• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서식지 지도

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An Evaluation on Health Conditions of Pyong-Chang River using the Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) and Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index(QHEI) (생물보전지수(Index of Biological Integrity) 및 서식지 평가지수 (Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index)를 이용한 평창강의 수환경 평가)

  • Jung, Seung-Hyun;Choi, Shin-Sok;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.34 no.3 s.95
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2001
  • We evaluated the health condition of Pyong-Chang river, the tributary of Han- River, using the Index of Biological Integrity (IBI) and Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) during September 1999${\sim}$August 2000. The annual mean of IBI, which was estimated using eleven metrics, was 49 (range: $45{\sim}51$) and the mean of QHEI, which was estimated using seven parameters, was 88 (range: $76{\sim}94$) during the study. The river health, based on the IBI criteria of Karr (1981), ranged from "excellent" to "good" conditions, while based on the habitat criteria of Plafkin et al. (1989), it ranged from "pristine" (comparable to reference) to "supporting" conditions. Values of IBI showed slight differences between upstream and downstream sites and QHEI values varied weakly depending on characteristics of variables. Regression analyses showed that annual values of QHEI had no functional relations with stream order (p = 1.82; n = 8) but showed some decreases near slight point-sources. This result indicates that conditions of physical habitat did not change highly with increases of the stream order. According to analyses of feed guilds, relative abundance of insectivores, omnivores and carnivores was 85.1%, 3.5% 0.3%, respectively. Also, relative abundance of sensitive and tolerant species was 75% and 4.6%, respectively, while exotic and morphological anomalies were not found in the river. These outcomes indicate that health condition of fish, based on the trophic conditions of U.S. EPA (1993), was excellent in the river. Regression analyses of IBI values against the QHEI showed that the variation of habitat conditions accounted 57% for the variation of the Index of Biological Integrity (p<0.05; $R^2\;=\;0.57$; n = 7).Overall data of IBI and QHEI suggest that the river health in the present is in optimal conditions but may be degradated by acceleration of chemical inputs and physical-habitat disturbance.

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Habitat Classification and Distribution Characteristic of Aquatic Insect Functional Feeding Groups in the Geum River, Korea (금강 수계 서식지 유형분류 및 수서곤충 섭식기능군 분포특성)

  • Park, Young-Jun;Kim, Ki-Dong;Cho, Young-Ho;Han, Yong-Gu;Kim, Yeong-Jin;Nam, Sang-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.691-709
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed to classify habitat types depending on environmental factors and to find out distribution characteristics of functional feeding groups of aquatic insects which were collected at that habitat types. Field survey was conducted twice in a year for every spring and fall from 2007 to 2008 for 38 sites in the Geum River. During the field survey 15 environmental factors were measured at each 38 sites and analyzed by similarity analysis method to classify habitat types. The result of similarity analysis showed that the 38 sites could be grouped into 7 classes like as C1 and C3 class belong to Head water(HD), C2 and C4 and C5 class belong to Middle stream(MS), C6 and C7 class belong to Large River(LR) based on euclidean distances 4. And also, we could extract the main environmental factors affecting the classification of habitat types such as Stream Width and Elevation of physical environmental factors, Water Temperature, Conductivity and DO of chemical environmental factors, percentages of Sand, Silt and Gravel of substrate factors. Total 142 species of aquatic insects in 46 families, 9 orders were collected during the field surveys and the occurrence number of species and individuals showed high correlation with the Velocity factor and the percentage of Sand factor of each habitat types. In addition, correlation analysis between functional feeding groups and environmental factors represented that (1) Filtering-collectors(FC) affected by Velocity, Stream Width and Silt, (2) Gathering-collector(GC) affected by Velocity, (3) Predator(P) affected by Elevation, Velocity, Boulder, Conductivity and Sand, (4) Plant-piecer(PP) affected by Water Width and Silt, (5) Scraper(SC) affected by Elevation and Conductivity, (6) Shredder(SH) affected by Elevation, Boulder, DO, pH, Conductivity and Water Temperature respectively. As a result of this study, Elevation, Stream Width, Velocity, Conductivity, Water Temperature and percentage of Sand factors which were deduced by stepwise multiple regression analysis had correlations($r{\geqq}0.600$, p<0.01) with biota community inhabitation. Therefore these six environmental factors were regarded as major environmental factors that might affect highly the distribution of functional feeding groups in stream ecosystem of the Geum River.

A Study of Habitat Environment Mapping Using Detailed Bathymetry and Seafloor Data in the Southern Shore of the East Sea(Ilsan Beach, Ulsan) (정밀 해저지형 및 해저면 자료를 활용한 동해 남부 연안(울산 일산해변) 생태계 서식지 환경 맵핑 연구)

  • Choi, SoonYoung;Kim, ChangHwan;Kim, WonHyuck;Rho, HyunSoo;Park, ChanHong
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.717-731
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    • 2021
  • We analyzed the characteristics of the habitat environment for the Seonam study area in Ulsan, the southern shore of the East Sea using bathymetry and seafloor environment data. The depth of the study area ranges from about 0 m to 23 m. In the west of the study area, the water depth is shallow with a gentle slope, and the water depth becomes deeper with a steep slope in the east. Due to the right-lateral strike-slip faults located in the continental margin of the East Sea, the fracture surfaces of the seabed rocks are mainly in the N-S direction, which is similar to the direction of the strike faults. Three seafloor types (conglomeratic-grained sandy, coasre-graiend sandy, fine-grained sandy) and rocky bottom area have been classified according to the analyses of the bathymerty, seafloor image, and surface sediment data. The rocky bottom areas are mainly distributed around Seaoam and in the northern and southern coastal area. But the intermediate zone between Seonam and coastal area has no rocky bottom. This intermediate area is expected to have active sedimentation as seawater way. The sandy sediments are widely distributed throughout the study area. Underwater images and UAV images show that Cnidarians, Brachiopods, Mollusks are mostly dominant in the shallow habitat and various Nacellidae, Mytilidae live on the intertidal zone around Seonam. Annelida and Arthropod are dominant in the sandy sediments. The distribution of marine organism in the study area might be greatly influenced by the seafloor type, the composition and particle size distribution of the seafloor sediments. The analysis of habitat environment mapping with bathymetry, seafloor data and underwater images is supposed to contribute to the study of the structure and function of marine ecosystem.