• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생각 기록

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Tidal Current and Suspended Sediment Transport in the Keum Estuary,West Coast of Korea (錦江 鹽河口에서의 潮流와 浮游堆積物 이동)

  • 오임상;나태경
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.147-162
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    • 1995
  • The circulation due to tidal current and river discharge, and the associated suspended suspended sediment transport in macrotidal Keum Estuary, were studied through a series of field measurements of tidal currents and suspended sediment concentration at three anchored stations from 1990 through 1992. From the measurements, the following results were obtained. At the seaward entrance of the estuary, the veritical profiles of the ebb and flood currents were almost symmetric. At the southern channel the flood current was dominant in the whole water column, but in the northern channel the ebb current was dominant in the surface and bottom layers and the flood current was dominant in the intermediate layer. The maximum velocity of the tidal current in the southern channel was 174 cm/s during flood tide in the intermediate layer. The maximum velocity, 148 cm/s in the northern channel also appeared during flood tide in the intermediate layer. However, in the surface and bottom layers, the maximum velocities were 110.6 cm/s during ebb tide and 92.1 cm/s during flood tide, respectively. The type of the Keum Estuary can be categorized to 'Type 3' of Hansen and Rattray's scheme. The water column of the estuary during the flood tide becomes stratified, and after high water the ebb current reduces the density difference and the water column becomes turbulent. The lower layer of the water column is generally turbulent. The largest sediment flux 20.61 ton/s was found in the southern channel during flood current in the lowest river discharge (May, 1991), while the smallest flux, 0.65 ton/s in the northern channel in the lowest tidal range (July, 1992). The stronger bottom shear velocity for the present study area seems to erode the bottom sediments during the flood tide, and the relatively long duration of the ebb tide to transport the suspended sediments. Under normal river discharge conditions, the suspended sediments are transported mainly through the southern channel. However, under high river discharge condition the suspended sediment transport is dominant through the northern channel.

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Development of Elementary School Science Instructional Program for Nurturing Creativity - 1. Survey of the Status in Creativity Education - (창의력 계발을 위한 자연과 교수.학습 자료 개발 -1. 창의력 교육의 실태조사-)

  • Kang, Ho-Kam;Noh, Suk-Goo;Lee, Heui-Soon;Hong, Seok-In;Choi, Sun-Young;Won, Wyong-Jun;Ha, Jung-Won;Kim, Ji-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.542-559
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the teaching-learning materials for students' creativity in elementary school science class. For this, we asked some questions to both teachers and students: 25-item- questionnaires were given to 122 teachers in charge of 5th graders and 6th graders in elementary schools located in Seoul, Inchon and Kyonggi province, and 20-item-questionnaires to 825 students of 5th grade and 6th grade in the same schools. The results of this study are as follows: most of teachers admitted the need of creativity education, but they taught class mostly with textbook only. The lack of students' divergent thinking and creative scientific activities in science class made it difficult to develop students' creativity. Besides, teaching-learning materials for whole brain learning were not enough. In case that the students did not make experiment in class, they liked VCR tapes or TP materials Students thought that the most effective materials for class are VCR tapes and next were worksheets. Not a few students answer they do hard only interesting experiments. Most of students wanted worksheets including various interesting activities like games, quiz, experiments, drawing, etc.

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Application of Image Processing Techniques to GPR Data for the Reliability Improvement in Subsurface Void Analysis (지표레이더(GPR) 탐사자료를 이용한 지하공동 분석 시 신뢰도 향상을 위한 영상처리기법의 활용)

