종양에서 시험적 방사선치료의 역할)

  • Kim, Yeon-Shil;Ryu, Mi-Ryung;Chung, Su-Mi;Kim, Moon-Chan;Yoon, Sei-Chul
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the treatment results of 30 patients with pineal region tumors who were underwent radiation therapy under the diagnosis by either CT or MRI. There was no histological verification. We analyzed the prognostic factors that have a significant effect on the overall survival (OS) and disease free survival (DFS) rates. Materials and Methods : A total 30 patients with pineal region tumors were treated between March 1983 and August 1995. After a trial radiation therapy of 20\~30Gy/2\~3 weeks, the patients were evaluated for their clinical response and radiological response by either CT or MRI and the final treatment direction was then decided. According to their response to the trial radiation therapy and the involved site, radiation treatment was given in various fields i.e., local, ventricle, whole brain and craniospinal field. The radiation dose ranged from 40.8 to 59.4 Gy (Median 50.4 Gy). The median follow up was 36.5 months (4\~172months). Results : An improvement or stability in the clinical symptoms was observed in 28 patients (93.3%) after the trial RT. Nineteen patients (63.3%) showed a partial or complete response by CT or MRI. The two-year and five-year survival rates of the patients were 66.7% and 55.1%, respectively. No significant difference in the survival rates according to the degree of the radiological response was abserved after the trial RT. The results of univariate analysis showed that age, the primary site, the performance status (KPS70), the degree of response after completing RT and the RT field were significant prognostic factors affecting the survival and disease free survival rates (p<0.05). Conclusion : The clinical and histological characteristics of pineal region tumors are quite complex and diverse. Therefore, it is difficult to predict the histological diagnosis and the possibility of radiocurability only with the initial response to RT. We think that the development of less invasive histological diagnostic techniques and tailored treatment to the histological type of each tumor are needed.

Comparison of Electrical Signal Properties about Top Electrode Size on Photoconductor Film (광도전체 필름 상부 전극크기에 따른 전기적 신호 특성 비교)

  • Kang, Sang-Sik;Jung, Bong-Jae;Noh, Si-Cheul;Cho, Chang-Hoon;Yoon, Ju-Sun;Jeon, Sung-Pyo;Park, Ji-Koon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2011
  • Currently, the development of direct conversion radiation detector using photoconductor materials is progressing in widely. Among of theses photoconductor materials, mercuric iodide compound than amorphous selenium has excellent absorption and sensitivity of high energy radiation. Also, the detection efficiency of signal generated in photoconductor film varies by electric filed and geometric distribution according to top-bottom electrode size. Therefore, in this work, the x-ray detection characteristics are investigated about the size of top electrode in HgI2 photoconductor film. For sample fabrication, to solve the problem that is difficult to make a large area film, we used the spatial paste screen-print method. And the sample thickness is 150μm and an film area size is 3cm×3cm on ITO-coated glass substrate. ITO(Indium-Tin-Oxide) electrode was used as top electrode using a magnetron sputtering system and each area is 3cm×3cm, 2cm×2cm and 1cm×1cm. From experimental measurement, the dark current, sensitivity and SNR of the HgI2 film are obtained from I-V test. From the experimental results, it shows that the sensitivity increases in accordance with the area of the electrode but the SNR is decreased because of the high dark current. Therefore, the optimized size of electrode is importance for the development of photoconductor based x-ray imaging detector.

Effects of Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Prevention of Keloids and Hypertrophic Scars (켈로이드와 비후성 반혼에서 재발을 방지하기 위한 수술후 방사선치료의 효과)

  • Kang, Ki-Mun;Choi, Ihl-Bohng;Kim, In-Ah;Jang, Jee-Young;Shinn, Kyung-Sub
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 1997
  • Purpose : To evaluate the effects of surgical excision followed by radiation therapy for Prevention of keloids and hypertrophic scars. Materials and Methods : From October 1987 to April 1995, radiation therapy was applied to 167 sites in 106 patients with surgical excision in an attempt to prevention of recurrence against keloids and hypertrophic scars. The main etiology of the keloids and hypertrophic scars were surgery in 49.2%,traumain25.0%,earpiercingin5.4%,andburnin5.4%, The Patients' ages ranged from 3 to 70 years with a median of 32 years. Radiation therapy used ranged from 6 to 8MeV electron beam. Radiation therapy was delivered within 24 hours of surgical excision. Several dose schedules were used, varing from 400cGy in 1 daily fraction to 1900cGy in 4 daily fractions. The average total dose was 1059cGy, and the average dose per fraction was 433cGy. All patients were followed up from 24 to 114 months with a median follow up of 49 months. Results : The overall recurrence rate was 12.6% (21/167) The overall 1-year and 2-year recurrence rates were 10.2%and11.4%, respectively Among 21 recurrent sites, seventeen sites (81%) were confirmed within 12 months after surgical excision. Period to recurrence ranged from 1 month to 47 months with a median recurrence time of 9.6 months, The history of previous therapy was only a significant factor in recurrence. Twenty-four patients had history of previous therapy recurrence rates was significantly higher in this group than those without history of Previous therapy (22.6%vs.11.0%,p=0.04). There was no serious complication related to radiation therapy. Conclusion : This study suggests that surgical excision followed by radiation therapy is an effective method of preventing keloids and hypertrophic scars.

