• Title/Summary/Keyword: 새로운 약제

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Pediatric Endoscopic Sedation in Korea: A Survey of the Korean Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (소아청소년 진정내시경: 대한소아소화기영양학회 학술위원회 조사 보고)

  • Ryoo, Eell;Kim, Kyung-Mo
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The aim of this survey was to analyze the choice of sedative drugs and their side effects during pediatric endoscopic sedation in Korea. We also evaluated doctors, caretakers and patient satisfaction with the procedures. Methods: Between June 2006 and July 2006, a 16-item survey regarding current sedation practices, during one month, was mailed to 28 hospitals in Korea. The results of the survey responses were then analyzed. Results: Endoscopy performed under conscious sedation was reported in 89.0% of the responders and endoscopy under general anesthesia in 0.9% of 465 endoscopic procedures. Endoscopy under conscious sedation was performed in 89.1% for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy (GFS) and 88.1% for lower GFS. Midazolam was used for conscious sedation during the endoscopy in 84.5% of cases and propofol was used in two cases (0.5%). In addition, a bezodiazepine/opioid combination was used iin 84.6% (44 cases) for lower GFS. Patients were monitored with pulse oxymetry, EKG (91.4%) as well as automatic BP (5.1%). Transient hypoxia was the only side effect noted and was treated with supplemental oxygen (4.6%). Flumazenil was used in 2.71% of cases. The choice of sedation was made by the endoscopist (84%). The satisfaction rate for endoscopists was 68%, and for the patients and caretakers was 84% (as reported by the endoscopists). Conclusion: Midazolam was used only for the upper GFS and benzodiazepine/opioid combination was used for the lower GFS in Korea. The rate of satisfaction was relatively high and there were no significant side effects noted during the endoscopy under conscious sedation.

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Treatment of Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) Pulmonary Disease (Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) 폐질환의 치료성적)

  • Koh, Won-Jung;Kwon, O Jung;Kang, Eun Hae;Suh, Gee Young;Chung, Man Pyo;Kim, Hojoong;Chung, Myung Jin;Kim, Tae Sung;Lee, Kyung Soo;Lee, Nam Yong;Park, Young Kil;Bai, Gill Han
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.234-241
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    • 2004
  • Background : There has been a gradual increase in the number of newly diagnosed cases of Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC) pulmonary disease. However, the optimal therapeutic regimen for the disease has not yet established and there is no report about the treatment outcome of MAC pulmonary disease in Korea. This study examined the effect of clarithromycin-based regimen in patients with pulmonary MAC disease without a HIV infection. Materials and Methods : Fifty-six patients with pulmonary MAC disease were diagnosed according to the American Thoracic Society criteria from January 2000 to December 2003 at this hospital. Of these patients, 15 were treated with clarithromycin, rifampin, and ethambutol for more than 6 months, together with streptomycin initially (first 6 months) in 8 patients. Results : Six months after the treatment, the sputum cultures converted from positive to negative in 8 patients (53%) and the radiological findings improved in 10 (67%). At 12 months 4 patients (44%) achieved sputum negative conversion and 6 patients out of 9 patients (67%) who were treated for more than 12 months showed radiological improvement. Overall, the sputum findings converted to negative in nine patients (60%) who underwent medical treatment. A pulmonary resection was successfully performed in one patient. Only one patient discontinued the treatment due to side effects such as gastrointestinal intolerance and optic neuritis. Conclusion : A combined regimen containing clarithromycin is relatively safe and tolerable even in the elderly outpatients. However, the results of this combined chemotherapy were unsatisfactory and new companion drugs for MAC pulmonary disease are needed. A resection may be considered for localized disease.

