• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생각 기록

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A Study on the Problems in and the Improvement of the Archives Evaluation System : Focusing on the Metropolitan Office of Education (기록관리 기관평가 제도의 문제점과 개선방안 연구 시도교육청을 대상으로)

  • Kwon, Do-gyun
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.48
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    • pp.180-208
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    • 2016
  • Since the introduction of the Archives Evaluation System in 2008, the Republic of Korea's archives management has undergone many changes and great development. However, there remain process problems in several operations of concerned agencies. These are made up of problems in the system itself (operation-related problem), problems in evaluation indicators, and issues in communication issue between the rating agency and the national archives of the rated institutions. This study was a theorem for such status of the concept, objectives, and the indicators of the institutional evaluation system as it looked into the problems and sought improvement of the systems and indicators. The problems of the evaluation system were felt in the survey of the education field, which was conducted through interviews and phone interviews with the Office of Education's archives managers and researchers. Among the problems found were the assessment period, the number of indicators, evaluation process, the assessment indicators, and the best practices. Moreover, this study summarized the comments of the archives managers on what they believed are needed to improve the field. As a result, it confirmed that structural and fundamental changes in the institutional evaluation system are needed. Based on these findings, this study hopes that an archives management business for the public institutions of the Republic of Korea would be developed in the future.

Revisiting Archical Appraisal Theories for their Application to Community Archives (공동체 아카이브를 위한 기록평가론의 재조명)

  • Seol, Moon-Won;Kim, Young
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.48
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    • pp.210-252
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    • 2016
  • Community creates, receives and preserves the records, which made the community members and the entire society remember their history. As for community archives, archival appraisal is very political activity because appraisal of community records means whose memory remain alive in history. This study aims to analyze archival appraisal theories from the perspective of community and community archives, and suggest appraisal model for community archives. This study begins with examining the meaning of community archives and appraisal related issues including; i) community identity and independence of archives, ii) struggle of memory and multiple narratives, iii) uniqueness of each community and its archives, and iv) community archives as memory process and social inclusion. At the next stage, it deals with the archival theories from Schellenberg's archival values theory to macro-appraisal, to investigate possible application of theories for community records appraisal. It finds that the societal approach of macro-appraisal have advantage to appraise the community records. This study finally suggests the appraisal model for community archives by modifying the macro-appraisal components as well as by complying the principles of community archives. The model consists of the purpose and object of appraisal, principle and basis of valuation, and cooperation model between mainstream repository and community.

A Study on the Importance of the Assessment of Records Management Metadata Elements Related to the Electronic Medical Records Management System for Medical Records Managers (전자의무기록 관리시스템 관련 기록관리 메타데이터 요소들에 대한 의무기록 관리자의 중요도 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Mi;Kim, Myeong;Yim, Jin Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.151-171
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    • 2013
  • To comprehend the importance and necessity of record management metadata standard implemented in an electronic medical records system, a survey was undertaken to 50 medical records managers in charge of 5 major hospitals in Seoul. Analysis of the survey results was performed by averaging the responses given by those who answered the survey. SPSS was utilized for statistical analysis. Managers of medical records placed importance on metadata that are related to security of records, such as "levels of security", "types of access to medical records", "levels of authorization granted to personnel", and "users accessing medical records". It shows that these managers need the functions of privacy protection in ERMS. Metadata on "external disclosure" had the lowest level but those surveyed with more than 7 years of experience placed greater importance in this area more those surveyed with less than 7 years of experience in a hospital. This shows that managers need the functions of external disclosure to meet the needs of third partiesfor medical research and medical education.

A Case Study on the Documentation in a Disaster Area - On the Basis of Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake - (재해 지역의 기록화 사례 연구 - 한신·아와지 대지진 기록관리 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Mi-young
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.21
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    • pp.85-116
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    • 2009
  • Records are the social memory storage including collective memory about region, it is impossible to put into and represent all aspects of society with only public records. Japan showed the possibilities of cooperative collecting and the positive records producing and collecting efforts between organizations, even if it was not accomplished by systemic documentation strategy. Some characteristics were found out when this case was reviewed, it is as follows. To begin with, it is the cooperation and share in collecting. Especially, the activities of private organizations look better than public organizations and the cooperative collecting efforts lead to transmit much more social memory and historical records to next generation. Secondly, it is the positive records producing and collecting. The private organizations also left many records of various activities of those one accord. They recognized that recording experience and leaving behind is the survivors' responsibility. We cannot help recognizing the growth of a sense of duty and historical consciousness to record their own experience with undergoing big disaster, earthquake. Thirdly, there was no limit when it comes to the collecting scope. All records related with people and place in disaster area were the target for collecting just like slogan, 'Let's transmit records to next generation as much as possible', 'Common records and resources deserve leaving, because it is important life's information proving situations of the time. We were able to confirm the high will and enthusiasm about 'how, what and why do we transmit something of society to next generation' in this case.

The Records and Archives as the Conceptual Constructs and Sunglihak World View of Joseon Dynasty ('개념적 구성물로서의 기록'의 관점에서 보는 조선시대 성리학 세계관과 기록·기록관리)

  • Noh, Meung-Hoan
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.51
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    • pp.235-278
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    • 2017
  • Then, why was the system so thorough and strict? How could that be possible? I approached this question by explaining the task of the Joseon Dynasty for the construction of a Confucian community based on Sunglihak. Sunglihak meant the metaphysics of human nature and universe order, or the rule of heaven. The people who opened the Joseon Dynasty aimed at constructing a Confucian community based on propriety as the principle of the society. The records and archives played an administrative function, for example, controlling royal power, as well as the role of constructing a national community identity based on Sunglihak. This kind of records and records management practices of the Joseon Dynasty can be seen as conceptual construction and conceptual constructs, although they were physical entities in reality. They reflected the Sunglihak value system as, in the words of Michel Focault, an "episteme" and played a social role based on it. In particular, I explained it in light of the constructivism of Sunglihak and the semiosis concept of Charles Sanders Peirce.