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Usefulness in Evaluation of NM Image which It Follows in Onco. Flash Processing Application (Onco. Flash Processing 적용에 따른 핵의학 영상의 유용성 평가)

  • Kim, Jung-Soo;Kim, Byung-Jin;Kim, Jin-Eui;Woo, Jae-Ryong;Kim, Hyun-Joo;Shin, Heui-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.13-18
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The image processing method due to the algorism which is various portion nuclear medical image decision is important it makes holds. The purpose of this study is it applies hereupon new image processing method SIEMENS (made by Pixon co.) Onco. flash processing reconstruction and the comparison which use the image control technique of existing the clinical usefulness it analyzes with it evaluates. Materials & Methods: 1. Whole body bone scan-scan speed 20 cm/min, 30 cm/min & 40 cm/min blinding test 2. Bone static spot scan-regional view 200 kcts, 400 kcts for chest, pelvis, foot blinding test 3. 4 quadrant-bar phantom-20000 kcts visual evaluation 4. LSF-FWHM resolution comparison ananysis. Results: 1. Raw data (20 cm/min) & processing data (30 cm/min)-similar level image quality 2. Low count static image-image quality clearly improved at visual evaluation result. 3. Visual evaluation by quadrant bar phantom-rising image quality level 4. Resolution comparison evaluation (FWHM)-same difference from resolution comparison evaluation Conclusion: The study which applies a new method Onco. flash processing reconstruction, it will be able to confirm the image quality improvement which until high level is clearer the case which applies the method of existing better than. The new reconstruction improves the resolution & reduces the noise. This enhances the diagnostic capabilities of such imagery for radiologists and physicians and allows a reduction in radiation dosage for the same image quality. Like this fact, rising of equipment availability & shortening the patient waiting move & from viewpoint of the active defense against radiation currently becomes feed with the fact that it will be the useful result propriety which is sufficient in clinical NM.

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The Role of Radiation Therapy in the Treatment of Intracranial Glioma : Retrospective Analysis of 96 Cases (뇌 교종 96예에 대한 방사선치료 성적의 후향적 분석)

  • Kim Yeon Sil;Kang Ki Mun;Choi Byung Ock;Yoon Sei Chul;Shinn Kyung Sub;Kang Jun Gi
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.249-258
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    • 1993
  • Between March 1983 and December 1989, ninety-six patients with intracranial glioma were treated in the Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Kangnam St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University Medical College. We retrospectively reviewed each case to evaluate variable factors influencing the treatment results and to develop an optimal therapy Policy. Median follow-up is 57 months (range: 31~133 months). Of the 96 patients, 60 (63%) were males and 36 (37%) were females. Ages ranged from 3 to 69 years (median 42 years). The most common presenting symtoms were headeche (67%) followed by cerebral motor and sensory discrepancy (54%), nausea and vomiting (34%), seizure (19%), mental change (10%) and memory and calculation impairment (8%). Eighty five (88.5%) patients all, except 11 (11.5%) brain stem lesions, were biopsy proven intracranial glioma. The distribution by histologic type was 64 astrocytomas (75%), 4 mixed oligoastrocytomas (5%), and 17 oligodendrogliomas (20%). Fourty nine patients (58% were grade I, II histology and 36 (42%) patients were grade III, IV histology. Of the 96 patients, 64 (67%) recieved postoperative RT and 32 (33%) were treated with primary radiotherapy. Gross total resection was peformed in 14 (16%) patients, subtotal resection En 29 (34%), partial resection in 21 (25%), and biopsy only in 21 (25%). Median survival time was 53 months (range 2~ 133 months), and 2- and, 5-year survival rate were 69%,49% respectively. 5-year survival rate by histologic grade was grade I, 70%, grade II, 58%, grade III, 28%, and grade IV, 15%. Multivariated analysis demonstrate that age at diagnosis (p=0.0121), Karnofsky performance Status (KPS) (p=0.0002), histologic grade (p=0.0001), postoperative radiation therapy (p=0.0278), surgical extent (p =0.024), cerebellar location of tumor (p=0.0095) were significant prognostic factors influencing on survival.