Gemcitabine-induced Cell Death in Lung Cancer Cells : the Role of p53 (폐암 세포에서 Gemcitabine에 의한 세포 사멸과 p53의 역할)

  • Kim, Doh-Hyung;Bae, Gang-U;Yong, Wha-Shim;Choi, Eun-Kyung;Kim, Youn-Seup;Park, Jae-Seuk;Jee, Young-Koo;Lee, Kye-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2002
  • Background : Gemcitabine is a new anti-cancer agent for treating non-small cell lung cancer. Functioning as an antimetabolite, it induces anti-cancer effects by suppressing DNA synthesis after being incorporated into the DNA as a cytosine arabinoside analogue. When Gemcitabine is incorporated into the DNA, the p53 gene may be activated by induction of the DNA defect. However, there are a few studies on the molecular mechanisms of Gemcitabine-induced cell death. This study examined the role of p53 in Gemcitabine-induced cell death. Methods : A549 and NCl-H358 lung cancer cells were used in this study. The cell viability test was done using a MTT assay at Gemcitabine concentrations of 10nM, 100nM, 1uM, 10uM and 100uM. A FACScan analysis with propium iodide staining was used for the cell cycle analysis. Western blot analysis was done to investigate the extent of p53 activation. For the functional knock-out of p53, stable A549-E6 cells and H358-E6 cells were transfected pLXSN-16E6SD which is over expresses the human papilloma virus E6 protein that constantly degrades p53 protein. The functional knock out of p53 was confirmed by Western blot analysis after treatment with a DNA damaging agent, doxorubicine. Results : Gemcitabine exhibited cell toxicity in dose-dependent fashion. The cell cycle analysis resulted in an S phase arrest. Western blot analysis significant p53 activation in time-dependent manner. Gemcitabine-induced cytotoxicity was reduced by 20-30% in the A549-E6 cells and the 30-40% in H358-E6 cells when compared with the A549-neo and H358-neo control cells. Conclusion : Gemcitabine induces an S phase arrest, as expected for the anti-metabolite, and activates the p53 gene, Furthermore, p53 might play an important role in Gemcitabine-induced cell death. Further investigation into the molecular mechanisms on how Gemcitabine activates the p53 gene and its signaling pathway are recommended.

소적백출산(消積白朮散)이 항암효과(抗癌效果) 및 Cisplatin부작용(副作用) 감소(減少)에 미치는 영향(影響)