광견병 개요 및 인수공통전염병으로서의 중요성

  • 한홍율;이원창
    • Journal of the korean veterinary medical association
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.131-138
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    • 1994
  • 광견병(Rabies, 'rage' or 'maess' in Latin)은 바이러스가 매개하는 질병으로 약간의 예외는 있지만 온혈동물에 있어 신경증상을 동반하는 아주 치명적인 전염병이다. 격리되어 광견병바이러스의 유입이 제한되어 있는 지역이나 국가를 제외한 대부분의 나라에 널리 퍼져있다. B.C. 20세기의 기록을 보면 메소포타미아의 Eshnunna법전에 법령의 형태로서 기록되어 있는데 미친개가 사람을 물어 그 사람이 죽었을 경우 처벌을 받는다는 기록이 있다(Sikes, 1975). 광견병의 실체는 1800년 초에 실험적으로 광증을 보이는 개의 타액을 주사함으로써 입증되었다(Sikes,1975 ; Steele, 1975 : Greene, 1994). 1881년에 Louis Pasteur의 연구결과 이 질병이 전염성이고 토끼를 이용해 계대배양함으로써 예방할 수 있다고 하였다. 역사적으로 보면 이 방법이 광견병바이러스에 노출된 사람에게 할 수 있는 유일한 치료방법이었으며 이를 Pasteur 치료법이라고 불리운다(Greene, 1984; Fekadu, 1980; Blendon & Breits-chwerdt, 1980 ; Hattwick, 1972). 광견병에 걸려도 생존하는 개나 사람이 있지만 그래도 아직까지 치명적인 질병으로 간주되고 있다. 이 질병은 치명적이라서 치료할 수 없다고 평가되고 있지만 예방할 수는 있다. 예방책으로는 광견병 발생률이 높은 지역의 사람과 동물에게 미리 예방접종을 실시하거나 광견병바이러스에 노출되었다고 생각되었을 경우 치료를 즉각 실시하면 된다(WHO 1978). 이 전염병은 아주 치명적이기 때문에 가장 중요한 인수공통 전염병중의 하나이다.

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Unrecorded Aedes (Edwardsaedes) bekkui (Diptera: Culicidae) from Korea: Notes on Taxonomic Diagnosis of Adult and Larva (한국산 모기과의 미기록종 베꾸숲모기(Aenes bekkui) : 성충 및 유충의 분류학적 특징에 관하여)

  • ;Rob
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.210-212
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    • 1987
  • 한국산 모기에 대한 조사연구사업의 일환으로 1387년 6월 경기도 남양주군 광릉에 위치한 임업시험장 일대에서 야외채집을 실시한 결과 미기록종 Aedes bekkui(베꾸숲모기)를 채집하였기에 이를 보고한다. 성충의 특징은 기문하구(subspiracular area)에 작을 강모가 없는 점이고, 유충의 특징은 머리털 4-C와 6-C의 간격이 좁고 5,6-C의 크기와 모양은 서로 대등하며 6,7-C의 간격은 5,6-C의 간격보다 2배이상 넓다는 점이다. 또 꼬리틸 3-X는 단모로 되어 있고 2-X보다 상당히 길다. Tanaka의 검색표에 따르면 Aedes bekkui 성충의 특징은 아속 Edwardsaedes와 일치되지만 유충은 아속 Aedimorphus에 일치된다. 이는 Belkin이 처음 아속 Edwardsaedes를 확립할 때 유일하게 Aedes imprimens를 단모식 표본종(monotypic species)으로 이용하여 그 특징 열거에 있어 너무 단조로 왔기 때문이며 또한 일본에서 A. imprimens가 A. bekkui로 판명되기까지 자충의 특징만이 기록되어 왔기 때문이다. 그러므로 과거 한국에서 보고된 A. imprimens도 일본의 경우와 같이 A. bekkui의 오식종이었을 것으로 생각된다.

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Design and Implementation of Smart phone-based Records Management Application for Sports Clubs (운동부 지도자들을 위한 스마트폰 기반 기록관리 어플리케이션의 설계 및 구현)

  • Ha, Tai-Hyun;Kim, Se-Min
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 2012
  • This study has been conducted to design and implement smart phone-based application which can keep records effectively to improve athletes' ability. To boost their performance, they need to receive training as realistic as possible. As a way to do that, training should be performed with some fitness equipments, sporting apparatus, facilities, and conditions. However, it is also possible to improve their ability by motivating athletes with checking and recording their performance. This study ascertains that using scoring records actually motivates athletes when comparing the result of youth basketball team using the records keeping system with that of not using it. Accordingly, smart phone-based records keeping application has been designed and developed. Also, through a survey targeting athletic coaches who have used the system, training efficiency has been measured and it turns out that it actually motivates athletes to improve their abilities.

모든 병의 타깃, 만성질환 - 당뇨병, 왜 위험한가?

  • Heo, Gap-Beom
    • 건강소식
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.16-17
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    • 2010
  • 지금처럼 흔하지 않았지만 당뇨병의 역사는 생각보다 깊다. 고대 테베스의 묘지에서 발견된 파피루스에도 '극도의 다뇨'라는 사인(死因)이 기록되어 있을 정도로 이미 기원전부터 인류를 괴롭혀왔다. 그렇다면 당뇨병이 사람들에게 크게 관심을 받기 시작한 것은 언제부터일까? 그리고 당뇨병은 얼마나 위험한 병일까?

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