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Effects of the Feeding Platycodon grandiflorum and Codonopsis Ianceolata on the Lipid Components of Serum and Liver in Rats (도라지 및 더덕 첨가식이가 흰쥐의 혈청 및 간장의 지질성분에 미치는 영향)

  • 김소영;김한수;서인숙;이호신;김희숙;정승용
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.517-523
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    • 1993
  • This study was designed to observe the efforts of the feeding Platycodon grandiflorum, Codonopsis ianceolata, perilla oil and safflower oil on the improvement of the lipids in the serum and liver of dietary hypercholes-terolemic rats. Experimental groups mixed with 5% cellulose+10% lard (group 1, control group), 2% cholestyramine+10% lard (group 2), 5% C. Ianceolata+10% perilla oil (group3). 5% P. grandiflorum+10% perilla oil(group 4), 5% C. ianceolata+10% safflower oil(group 5) and 5% P. grandiflorum+10% safflower oil (group 6) were administered to the male rats of the Sprague Dawley for 3 weeks. Concentrations of total cholesterol in serum were significantly lower in the all experimental groups (2~6 groups) than in the control group, and particularly, the lowest in the group 2 and 6. Concentrations of HDL-cholesterol in serum were remarkably higher in the groups 2 and 4. The ratio of HDL-cholesterol to total cholesterol was the highest in the group 2. Atherosclerotic index was lower in the groups 2, 4 and 6. Concentrations of LDL, phospholipid and triglyceride in serum were remarkably lower in the all experimental groups than in the control group, and particularly, lower in the groups 2, 4 and 6. Concentrations of free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester in serum were significantly lower in the all experimental groups than in the control group, and particularly, the lowest in the group 2. Concentrations of glucose in blood were the lowest in the group 2. And groups 3 and 5 were slgnificantly lower. Contents of total cholesterol and triglyceride in liver were significantly lower in the all experimental groups than in the control group, and particularlyr the lowest in the groups 2 and 3. Phospholipid content was showed little differenre among groups but the lowest in the group 2. From the above research, the feeding 5% Platycodon grandiflorum+10% perilla oil and 5% Platycodon grandiflorum+10% safflower oil were effective on the improvement of the lipid compositions in serum and liver.

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Postoperative Radiation Therapy in the Soft-tissue Sarcoma (연부 조직 육종의 수술 후 방사선 치료 결과)

  • Kim Yeon Shil;Jang Hong Seok;Yoon Sei Chul;Ryu Mi Ryeong;Kay Chul Seung;Chung Su Mi;Kim Hoon Kyo;Kang Yong Koo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.485-495
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : The major goal of the therapy in the soft tissue sarcoma is to control both local and distant tumor. However, the technique of obtaining local control has changed significantly over the past few decades from more aggressive surgery to combined therapy including conservative surgery and radiation and/or chemotherapy. We retrospectively analyzed the treatment results of the postoperative radiation therapy of soft tissue sarcoma and its prognostic factor. Materials and Methods : Between March 1983 and June 1994, 50 patients with soft tissue sarcoma were treated with surgery and postoperative radiation therapy at Kang-Nam St. Mary's hospital. Complete follow up was possible for all patients with median follow up duration 50 months (range 6-162 months). There were 28 male and 32 female patients. Their age ranged from 6 to 83 with a median of 44 years. Extremity (58%) was the most frequent site of occurrence followed by trunk (20%) and head and neck (12%). Histologically malignant fibrous histiocytoma (23%), liposarcoma (17%), malignant schwannoma (12%) constitute 52% of the patients. Daily radiation therapy designed to treat all areas at a risk for tumor spread upto dose of 4500-5000 cGy. A shrinking field technique was then used and total 55-65 Gy was delivered to tumor bed. Twenty-five patients (42%) received chemotherapy with various regimen in the postoperative period. Results : Total 41 patients failed either with local recurrence or with distant metastasis. There were 29 patients (48%) of local recurrence. Four patients (7%) developed simultaneous local recurrence and distant metastasis and 8 patients (13%) developed only distant metastasis. Local recurrence rate was rather higher than of other reported series. This study included patients of gross residual, recurrent cases after previous operation, trunk and head and neck Primary This feature is likely explanation for the decreased local control rate. Five of 29 Patients who failed only locally were salvaged by re-excision and/or re-irradiation and remained free of disease. Factors affecting local control include histologic type, grade, stage, extent of operation and surgical margin involvement, lymph node metastasis (p<0.05). All 21 patients who failed distantly are dead with progressive disease at the time of this report. Our overall survival results are similar to those of larger series. Actuarial 5 year overall survival and disease free survival were 60.4 %, 30.6% respectively. Grade, stage (being close association with grade), residual disease (negative margin, microscopic, gross) were significant as a predictor of survival in our series (p<0.05). Conclusion : Combined surgery and postoperative radiation therapy obtained 5 year survival rate comparable to that of radical surgery.