  • Jo, Jong-Gwan
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.255-272
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    • 1996
  • 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 ${\ll}$화제국방(和劑局方)${\gg}$에 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)에 정열해독약(淸熱解毒藥)인 와송(瓦松) 금은화(金銀花) 포공영(蒲公英)을 가미(加味)한 처방(處方)으로, 본방(本方)인 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)은 비위허약(脾胃虛弱), 음식부진(飮食不振), 다곤소력(多困少力) 중만비대(中滿痺臺), 심정기천(心柾氣喘), 구토(嘔吐), 설사(泄瀉), 상한해수(傷寒咳嗽)를 치료목적(治療目的)으로 쓰여 온 이래(以來) 임상에서는 대편부실(大便不實), 구설(久泄), 옹달궤후(癰疸潰後) 불사식자(不思食者)를 치료(治療)하는데 다용(多用)되어 왔다. 종양(腫瘍)(Neoplasia)은 새로운 성장(成長)(New+ Glowth) 이라는 세포학적(細胞學的)으로 비정상세포(非正常細胞)의 과다증식(過多增殖)으로 인해 실질장기(實質臟器), 유강장기(有腔腸器), 및 골격(骨格), 피부조직(皮膚組織)에 비정상조직(非正常組織)을 형성(形成)하는 질환(疾患)이다. 현대적(現代的) 종양(腫瘍)과 유사(類似)한 한의학적(韓醫學的)인 병증(病症)은 ${\ll}$소문(素問)${\gg}$에서는 "궐산(厥疝), 복량(伏梁), 식적(息積)"으로 ${\ll}$영추(靈樞)${\gg}$에서는 "장담(腸覃), 석가"로 표시(表示)된 이후(以後)로 소원방(巢元方)은 징가, 식일, 석옹(石癰), 완저(緩疽), 석저(石疽) 등으로 표현(表現)하였다. 원인(原因)에 대(對)해서는 ${\ll}$내경(內經)${\gg}$에서는 허(虛)와 한기(寒氣), 한(寒) 열(熱)로 보았고, 그 외(外)의 학자(學者)들은 내허(內虛)와 기혈불순(氣血不順), 화(火), 한(寒), 기울(氣鬱), 음양불화(陰陽不和)등으로 보았다. 치료(治療)는 ${\ll}$내경(內經) 자법론(刺法論)${\gg}$에서 "정기재내(正氣在內) 사불가우(邪不可于)" 이라 하여 생명활동(生命活動)의 원동력(原動力)인 정기(正氣)의 역할(役割)을 강조(强調)하였고, ${\ll}$육원정기대론(六元正氣大論)${\gg}$에서는 "대적대취(大積大聚) 불가범야(不可犯也) 쇠기태반이지(衰其太半而止)"라 하여 공벌약(攻伐藥)을 과용(過用)하여 정기(正氣)를 손상(損傷)시켜서는 안된다고 하는 등 부정위주(扶正爲主), 거사위주(祛邪爲主) 혹은 부정거사(扶正祛邪) 겸용(兼用)의 방법(方法)이 혼용(混用)되고 있다. 현대(現代) 서양의학(西洋醫學)의 항암제(抗癌劑)는 치료효과(治療效果)는 우수(優秀)하지만 악심(惡心), 구토(嘔吐)를 비롯하여 골수억제효과(骨髓抑制效果)와 간(肝), 심(心), 신(腎), 폐(肺)의 손상(損傷)을 초래(招來)하는 등(等)의 부작용(副作用)을 나타내며, 빈번(頻繁)한 화학요법제(化學療法劑)의 투여(投與)로 인(因)한 암세포(癌細胞)의 약제저항성(藥劑抵抗性) 출현(出現)등이 항암제(抗癌劑)의 문제점(問題點)으로 제시(提示)되고 있다. 이에 저자(著者)는 비위기능(脾胃機能)을 강화(强化)시켜 정기형성(正氣形成)에 깊이 관여(關與)하는 삼령백출산(蔘笭白朮散)에 청열해독(淸熱解毒), 소종산결지제(消腫散結之劑)인 금은화(金銀花), 포공영(浦公英), 와송(瓦松)을 가미(加味)하여 암발생(癌發生) 백서(白鼠)에 투약(投藥)한 후(後) sarcoma 180암세포(癌細胞)에 대(對)한 생명연장효과(生命延長效果)와 항암제(劑)의 일종(一種)인 cis-platin을 이용(利用)하여 양방항암제(洋方抗癌劑)의 부작용(副作用)에 대(對)한 본(本) 방(方)의 효과(效果)를 실험(實驗)하여 관찰(觀察)하였던 바 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 sarcoma 180 암세포(癌細胞) 이식종양(移植腫瘍)에 대(對)해 생명연장효과(生命延長效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 2. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 치암제(治癌劑)인 cis-platin 치사독성(致死毒性)에 대(對)해 생존연장효과(生存延長效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 3. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(腎毒性) 생쥐 및 흰쥐에 있어서 유의성(有意性) 있는 체중감소억제효과(體重減少抑制效果) 및 serum BUN 상승억제효과(上昇抑制效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 4. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(賢毒性) 흰쥐에 대(對)해 유의성(有意性) 있는 serum creatinine 상승억제효과(上昇抑制效果)가 나타났으며, cis-platin의 혈액학적(血液學的) 부작용(副作用)인 RBC, WBC 감소(減少)에 대(對)해 감소억제효과(減少抑制效果)가 인정(認定)되었다. 5. 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 cis-platin 현독성(腎毒性) 흰쥐에 대(對)해 뇨량감소억제(尿量減少抑制) 효과(效果) 및 ureanitrogen과 creatinine 배수감소억제효과가 관찰(觀察)되었다. 이상(以上)의 결과(結果)로부터 소적백출산(消積白朮散)은 악성종양치료(惡性腫瘍治療) 및 항암제(劑)의 부작용(副作用)을 경감(輕減)시키는 데 응용(應用)할 수 있을 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

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Gemcitabine Plus Vinorelbine as Second-line Chemotherapy of the Patients of Previously Treated Non-small Cell lung Cancer: Phase II Trial (비소세포 폐암 환자의 이차 치료로서 Gemcitabine과 Vinorelbine 혼합 요법의 효과)