  • Kim, Bona;Seol, Soon Jee;Byun, Joongmoo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2017
  • Recently, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys have been actively carried out for precise subsurface void investigation because of the rapid increase of subsidence in urban areas. However, since the interpretation of GPR data was conducted based on the interpreter's subjective decision after applying only the basic data processing, it can result in reliability problems. In this research, to solve these problems, we analyzed the difference between the events generated from subsurface voids and those of strong diffraction sources such as the buried pipeline by applying the edge detection technique, which is one of image processing technologies. For the analysis, we applied the image processing technology to the GRP field data containing events generated from the cavity or buried pipeline. As a result, the main events by the subsurface void or diffraction source were effectively separated using the edge detection technique. In addition, since subsurface voids associated with the subsidence has a relatively wide scale, it is recorded as a gentle slope event unlike the event caused by the strong diffraction source recorded with a sharp slope. Therefore, the directional analysis of amplitude variation in the image enabled us to effectively separate the events by the subsurface void from those by the diffraction source. Interpretation based on these kinds of objective analysis can improve the reliability. Moreover, if suggested techniques are verified to various GPR field data sets, these approaches can contribute to semiautomatic interpretation of large amount of GPR data.

Role of Dopamine on Motility of Duodenal bulb in rabbits (토끼 십이지장구의 운동성에 미치는 dopamine의 영향)

  • Lee, Yun-Lyul;Shin, Won-Im;Park, Hyoung-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 1986
  • The present study was undertaken to see an interaction of dopamine and cholecystokinin on spontaneous contractility of the small intestine including the duodenal bulb. A possible neural mechanism of the interaction was alto examined. The spontaneous isometric contractility of a segment of the duodenal bulb, duodenum, jejunum and ileum obtained from the rabbit anesthetized with ether was recorded in a chamber filled with Krebs-Ringer's solution. The solution was constantly kept at $37^{\circ}C$ and aerated with $O_2$ containing 5% $CO_2$. After 20 min from beginning of the contraction, dopamine $(10^{-4}M)$, CCK-8($10^{-8}M$), domperidone($10^{-5}M$) and tetrodotoxin ($10^{-6}M$) were administered into the chamber The following results were obtained by analyzing changes in the contractility of the intestinal segments. 1) Dopamine inhibited the spontaneous contractility of the duodenal bulb, duodenum, jejunum and ileum. The inhibitory action of dopamine on all parts of the small intestine except the ileum was reduced by tetrodotoxin. 2) Domperidone knwon to be a specific peripheral dopamine receptor antagonist blocked the inhibitory action of dopamine on all parts of the small intestine. The antagonistic action of domperidone on all parts of the small intestine except the ileum was completely abolished by tetrodotoxin. 3) CCK-8 reduced the inhibitory action of dopamine on all parts of the small intestine. The effect of CCK-8 on the dopamine action was diminished by tetrodotoxin. These results suggest that dopamine inhibits the spontaneous contractility of the small intestine including the duodenal bulb and CCK-8 reduces the inhibitory action of dopamine through the enteric nervous system.

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The Usefulness of Capsule Endoscopy in Diagnosis of Small Bowel Diseases (소장질환의 진단에 캡슐내시경 검사의 유용성)

  • Eun, Jong-Ryul;Jang, Byung-Ik
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2006
  • Background: This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of capsule endoscopy (CE) for the diagnosis of small bowel diseases. Materials and Methods: We reviewed the medical records of 66 patients (mean age: 52.1 years, male/female: 39/27), who underwent CE at Yeungnam University Hospital from August 2003 to March 2006. Results: Suspicious gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding presenting as anemia or history of gross bleeding was the most common reason to perform CE (71.2%). Other indications included GI symptoms (21.2%) such as abdominal pain/discomfort, nausea, diarrhea, and others (7.6%). In studies performed for GI bleeding (n=47), ulcer/erosion was the most common finding (n=22, 46.8%) followed by tumor (n=5, 10.6%), angiodysplasia (n=3, 6.4%), polyp (n=3, 6.4%), active bleeding (n=1, 2.1 %), ulcer with stenosis (n=1, 2.1%), and normal findings (n=12, 25.5%). Of these, a bleeding focus was detected in 32 cases (68.1%) undergoing CE studies. Among 14 patients with GI symptoms, only two patients had typical findings related with symptoms. Surgical resection was performed in five cases with tumor. Of these, four were diagnosed as gastrointestinal stromal tumor and the other one was a lymphangioma. There were no complications associated with the CE procedure. Conclusion: Capsule endoscopy is a safe, noninvasive diagnostic tool for small bowel diseases and may be useful for the diagnosis of small bowel hemorrhage including obscure bleeding. However, further studies are needed to confirm its utility for abdominal symptoms other than hemorrhage because of the low diagnostic yield.

