• Title/Summary/Keyword: 석면섬유

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Consideration of Analysis Method of Asbestos and Existing Condition for Fibrous Materials in Domestic Air (국내 공기 중 섬유상 물질의 존재실태와 석면의 분석방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Hwang, Jinyeon;Oh, Jiho;Lee, Hyomin;Lee, Jinhyun;Son, Byeongseo
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2015
  • Dust samples collected from air in metropolitan areas of Busan and Ulsan were analyzed by phase contrast microscopy, phase contrast dispersion microscopy and SEM. Asbestos concentration in dust samples was lower than detection limit. Many fibrous materials were observed in dust samples, but most of them were organic fibers. Inorganic fibers such as rock fiber, ceramic fiber and gypsum were contained in the samples and non-fibrous minerals such as quartz, calcite and feldspar were also occasionally observed. Domestic law requires that asbestos in air dust is mainly analyzed by phase contrast microscopy. From this study, however, precise analysis of asbestos was almost impossible by this method only. As indicated in JIS method of Japan, therefore, count and identification of asbestos were more efficient by dispersion staining method after removing organic materials in samples by low temperature incinerator.

Changes of Mineralogical Characteristics of Asbestos by Heat Treatment (열처리에 따른 석면의 광물학적 특성변화)

  • Jeong, Hyeonyi;Moon, Wonjin;Yoon, Sungjun;Kim, Yumi;Roh, Yul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2014
  • Asbestos is designated as carcinogen minerals. Detoxification of asbestos is being conducted by physical and chemical treatments that lead the formation of non-fibrous mineral particles or phase transitions. Major researches have been performed on mineralogical properties of asbestos and possibilities of detoxification in Korea. More specific studies are needed to prove the form and crystal structure changes during the detoxification of asbestos via heat treatment. Therefore, we studied thermal effects on mineralogical characteristics of chrysotile and asbestiform tremolite using electron microscopy investigation. Electron microscopy investigation showed chrysotile fibers were fully transformed into rod-shaped forsterite at $850^{\circ}C$ in 2 hours, and asbestiform tremolite fibers were converted into non-fibrous diopside at $1050^{\circ}C$ in 2 hours. Fibrous asbestos were converted into rod-shaped minerals, which are non-asbestiform. However, compositions of both minerals were not changed before and after heat treatment. These results indicate that thermal treatment of asbestos completely broke down asbestos structure due to dehydroxylation and recrystallization. Thus, electron microscopy investigation can provide the useful information of shapes, crystal structure, and chemistries of the asbestos for the detoxification.

Size Distributions of Amphiboles in Soils from a Closed Asbestos Mine, Jecheon, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea (충청북도 제천시 폐석면광산 주변 토양에서 검출되는 각섬석의 크기 분포)

  • Kwon, Jiwoon;Choi, Sung Won;Kim, Hyunwook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.497-505
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    • 2014
  • This study is for discrimination between asbestiform and non-asbestiform based on size characteristics of tremolite-actinolite fibers in soils from a closed asbestos mine, Jecheon, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea. Soils and tremolite asbestos rocks were collected from a closed asbestos mine area. The dimensions of fibers with minimum $5{\mu}m$ in length and 3:1 in aspect ratio were measured using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and compared to the known tremolite populations ranging from asbestiform to non-asbestiform. The geometric means of width of soils, asbestos rocks and National Institute for Standard and Technology (NIST) and Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) reference samples were $1.2{\mu}m$, $0.3-0.6{\mu}m$, $1.3{\mu}m$ and $0.2{\mu}m$, respectively. The geometric means of aspect ratio of soils, asbestos rocks and NIST and HSL reference samples were 7.3, 13.7-30.1, 7.2 and 37.8, respectively. The population of tremolite-actinolite fibers from soils compared to known asbestiform and non-asbestiform tremolite was lack of thin and high aspect ratio fibers. Upper results suggest that tremolite-actinolite fibers in soils cannot be classified into a commercial grade asbestos. The tremolite-actinolite fibers do not mainly appear to be the result of contamination from distance asbestos sources by wind. For the management and control of asbestos in soils, size distributions of amphiboles should be incorporated into asbestos survey results of soils.

Asbestos Inspection in Building by using Polarized Light Microscopy(PLM) (편광현미경법을 이용한 건물의 석면조사에 관한 연구)

  • 황순용;김윤신;석미희;김동오;황인욱;이철민
    • Proceedings of the Korea Air Pollution Research Association Conference
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    • 2003.05b
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    • pp.314-315
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    • 2003
  • 석면은 자연적으로 발생되는 광물로 1887년 캐나다의 케베크 지방에서 채굴이 시작되어 흡음, 단열, 내부식성, 내약품성이 뛰어나고 값이 싸자는 이점 때문에 90%이상이 건축재료로 사용되었다. 석면은 장기간 노출될 경우 대략 15년에서 30년의 잠복기를 거쳐 석면폐증, 폐암 악성 중피종을 등을 유발하며 단 한번 진단되면 아직 이렇다할 치료방법이 없다. 대체적으로 석면폐의 경우 질병의 발생과 석면 섬유 사이에는 양-반응관계를 보이며(Beckla ke et al., 1980) 악성중피종과 폐암의 경우는 화학적 성질과 함께 섬유의 굵기, 길이, 모양 등의 물리적 성질이 질병의 발생과 밀접한 관계가 있는 것으로 보고되고 있다(Lippmann, 1988). (중략)

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POLICY & ISSUES 환경정책 - 석면안전지대 대한민국을 위하여

  • Jeong, Ui-Seok
    • Bulletin of Korea Environmental Preservation Association
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    • s.399
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    • pp.5-7
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    • 2012
  • 석면(石綿)은 말 그대로 섬유와 같은 돌을 말한다. 자연광물인 석면(Asbestos)은 그리스어의 '불멸의, 끌 수 없는'(A=Not, sbestos=quenchable)이라는 어원에서 알 수 있듯이 열에 대한 저항성이 뛰어나고 유연하다. 기원전 4~5세기경 그리스 아테네의 신전에서는 석면 심지를 사용해 불을 밝혔다고 하고, 로마시대에는 왕이 입는 옷의 재료로도 사용되었을 정도라고 한다.

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A Study on the Detoxification of Chrysotile and the use of High-density Extruded Cement Panel Reinforcement Fibers (백석면의 무해 섬유화 처리 방법과 고밀도 압출성형 패널 활용 연구)

  • Jang, Kyong-Pil;Kim, Tae-Hyoung;Song, Tae-Hyeob
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2021
  • The final disposal method for asbestos building materials is to be landfilled at a designated waste landfill in accordance with the Waste Management Act. However, it is difficult to secure a domestic designated waste landfill site to landfill the entire amount of asbestos waste, which is expected to emit more than 400,000 ton/year by 2044. In this study, a detoxification treatment was performed on a ceiling tex with a density of 1.0 to 1.2g/cm3 containing 3 to 7% of chrysotile, and it was used as a reinforcing fiber for extruded panels. It was confirmed that asbestos components were detoxified through the reaction process using 30% oxalic acid and carbon dioxide, and it was recognized that these detoxifying properties were maintained even after extrusion molding. However, it was found that milling to a fiber size of less than 1mm for complete detoxification of asbestos resulted in a decrease in reinforcing performance. Therefore, in the case of using detoxified asbestos fibers in the extrusion molding process, it is considered desirable to add fibers with a length of 5mm or more to improve the reinforcing performance.