  • Jang, Pil Soon;Kang, Hyun Mo;Lee, Jeong Eun;Kwon, Seon Jung;An, Jin Young;Lee, Yun Sun;Jeong, Sung Soo;Kim, Ju Ock;Kim, Sun Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.344-351
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    • 2005
  • Background : Both gemcitabine and vinorelbine are effective anticancer drugs with mild toxicity on non-small cell lung cancer, and monotherapy of these drugs are effective as a second-line chemotherapy. The aim of this trial was to assess the response and toxicity of a combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients of previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer. Materials and Methods : 24 patients, initial stage III A/B,IV and previously treated with platinium and taxane based regimens, were enrolled from June 2000 to March 2004. The regimens consisted of vinorelbine $25mg/m^2$ followed by an infusion of gemcitabine $1000mg/m^2$ on day 1 and day 8 every three weeks. This course was repeated more than twice. Results : Twenty-four patients were analyzed for the response, survival rate, and toxicities. The overall response was 17% with a complete remission rate of 4%. The median time-to progression (TTP) was 3.1 months (95%, CI 1-10months), and the survival time was 8.2 months (95%, CI 1-23 months). The grade 3/4 toxicities encountered were neutropenia (12.5%), anemia (0%), thrombocytopenia (0%). Non-hematological 3/4 toxicities were not observed. Conclusion : A combination of gemcitabine and vinorelbine in patients previously treated for non-small cell lung cancer provides a relatively good response rate, and a low toxicity profile. However, further study will be needed to confirm its effectiveness.

Enhancement of Sensitivity of Human Lung Cancer Cell Line to TRAIL and Gefitinib by IGF-1R Blockade (폐암세포주에서 IGF-1R 억제를 이용한 TRAIL 및 gefitinib에 대한 감수성 증가를 위한 연구)

  • Lee, Yoon-Jin;Park, Mi-Young;Kang, Young-Ae;Kwon, Sung-Youn;Yoon, Ho-Il;Lee, Jae-Ho;Lee, Choon-Taek
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.63 no.1
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2007
  • Background: TRAIL is a cytokine that selectively induces apoptosis in various cancer cell lines. Gefitinib is new targeted drug applied in lung cancer that selectively inhibits EGFR tyrosine kinase. However, lung cancers have shown an initial or acquired resistance to these drugs. This study examined the effect of IGF-1R and its blockade on enhancing the sensitivity of lung cancer cell lines to TRAIL and gefitinib. Methods: Two lung cancer cell lines were used in this study. NCI H460 is very sensitive to TRAIL and gefitinib. On the other hand, A549 shows moderate resistance to TRAIL and gefitinib. The IGF-1R blockade was performed using adenoviruses expressing the dominant negative IGF-1R and shRNA to IGF-1R and AG1024 (IGF-1R tyrosine kinase inhibitor). Results: The adenovirus expressing dominant negative IGF-1R(950st) induced the increased expression of defective IGF-1R on the lung cancer cell surface, and the adenovirus-shIGF-1R effectively decreased the level of IGF-1R expression on cell surface. The genetic blockade of IGF-1R by the adenovirus-dnIGF-1R and AG1024 increased the sensitivity of A549 cells to TRAIL. The reduction of IGF-1R by transduction with ad-shIGF-1R also increased the sensitivity of the A549 cells to gefitinib. Conclusion: The blockade of IGF-1R through various mechanisms increased the sensitivity of the lung cancer cell line that was resistant to TRAIL and gefitinib. However, further studies using other cell lines showing acquired resistance as well as in vivo animal experiments will be needed.

Long-term Clinical Consequences in Patients with Urea Cycle Disorders in Korea: A Single-center Experience (요소회로대사 질환 환자들의 장기적인 임상 경과에 대한 단일 기관 경험)

