• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생리적 검사

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Obesity, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, and Metabolic Dysfunction (비만, 폐쇄성 수면무호흡증과 대사장애)

  • Kim, Jinkwan;Pyo, Sang Shin;Yoon, Dae Wui
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.285-295
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    • 2021
  • Sleep plays an important role in maintaining overall human health. There is increasing interest regarding the impact of sleep related disorders on metabolic diseases. Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common health problem, and in the last decade, the emergence of increasing obesity rates has further led to a remarkable increase in the prevalence of OSA, along with more prominent metabolic diseases. Obesity is the strongest risk factor for OSA. However, OSA is also known to cause obesity, suggesting an interaction between OSA and obesity. Although the underlying mechanisms leading to OSA-induced metabolic diseases are probably multi-factorial and are yet to be fully elucidated, the activation of inflammation and oxidative stress and the dysregulation of appetite-regulating hormones have emerged as important pathophysiological components of metabolic dysfunction and obesity observed in patients with OSA. Here, we will review the current state of research regarding the association of OSA with metabolic diseases and the possible pathophysiological mechanisms by which OSA could lead to such diseases. This will enhance our understanding of the potential interactions between OSA and obesity and between OSA and metabolic dysfunction.

The Impact of Cognitive Load Factors and Arousal Levels of Galvanic Skin Response on Task Performance in Computer Based Learning (컴퓨터 기반 학습에서 인지부하 요인과 GSR의 각성수준이 과제수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Jee-Heon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the impact of cognitive factors and GSR on the task performance. For this study 64 students participated. Multiple regression and repeated measures were applied to analyze the data. The result for the survey indicated that previous knowledge, physical efforts, and task difficulty had significant impacts on task performance. Particularly, task difficulty has a negative impact. This can be interpreted as someone who has high prior knowledge inputs higher physical efforts with low task difficulty perception will show high performance. On the other hand, the low arousal level of GSR in the evaluation stage is a prediction variable of task performance. This result shows that high prior knowledge and low arousal level of GSR produces high performance. However, the analysis of difference in GSR between learning and evaluation stages does not show significant difference. It suggests that physiological measure such as GSR is reliable index of cognitive load; however, it partially represents cognitive load. Other crucial factors should be added for comprehensive measures.

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Psychophysiological Characteristics of Chronic Pain Patients Measured by Biofeedback System (바이오피드백을 이용하여 측정한 만성통증 환자의 정신생리적 특징)

  • Lee, Jin-Seong;Kang, Do-Hyung;An, Hyun-Ju;Yoon, Dae-Hyun;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: Chronic pain is one of the most common experiences of humans and a typical psychophysiological disorder. The aim of this study was to measure the psychophysiological responses in chronic pain patients using a biofeedback system, and to compare them with the results from normal healthy subjects. Methods: Forty two patients with chronic pain (17 males and 25 females, average age $44.67{\pm}11.10$ years) and 42 normal healthy controls (17 males and 25 females, average age $45.17{\pm}10.46$ years) participated in this study. Electromyography (EMG), skin conductance (SC), and skin temperature (ST) were recorded using biofeedback system during the 3 phases (baseline, stress, and recovery) of stress reactivity test, and average values of them were calculated. Difference of values between two groups in each corresponding phase was analyzed with independent t-test, and change of values across phases of stress reactivity test was analyzed with paired t-test (all two-tailed, p<0.05). Results: Compared to normal controls, chronic pain patients had higher value of EMG (baseline: $8.10{\pm}5.97{\mu}V$ vs $4.72{\pm}1.52{\mu}V$, t=-3.56, p<0.01; stress: $11.25{\pm}6.89{\mu}V$ vs $8.49{\pm}4.78{\mu}V$, t=-2.13, p<0.05; recovery: $7.12{\pm}3.77{\mu}V$ vs $4.78{\pm}1.59{\mu}V$, t=-3.70, p<0.01) and SC (baseline: $1.06{\pm}1.0{\mu}S$ vs $0.42{\pm}0.29{\mu}S$, t=-4.0. p<0.01; stress: $1.87{\pm}2.05{\mu}S$ vs $1.03{\pm}0.86{\mu}S$, t=-2.47, p<0.05; recovery: $1.74{\pm}1.77{\mu}S$ vs $0.64{\pm}0.59{\mu}S$, t=-3.8, p<0.01) in all the 3 phases. But, skin temperature comparison did not reveal significant differences in all the 3 phases between two groups. Conclusion: Psychophysiological responses of chronic pain patients in stress reactivity test were different from those of normal healthy controls. These results suggest that sympathetic nervous system is more activated in chronic pain patients.