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Results of Radiation Therapy and Extrafascial Hysterectomy in Bulky Stage IB, IIA-B Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix (종괴가 큰 병기 IB, IIA-B 자궁경부암에서 방사선치료와 Extrafascial Hysterectomy의 결과)

  • Kim Jin Hee;Lee Ho Jun;Choi Tae Jin;Do Cha Soon;Lee Tae Sung;Kim Ok Bae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1999
  • Purpose : To evaluate the efficacy of radiation therapy and extrafascial hysterectomy in bulky stage IB, IIA-B uterine cervix cancers. Methods and Materials : Twenty four patients with bulky stage IB and IIA-B carcinoma of the uterine cervix were treated with extrafascial hysterectomy following radiation therapy due to doubts of residual disease at Department of therapeutic radiology, Keimyung University, Dongsan Hospital, from April 1986 to December 1997 According to FIGO staging system, there were 7 patients with stage IB, 9 patients with IIA and 8 patients with IIB stage whose median age was 45. Pathologic distribution showed 16 patients with squamous cell carcinoma and 8 patients with adenocarcinoma. Seven patients had tumors that are less than 5cm in size and 17 patients had tumors with larger than 5cm. The mean interval between radiation therapy and extrafascial hysterectomy was 57 days. The radiation therapy consisted of external irradition to the whole pelvis (180 cGy/fraction, mean 4100 cGy) and parametrial boost (for a mean total dose of 5000 cGy) with midline shield (4H 10 cm), followed by intracavitary irradiation up to 7500 cGy to point A (maximum 8500 cGy). The maximum follow up duration was 107 months and mean follow up duration was 42 months. Results :Ten out of 24 patients (41.7%) had residual disease found at the time of extrafascial hysterectomies. Five year overall survival rate (5Y OSR) and five year disease free survival rate (5Y DFSR) were 63.6% and 62.5% respectively. Five year overall survival rate for stage IB and IIA was 71.4% and 50% for stage IIB. There was a significant difference in 5Y OSR and 5Y DFSR between patients with and those without residual disease (negative vs positive, 83.3% vs. 40% (P=0.01), 83.3% vs 36% (P=0.01) respectively). There was a notable tendency of better survival with adenocarcinoma than with squamous cell carcinoma (adenocarcinoma vs squamous cell carcinoma, 85.7% vs. 53.3% (P=0.1), 85.7% vs. 50.9% (P=0.1) of 5Y OSR and 5Y DFS respectivey). Total dose to A point did not make a significant difference in survival rate or the existence of residual lesion (< 7500 cGy, 7500 cOy). It was also noted that significantly more frequent local failures have occurred in patients with positive residual disease compared with negative residual disease (5/10 vs. 0/14, p=0.003), There was no death related to the treatment. Conclusion : There was no improvement of residual disease and to the overall survival rate in spite of increased total dose to point A. We conclude that there is a possible beneficial effect of radiation therapy followed by extrafaseial hysterectomy in survival for adenocarcinoma of bulky stage IB and IIA-B uterine cervix. We need to confirm this with longer follow up and with large number of patients.