  • Lee, Jun;Kim, Min-ji;Yoo, Sukdong;Yoon, Ju Young;Kim, Yoo-Mi;Cheon, Chong Kun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Urea cycle disorder (UCD) is an inherited inborn error of metabolism, acting on each step of urea cycle that cause various phenotypes. The purpose of the study was to investigate the long-term clinical consequences in different groups of UCD to characterize it. Methods: Twenty-two patients with UCD genetically confirmed were enrolled at Pusan National University Children's hospital and reviewed clinical features, biochemical and genetic features retrospectively. Results: UCD diagnosed in the present study included ornithine transcarbamylase deficiency (OTCD) (n=10, 45.5%), argininosuccinate synthase 1 deficiency (ASSD) (n=6, 27.3%), carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase 1 deficiency (CPS1D) (n=3, 13.6%), hyperornithinemia-hyperammonemia-homocitrullinuria syndrome (HHHS) (n=2, 9.1%), and arginase-1 deficiency (ARG1D) (n=1, 4.5%). The age at the diagnosis was 32.7±66.2 months old (range 0.1 to 228.0 months). Eight (36.4%) patients with UCD displayed short stature. Neurologic sequelae were observed in eleven (50%) patients with UCD. Molecular analysis identified 37 different mutation types (14 missense, 6 nonsense, 6 deletion, 6 splicing, 3 delins, 1 insertion, and 1 duplication) including 14 novel variants. Progressive growth impairment and poor neurological outcomes were associated with plasma isoleucine and leucine concentrations, respectively. Conclusion: Although combinations of treatments such as nutritional restriction of proteins and use of alternative pathways for discarding excessive nitrogen are extensively employed, the prognosis of UCD remains unsatisfactory. Prospective clinical trials are necessary to evaluate whether supplementation with BCAAs might improve growth or neurological outcomes and decrease metabolic crisis episodes in patients with UCD.

Prognostic Value of the Expression of p53 and bcl-2 in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (비소세포폐암에서 p53과 bcl-2의 발현이 예후에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Seok-Chul;Yoon, Ho-Joo;Shin, Dong-Ho;Park, Sung-Soo;Lee, Jung-Hee;Keum, Joo-Seob;Kong, Gu;Lee, Jung-Dal
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.962-974
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    • 1998
  • Background: Alteration of p53 tumor suppressor genes is most frequently identified in human neoplasms, including lung carcinoma. It is well known that bcl-2 oncoprotein protects cells from apoptosis. Recent studies have demonstrated that bcl-2 expression is associated with favorable prognosis for patients with non-small cell lung carcinoma. However, the precise biologic role of bcl-2 in the development of these tumors is still obscure. p53 and bcl-2 have important regulatory influence in the apoptotic pathway and thus their relationship is of interest in tumorigenesis, especially lung cancer. Purpose: The author investigated to know the prognostic significance of the expression of p53 and bcl-2 in radically resected non-small cell lung cancer. Method: 84 cases of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded blocks from resected primary non-small cell lung cancer from 1980 to 1994 at Hanyang University Hospital were available for both clinical follow-up and immunohistochemical staining using monoclonal antibodies for p53 and bcl-2. Results : The histologic classification of the tumor was based on WHO criteria., and the specimens included 45 squamous cell carcinomas(53.6%), 28 adeonocarcinomas(33.3%) and 11 large cell carcinomas(13.1 %). p53 immunoreactivity was noted in 47 cases of 84 cases(56.0%). bcl-2 immunoreactivity was noted in 15 cases of 84 cases(17.9%). The mean survival duration was $64.23{\pm}10.73$ months in bcl-2 positive group and $35.28{\pm}4$. 39 months in bcl-2 negative group. The bcl-2 expression was significantly correlated with survival in radically resected non-small cell lung cancer patients(p=0.03). The mean survival duration was $34.71{\pm}6.12$ months in p53 positive group and $45.35{\pm}6.30$ months in p53 negative group(p=0.21). The p53 expression was not predictive for survival. There was no correlation between combination of the different status of p53 and bcl-2 expression in our study. Conclusions : The interaction and the regulation of new biologic markers, such as those involved in the apoptotic pathway, are complex. bcl-2 overexpression is a good prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer and p53 expression is not significantly associated with the prognostic factor in non-small cell lung cancer.

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The Effects of Autologous Blood Pleurodesis in the Pneumothorax with Persistent Air Leak (지속성 기흉에서 자가혈액을 이용한 흉막유착술의 효과)