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전신질환과 치과질환

  • Lee, Seung-U
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.29 no.6 s.265
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    • pp.467-474
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    • 1991
  • 구강질병의 합리적인 관리는 질병의 원인규명을 바탕으로 예방과 치료가 이루어 져야 한다. 구강의 발생학적, 생리학적인 복합성 때문에, 구강질병에 대한 정확한 이해가 어려우므로 치과진료실에서의 진료행위는 상당한 제한된 것이었고 불완전한 것이었다. 치아의 지지경조직, 연조직, 기타 구강에 영향을 주는 제반질병의 합리적인 관리가 구강내과학적으로 우선되야 할 것이다. 치과의사는 백혈구나 적혈구에 이상이 있는 환자는 치료하는 경우에 주의하여야 할 점이 많으므로 환자의 병력, 임상검사 및 예비검사등에 의하여 이러한 질병을 발견할 수 있어야 한다. 이러한 환자에서는 비정상 출혈, 치유지연, 감염 혹은 점막 궤양이 나타나기 쉽다. 더구나 이들 중 어떤 질환은 치명적으로 이런 환자를 찾아내어 치과처치를 하기전에 내과의사에 보내어 진단, 치료를 받게 해야 한다. 환자자신이 질환에 대해 알고 있고 내과적 처치를 받고 있는 경우라도 의사와 협의가 없이는 어떠한 치과적 처치라도 피하도록 하는 것이 좋겠다. 이에 이러한 혈액질환들의 원인과 증상, 치료법등을 간단히 소개하여 수차에 걸쳐 연재하도록 하겠다. 여기에 연재된 내용들은 어떤부분에서는 너무 자세하게 기술된 내용도 없지 않으나 조금이나마 환자 치료에 도움이 되었으면 하는 바램이다.

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전신질환과 치과질환

  • Lee, Seung-U
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.30 no.7 s.278
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    • pp.543-552
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    • 1992
  • 구강질병의 합리적인 관리는 질병의 원인규명을 바탕으로 예방과 치료가 이루어 져야 한다. 구강의 발생학적, 생리학적인 복합성 때문에, 구강질병에 대한 정확한 이해가 어려우므로 치과진료실에서의 진료행위는 상당한 제한된 것이었고 불완전한 것이었다. 치아의 지지경조직, 연조직, 기타 구강에 영향을 주는 제반질병의 합리적인 관리가 구강내과학적으로 우선되야 할 것이다. 치과의사는 백혈구나 적혈구에 이상이 있는 환자느느 치료하는 경우에 주의하여야 할 점이 많으므로 환자의 병력, 임상검사 및 예비검사등에 의하여 이러한 질병을 발견할 수 있어야 한다. 이러한 환자에서는 비정상 출혈, 치유지연, 감염 혹은 점막 궤양이 나타나기 쉽다. 더구나 이들 중 어떤 질환은 치명적으로 이런 환자를 찾아내어 치과처치를 하기전에 내과의사에 보내어 진단, 치료를 받게 해야 한다. 환자자신이 질환에 대해 알고 있고 내과적 처치를 받고 있는 경우라도 의사와 협의가 없이는 어떠한 치과적 처치라도 피하도록 하는 것이 좋겠다. 이에 이러한 혈액질환들의 원인과 증상, 치료법등을 간단히 소개하여 수차에 걸쳐 연재하도록 하겠다. 여기에 연재된 내용들은 어떤부분에서는 너무 자세하게 기술된 내용도 없지 않으나 조금이나마 환자 치료에 도움이 되었으면 하는 바램이다.

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A Case of 24-Year-Old Woman with Recurrent Hypersomnic Complaint (수면과다증을 반복적으로 보이는 24세 여자환자)

  • Yoon, In-Young;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 1995
  • A 24-year-old woman complained of recurrent episodes of hypersomnia lasting on the average about 15 days with mild mood alternation such as depression and irritability. During interepisode interval, she was free of any symptoms. Depending on the absence of excessive eating and hypersexuality, she was clinically diagnosed as recurrent monosymptomatic hypersomnia or the incomplete form of Kleine-Levin syndrome. When nocturnal polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test were performed 10 days after her recovery from a hypersomnic episode, reduced slow wave sleep % and pathologic daytime sleepiness were still noted. The authors suggest that the clinical recovery in recurrent monosymptomatic hypersomnia precede electrophysiological normalization by several days.

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전신질환과 치과질환

  • Lee, Seung-U
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.29 no.7 s.266
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    • pp.543-549
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    • 1991
  • 구강질병의 합리적인 관리는 질병의 원인규명을 바탕으로 예방과 치료가 이루어 져야 한다. 구강의 발생학적, 생리학적인 복합성 때문에, 구강질병에 대한 정확한 이해가 어려우므로 치과진료실에서의 진료행위는 상당한 제한된 것이었고 불완전한 것이었다. 치아의 지지경조직, 연조직, 기타 구강에 영향을 주는 제반질병의 합리적인 관리가 구강내과학적으로 우선되야 할 것이다. 치과의사는 백혈구나 적혈구에 이상이 있는 환자는 치료하는 경우에 주의하여야 할 점이 많으므로 환자의 병력, 임상검사 및 예비검사등에 의하여 이러한 질병을 발견할 수 있어야 한다. 이러한 환자에서는 비정상 출혈, 치유지연, 감염 혹은 점막 궤양이 나타나기 쉽다. 더구나 이들 중 어떤 질환은 치명적으로 이런 환자를 찾아내어 치과처치를 하기전에 내과의사에 보내어 진단, 치료를 받게 해야 한다. 환자자신이 질환에 대해 알고 있고 내과적 처치를 받고 있는 경우라도 의사와 협의가 없이는 어떠한 치과적 처치라도 피하도록 하는 것이 좋겠다. 이에 이러한 혈액질환들의 원인과 증상, 치료법등을 간단히 소개하여 수차에 걸쳐 연재하도록 하겠다. 여기에 연재된 내용들은 어떤부분에서는 너무 자세하게 기술된 내용도 없지 않으나 조금이나마 환자 치료에 도움이 되었으면 하는 바램이다.