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Long-Term Results of 2-Dimensional Radiation Therapy in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Cancer (이차원방사선치료를 시행한 코인두암 환자의 장기 추적 결과 및 예후인자 분석)

  • Lee, Nam-Kwon;Park, Young-Je;Yang, Dae-Sik;Yoon, Won-Sup;Lee, Suk;Kim, Chul-Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: To analyze the treatment outcomes, complications, prognostic factors after a long-term follow-up of patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma treated with radiation therapy (RT) alone or concurrent chemoradiation therapy (CCRT). Materials and Methods: Between December 1981 and December 2006, 190 eligible patients with non-metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma were treated at our department with a curative intent. Of these patients, 103 were treated with RT alone and 87 patients received CCRT. The median age was 49 years (range, 8~78 years). The distributions of clinical stage according to the AJCC 6th edition included I: 7 (3.6%), IIA: 8 (4.2%), IIB: 33 (17.4%), III: 82 (43.2%), IVA: 31 (16.3%), IVB: 29 (15.3%). The accumulated radiation doses to the primary tumor ranged from 66.6~87.0 Gy (median, 72 Gy). Treatment outcomes and prognostic factors were retrospectively analyzed. Acute and late toxicities were assessed using the RTOG criteria. Results: A total of 96.8% (184/190) of patients completed the planned treatment. With a mean follow-up of 73 months (range, 2~278 months; median, 52 months), 93 (48.9%) patients had relapses that were local 44 (23.2%), nodal 13 (6.8%), or distant 49 (25.8%). The 5- and 10-year overall survival (OS), disease-free survival (DFS), and disease-specific survival (DSS) rates were 55.6% and 44.5%, 54.8% and 51.3%, in addition to 65.3% and 57.4%, respectively. Multivariate analyses revealed that CCRT, age, gender, and stage were significant prognostic factors for OS. The CCRT and gender were independent prognostic factors for both DFS and DSS. There was no grade 4 or 5 acute toxicity, but grade 3 mucositis and hematologic toxicity were present in 42 patients (22.1%) and 18 patients (9.5%), respectively. During follow-up, grade 3 hearing loss in 9 patients and trismus in 6 patients were reported. Conclusion: The results of our study were in accordance with findings of previous studies and we confirmed that CCRT, low stage, female gender, and young age were related to improvement in OS. However, there are limitations in the locoregional control that can be achieved by CCRT with 20 conventional radiation therapy. This observation has led to further studies on clarifying the efficacy of concurrent chemotherapy by intensity modulated radiation therapy.

Compare to Evaluate the Imaging dose of MVCT and CBCT (Tomotherapy MVCT와 Linac CBCT의 Imaging dose 비교평가)

  • Yoon, Bo Reum;Hong, Mi Lan;Ahn, Jong Ho;Song, Ki Won
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : In case of the intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) using Tomotherapy and linear accelerator (Linac), it was to compare and to evaluate the imaging dose of MVCT and CBCT that were performed daily for the correct set up of the patient. Materials and Methods : The human body model Phantom (Anderson rando Phantom, USA) was divided into the three parts as Head, Thorax, pelvis, and after GafChromic EBT3 film cut to the size of 0.5× the center of the recording area were situated on the ant, post, left, and right surface of the phantom and 2cm in depth from the ant, post, left, right, and center surface of the phantom, the surface dose and inner dose were measured repeatedly three times, respectively, using the tomotherapy (Hi Art) and the OBI of NovalisTx. The measured film calculated the output value by RIP version6.0 and then the average value of the dose was calculated by the one-way analysis of variance. Results : Using the human body model phantom, the results of MVCT and CBCT performance were that measurements of MVCT inner dose were showed 15.43cGy±6.05 in the head, 16.62cGy±3.08 in the thorax, 16.81cGy±5.24 in the pelvis, and measurements of CBCT inner dose were showed 13.28±3.68 in the head, from 13.66±4.04 in the thorax, 15.52±3.52 in the pelvis. The measurements of surface dose were showed in case of MVCT performance, 11.64±4.05 in the head, 12.16±4.38 in the thorax, 12.05±2.71 in the pelvis, and in case of CBCT performance, 14.59±3.51 in the head, 15.82±2.89 in the thorax, 17.48±2.80 in the pelvis, respectively. Conclusion : In case of Inner dose, the MVCT using MV energy showed higher than the CBCT using kV energy at 1.16 times in the head, at 1.22 times in the thorax, at 1.08 times in the pelvis, and in case of surface dose, the CBCT was higher than MVCT, at 1.25 times in the head, at 1.30 times in the thorax, at 1.45 times in the pelvis. Imaging dose was a small amount compared to the therapeutic dose but it was thought to affect partially to normal tissue because it was done in daily schedule. However, IMRT treatment was necessarily parallel with the IGRT treatment through the image-guide to minimize errors between planned and actual treatment. Thus, to minimize imaging dose that the patients receive, when planning the treatment, it should be set up a treatment plan considering imaging dose, or it must be performed by minimizing the scan range when shooting MVCT.