  • Yoon, Su-Mi;Shin, Sung-Joon;Kim, Young-Chan;Shon, Jang-Won;Yang, Seok-Chul;Yoon, Ho-Joo;Shin, Dong-Ho;Chung, Won-Sang;Park, Sung-Soo
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.724-732
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    • 2000
  • Background : In patients with severe chronic lung diseases even a small pneumothorax can result in life-threatening respiratory distress. It is important to treat the attack by chest tube drainage until the lung expands. Pneumothorax with a persistent air leak that does not resolve under prolonged tube thoracostomy suction is usually treated by open operation to excise or oversew a bulla or cluster of blebs to stop the air leak. Pleurodesis by the instillation of chemical agents is used for the patient who has persistent air leak and is not good candidate for surgical treatment. When the primary trial of pleurodesis with common agent fails, it is uncertain which agent should be used f or stopping the air leak by pleurodesis. It is well known that inappropriate drainage of hemothorax results in severe pleural adhesion and thickening. Based on this idea, some reports described a successful treatment with autologous blood instillation for pneumothorax patients with or without residual pleural space. We tried pleurodesis with autologous bood for pneumothorax with persistent air leak and then we evaluated the efficacy and safety. Methods : Fifteen patients who had persistent air leak in the pneumothorax complicated from the severe chronic lung disease were enrolled. They were not good candidates for surgical treatment and doxycycline pleurodesis failed to stop up their air leaks. We used a mixture of autologous blood and 50% dextrose for pleurodesis. Effect and complications were assessed by clinical out∞me, chest radiography and pulmonary function tests. Results : The mean duration of air leak was 18.4${\pm}$6.16 days before ABP (autologous blood and dextrose pleurodesis) and $5.2{\pm}1.68$ days after ABP. The mean severity of pain was $2.3{\pm}0.70$ for DP(doxycycline pleurodesis) and $1.7{\pm}0.59$ for ABDP (p<0.05). There was no other complication except mild fever. Pleural adhesion grade was a mean of $0.6{\pm}0.63$. The mean dyspnea scale was $1.7{\pm}0.46$ before pneumothrax and $2.0{\pm}0.59$ after ABDP (p>0.05). The mean $FEV_1$ was $1.47{\pm}1.01$ before pneumothorax and $1.44{\pm}1.00$ after ABDP (p>0.05). Except in 1 patient, 14 patients had no recurrent pneumothorax. Conclusion : Autologous blood pleurodesis (ABP) was successful for treatment of persistent air leak in the pneumothorax. It was easy and inexpensive and involved less pain than doxycycline pleurodesis. It did not cause complications and severe pleural adhesion. We report that ABP can be considered as a useful treatment for persistent air leak in the pneumothorax complicated from the severe chronic lung disease.

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A Study on the Tree Surgery Problem and Protection Measures in Monumental Old Trees (천연기념물 노거수 외과수술 문제점 및 보존 관리방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Jong Soo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.122-142
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    • 2009
  • This study explored all domestic and international theories for maintenance and health enhancement of an old and big tree, and carried out the anatomical survey of the operation part of the tree toward he current status of domestic surgery and the perception survey of an expert group, and drew out following conclusion through the process of suggesting its reform plan. First, as a result of analyzing the correlation of the 67 subject trees with their ages, growth status. surroundings, it revealed that they were closely related to positional characteristic, damage size, whereas were little related to materials by fillers. Second, the size of the affected part was the most frequent at the bough sheared part under $0.09m^2$, and the hollow size by position(part) was the biggest at 'root + stem' starting from the behind of the main root and stem As a result of analyzing the correlation, the same result was elicited at the group with low correlation. Third, the problem was serious in charging the fillers (especially urethane) in the big hollow or exposed root produced at the behind of the root and stem part, or surface-processing it. The benefit by charging the hollow part was analyzed as not so much. Fourth, the surface-processing of fillers currently used (artificial bark) is mainly 'epoxy+woven fabric+cork', but it is not flexible, so it has brought forth problems of frequent cracks and cracked surface at the joint part with the treetextured part. Fifth, the correlation with the external status of the operated part was very high with the closeness, surface condition, formation of adhesive tissue and internal survey result. Sixth, the most influential thing on flushing by the wrong management of an old and big tree was banking, and a wrong pruning was the source of the ground part damage. In pruning a small bough can easily recover itself from its damage as its formation of adhesive tissue when it is cut by a standard method. Seventh, the parameters affecting the times of related business handling of an old and big tree are 'the need of the conscious reform of the manager and related business'. Eighth, a reform plan in an institutional aspect can include the arrangement of the law and organization of the old and big tree management and preservation at an institutional aspect. This study for preparing a reform plan through the status survey of the designated old and big tree, has a limit inducing a reform plan based on the status survey through individual research, and a weak point suggesting grounds by any statistical data. This can be complemented by subsequent studies.