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Melatonin for Treatment of Delirium in Hospitalized Patients : Retrospective Trial (입원 환자의 섬망 치료에서 멜라토닌의 효과에 관한 후향적 연구)

  • Yang, Jung Woo;Kim, Jong Woo;Kang, Won Sub;Lee, Sang Min;Kim, Young Jong;Paik, Jong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : Delirium is one of the most common mental illnesses that can affect cognitive function. Melatonin has been shown to be effective in the treatment of insomnia, and recent studies have shown a protective effect to prevent delirium. This study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of melatonin in delirium patients. Methods : All patients were referred to psychiatric department for insomnia and symptoms of delirium, and were diagnosed delirium by the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria. We compared base line severity of delirium with K-DRS-R-98-R (Korean version of Delirium Rating Scale revised 98) and after taking 2mg of melatonin, retrospectively. The side effects were also identified by referring to the medical records. Results : A total 21 patients had taken melatonin for insomnia and delirious symptoms. The K-DRS-R-98 scores were decreased from $15.24{\pm}2.64$ before treatment to $6.57{\pm}5.42$ after treatment. And CGI-S scores were also decreased from $4.14{\pm}0.48$ before treatment to $2.81{\pm}0.93$ after treatment (p<0.05). Conclusions : This study illustrates the possibility of melatonin as an effective treatment option for delirious symptoms such as disorientation, motor agitation, lability of affect and hallucinations as well as insomnia, with less concerns of drug side effect. Further study with a larger sample and prospective design will be required to confirm these results.

A Basic Study of Verbs List for Vocabulary Learning Based on Augmented Reality (증강현실 기반 어휘 지도에서 동사 목록에 대한 기초 연구)

  • Hwang, BoMyung;Kwon, SoonBok;Kim, SeonJong;Shin, BeomJoo
    • 재활복지
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.233-246
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    • 2017
  • The present study is a basic study for application of Augmented Reality (AR) to verb teaching for children with language developmental disorders and is intended to examine validity for the list of verbs at the beginning of development. To confirm the validity of the verbs list, the appropriateness of the verbs was evaluated by three professors with certification of KSLP (Korean Speech-Language Pathologist) working in the department of Speech-Language Pathology at the university. The motion validity test was conducted by showing motion implemented as AR to eight master's students in Speech-Language Pathology major, having them record verbs that came to their mind, and evaluating in the conformity. The second motion validity test was conducted by using 5-point Likert scales to 87 undergraduates in Speech-Language Pathology major and having them see the motions in AR and marked the degrees to which them see the motions conform to the relevant verbs on the scales. Using the SPSS 21.0 program, descriptive statics analyses of the results were conducted. Through this all process, thirty verbs were selected as having content validity. It could be seen that when AR based communication system are applied, things and backgrounds that complement the insufficient movements of motions and help motion recognition should be also provided. In future studies, the 3D images of the AR based communication system will be complemented and the content validity will be verified with typically developing children and the children with language developmental disorders.