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Study on Image Quality Assessment in Whole Body Bone Scan (전신 뼈검사에서의 영상 평가 연구)

  • Kwon, Oh Jun;Hur, Jae;Lee, Han Wool;Kim, Joo Yeon;Park, Min Soo;Roo, Dong Ook;Kang, Chun Goo;Kim, Jae Sam
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2015
  • Purpose Whole body bone scan, which makes up a largest percentage of nuclear medicine tests, has high sensitivity and resolution about bone lesion like osteomyelitis, fracture and the early detection of primary cancer. However, any standard for valuation has not yet been created except minimum factor. Therefore, in this study, we will analysis the method which show a quantitative evaluation index in whole body bone scan. Materials and Methods This study is conducted among 30 call patients, who visited the hospital from April to September 2014 with no special point of view about bone lesion, using GE INFINIA equipment. Enumerated data is measured mainly with patient's whole body count and lumbar vertabrae, and the things which include CNR (Contrast to Noise ratio), SNR (Signal to Noise ratio) are calculated according to the mean value signal and standard deviation of each lumbar vertabrae. In addition, the numerical value with the abdominal thickness is compared to each value by the change of scan speed and tissue equivalent material throughout the phantom examination, and compared with 1hours deleyed value. Completely, on the scale of ten, 2 reading doctors and 5 skilled radiologists with 5-years experience analysis the correlation between visual analysis with blind test and quantitative calculation. Results The whole body count and interest region count of patients have no significant correlation with visual analysis value throughout the blind test(P<0.05). There is definite correlation among CNR and SNR. In phantom examination, Value of the change was caused by the thickness of the abdomen and the scan speed. And The poor value of the image in the subject as a delay test patient could be confirmed that the increase tendency. Conclusion Now, a standard for valuation has not been created in whole body bone scan except minimum factor. In this study, we can verify the significant correlation with blind test using CNR and SNR and also assure that the scan speed is a important factor to influence the imagine quality from the value. It is possible to be some limit depending on the physiology function and fluid intake of patient even if we progress the evaluation in same condition include same injection amount, same scan speed and so on. However, that we prove the significant evaluation index by presenting quantitative calculation objectively could be considered academic value.

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Design and Implementation of Mobile ]Respiration Detection Diagnostic System using Ultrasound Sensing Method fficient Multicasting Environment (초음파 센싱 방식을 이용한 이동형 호흡량 측정 진단기의 설계 및 구현)

  • 김동학;김영길
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.509-515
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    • 2004
  • Pulmonary function tests are widely used to diagnose and determine patients' therapy in clinic. And it was also applied in the research of the physiology and dynamics for lung disease. Among the pulmonary function tests, spirometry is the most easy and economic test. Spirometers are medical instruments that measure the instantaneous rate of volume flow of respired Bas. The mechanical spirometer was mostly used in the past. Up to the present, the most popular method of spirometer is the differential pressure technique with which change in the volume of flow are transferred to change in pressure. This kind of instrument suffers from several limitations, pressure drop, difficulty in maintenance and short period of calibration. Therefore, this study has begun to implement ultrasound spirometer, which is free of pressure loss and has wide range, focusing on the flow measurement technique and diagnostic algorithm.

What is the Appropriate Infusion Rate during Whitaker Test in Children? (소아 Whitaker 검사시에 적절한 관류속도는?)

  • Chung, Ky-Hyun;Lee, Gyeong-Ik
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.178-182
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : The conventional Whitaker test assesses the renal pelvic pressure response to a constant infusion rate of 10 mL/min in adult and 5 mL/min in children. We evaluated whether the infusion rate,5 mL/min is appropriate during Whitaker test in children. Materials and Methods : The study included 3 children with unilateral hydronephrosis, whose diuretic renography results were equivocal to define the presence of urinary obstruction. The kidneys were perfused at increasing flow rates from lmL/min. Results : There were intrapelvic pressure increases $26\;cmH_2O$ at 3 mL/min, $50\;cmH_2O$ at 2 mL/min and $80\;cmH_2O$ at 3 mL/min infusion rate, respectively. There was no need to increase the infusion rate over 4 mL/min to get a positive Whitaker test. Conclusion : Our experience with Whitaker test at variable low flow rates (1-5 mL/min) confirmed its usefulness in differentiating obstructive from nonobstructive uropathy. We recommend the increasing infusion rate from 1 mL/min during Whitaker test in children.

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