Study on the Oiled Paper in the Literature of the Joseon Dynasty (유지(油紙) 관련 고문헌 고찰 - 조선시대 문헌을 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Hyo-young;Choi, Tae-ho;Jeong, Seon-hwa
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.194-210
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    • 2013
  • Oiled paper (Yuji, 油紙) is an oil impregnated paper which was one of the daily necessities in Korea. As there has not been any accurate research on this subject, this study examined the literature from the Joseon Dynasty to study its origin, nomenclature, usage and production process. Goryeodogyeong (高麗圖經) and Goryeosa (高麗史) allowed the estimation that the origin of oiled paper was the Goryeo Dynasty, but the records of oil and paper in Samguksagi (三國史記) and Nihon Shoki (日本書紀) indicate the possibility that the production of oiled paper can be traced back to the 7th Century. The nomenclature and the usage of oiled paper in the Joseon Dynasty were examined through the Annals of Joseon Dynast (朝鮮王朝實錄), Ilseongnok (日省錄) and Seungjeongwonilgi (承政院日記), while the Royal Protocols of the Joseon Dynasty (Uigwe, 儀軌) and Takjijunjeol (度支準折) together with other literature were examined for its market value, use and materials. The literature from the Joseon Dynasty indicate that oiled paper was used for various everyday commodities with its waterproof, damp-proof and transparent properties and called in various ways according to its use and production process. This study studied the literature on oiled paper from the Joseon Dynasty, but the studies on the restoration of traditional oiled paper are still needed. Therefore, it would be necessary to study the traditional oiled papers in combination with the study of oiled paper relics, the reproduction of traditional oiled paper samples, and the case study of the papermaking masters who have been producing the traditional oiled papers.

A review of Classical Archaeology (고전고고학(古典考古學) 재론(再論))

  • Lee, Min Seok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.170-191
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    • 2018
  • Until now, the Korean archeological community has only been able to introduce the findings of classical archaeology developed in the West, and it also suffers from a lack of concepts and academic achievements. The domestic archeological community also started to develop later than that of the West, when it began to analyze ancient history and relics through the classic works of history titled Samguk sagi (三國史記) and Samguk yusa (三國遺事). Furthermore, it is actively utilizing the Chinese classics, such as the Samgukji (三國志) and Huhanseo (後漢書), as well as certain Japanese classics such as Ilbonsegi (日本書紀). Due to the total lack of domestic classics, however, there are few details about the formation of ancient polities, national changes, and inter-country negotiations and exchanges, as well as numerous other unresolved issues. This study raises the need to revamp classical archaeology in order to solve these problems. The concept of classical means 'all records made in the past' in the shallow sense, while the meaning of the historiography means "historical records according to the taxonomy of the old book." Classical archaeology is a field in which the classics are analyzed and interpreted so as to study the culture of the past. This section has set up a wide range of classical categories, and has found that the classics can be used in a meaningful way in classical archaeology through the use of the Gongjagae (孔子家語). The use of the classics in classical archaeology could produce significant results if the relevant DB is managed by various institutions and organizations using proper techniques of analysis including big data analysis.

A Textile Analysis of Woolen Carpet Excavated from Seongjeonggak Hall, in Changdeokgung Palace (창덕궁 성정각 출토 모담(毛毯) 직물 분석)

  • Pak, Seonghee;Lee, Ryangmi;An, Boyeon;Cho, Misook
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.120-134
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    • 2021
  • A Woolen carpet from the late Joseon Dynasty was unearthed in the process of repairing Seongjeonggak in Changdeokgung. Since relics are rarer than documentary records, the woolen carpet is highly valued as a relics. It is presumed to have been woven in the late 19th or early 20th century because there is a record of repairing Seongjeonggak in 1907. In the carpet, a pattern is made by inserting colored yarn dyed yellow and red onto a reddish-purple ground weave. The selvage of the woolen carpet used cotton thread, and jute is used for the warp and weft of the ground weave. The colored patterns is made of wool in the form of loop pile. Cut piles may appear occasionally when the colored yarn changes, but are almost invisible from the surface because they are pressed tightly with a shuttered weft. Making carpets with jute and wool is thought to be influenced by the Brussels carpets of the mid-18th century. Furthermore, the woolen carpet is torn and the pattern is completely unclear; however, it is understandable that the pattern is partially repeated. Microscopic and Fourier transform-Infrared spectrometer(FT-IR) analyses were performed for the above investigation. To identify the dyes used in relics, we compared them with natural dyed fabric samples based on chromaticity measurements and Ultraviolet/Visible spectrophotometer(UV-Vis) analysis. These analyses revealed that the woolen carpet's dyed green yarn did not use indigo, and reddish-purple ground weave is estimated to have used Caesalpinia sappan.